  * Loads and merges in a file with a attribute map.
  * @param string $fileName Name of attribute map file. Expected to be in the attributemap directory in the root
  * of the SimpleSAMLphp installation, or in the root of a module.
  * @throws Exception If the filter could not load the requested attribute map file.
 private function loadMapFile($fileName)
     $config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
     $m = explode(':', $fileName);
     if (count($m) === 2) {
         // we are asked for a file in a module
         if (!SimpleSAML\Module::isModuleEnabled($m[0])) {
             throw new Exception("Module '{$m['0']}' is not enabled.");
         $filePath = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleDir($m[0]) . '/attributemap/' . $m[1] . '.php';
     } else {
         $filePath = $config->getPathValue('attributenamemapdir', 'attributemap/') . $fileName . '.php';
     if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
         throw new Exception('Could not find attribute map file: ' . $filePath);
     $attributemap = null;
     include $filePath;
     if (!is_array($attributemap)) {
         throw new Exception('Attribute map file "' . $filePath . '" didn\'t define an attribute map.');
     if ($this->duplicate) {
         $this->map = array_merge_recursive($this->map, $attributemap);
     } else {
         $this->map = array_merge($this->map, $attributemap);
 if ($url === false) {
     $url = '';
 if (!SimpleSAML\Module::isModuleEnabled($module)) {
     throw new SimpleSAML_Error_NotFound('The module \'' . $module . '\' was either not found, or wasn\'t enabled.');
 /* Make sure that the request isn't suspicious (contains references to current directory or parent directory or
  * anything like that. Searching for './' in the URL will detect both '../' and './'. Searching for '\' will detect
  * attempts to use Windows-style paths.
 if (strpos($url, '\\') !== false) {
     throw new SimpleSAML_Error_BadRequest('Requested URL contained a backslash.');
 } elseif (strpos($url, './') !== false) {
     throw new SimpleSAML_Error_BadRequest('Requested URL contained \'./\'.');
 $moduleDir = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleDir($module) . '/www/';
 // check for '.php/' in the path, the presence of which indicates that another php-script should handle the request
 for ($phpPos = strpos($url, '.php/'); $phpPos !== false; $phpPos = strpos($url, '.php/', $phpPos + 1)) {
     $newURL = substr($url, 0, $phpPos + 4);
     $param = substr($url, $phpPos + 4);
     if (is_file($moduleDir . $newURL)) {
         /* $newPath points to a normal file. Point execution to that file, and
          * save the remainder of the path in PATH_INFO.
         $url = $newURL;
         $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = $param;
 $path = $moduleDir . $url;
 if ($path[strlen($path) - 1] === '/') {