 * Add a menu to the Shopp menu area
 * @api
 * @since 1.3
 * @param string $label	The translated label to use for the menu
 * @param string $page The Shopp-internal menu page name (plugin prefix will be automatically added)
 * @param integer $position The index position of where to add the menu
 * @param mixed $handler The callback handler to use to handle the page
 * @param string $access The access capability required to see the menu
 * @param string $icon The URL for the icon to use for the menu
 * @return integer The position the menu was added
function shopp_admin_add_menu($label, $page, $position = null, $handler = false, $access = null, $icon = null)
    global $menu;
    $AdminPages = ShoppAdminPages();
    if (is_null($position)) {
        $position = 35;
    if (is_null($access)) {
        $access = 'manage_options';
    // Restrictive access by default (for admins only)
    if (false === $handler) {
        $handler = array(Shopp::object()->Flow, 'parse');
    if (!is_callable($handler)) {
        shopp_debug(__FUNCTION__ . " failed: The specified callback handler is not valid.");
        return false;
    while (isset($menu[$position])) {
    $menupage = add_menu_page($label, $label, $access, ShoppAdmin::pagename($page), $handler, $icon, $position);
    $AdminPages->menu($page, $menupage);
    do_action_ref_array("shopp_add_topmenu_{$page}", array($menupage));
    // @deprecated
    do_action_ref_array("shopp_add_menu_{$page}", array($menupage));
    return $position;
  * ShoppAdminController constructor
  * @since 1.1
  * @param string $ui The directory path to the UI templates
  * @param array $request The screen request parameters
  * @return void
 public function __construct($ui)
     global $plugin_page;
     // Setup helper properties
     $this->ui = $ui;
     $this->id = ShoppAdmin::screen();
     $this->pagename = $plugin_page;
     // Setup notices before actions and process ops
     Shopping::restore('admin_notices', $this->notices);
     add_action('shopp_admin_notices', array($this, 'notices'));
     // Parse query request
     if ($this->query()) {
         // Flag new model requests
         if ('new' == $this->request('id')) {
             $this->request['new'] = true;
         $this->handlers('actions', (array) $this->actions());
         do_action('shopp_admin_' . $this->slug() . '_actions');
     // Setup the working object model
     $this->Model = $this->process($this->load());
  * Registers a new page to the Shopp admin pages
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @since 1.1
  * @param string $name The internal reference name for the page.
  * @param string $label The label displayed in the WordPress admin menu.
  * @param string $controller The name of the controller to use for the page.
  * @param string $parent The internal reference for the parent page.
  * @param string $icon The Shopp icon CSS class name.
  * @return void
 private function add($name, $label, $controller = null, $parent = null, $icon = null)
     $page = ShoppAdmin::pagename($name);
     if (isset($parent)) {
         $parent = ShoppAdmin::pagename($parent);
     $capability = isset($this->caps[$name]) ? $this->caps[$name] : 'shopp_menu';
     $this->pages[$page] = new ShoppAdminPage($name, $page, $label, $capability, $controller, $parent, $icon);
 public function screen()
     global $wpdb;
     $defaults = array('page' => false, 'deleting' => false, 'selected' => false, 'update' => false, 'newstatus' => false, 'pagenum' => 1, 'paged' => false, 'per_page' => 20, 'start' => '', 'end' => '', 'status' => false, 's' => '', 'range' => '', 'startdate' => '', 'enddate' => '');
     $args = array_merge($defaults, $_GET);
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     if ($page == ShoppAdmin::pagename('customers') && !empty($deleting) && !empty($selected) && is_array($selected) && current_user_can('shopp_delete_customers')) {
         foreach ($selected as $deletion) {
             $Customer = new ShoppCustomer($deletion);
             $Billing = new BillingAddress($Customer->id, 'customer');
             $Shipping = new ShippingAddress($Customer->id, 'customer');
     $updated = false;
     // if (!empty($_POST['save'])) {
     // 	check_admin_referer('shopp-save-customer');
     // 	$wp_integration = ('wordpress' === shopp_setting( 'account_system' ));
     // 	if ($_POST['id'] !== 'new') {
     // 		$Customer = new ShoppCustomer($_POST['id']);
     // 		$Billing = new BillingAddress($Customer->id, 'customer');
     // 		$Shipping = new ShippingAddress($Customer->id, 'customer');
     // 	} else $Customer = new ShoppCustomer();
     // 	if (!empty($Customer->wpuser)) $user = get_user_by('id',$Customer->wpuser);
     // 	$new_customer = empty( $Customer->id );
     // 	$Customer->updates($_POST);
     // 	// Reassign WordPress login
     // 	if ($wp_integration && isset($_POST['userlogin']) && $_POST['userlogin'] !=  $user->user_login) {
     // 		$newlogin = get_user_by('login', $_POST['userlogin']);
     // 		if ( ! empty($newlogin->ID) ) {
     // 			if (sDB::query("SELECT count(*) AS used FROM $Customer->_table WHERE wpuser=$newlogin->ID",'auto','col','used') == 0) {
     // 				$Customer->wpuser = $newlogin->ID;
     // 				$updated = sprintf(__('Updated customer login to %s.','Shopp'),"<strong>$newlogin->user_login</strong>");
     // 			} else $updated = sprintf(__('Could not update customer login to &quot;%s&quot; because that user is already assigned to another customer.','Shopp'),'<strong>'.sanitize_user($_POST['userlogin']).'</strong>');
     // 		} else $updated = sprintf(__('Could not update customer login to &quot;%s&quot; because the user does not exist in WordPress.','Shopp'),'<strong>'.sanitize_user($_POST['userlogin']).'</strong>');
     // 		if ( empty($_POST['userlogin']) ) $Customer->wpuser = 0;
     // 	}
     // 	if ( ! empty($_POST['new-password']) && !empty($_POST['confirm-password'])
     // 		&& $_POST['new-password'] == $_POST['confirm-password']) {
     // 			$Customer->password = wp_hash_password($_POST['new-password']);
     // 			if (!empty($Customer->wpuser)) wp_set_password($_POST['new-password'], $Customer->wpuser);
     // 		}
     // 	$valid_email = filter_var( $_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL );
     // 	$password = !empty( $_POST['new_password'] );
     // 	if ($wp_integration && $new_customer && $valid_email && $password) {
     // 		$Customer->loginname = $_POST['userlogin'];
     // 		$Customer->email = $_POST['email'];
     // 		$Customer->firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
     // 		$Customer->lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
     // 		$return = $Customer->create_wpuser();
     // 		if ( $return ) {
     // 			$updated = sprintf( __( 'The Shopp and WordPress accounts have been created with the username &quot;%s&quot;.', 'Shopp'), '<strong>'.sanitize_user($_POST['userlogin']).'</strong>');
     // 		} else {
     // 			$updated = sprintf( __( 'Could not create a WordPress account for customer &quot;%s&quot;.','Shopp'), '<strong>'.sanitize_user($_POST['userlogin']).'</strong>');
     // 		}
     // 	}
     // 	elseif ($new_customer && ( !$valid_email || !$password ) ) {
     // 		$updated = __( 'Could not create new user. You must enter a valid email address and a password first.', 'Shopp' );
     // 		$no_save = true;
     // 	}
     // 	if ( !isset( $new_save ) ) {
     // 		$Customer->info = false; // No longer used from DB
     // 		$Customer->save();
     // 	}
     // 	if (isset($_POST['info']) && !empty($_POST['info'])) {
     // 		foreach ((array)$_POST['info'] as $id => $info) {
     // 			$Meta = new ShoppMetaObject($id);
     // 			$Meta->value = $info;
     // 			$Meta->save();
     // 		}
     // 	}
     // 	if (isset($Customer->id)) $Billing->customer = $Customer->id;
     // 	$Billing->updates($_POST['billing']);
     // 	$Billing->save();
     // 	if (isset($Customer->id)) $Shipping->customer = $Customer->id;
     // 	$Shipping->updates($_POST['shipping']);
     // 	$Shipping->save();
     // 	if (!$updated) __('Customer updated.','Shopp');
     // 	$Customer = false;
     // }
     $pagenum = absint($paged);
     if (empty($pagenum)) {
         $pagenum = 1;
     if (!$per_page || $per_page < 0) {
         $per_page = 20;
     $index = $per_page * ($pagenum - 1);
     if (!empty($start)) {
         $startdate = $start;
         list($month, $day, $year) = explode("/", $startdate);
         $starts = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
     if (!empty($end)) {
         $enddate = $end;
         list($month, $day, $year) = explode("/", $enddate);
         $ends = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $day, $year);
     $customer_table = ShoppDatabaseObject::tablename(Customer::$table);
     $billing_table = ShoppDatabaseObject::tablename(BillingAddress::$table);
     $purchase_table = ShoppDatabaseObject::tablename(ShoppPurchase::$table);
     $users_table = $wpdb->users;
     $where = array();
     if (!empty($s)) {
         $s = stripslashes($s);
         if (preg_match_all('/(\\w+?)\\:(?="(.+?)"|(.+?)\\b)/', $s, $props, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
             foreach ($props as $search) {
                 $keyword = !empty($search[2]) ? $search[2] : $search[3];
                 switch (strtolower($search[1])) {
                     case "company":
                         $where[] = "c.company LIKE '%{$keyword}%'";
                     case "login":
                         $where[] = "u.user_login LIKE '%{$keyword}%'";
                     case "address":
                         $where[] = "(b.address LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR b.xaddress='%{$keyword}%')";
                     case "city":
                         $where[] = "b.city LIKE '%{$keyword}%'";
                     case "province":
                     case "state":
                         $where[] = "b.state='{$keyword}'";
                     case "zip":
                     case "zipcode":
                     case "postcode":
                         $where[] = "b.postcode='{$keyword}'";
                     case "country":
                         $where[] = "b.country='{$keyword}'";
         } elseif (strpos($s, '@') !== false) {
             $where[] = "c.email='{$s}'";
         } elseif (is_numeric($s)) {
             $where[] = "c.id='{$s}'";
         } else {
             $where[] = "(CONCAT(c.firstname,' ',c.lastname) LIKE '%{$s}%' OR c.company LIKE '%{$s}%')";
     if (!empty($starts) && !empty($ends)) {
         $where[] = ' (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.created) >= ' . $starts . ' AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.created) <= ' . $ends . ')';
     $select = array('columns' => 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS c.*,city,state,country,user_login', 'table' => "{$customer_table} as c", 'joins' => array($billing_table => "LEFT JOIN {$billing_table} AS b ON b.customer=c.id AND b.type='billing'", $users_table => "LEFT JOIN {$users_table} AS u ON u.ID=c.wpuser AND (c.wpuser IS NULL OR c.wpuser != 0)"), 'where' => $where, 'groupby' => "c.id", 'orderby' => "c.created DESC", 'limit' => "{$index},{$per_page}");
     $query = sDB::select($select);
     $Customers = sDB::query($query, 'array', 'index', 'id');
     $total = sDB::found();
     // Add order data to customer records in this view
     $orders = sDB::query("SELECT customer,SUM(total) AS total,count(id) AS orders FROM {$purchase_table} WHERE customer IN (" . join(',', array_keys($Customers)) . ") GROUP BY customer", 'array', 'index', 'customer');
     foreach ($Customers as &$record) {
         $record->total = 0;
         $record->orders = 0;
         if (!isset($orders[$record->id])) {
         $record->total = $orders[$record->id]->total;
         $record->orders = $orders[$record->id]->orders;
     $num_pages = ceil($total / $per_page);
     $ListTable = ShoppUI::table_set_pagination(ShoppAdmin::screen(), $total, $num_pages, $per_page);
     $ranges = array('all' => __('Show New Customers', 'Shopp'), 'today' => __('Today', 'Shopp'), 'week' => __('This Week', 'Shopp'), 'month' => __('This Month', 'Shopp'), 'quarter' => __('This Quarter', 'Shopp'), 'year' => __('This Year', 'Shopp'), 'yesterday' => __('Yesterday', 'Shopp'), 'lastweek' => __('Last Week', 'Shopp'), 'last30' => __('Last 30 Days', 'Shopp'), 'last90' => __('Last 3 Months', 'Shopp'), 'lastmonth' => __('Last Month', 'Shopp'), 'lastquarter' => __('Last Quarter', 'Shopp'), 'lastyear' => __('Last Year', 'Shopp'), 'lastexport' => __('Last Export', 'Shopp'), 'custom' => __('Custom Dates', 'Shopp'));
     $exports = array('tab' => __('Tab-separated.txt', 'Shopp'), 'csv' => __('Comma-separated.csv', 'Shopp'), 'xls' => __('Microsoft&reg; Excel.xls', 'Shopp'));
     $formatPref = shopp_setting('customerexport_format');
     if (!$formatPref) {
         $formatPref = 'tab';
     $columns = array_merge(Customer::exportcolumns(), BillingAddress::exportcolumns(), ShippingAddress::exportcolumns());
     $selected = shopp_setting('customerexport_columns');
     if (empty($selected)) {
         $selected = array_keys($columns);
     $authentication = shopp_setting('account_system');
     $action = add_query_arg(array('page' => ShoppAdmin::pagename('customers')), admin_url('admin.php'));
     include $this->ui('customers.php');
文件: editor.php 项目: msigley/shopp
	fileverify_url = '<?php 
echo wp_nonce_url(admin_url() . "admin-ajax.php", "wp_ajax_shopp_verify_file");
	fileimport_url = '<?php 
echo wp_nonce_url(admin_url() . "admin-ajax.php", "wp_ajax_shopp_import_file");
	imageul_url = '<?php 
echo wp_nonce_url(admin_url() . "admin-ajax.php", "wp_ajax_shopp_upload_image");
	adminpage = '<?php 
echo ShoppAdmin::pagename('products');
	request = <?php 
echo json_encode(stripslashes_deep($_GET));
	filesizeLimit = <?php 
echo wp_max_upload_size();
	weightUnit = '<?php 
echo shopp_setting('weight_unit');
	dimensionUnit = '<?php 
     * Renders the bestselling products dashboard widget
     * @author Jonathan Davis
     * @since 1.0
     * @return void
    public static function inventory_widget($args = false)
        $warnings = array('none' => __('OK', 'Shopp'), 'warning' => __('warning', 'Shopp'), 'critical' => __('critical', 'Shopp'), 'backorder' => __('backorder', 'Shopp'));
        $defaults = array('before_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '', 'widget_name' => '', 'after_title' => '', 'after_widget' => '');
        $args = array_merge($defaults, (array) $args);
        extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
        $pt = ShoppDatabaseObject::tablename(ShoppPrice::$table);
        $setting = shopp_setting('lowstock_level');
        $where = array();
        $where[] = "pt.stock < pt.stocked AND pt.stock/pt.stocked < {$setting}";
        $where[] = "(pt.context='product' OR pt.context='variation') AND pt.type != 'N/A'";
        $loading = array('columns' => "pt.id AS stockid,IF(pt.context='variation',CONCAT(p.post_title,': ',pt.label),p.post_title) AS post_title,pt.sku AS sku,pt.stock,pt.stocked", 'joins' => array($pt => "LEFT JOIN {$pt} AS pt ON p.ID=pt.product"), 'where' => $where, 'groupby' => 'pt.id', 'orderby' => '(pt.stock/pt.stocked) ASC', 'published' => false, 'pagination' => false, 'limit' => 25);
        $Collection = new ProductCollection();
        $productscreen = add_query_arg(array('page' => ShoppAdmin::pagename('products')), admin_url('admin.php'));
        echo $before_widget;
        echo $before_title;
        echo $widget_name;
        echo $after_title;
        foreach ($Collection->products as $product) {
            $product->lowstock($product->stock, $product->stocked);
			<td class="amount"><?php 
            echo abs($product->stock);
			<td><span class="stock lowstock <?php 
            echo $product->lowstock;
            echo $warnings[$product->lowstock];
			<td><a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(add_query_arg('id', $product->id, $productscreen));
            echo $product->name;
			<td><a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(add_query_arg('view', 'inventory', $productscreen));
            echo $product->sku;

        echo $after_widget;
        foreach ($columns as $column => $column_title) {
            $classes = array($column, "column-{$column}");
            if (in_array($column, $hidden)) {
                $classes[] = 'hidden';
            switch ($column) {
                case 'cb':
					<th scope='row' class='check-column'><input type='checkbox' name='selected[]' value='<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($Category->id);
' /></th>
                case 'name':
                    $adminurl = add_query_arg(array_merge($_GET, array('page' => ShoppAdmin::pagename('categories'))), admin_url('admin.php'));
                    $editurl = wp_nonce_url(add_query_arg('id', $Category->id, $adminurl), 'shopp_categories_manager');
                    $deleteurl = wp_nonce_url(add_query_arg('action', 'delete', $editurl), 'shopp_categories_manager');
                    $CategoryName = empty($Category->name) ? '(' . Shopp::__('no category name') . ')' : $Category->name;
					<td class="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr(join(' ', $classes));
"><a class='row-title' href='<?php 
                    echo $editurl;
' title='<?php 
                    _e('Edit', 'Shopp');
                    echo esc_attr($CategoryName);
  * Interface processor for the product editor
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @return void
 public function screen()
     $Shopp = Shopp::object();
     if (!current_user_can('shopp_products')) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
     if (empty($Shopp->Product)) {
         $Product = new ShoppProduct();
         $Product->status = "publish";
     } else {
         $Product = $Shopp->Product;
     $Product->slug = apply_filters('editable_slug', $Product->slug);
     $permalink = trailingslashit(Shopp::url());
     $Price = new ShoppPrice();
     $priceTypes = ShoppPrice::types();
     $billPeriods = ShoppPrice::periods();
     $workflows = array('continue' => Shopp::__('Continue Editing'), 'close' => Shopp::__('Products Manager'), 'new' => Shopp::__('New Product'), 'next' => Shopp::__('Edit Next'), 'previous' => Shopp::__('Edit Previous'));
     $taglist = array();
     foreach ($Product->tags as $tag) {
         $taglist[] = $tag->name;
     if ($Product->id && !empty($Product->images)) {
         $ids = join(',', array_keys($Product->images));
         $CoverImage = reset($Product->images);
         $image_table = $CoverImage->_table;
         $Product->cropped = sDB::query("SELECT * FROM {$image_table} WHERE context='image' AND type='image' AND '2'=SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(name,'_',4),'_',-1) AND parent IN ({$ids})", 'array', 'index', 'parent');
     $shiprates = shopp_setting('shipping_rates');
     if (!empty($shiprates)) {
     $uploader = shopp_setting('uploader_pref');
     if (!$uploader) {
         $uploader = 'flash';
     $process = empty($Product->id) ? 'new' : $Product->id;
     $_POST['action'] = add_query_arg(array_merge($_GET, array('page' => ShoppAdmin::pagename('products'))), admin_url('admin.php'));
     $post_type = ShoppProduct::posttype();
     // Re-index menu options to maintain order in JS #2930
     if (isset($Product->options['v']) || isset($Product->options['a'])) {
         $options = array_keys($Product->options);
         foreach ($options as $type) {
             foreach ($Product->options[$type] as $id => $menu) {
                 $Product->options[$type][$type . $id] = $menu;
                 $Product->options[$type][$type . $id]['options'] = array_values($menu['options']);
     } else {
         foreach ($Product->options as &$menu) {
             $menu['options'] = array_values($menu['options']);
     do_action('add_meta_boxes', ShoppProduct::$posttype, $Product);
     do_action('add_meta_boxes_' . ShoppProduct::$posttype, $Product);
     do_action('do_meta_boxes', ShoppProduct::$posttype, 'normal', $Product);
     do_action('do_meta_boxes', ShoppProduct::$posttype, 'advanced', $Product);
     do_action('do_meta_boxes', ShoppProduct::$posttype, 'side', $Product);
     include $this->ui('editor.php');
 public function __construct()
     if (!ShoppAdminPages()->shoppscreen()) {
     // Get the query request
     // Setup the screen controller
     $ControllerClass = $this->route();
     if (false == $ControllerClass || !class_exists($ControllerClass)) {
     $this->Screen = new $ControllerClass($this->ui);
     // Queue JavaScript & CSS
     add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'assets'), 50);
     // Screen setup
     global $pagenow;
     $screen = ShoppAdmin::screen();
     if ($screen == $this->request('post_type')) {
         $screen = $pagenow;
     add_action('load-' . $screen, array($this, 'help'));
     add_action('load-' . $screen, array($this, 'layout'));
     add_action('load-' . $screen, array($this, 'maintenance'));
 public function categories()
     if (!current_user_can('shopp_categories')) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
     $per_page_option = get_current_screen()->get_option('per_page');
     $defaults = array('paged' => 1, 'per_page' => 20, 's' => '', 'a' => '');
     $args = array_merge($defaults, $_GET);
     if (false !== ($user_per_page = get_user_option($per_page_option['option']))) {
         $args['per_page'] = $user_per_page;
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     if ('arrange' == $a) {
         $per_page = 300;
     $paged = absint($paged);
     $start = $per_page * ($paged - 1);
     $end = $start + $per_page;
     $url = add_query_arg(array_merge($_GET, array('page' => ShoppAdmin::pagename('categories'))), admin_url('admin.php'));
     $taxonomy = 'shopp_category';
     $filters = array('hide_empty' => 0, 'fields' => 'id=>parent');
     add_filter('get_shopp_category', array($this, 'load_category'), 10, 2);
     // $filters['limit'] = "$start,$per_page";
     if (!empty($s)) {
         $filters['search'] = $s;
     $Categories = array();
     $count = 0;
     $terms = get_terms($taxonomy, $filters);
     if (empty($s)) {
         $children = _get_term_hierarchy($taxonomy);
         ProductCategory::tree($taxonomy, $terms, $children, $count, $Categories, $paged, $per_page);
         $this->categories = $Categories;
     } else {
         foreach ($terms as $id => $parent) {
             $Categories[$id] = get_term($id, $taxonomy);
     $ids = array_keys($Categories);
     return $ids;
	ajaxurl = adminurl+'admin-ajax.php',
	addcategory_url = '<?php 
echo wp_nonce_url(admin_url() . "admin-ajax.php", "shopp-ajax_add_category");
	editslug_url = '<?php 
echo wp_nonce_url(admin_url() . "admin-ajax.php", "wp_ajax_shopp_edit_slug");
	fileverify_url = '<?php 
echo wp_nonce_url(admin_url() . "admin-ajax.php", "shopp-ajax_verify_file");
	adminpage = '<?php 
echo ShoppAdmin::pagename('categories');
	request = <?php 
echo json_encode(stripslashes_deep($_GET));
	worklist = <?php 
echo json_encode($this->categories());
	filesizeLimit = <?php 
echo wp_max_upload_size();
	priceTypes = <?php 
if ($Products->size() > 0) {
		<tbody id="products" class="list products">
    $columns = get_column_headers($this->id);
    $hidden = get_hidden_columns($this->id);
    $even = false;
    foreach ($Products as $key => $Product) {
        $editor_url = remove_query_arg(array('s', 'cat', 'sl'), $url);
        $editurl = esc_url(add_query_arg(array('id' => $Product->id, 'view' => null), $editor_url));
        $trashurl = esc_url(add_query_arg(array('selected' => $Product->id, 'action' => 'trash'), $editor_url));
        $dupurl = esc_url(add_query_arg(array('duplicate' => $Product->id), $editor_url));
        $restoreurl = esc_url(add_query_arg(array('selected' => $Product->id, 'action' => 'restore'), $editor_url));
        $delurl = esc_url(add_query_arg(array('selected' => $Product->id, 'action' => 'delete'), $editor_url));
        $category_url = add_query_arg(array('page' => ShoppAdmin::pagename('categories')), admin_url('admin.php'));
        if (!$even) {
            echo " class='alternate'";
        $even = !$even;
        foreach ($columns as $column => $column_title) {
            $classes = array($column, "column-{$column}");
            if (in_array($column, $hidden)) {
                $classes[] = 'hidden';
            switch ($column) {
" class="moveto shoppui-step-top"><span class="hidden"><?php 
                    echo $title;
</span></button><button type="button" name="bottom" alt="<?php 
                    $title = Shopp::__('Move to the bottom&hellip;');
                    echo $title;
" class="moveto shoppui-step-bottom"><span class="hidden"><?php 
                    echo $title;
                case 'title':
                    $editurl = esc_url(esc_attr(add_query_arg(array_merge(stripslashes_deep($_GET), array('page' => ShoppAdmin::pagename('products'), 'id' => $Product->id)), admin_url('admin.php'))));
                    $ProductName = empty($Product->name) ? '(' . __('no product name', 'Shopp') . ')' : $Product->name;
				<td class="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr(join(' ', $classes));
"><a class='row-title' href='<?php 
                    echo $editurl;
' title='<?php 
                    _e('Edit', 'Shopp');
                    echo esc_attr($ProductName);