  * common tasks for all actions
 function before_filter(&$action, &$args)
     global $perm;
     parent::before_filter($action, $args);
     if (Request::get('termin_id')) {
         $this->dates[0] = new SingleDate(Request::option('termin_id'));
         $this->course_id = $this->dates[0]->range_id;
     if (Request::get('issue_id')) {
         $this->issue_id = Request::option('issue_id');
         $this->dates = array_values(array_map(function ($data) {
             $d = new SingleDate();
             return $d;
         }, IssueDB::getDatesforIssue(Request::option('issue_id'))));
         $this->course_id = $this->dates[0]->range_id;
     if (!get_object_type($this->course_id, array('sem')) || SeminarCategories::GetBySeminarId($this->course_id)->studygroup_mode || !$perm->have_studip_perm("tutor", $this->course_id)) {
         throw new Trails_Exception(400);
     PageLayout::setTitle(Course::findCurrent()->getFullname() . " - " . _("Veranstaltungstermine absagen"));
     if (Request::isXhr()) {
         $this->response->add_header('X-Title', PageLayout::getTitle());
         $request = Request::getInstance();
         foreach ($request as $key => $value) {
             $request[$key] = studip_utf8decode($value);
 private function internalFormatDateWithAllRooms()
     $dateWithRooms = '';
     if ($this->dates['termin']) {
         // if we have multiple rooms at the same time we display them all
         foreach ($this->dates['termin'] as $num => $termin_id) {
             $date = new SingleDate($termin_id);
             // if we want an int and format the date ourself
             if ($this->return_mode == 'int') {
                 return $date->getStartTime();
             $isFirstDate = $num == 0;
             if ($isFirstDate) {
                 $dateWithRooms = $this->internalFormatDateAndRoom($date);
             } else {
                 $dateWithRooms .= ', ' . $this->formatRoom($date);
     return $dateWithRooms;
  * Get all activities for this user as an array.
 private function get_dates($user_id, $days, $future)
     $items = array();
     $start_date = time() - 3600;
     $end_date = strtotime('+2 years');
     // #TODO: use passed variables
     if (get_config('CALENDAR_ENABLE')) {
         $list = new DbCalendarEventList(new SingleCalendar($user_id, Calendar::PERMISSION_OWN), $start_date, $end_date, true, Calendar::getBindSeminare($user_id));
         if ($list->existEvent()) {
             while ($date = $list->nextEvent()) {
                 $singledate = SingleDate::getInstance($date->getId());
                 $items[] = array('id' => $date->getId(), 'start' => $date->getStart(), 'end' => $date->getEnd(), 'title' => $date->getTitle(), 'content' => $date->getDescription(), 'semname' => strtolower(get_class($date)) == 'seminarcalendarevent' ? $termin->getSemName() : false, 'room' => $singledate->getRoom());
     } else {
         $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare($query = "SELECT t.date as start, " . "t.end_time as end, t.termin_id as id, " . "th.title as title, th.description as content, " . "ro.name as room, s.Name as semname FROM termine t " . "LEFT JOIN themen_termine USING (termin_id) " . "LEFT JOIN themen as th USING (issue_id) " . "LEFT JOIN seminare s ON (range_id = s.Seminar_id) " . "LEFT JOIN seminar_user su ON (s.Seminar_id = su.Seminar_id) " . "LEFT JOIN resources_assign ra ON (ra.assign_user_id = t.termin_id) " . "LEFT JOIN resources_objects ro ON (ro.resource_id = ra.resource_id) " . "WHERE (user_id = ?) ORDER BY date DESC");
         // echo str_replace('?', "'$user_id'", $query);die;
         $items = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     return $items;
* Exports lecture-data.
* This function gets the data of the lectures at an institute and writes it into $data_object.
* It calls output_data afterwards.
* @access   public
* @param        string  $inst_id    Stud.IP-inst_id for export
* @param        string  $ex_sem_id  allows to choose if only a specific lecture is to be exported
function export_sem($inst_id, $ex_sem_id = 'all')
    global $range_id, $xml_file, $o_mode, $xml_names_lecture, $xml_groupnames_lecture, $object_counter, $SEM_TYPE, $SEM_CLASS, $filter, $ex_sem, $ex_sem_class, $ex_person_details, $persons;
    $ex_only_homeinst = Request::int('ex_only_homeinst', 0);
    // Prepare user count statement
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(user_id)\n              FROM seminar_user\n              WHERE seminar_id = ? AND status = 'autor'";
    $count_statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
    // Prepare inner statement
    $query = "SELECT seminar_user.position,\n                     auth_user_md5.user_id, auth_user_md5.username, auth_user_md5.Vorname, auth_user_md5.Nachname,\n                     user_info.title_front, user_info.title_rear\n              FROM seminar_user\n              LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id)\n              LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id)\n              WHERE seminar_user.status = 'dozent' AND seminar_user.Seminar_id = ?\n              ORDER BY seminar_user.position";
    $inner_statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
    // Prepare (build) and execute outmost query
    switch ($filter) {
        case "seminar":
            $order = " seminare.Name";
        case "status":
            $order = "seminare.status, seminare.Name";
            $group = "FIRSTGROUP";
            $group_tab_zelle = "status";
            $do_group = true;
            $order = "seminare.status, seminare.Name";
            $group = "FIRSTGROUP";
            $group_tab_zelle = "status";
            $do_group = true;
    $parameters = array();
    if (isset($ex_sem) && ($semester = Semester::find($ex_sem))) {
        $addquery = " AND seminare.start_time <= :begin AND (:begin <= (seminare.start_time + seminare.duration_time) OR seminare.duration_time = -1) ";
        $parameters[':begin'] = $semester->beginn;
    if ($ex_sem_id != 'all') {
        if ($ex_sem_id == 'root') {
            $addquery .= " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM seminar_sem_tree WHERE seminar_sem_tree.seminar_id = seminare.Seminar_id) ";
        } else {
            if (!is_array($ex_sem_id)) {
                $ex_sem_id = array($ex_sem_id);
            $ex_sem_id = array_flip($ex_sem_id);
    if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root') && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('admin', $inst_id)) {
        $addquery .= " AND visible = 1 ";
    if (count($ex_sem_class) > 0) {
        $allowed_sem_types = array();
        foreach (array_keys($ex_sem_class) as $semclassid) {
            $allowed_sem_types += array_keys(SeminarCategories::get($semclassid)->getTypes());
        $addquery .= " AND seminare.status IN (:status) ";
        $parameters[':status'] = $allowed_sem_types;
    } else {
        $addquery .= " AND seminare.status NOT IN (:status) ";
        $parameters[':status'] = studygroup_sem_types() ?: '';
    if ($ex_only_homeinst) {
        $query = "SELECT seminare.*,Seminar_id as seminar_id, Institute.Name AS heimateinrichtung\n                  FROM seminare\n                  LEFT JOIN Institute USING (Institut_id)\n                  WHERE Institut_id = :institute_id {$addquery}\n                  ORDER BY " . $order;
        $parameters[':institute_id'] = $inst_id;
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT seminare.*,Seminar_id as seminar_id, Institute.Name AS heimateinrichtung\n                  FROM seminar_inst\n                  LEFT JOIN seminare USING (Seminar_id)\n                  LEFT JOIN Institute ON seminare.Institut_id = Institute.Institut_id\n                  WHERE seminar_inst.Institut_id = :institute_id {$addquery}\n                  ORDER BY " . $order;
        $parameters[':institute_id'] = $inst_id;
    $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
    $data = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $data_object .= xml_open_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['group']);
    foreach ($data as $row) {
        if (is_array($ex_sem_id) && !isset($ex_sem_id[$row['seminar_id']])) {
        $group_string = '';
        if ($do_group && $group != $row[$group_tab_zelle]) {
            if ($group != 'FIRSTGROUP') {
                $group_string .= xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['subgroup1']);
            if ($group_tab_zelle == 'status') {
                $group_string .= xml_open_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['subgroup1'], $SEM_TYPE[$row[$group_tab_zelle]]['name']);
            } else {
                $group_string .= xml_open_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['subgroup1'], $row[$group_tab_zelle]);
            $group = $row[$group_tab_zelle];
            if ($do_subgroup && $subgroup == $row[$subgroup_tab_zelle]) {
                $subgroup = "NEXTGROUP";
        if ($do_subgroup && $subgroup != $row[$subgroup_tab_zelle]) {
            if ($subgroup != 'FIRSTGROUP') {
                $group_string = xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['subgroup2']) . $group_string;
            $group_string .= xml_open_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['subgroup2'], $row[$subgroup_tab_zelle]);
            $subgroup = $row[$subgroup_tab_zelle];
        $data_object .= $group_string;
        $object_counter += 1;
        $data_object .= xml_open_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['object'], $row['seminar_id']);
        $sem_obj = new Seminar($row['seminar_id']);
        while (list($key, $val) = each($xml_names_lecture)) {
            if ($val == '') {
                $val = $key;
            if ($key == 'status') {
                $data_object .= xml_tag($val, $SEM_TYPE[$row[$key]]['name']);
            } elseif ($key == 'ort') {
                $data_object .= xml_tag($val, $sem_obj->getDatesTemplate('dates/seminar_export_location'));
            } elseif ($key == 'bereich' && $SEM_CLASS[$SEM_TYPE[$row['status']]['class']]['bereiche']) {
                $data_object .= xml_open_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['childgroup3']);
                $pathes = get_sem_tree_path($row['seminar_id']);
                if (is_array($pathes)) {
                    foreach ($pathes as $path_name) {
                        $data_object .= xml_tag($val, $path_name);
                } else {
                    $data_object .= xml_tag($val, 'n.a.');
                $data_object .= xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['childgroup3']);
            } elseif ($key == 'admission_turnout') {
                $data_object .= xml_open_tag($val, $row['admission_type'] ? _('max.') : _('erw.'));
                $data_object .= $row[$key];
                $data_object .= xml_close_tag($val);
            } elseif ($key == 'teilnehmer_anzahl_aktuell') {
                $count = $count_statement->fetchColumn();
                $data_object .= xml_tag($val, $count);
            } elseif ($key == 'metadata_dates') {
                $data_object .= xml_open_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['childgroup1']);
                $vorb = vorbesprechung($row['seminar_id'], 'export');
                if ($vorb != false) {
                    $data_object .= xml_tag($val[0], $vorb);
                if (($first_date = SeminarDB::getFirstDate($row['seminar_id'])) && count($first_date)) {
                    $really_first_date = new SingleDate($first_date[0]);
                    $data_object .= xml_tag($val[1], $really_first_date->getDatesExport());
                $data_object .= xml_tag($val[2], $sem_obj->getDatesExport());
                $data_object .= xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture["childgroup1"]);
            } elseif ($key == 'Institut_id') {
                $data_object .= xml_tag($val, $row['heimateinrichtung'], array('key' => $row[$key]));
            } elseif ($row[$key] != '') {
                $data_object .= xml_tag($val, $row[$key]);
        $data_object .= "<" . $xml_groupnames_lecture['childgroup2'] . ">\n";
        while ($inner = $inner_statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            if ($ex_person_details) {
                $persons[$inner['user_id']] = true;
            $content_string = $inner['Vorname'] . ' ' . $inner['Nachname'];
            if ($inner['title_front'] != '') {
                $content_string = $inner['title_front'] . ' ' . $content_string;
            if ($inner['title_rear'] != '') {
                $content_string .= ', ' . $inner['title_rear'];
            $data_object .= xml_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['childobject2'], $content_string, array('key' => $inner['username']));
        $data_object .= xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['childgroup2']);
        // freie Datenfelder ausgeben
        $data_object .= export_datafields($row['seminar_id'], $xml_groupnames_lecture['childgroup4'], $xml_groupnames_lecture['childobject4'], 'sem', $row['status']);
        $data_object .= xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['object']);
        output_data($data_object, $o_mode);
        $data_object = '';
    if ($do_subgroup && $subgroup != 'FIRSTGROUP') {
        $data_object .= xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['subgroup2']);
    if ($do_group && $group != 'FIRSTGROUP') {
        $data_object .= xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['subgroup1']);
    $data_object .= xml_close_tag($xml_groupnames_lecture['group']);
    output_data($data_object, $o_mode);
 public function getTypeExplained()
     $ret = '';
     if ($this->termin_id) {
         $ret = _("Einzeltermin der Veranstaltung");
         if (get_object_type($this->termin_id, array('date'))) {
             $termin = new SingleDate($this->termin_id);
             $ret .= chr(10) . '(' . $termin->toString() . ')';
     } elseif ($this->metadate_id) {
         $ret = _("alle Termine einer regelmäßigen Zeit");
         if ($cycle = SeminarCycleDate::find($this->metadate_id)) {
             $ret .= chr(10) . ' (' . $cycle->toString('full') . ')';
     } elseif ($this->seminar_id) {
         $ret = _("alle regelmäßigen und unregelmäßigen Termine der Veranstaltung");
         if (get_object_type($this->seminar_id, array('sem'))) {
             $course = new Seminar($this->seminar_id);
             $ret .= chr(10) . ' (' . $course->getDatesExport(array('short' => true, 'shrink' => true)) . ')';
     } else {
         $ret = _("Kein Typ zugewiesen");
     return $ret;
    function showScheduleGraphical($print_view = false) {
        global $RELATIVE_PATH_RESOURCES, $cssSw, $view_mode, $ActualObjectPerms;

        $categories["na"] = 4;
        $categories["sd"] = 4;
        $categories["y"] = 3;
        $categories["m"] = 3;
        $categories["w"] = 0;
        $categories["d"] = 2;

        //an assign for a date corresponding to a (seminar-)metadate
        $categories["meta"] = 1;

        //match start_time & end_time for a whole week
        $dow = date ("w", $this->start_time);
        if (date ("w", $this->start_time) >1)
            $offset = 1 - date ("w", $this->start_time);
        if (date ("w", $this->start_time) <1)
            $offset = -6;

         //select view to jump from the schedule
         if ($this->used_view == "openobject_schedule")
            $view = "openobject_assign";
            $view = "edit_object_assign";

        $start_time = mktime (0, 0, 0, date("n",$this->start_time), date("j", $this->start_time)+$offset+($this->week_offset*7), date("Y", $this->start_time));
        $end_time = mktime (23, 59, 59, date("n",$start_time), date("j", $start_time)+6, date("Y", $start_time));

        if ($_SESSION['resources_data']["schedule_time_range"] == -1) {
            $start_hour = 0;
            $end_hour = 12;
        } elseif ($_SESSION['resources_data']["schedule_time_range"] == 1) {
            $start_hour = 12;
            $end_hour = 23;
        } else {
            $start_hour = 8;
            $end_hour = 22;

        $schedule = new ScheduleWeek($start_hour, $end_hour, FALSE, $start_time, true);

        if ($ActualObjectPerms->havePerm("autor"))
            $schedule->add_link = "resources.php?cancel_edit_assign=1&quick_view=$view&quick_view_mode=".$view_mode."&add_ts=";

        //fill the schedule
        $assign_events=new AssignEventList ($start_time, $end_time, $this->resource_id, '', '', TRUE, $_SESSION['resources_data']["show_repeat_mode"]);
        while ($event=$assign_events->nextEvent()) {
            $repeat_mode = $event->getRepeatMode(TRUE);
            $add_info = '';
            if ($event->getOwnerType() == 'date') {
                $sem_obj = Seminar::GetInstance(Seminar::GetSemIdByDateId($event->getAssignUserId()));
                $date = new SingleDate($event->getAssignUserId());
                $dozenten = array_intersect_key($sem_obj->getMembers('dozent'), array_flip($date->getRelatedPersons()));
                $sem_doz_names = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a["Nachname"];'), array_slice($dozenten,0,3, true));
                $add_info = '(' . join(', ', $sem_doz_names) . ')';
            $schedule->addEvent($event->getName(get_config('RESOURCES_SCHEDULE_EXPLAIN_USER_NAME')), $event->getBegin(), $event->getEnd(),
                        URLHelper::getLink('?cancel_edit_assign=1&quick_view=' . $view . '&quick_view_mode='.$view_mode.'&edit_assign_object='.$event->getAssignId()), $add_info, $categories[$repeat_mode]);
        <table border=0 celpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width="99%" align="center">
                <td class="<? $cssSw->switchClass(); echo $cssSw->getClass() ?>" width="4%">&nbsp;</td>
                <td class="<? echo $cssSw->getClass() ?> hidden"  width="10%" align="left">&nbsp;
                    <a href="<? echo URLHelper::getLink('?quick_view='.$this->used_view.'&quick_view_mode='.$view_mode.'&previous_week=TRUE') ?> "><?= Icon::create('arr_2left', 'clickable', ['title' => _("Vorherige Woche anzeigen")])->asImg(16, ["alt" => _("Vorherige Woche anzeigen"), "border" => 0]) ?></a>
                <td class="<? echo $cssSw->getClass() ?>" width="76%" align="center" style="font-weight:bold">
                    <? printf(_("Anzeige der Woche vom %s bis %s (KW %s)"), strftime("%x", $start_time), strftime("%x", $end_time),strftime("%V", $start_time));?>
                    $room = ResourceObject::Factory($this->resource_id);
                    echo "Raum: ".htmlReady($room->getName());
                <td class="<? echo $cssSw->getClass() ?> hidden" width="10%" align="center">&nbsp;
                    <a href="<? echo URLHelper::getLink('?quick_view='.$this->used_view.'&quick_view_mode='.$view_mode.'&next_week=TRUE')?>"><?= Icon::create('arr_2right', 'clickable', ['title' => _("Nächste Woche anzeigen")])->asImg(16, ["alt" => _("Nächste Woche anzeigen"), "border" => 0]) ?></a>
                <td class="<? $cssSw->switchClass(); echo $cssSw->getClass() ?> hidden" width="4%" align="center" valign="bottom">&nbsp;
                <? if ((!$_SESSION['resources_data']["schedule_time_range"]) || ($_SESSION['resources_data']["schedule_time_range"] == 1)): ?>
                    <a href="<?= URLHelper::getLink('', array('quick_view' => $this->used_view,
                                                              'quick_view_mode' => $view_mode,
                                                              'time_range' => $_SESSION['resources_data']['schedule_time_range'] ? 'FALSE' : -1)) ?>">
                        <?= Icon::create('arr_2up', 'clickable', ['title' => _('Frühere Belegungen anzeigen')])->asImg(['class' => 'middle']) ?>
                <? endif; ?>
                <td class="<? echo $cssSw->getClass() ?>" width="76%" colspan="2">
                    echo "&nbsp;<font size=-1>"._("Anzahl der Belegungen in diesem Zeitraum:")." ", $assign_events->numberOfEvents()."</font><br>&nbsp;";
                <td class="<? echo $cssSw->getClass() ?> hidden" width="20%" nowrap>
                    print "<select style=\"font-size:10px;\" name=\"show_repeat_mode\">";
                    printf ("<option style=\"font-size:10px;\" %s value=\"all\">"._("alle Belegungen")."</option>", ($_SESSION['resources_data']["show_repeat_mode"] == "all") ? "selected" : "");
                    printf ("<option %s style=\"font-size:10px;\" value=\"single\">"._("nur Einzeltermine")."</option>", ($_SESSION['resources_data']["show_repeat_mode"] == "single") ? "selected" : "");
                    printf ("<option %s style=\"font-size:10px;\" value=\"repeated\">"._("nur Wiederholungstermine")."</option>", ($_SESSION['resources_data']["show_repeat_mode"] == "repeated") ? "selected" : "");
                    print "</select>";
                    print "&nbsp;" . Icon::create('accept', 'accept', ['title' => _("Ansicht umschalten")])->asInput(["type" => "image", "class" => "middle", "name" => "send_schedule_repeat_mode"]);
                <td class="<? echo $cssSw->getClass() ?> hidden" width="4%">&nbsp;
                <td class="<? echo $cssSw->getClass() ?>" width="96%" colspan="3">
                    $schedule->showSchedule("html", $print_view);
                <td class="<? echo $cssSw->getClass() ?> hidden" width="4%" align="center" valign="bottom">&nbsp;
                <? if ((!$_SESSION['resources_data']['schedule_time_range']) || ($_SESSION['resources_data']['schedule_time_range'] == -1)): ?>
                    <a href="<?= URLHelper::getLink('', array('quick_view' => $this->used_view,
                                                              'quick_view_mode' => $view_mode,
                                                              'time_range' => $_SESSION['resources_data']['schedule_time_range'] ? 'FALSE' : 1)) ?>">
                        <?= Icon::create('arr_2down', 'clickable', ['title' => _('Spätere Belegungen anzeigen')])->asImg() ?>
                <? endif; ?>
                <td class="<? echo $cssSw->getClass() ?>" width="20%" nowrap colspan="3">

  * @deprecated since 3.4 use SeminarCycleDate::removeOutRangedSingleDates($start, $end, $seminar_id)
  * removes all singleDates which are NOT between $start and $end
 function removeOutRangedSingleDates($start, $end, $seminar_id)
     $query = "SELECT termin_id\n                  FROM termine\n                  WHERE range_id = ? AND (`date` NOT BETWEEN ? AND ?)\n                    AND NOT (metadate_id IS NULL OR metadate_id = '')";
     $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
     $statement->execute(array($seminar_id, $start, $end));
     $ids = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $termin = new SingleDate($id);
     if (count($ids) > 0) {
         // remove all assigns for the dates in question
         $query = "SELECT assign_id FROM resources_assign WHERE assign_user_id IN (?)";
         $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
         while ($id = $statement->fetchColumn()) {
     // $query = "DELETE FROM termine
     //           WHERE range_id = ? AND (`date` NOT BETWEEN ? AND ?)
     //             AND NOT (metadate_id IS NULL OR metadate_id = '')";
     // $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
     // $statement->execute(array($seminar_id, $start, $end));
     $query = "DELETE FROM ex_termine\n                  WHERE range_id = ? AND (`date` NOT BETWEEN ? AND ?)\n                    AND NOT (metadate_id IS NULL OR metadate_id = '')";
     $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
     $statement->execute(array($seminar_id, $start, $end));
  * create a new room requests
 public function new_action()
     $options = array();
     $this->url_params = array();
     if (Request::get('origin') !== null) {
         $this->url_params['origin'] = Request::get('origin');
     if (!RoomRequest::existsByCourse($this->course_id)) {
         $options[] = array('value' => 'course', 'name' => _('alle regelmäßigen und unregelmäßigen Termine der Veranstaltung'));
     foreach (SeminarCycleDate::findBySeminar($this->course_id) as $cycle) {
         if (!RoomRequest::existsByCycle($cycle->getId())) {
             $name = _("alle Termine einer regelmäßigen Zeit");
             $name .= ' (' . $cycle->toString('full') . ')';
             $options[] = array('value' => 'cycle_' . $cycle->getId(), 'name' => $name);
     foreach (SeminarDB::getSingleDates($this->course_id) as $date) {
         if (!RoomRequest::existsByDate($date['termin_id'])) {
             $name = _("Einzeltermin der Veranstaltung");
             $termin = new SingleDate($date['termin_id']);
             $name .= ' (' . $termin->toString() . ')';
             $options[] = array('value' => 'date_' . $date['termin_id'], 'name' => $name);
     $this->options = $options;
     Helpbar::get()->addPlainText(_('Information'), _('Hier können Sie festlegen, welche Art von Raumanfrage Sie erstellen möchten.'));
文件: LogEvent.php 项目: ratbird/hope
  * Returns the singledate for the id found in the given field.
  * @param string $field The name of the table field.
  * @return string The singledate.
 protected function formatSingledate($field)
     $termin = new SingleDate($this->{$field});
     return '<em>' . $termin->toString() . '</em>';
    public function getGroupedDates($singledate = null, $metadate = null)
        $i = 0;
        $first_event = FALSE;
        $semesterData = new SemesterData();
        $all_semester = $semesterData->getAllSemesterData();

        if (Config::get()->RESOURCES_HIDE_PAST_SINGLE_DATES) {
            // filtering
            foreach ($all_semester as $semester) {
                if ($semester['ende'] > time()) {
                    $new_as[] = $semester;
            $all_semester = $new_as;

        if (!$singledate) {
            foreach ($all_semester as $semester) {
                foreach ($this->metadate->cycles as $metadate_id => $cycle) {
                    if ($metadate && $metadate_id != $metadate) continue;
                    $group = $cycle->getSingleDates();
                    $metadate_has_termine = 0;
                    $single = true;
                    foreach ($group as $termin) {
                        if (!$termin->isExTermin() && $termin->getStartTime() >= $semester['beginn'] && $termin->getStartTime() <= $semester['ende'] && (!Config::get()->RESOURCES_HIDE_PAST_SINGLE_DATES || $termin->getStartTime() >= time()) && $termin->isPresence()) {
                            if (empty($first_event)) {
                                $first_event = $termin->getStartTime();
                            $groups[$i]["termin_ids"][$termin->getSingleDateId()] = TRUE;
                            $metadate_has_termine = 1;

                            if (empty($info[$i]['raum'])) {
                                $info[$i]['raum'] = $termin->resource_id;
                            } else if ($info[$i]['raum'] != $termin->resource_id) {
                                $single = false;

                    if ($metadate_has_termine) {
                        $info[$i]['name'] = $cycle->toString('long').' ('.$semester['name'].')';
                        $info[$i]['weekend'] = ($cycle->getDay() == 6 || $cycle->getDay() == 0);
                        $this->applyTimeFilter($semester['beginn'], $semester['ende']);
                        $raum = $this->getDatesTemplate('dates/seminar_predominant_html', array('cycle_id' => $metadate_id));
                        if ($raum) {
                            $info[$i]['name'] .= '<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$raum;
                            $room_stat = $this->getStatOfNotBookedRooms($cycle->getMetadateId());
                            $info[$i]['name'] .= sprintf(_(" (%s von %s belegt)"), $room_stat['all'] - $room_stat['open'] , $room_stat['all']);
                            $groups[$i]['complete'] = ($room_stat['all'] - $room_stat['open'] >= sizeof($groups[$i]['termin_ids'])) ? true : false;
                        if (!$single) unset($info[$i]['raum']);
            if (!$metadate) {
                $irreg = $this->getSingleDates();

                if (Config::get()->RESOURCES_HIDE_PAST_SINGLE_DATES) {
                    $anzahl = 0;
                    foreach ($irreg as $termin_id => $termin) {
                        if ($termin->getStartTime() > time() - 3600) {
                } else {
                    $anzahl = sizeof($irreg);

                if ($anzahl > Config::get()->RESOURCES_ALLOW_SINGLE_DATE_GROUPING) {
                    $single = true;
                    $first = true;
                    foreach ($irreg as $termin_id => $termin) {
                        if ($termin->isPresence()) {
                            if (!Config::get()->RESOURCES_HIDE_PAST_SINGLE_DATES || $termin->getStartTime() > time() - 3600) {
                                if (empty($first_event)) {
                                    $first_event = $termin->getStartTime();
                                $groups[$i]["termin_ids"][$termin->getSingleDateId()] = TRUE;
                                if (!$first) $info[$i]['name'] .= '<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                                $info[$i]['name'] .= $termin->toString();
                                $resObj = ResourceObject::Factory($termin->resource_id);

                                if ($link = $resObj->getFormattedLink($termin->getStartTime())) {
                                    $info[$i]['name'] .= '<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$link;
                                    if (empty($info[$i]['raum'])) {
                                        $info[$i]['raum'] = $termin->resource_id;
                                    } else if ($info[$i]['raum'] != $termin->resource_id) {
                                        $single = false;

                                if (date('w', $termin->getStartTime()) == 6 || date('w', $termin->getStartTime()) == 0) {
                                    $info[$i]['weekend'] = true;
                                $first = false;
                    if (!$single) unset($info[$i]['raum']);
                } else {
                    foreach ($irreg as $termin_id => $termin) {
                        if ($termin->isPresence()) {
                            if (!Config::get()->RESOURCES_HIDE_PAST_SINGLE_DATES || $termin->getStartTime() > time() - 3600) {
                                if (empty($first_event)) {
                                    $first_event = $termin->getStartTime();
                                $groups[$i]["termin_ids"][$termin->getSingleDateId()] = TRUE;
                                $info[$i]['name'] = $termin->toString();
                                $resObj = ResourceObject::Factory($termin->resource_id);

                                if ($link = $resObj->getFormattedLink($termin->getStartTime())) {
                                    $info[$i]['name'] .= '<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$link;
                                    $info[$i]['raum'] = $termin->resource_id;

                                $info[$i]['weekend'] = (date('w', $termin->getStartTime()) == 6 || date('w', $termin->getStartTime()) == 0);
        } else {    // we have a single date
            $termin = new SingleDate($singledate);
            $groups[0]['termin_ids'][$termin->getSingleDateID()] = TRUE;
            $info[0]['name'] = $termin->toString();
            $info[0]['raum'] = $termin->resource_id;
            $info[0]['weekend'] = (date('w', $termin->getStartTime()) == 6 || date('w', $termin->getStartTime()) == 0);
            $first_event = $termin->getStartTime();

        return array('first_event' => $first_event, 'groups' => $groups, 'info' => $info);
function getCorrespondingMetadates($termin_id, $begin = '', $end = '', $seminar_id = '')
    $termin = new SingleDate($termin_id);
    if (!$termin->getMetaDateID()) {
        return false;
    if (!$seminar_id) {
        $seminar_id = $termin->getRangeID();
    $sem = new Seminar($seminar_id);
    $turnus = $sem->getFormattedTurnusDates();
    return $turnus[$termin->getMetaDateID()];
  * generate single date objects for one cycle and one semester, existing dates are merged in
  * @param string cycle id
  * @param int    timestamp of semester start
  * @param int    timestamp of semester end
  * @param int    alternative timestamp to start from
  * @param int    correction calculation, if the semester does not start on monday (number of days?)
  * @return array returns an array of two arrays of SingleDate objects: 'dates' => all new and surviving dates, 'dates_to_delete' => obsolete dates
 function getVirtualSingleDatesForSemester($metadate_id, $sem_begin, $sem_end, $startAfterTimeStamp, $corr)
     $dates = array();
     $dates_to_delete = array();
     // loads the singledates of the by metadate_id denoted regular time-entry into the object
     // The currently existing singledates for the by metadate_id denoted  regular time-entry
     $existingSingleDates =& $this->cycles[$metadate_id]->getSingleDates();
     $start_woche = $this->cycles[$metadate_id]->week_offset;
     $end_woche = $this->cycles[$metadate_id]->end_offset;
     $turnus = $this->cycles[$metadate_id]->cycle;
     // HolidayData is used to decide wether a date is during a holiday an should be created as an ex_termin.
     // Additionally, it is used to show which type of holiday we've got.
     $holiday = new HolidayData();
     // This variable is used to check if a given singledate shall be created in a bi-weekly seminar.
     if ($start_woche == -1) {
         $start_woche = 0;
     $week = 0;
     // get the first presence date after sem_begin
     $day_of_week = date('l', strtotime('Sunday + ' . $this->cycles[$metadate_id]->day . ' days'));
     $stamp = strtotime('this ' . $day_of_week, $sem_begin);
     if ($end_woche) {
         $end_woche -= 1;
         if ($end_woche < 0) {
             $end_woche = 0;
         $sem_end = strtotime(sprintf('+%u weeks %s', $end_woche, strftime('%d.%m.%Y', $stamp)));
     $start_time = mktime((int) $this->cycles[$metadate_id]->start_stunde, (int) $this->cycles[$metadate_id]->start_minute, 0, date("n", $stamp), date("j", $stamp), date("Y", $stamp));
     // Year
     $end_time = mktime((int) $this->cycles[$metadate_id]->end_stunde, (int) $this->cycles[$metadate_id]->end_minute, 0, date("n", $stamp), date("j", $stamp), date("Y", $stamp));
     // Year
     // loop through all possible singledates for this regular time-entry
     do {
         // if dateExists is true, the singledate will not be created. Default is of course to create the singledate
         $dateExists = false;
         // do not create singledates, if they are earlier then the chosen start-week
         if ($start_woche > $week) {
             $dateExists = true;
         // bi-weekly check
         if ($turnus > 0 && $week - $start_woche > 0 && ($week - $start_woche) % ($turnus + 1)) {
             $dateExists = true;
          * We only create dates, which do not already exist, so we do not overwrite existing dates.
          * Additionally, we delete singledates which are not needed any more (bi-weekly, changed start-week, etc.)
         foreach ($existingSingleDates as $key => $val) {
             // take only the singledate into account, that maps the current timepoint
             if ($start_time > $startAfterTimeStamp && $val->date == $start_time && $val->end_time == $end_time) {
                 // bi-weekly check
                 if ($turnus > 0 && $week - $start_woche > 0 && ($week - $start_woche) % ($turnus + 1)) {
                     $dates_to_delete[$key] = $val;
                 // delete singledates if they are earlier than the chosen start-week
                 if ($start_woche > $week) {
                     $dates_to_delete[$key] = $val;
                 $dateExists = true;
                 if (isset($existingSingleDates[$key])) {
                     $dates[$key] = $val;
         if ($start_time < $startAfterTimeStamp) {
             $dateExists = true;
         if (!$dateExists) {
             $termin = new SingleDate(array('seminar_id' => $this->seminar_id));
             $all_holiday = $holiday->getAllHolidays();
             // fetch all Holidays
             foreach ($all_holiday as $val2) {
                 if ($val2["beginn"] <= $start_time && $start_time <= $val2["ende"]) {
             //check for calculatable holidays
             if (!$termin->isExTermin()) {
                 $holy_type = holiday($start_time);
                 if ($holy_type["col"] == 3) {
             // fill the singleDate-Object with data
             $termin->setTime($start_time, $end_time);
             //best guess
             $dates[$termin->getTerminID()] = $termin;
         //inc the week, create timestamps for the next singledate
         $start_time = strtotime('+1 week', $start_time);
         $end_time = strtotime('+1 week', $end_time);
     } while ($end_time < $sem_end);
     foreach ($existingSingleDates as $id => $val) {
         foreach (array_keys($dates) as $date) {
             if ($date != $id) {
                 $dates_to_delete[$id] = $val;
     return array('dates' => $dates, 'dates_to_delete' => $dates_to_delete);
文件: folder.php 项目: ratbird/hope
        $permission = 7;
        if ($open_id == $SessSemName[1]) {
            $titel=_("Allgemeiner Dateiordner");
            $description= sprintf(_("Ablage für allgemeine Ordner und Dokumente der %s"), $SessSemName["art_generic"]);
        } else if ($open_id == md5('new_top_folder')){
            $titel = Request::get('top_folder_name') ? Request::get('top_folder_name') : _("Neuer Ordner");
            $open_id = md5($SessSemName[1] . 'top_folder');
        } elseif($titel = GetStatusgruppeName($open_id)) {
            $titel = _("Dateiordner der Gruppe:") . ' ' . $titel;
            $description = _("Ablage für Ordner und Dokumente dieser Gruppe");
            $permission = 15;
        } else if ($data = SingleDateDB::restoreSingleDate($open_id)) {
            // If we create a folder which has not yet an issue, we just create one
            $issue = new Issue(array('seminar_id' => $SessSemName[1]));
            $issue->setTitle(_("Ohne Titel"));
            $termin = new SingleDate($open_id);

            $open_id = $issue->getIssueID();
            $titel = $issue->getTitle();
            $description= _("Themenbezogener Dateiordner");
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT title FROM themen WHERE issue_id = ?";
            $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
            if ($result = $statement->fetch()) {
                $titel = $result["title"];
                $description= _("Themenbezogener Dateiordner");
         $users = array_merge($users, array_keys($semObj->getMembers('dozent')));

    // the room-request has been declined
    if ($_sendMessage['type'] == 'declined') {
        $decline_message = Request::get('decline_message');
        if ($semObj->seminar_number) {
            $message = sprintf(_("ABGELEHNTE RAUMANFRAGE: Ihre Raumanfrage zur Veranstaltung %s (%s) wurde abgelehnt.") . "\n\n" .
                _("Nachricht des Raumadministrators:") . "\n" . $decline_message, $semObj->getName(), $semObj->seminar_number);
        } else {
            $message = sprintf(_("ABGELEHNTE RAUMANFRAGE: Ihre Raumanfrage zur Veranstaltung %s wurde abgelehnt.") . "\n\n" .
                _("Nachricht des Raumadministrators:") . "\n" . $decline_message, $semObj->getName());

        if ($reqObj->getTerminId()) {
            $termin = new SingleDate($reqObj->getTerminId());
            $message .= "\n\n". _("Betroffener Termin:") . "\n" . $termin->toString();

        if ($reqObj->getMetadateId()) {
            $cycle = SeminarCycleDate::find($reqObj->getMetadateId());
            $message .= "\n\n". _("Betroffene Zeit:") . "\n" . $cycle->toString('full');
        // fetch the names of the lecutrers to display them in the message
        foreach($semObj->getMembers('dozent') as $dozenten){
            $title[] = $dozenten['Nachname'];
        if($semObj->seminar_number) $title[] = $semObj->seminar_number;
        $title[] = mila($semObj->getName(),30);

文件: helpers.php 项目: ratbird/hope
 function bookable_rooms_action()
     if (!getGlobalPerms($GLOBALS['user']->id) == 'admin') {
         $resList = new ResourcesUserRoomsList($GLOBALS['user']->id, false, false, false);
         if (!$resList->roomsExist()) {
             throw new AccessDeniedException();
     $select_options = Request::optionArray('rooms');
     $rooms = array_filter($select_options, function ($v) {
         return strlen($v) === 32;
     $events = array();
     $dates = array();
     $timestamps = array();
     if (count(Request::getArray('new_date'))) {
         $new_date = array();
         foreach (Request::getArray('new_date') as $one) {
             if ($one['name'] == 'startDate') {
                 $dmy = explode('.', $one['value']);
                 $new_date['day'] = (int) $dmy[0];
                 $new_date['month'] = (int) $dmy[1];
                 $new_date['year'] = (int) $dmy[2];
             $new_date[$one['name']] = (int) $one['value'];
         if (check_singledate($new_date['day'], $new_date['month'], $new_date['year'], $new_date['start_stunde'], $new_date['start_minute'], $new_date['end_stunde'], $new_date['end_minute'])) {
             $start = mktime($new_date['start_stunde'], $new_date['start_minute'], 0, $new_date['month'], $new_date['day'], $new_date['year']);
             $ende = mktime($new_date['end_stunde'], $new_date['end_minute'], 0, $new_date['month'], $new_date['day'], $new_date['year']);
             $timestamps[] = $start;
             $timestamps[] = $ende;
             $event = new AssignEvent('new_date', $start, $ende, null, null, '');
             $events[$event->getId()] = $event;
     foreach (Request::optionArray('selected_dates') as $one) {
         $date = new SingleDate($one);
         if ($date->getStartTime()) {
             $timestamps[] = $date->getStartTime();
             $timestamps[] = $date->getEndTime();
             $event = new AssignEvent($date->getTerminID(), $date->getStartTime(), $date->getEndTime(), null, null, '');
             $events[$event->getId()] = $event;
             $dates[$date->getTerminID()] = $date;
     if (count($events)) {
         $result = array();
         $checker = new CheckMultipleOverlaps();
         $checker->setTimeRange(min($timestamps), max($timestamps));
         foreach ($rooms as $room) {
         $checker->checkOverlap($events, $result, "assign_id");
         foreach ((array) $result as $room_id => $details) {
             foreach ($details as $termin_id => $conflicts) {
                 if ($termin_id == 'new_date' && Request::option('singleDateID')) {
                     $assign_id = SingleDateDB::getAssignID(Request::option('singleDateID'));
                 } else {
                     $assign_id = SingleDateDB::getAssignID($termin_id);
                 $filter = function ($a) use($assign_id) {
                     if ($a['assign_id'] && $a['assign_id'] == $assign_id) {
                         return false;
                     return true;
                 if (!count(array_filter($conflicts, $filter))) {
         $result = array_filter($result);
    function deleteNewerSingleDates($metadate_id, $timestamp, $keepIssues = false)
        $count = 0;

        $query = "SELECT termin_id
                  FROM termine
                  WHERE metadate_id = ? AND `date` > ?";
        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
        $statement->execute(array($metadate_id, $timestamp));
        while ($termin_id = $statement->fetchColumn()) {
            $termin = new SingleDate($termin_id);

            $count += 1;

        $query = "DELETE FROM termine WHERE metadate_id = ? AND `date` > ?";
        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
        $statement->execute(array($metadate_id, $timestamp));

        $query = "DELETE FROM ex_termine WHERE metadate_id = ? AND `date` > ?";
        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
        $statement->execute(array($metadate_id, $timestamp));

        return $count;
     * load corresponding single dates from database
     * give timestamps as params to filter by time range
     * @param int $start
     * @param int $end
     * @return boolean
    function readSingleDates($start = 0, $end = 0)
        $this->termine = array();
        $termin_data = CycleDataDB::getTermine($this->metadate_id, $start, $end);
        if ($termin_data) {
            foreach ($termin_data as $val) {
                $termin = new SingleDate();
                $this->termine[$val['termin_id']] = $termin;
            return TRUE;

        return FALSE;