/** * Build grid from ACF layouts * */ protected function build_simple_grid($section_contents) { $grid = new SimpleGrid($section_contents['select_grid_items'], $this->element); $this->output .= $grid->embed(); }
function exchange_token_form_callback() { $results = ''; if (empty(check_ajax_referer('exchange-token-form-nonce', 'security', false))) { echo '<div class="loader-pointer section__helper">' . __('Whoa... where did YOU come from?', EXCHANGE_PLUGIN) . '</div>'; wp_die(); } if (!empty($_POST['prid']) && !empty($_POST['update_id']) && !empty($_POST['token'])) { $pr_obj = BaseController::exchange_factory($_POST['prid'], 'token-form'); $pr_token = $_POST['token']; $c_obj = BaseController::exchange_factory($_POST['update_id'], 'token-form'); $story_page = get_option('options_story_update_form_page'); $s_obj = get_post($story_page); if (!$pr_obj instanceof Programme_Round) { echo '<div class="loader-pointer section__helper">' . __('We could not find the right data. Are you sure you have the right link?') . '</div>'; wp_die(); } // Create array for griditems. $simplegrid = new SimpleGrid(); if ($s_obj instanceof WP_Post) { $simplegrid->add_grid_item($pr_obj->create_token_form_cta($s_obj, $pr_token, $c_obj)); } if ($c_obj instanceof Collaboration) { $simplegrid->add_grid_item($pr_obj->create_token_form_cta($c_obj, $pr_token)); } if (!empty($c_obj->participants)) { foreach ($c_obj->participants as $p) { $simplegrid->add_grid_item($pr_obj->create_token_form_cta($p, $pr_token)); } } // echo '<pre>' . print_r( $simplegrid, true ) . '</pre>'; // wp_die(); echo $simplegrid->embed(); wp_die(); } else { echo '<div class="loader-pointer section__helper">' . __('We did not receive the request correctly. Make sure you\'ve selected your collaboration and try again!') . '</div>'; wp_die(); } }