  * Create a new Wizard for this action. Caching of this Wizard is handled by
  * {@link getWizard()} and does not need to be implemented here.
  * @return object Wizard
  * @access public
  * @since 6/5/07
 function createWizard()
     // Instantiate the wizard, then add our steps.
     $wizard = SimpleStepWizard::withText("<div>\n" . "[[_stepsBar]]" . "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='2'>\n" . "<tr>\n" . "<td align='left' width='50%'>\n" . "[[_cancel]]<br/>\n" . "[[_prev]]" . "</td>\n" . "<td align='right' width='50%'>\n" . "<br/>\n" . "[[_next]]" . "</td></tr></table>" . "</div>\n" . "<hr/>\n" . "<div>\n" . "[[_steps]]" . "</div>\n");
     $saveButton = $wizard->getSaveButton();
     $saveButton->setLabel(_("Create >>"));
     $wizard->addStep("nav", $this->getNavStep());
     $step = $this->getContentStep();
     $step->setDisplayName(_("Create New Menu Content"));
     $wizard->addStep("content", $step);
     return $wizard;
  * Returns a new SimpleStepWizard with the default layout including all the buttons.
  * @param optional string $pre Some text to put before the layout text.
  * @access public
  * @return ref object
  * @static
 static function withDefaultLayout($pre = '')
     return parent::withText($pre . "<div>\n" . "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='2'>\n" . "<tr>\n" . "<td align='left' width='50%'>\n" . "[[_cancel]]\n" . "</td>\n" . "<td align='right' width='50%'>\n" . "[[_save]]\n" . "</td></tr></table>" . "</div>\n" . "<hr/>\n" . "<div>\n" . "[[_steps]]" . "</div>\n", "SingleStepWizard");
  * Returns a new SimpleStepWizard with the layout defined as passed. The layout
  * may include any of the following tags:
  * _save		- 		a save button
  * _cancel		-		a cancel button
  * _steps		-		the place where the current step content will go
  * _next		-		the next step button
  * _prev		-		the previous step button
  * @access public
  * @param string $text
  * @return ref object
  * @static
 static function withText($text, $class = "RequiredStepWizard")
     return parent::withText($text, $class);