  * Interface processor for the product editor
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @return void
 public function editor()
     $Shopp = Shopp::object();
     if (!current_user_can('shopp_products')) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
     if (empty($Shopp->Product)) {
         $Product = new ShoppProduct();
         $Product->status = "publish";
     } else {
         $Product = $Shopp->Product;
     $Product->slug = apply_filters('editable_slug', $Product->slug);
     $permalink = trailingslashit(Shopp::url());
     $Price = new ShoppPrice();
     $priceTypes = ShoppPrice::types();
     $billPeriods = ShoppPrice::periods();
     $workflows = array('continue' => Shopp::__('Continue Editing'), 'close' => Shopp::__('Products Manager'), 'new' => Shopp::__('New Product'), 'next' => Shopp::__('Edit Next'), 'previous' => Shopp::__('Edit Previous'));
     $taglist = array();
     foreach ($Product->tags as $tag) {
         $taglist[] = $tag->name;
     if ($Product->id && !empty($Product->images)) {
         $ids = join(',', array_keys($Product->images));
         $CoverImage = reset($Product->images);
         $image_table = $CoverImage->_table;
         $Product->cropped = sDB::query("SELECT * FROM {$image_table} WHERE context='image' AND type='image' AND '2'=SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(name,'_',4),'_',-1) AND parent IN ({$ids})", 'array', 'index', 'parent');
     $shiprates = shopp_setting('shipping_rates');
     if (!empty($shiprates)) {
     $uploader = shopp_setting('uploader_pref');
     if (!$uploader) {
         $uploader = 'flash';
     $process = empty($Product->id) ? 'new' : $Product->id;
     $_POST['action'] = add_query_arg(array_merge($_GET, array('page' => $this->Admin->pagename('products'))), admin_url('admin.php'));
     $post_type = ShoppProduct::posttype();
     // Re-index menu options to maintain order in JS #2930
     if (isset($Product->options['v']) || isset($Product->options['a'])) {
         $options = array_keys($Product->options);
         foreach ($options as $type) {
             foreach ($Product->options[$type] as $id => $menu) {
                 $Product->options[$type][$type . $id] = $menu;
                 $Product->options[$type][$type . $id]['options'] = array_values($menu['options']);
     } else {
         foreach ($Product->options as &$menu) {
             $menu['options'] = array_values($menu['options']);
     do_action('add_meta_boxes', ShoppProduct::$posttype, $Product);
     do_action('add_meta_boxes_' . ShoppProduct::$posttype, $Product);
     do_action('do_meta_boxes', ShoppProduct::$posttype, 'normal', $Product);
     do_action('do_meta_boxes', ShoppProduct::$posttype, 'advanced', $Product);
     do_action('do_meta_boxes', ShoppProduct::$posttype, 'side', $Product);
     include $this->ui('editor.php');
  * Interface processor for the category editor
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @since 1.0
  * @return void
 public function screen()
     global $CategoryImages;
     $Shopp = Shopp::object();
     if (!current_user_can('shopp_categories')) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
     $Category = $this->Model;
     $Price = new ShoppPrice();
     $priceTypes = ShoppPrice::types();
     $billPeriods = ShoppPrice::periods();
     // Build permalink for slug editor
     $permalink = trailingslashit(Shopp::url()) . "category/";
     $Category->slug = apply_filters('editable_slug', $Category->slug);
     $pricerange_menu = array("disabled" => __('Price ranges disabled', 'Shopp'), "auto" => __('Build price ranges automatically', 'Shopp'), "custom" => __('Use custom price ranges', 'Shopp'));
     $uploader = shopp_setting('uploader_pref');
     if (!$uploader) {
         $uploader = 'flash';
     $workflows = array("continue" => __('Continue Editing', 'Shopp'), "close" => __('Categories Manager', 'Shopp'), "new" => __('New Category', 'Shopp'), "next" => __('Edit Next', 'Shopp'), "previous" => __('Edit Previous', 'Shopp'));
     do_action('add_meta_boxes', ProductCategory::$taxon, $Category);
     do_action('add_meta_boxes_' . ProductCategory::$taxon, $Category);
     do_action('do_meta_boxes', ProductCategory::$taxon, 'normal', $Category);
     do_action('do_meta_boxes', ProductCategory::$taxon, 'advanced', $Category);
     do_action('do_meta_boxes', ProductCategory::$taxon, 'side', $Category);
     include $this->ui('category.php');
 * @ignore Helper function for shopp_add_product that can be called recursively to validate the associative data array needed to build a product object.
 * @since 1.2
 * @param array $data the associative array being used to build the product object
 * @param string $types (optional default:data) Sets the _type that will be evaluated for proper types.  $_data is the top level, and each non-built in type is described
 * in subsequent _type arrays
 * @param array $problems array of problems that have been found in the data through recursive calls
 * @return array list of problems with the data preventing proper product object construction
function _validate_product_data($data, $types = 'data', $problems = array())
    $t = '_' . $types;
    if (!is_array($data)) {
        $problems["{$types} must be an array."] = true;
        return $problems;
    // data properties needed to populate a product
    $_data = array('name' => 'string', 'slug' => 'string', 'publish' => 'publish', 'categories' => 'terms', 'tags' => 'terms', 'terms' => 'terms', 'description' => 'string', 'summary' => 'string', 'specs' => 'array', 'single' => 'variant', 'variants' => 'variants', 'addons' => 'variants', 'featured' => 'bool', 'packaging' => 'bool', 'processing' => 'processing');
    $_publish = array('flag' => 'bool', 'publishtime' => 'timestamp');
    $_timestamp = array('month' => 'int', 'day' => 'int', 'year' => 'int', 'hour' => 'int', 'minute' => 'int', 'meridian' => 'enum');
    $_meridian = array('AM', 'PM');
    $_terms = array('terms' => 'array', 'taxonomy' => 'string');
    // variants structure
    $_variants = array('menu' => 'array', 'count' => 'int', '#' => 'variant');
    // single/variant/addon structure
    $_variant = array('option' => 'array', 'type' => 'enum', 'taxed' => 'bool', 'price' => 'float', 'sale' => 'sale', 'shipping' => 'shipping', 'inventory' => 'inventory', 'donation' => 'donation', 'subscription' => 'subscription');
    // order processing estimate
    $_processing = array('flag' => 'bool', 'min' => 'cycle', 'max' => 'cycle');
    // variant types
    $_types = ShoppPrice::types();
    $_type = array();
    foreach ($_types as $type) {
        $_type[] = $type['value'];
    // sale price
    $_sale = array('flag' => 'bool', 'price' => 'float');
    // variant shipping settings
    $_shipping = array('flag' => 'bool', 'fee' => 'float', 'weight' => 'float', 'height' => 'float', 'width' => 'float', 'length' => 'float');
    // variant inventory settings
    $_inventory = array('flag' => 'bool', 'stock' => 'int', 'sku' => 'string');
    // variant donation settings
    $_donation = array('variable' => 'bool', 'minimum' => 'bool');
    // variant subscription settings
    $_subscription = array('trial' => 'trial', 'billcycle' => 'billcycle');
    // subscriptions billing cycle
    $_billcycle = array('cycle' => 'cycle', 'cycles' => 'int');
    // subscription trial settings
    $_trial = array('cycle' => 'cycle', 'price' => 'float');
    // time cycles
    $_cycle = array('interval' => 'int', 'period' => 'enum');
    $_periods = ShoppPrice::periods();
    $_period = array();
    foreach ($_periods[0] as $p) {
        $_period[] = $p['value'];
    $known_types = array('int' => 'is_numeric', 'float' => 'is_numeric', 'bool' => 'is_bool', 'string' => 'is_string', 'array' => 'is_array');
    foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        if (is_numeric($key) && 'variants' == $types) {
            $key = '#';
        $k = '_' . $key;
        $recurse = ${$t}[$key];
        $r = '_' . $recurse;
        if (in_array(${$t}[$key], array_keys($known_types))) {
            // check known types first
            if (!$known_types[${$t}[$key]]($value)) {
                if (!isset($problems['type mismatch'])) {
                    $problems['type mismatch'] = array();
                if (!isset($problems['type mismatch'][$types])) {
                    $problems['type mismatch'][$types] = array();
                $problems['type mismatch'][$types][$key] = ${$t}[$key];
        } else {
            if ('enum' == ${$t}[$key] && !in_array($value, ${$k})) {
                // check enumerated types
                if (!isset($problems['out of range'])) {
                    $problems['out of range'] = array();
                if (!isset($problems['out of range'][$types])) {
                    $problems['out of range'][$types] = array();
                $problems['out of range'][$types][$key] = implode(', ', ${$k});
            } else {
                if (isset(${$r})) {
                    // recurse into provided data structure, and validate
                    $problems = _validate_product_data($value, $recurse, $problems);
                } else {
                    if (!in_array($key, array_keys(${$t}))) {
                        // unknown data type
                        if (!isset($problems['unknown data type'])) {
                            $problems['unknown data type'] = array();
                        if (!isset($problems['unknown data type'][$types])) {
                            $problems['unknown data type'][$types] = array();
                        $problems['unknown data type'][$types][] = $key;
        if ('single' == $key && isset($data['variants']) || 'variants' == $key && isset($data['single'])) {
            $problems['both single and variant price definitions detected'] = true;
    return $problems;
	pluginuri = <?php 
echo json_encode(SHOPP_PLUGINURI);
	rule_groups = <?php 
echo json_encode($rulegroups);
	rule_types = <?php 
echo json_encode($ruletypes);
	bill_periods = <?php 
echo json_encode(ShoppPrice::periods());
	rules = <?php 
echo json_encode($MemberPlan->stages);
	STAGE_LABEL = <?php 
_jse('Content Access Rules', 'Shopp');
	STAGES_LABEL = <?php 
_jse('Step', 'Shopp');