  * Duplicate one product and return model
  * @param ShopProduct $model
  * @return ShopProduct
 public function duplicateProduct(ShopProduct $model)
     $product = new ShopProduct(null);
     // Add "null" by PANIX
     $product->attributes = $model->attributes;
     $behaviors = $model->behaviors();
     foreach ($behaviors['TranslateBehavior']['translateAttributes'] as $attr) {
         $product->{$attr} = $model->{$attr};
     $product->name .= $this->getSuffix();
     $product->seo_alias .= CMS::translit($this->getSuffix()) . '-' . time();
     if ($product->validate()) {
         if ($product->save(false, false)) {
             foreach ($this->duplicate as $feature) {
                 $method_name = 'copy' . ucfirst($feature);
                 if (method_exists($this, $method_name)) {
                     $this->{$method_name}($model, $product);
             return $product;
         } else {
             die(__FUNCTION__ . ': Error save');
             return false;
     } else {
         // print_r($product->getErrors());die;
  * Import catalog products
 public function importProducts()
     foreach ($this->xml->{"Каталог"}->{"Товары"}->{"Товар"} as $product) {
         $createExId = false;
         $model = C1ExternalFinder::getObject(C1ExternalFinder::OBJECT_TYPE_PRODUCT, $product->{"Ид"});
         if (!$model) {
             $model = new ShopProduct();
             // Add "null" by PANIX
             $model->type_id = self::DEFAULT_TYPE;
             $model->price = 0;
             $model->switch = 1;
             $createExId = true;
         $model->name = $product->{"Наименование"};
         $model->seo_alias = CMS::translit($model->name);
         $model->sku = $product->{"Артикул"};
         if ($model->save(false, false)) {
         } else {
             // Yii::log(CJSON::encode($model->getErrors()),'info','application');
         // Create external id
         if ($createExId === true) {
             $this->createExternalId(C1ExternalFinder::OBJECT_TYPE_PRODUCT, $model->id, $product->{"Ид"});
         // Set category
         $categoryId = C1ExternalFinder::getObject(C1ExternalFinder::OBJECT_TYPE_CATEGORY, $product->{"Группы"}->{"Ид"}, false);
         $model->setCategories(array($categoryId), $categoryId);
         // Set image
         //  $image = C1ProductImage::create($this->buildPathToTempFile($product->{"Картинка"}));
         // if ($image && !$model->mainImage)
         ///     $model->addImage($image);
         if (!empty($product->{"Картинка"})) {
             foreach ($product->{"Картинка"} as $pi) {
                 $image = C1ProductImage::create($this->buildPathToTempFile($pi));
                 if ($image && !$model->mainImage) {
         // Process properties
         if (isset($product->{"ЗначенияСвойств"}->{"ЗначенияСвойства"})) {
             $attrsdata = array();
             foreach ($product->{"ЗначенияСвойств"}->{"ЗначенияСвойства"} as $attribute) {
                 $attributeModel = C1ExternalFinder::getObject(C1ExternalFinder::OBJECT_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, $attribute->{"Ид"});
                 if ($attributeModel && $attribute->{"Значение"} != '') {
                     $cr = new CDbCriteria();
                     $cr->with = 'option_translate';
                     $cr->compare('option_translate.value', $attribute->{"Значение"});
                     $option = ShopAttributeOption::model()->find($cr);
                     if (!$option) {
                         $option = $this->addOptionToAttribute($attributeModel->id, $attribute->{"Значение"});
                     $attrsdata[$attributeModel->name] = $option->id;
             if (!empty($attrsdata)) {
                 $model->setEavAttributes($attrsdata, true);
  * Create/update product from key=>value array
  * @param $data array of product attributes
 protected function importRow($data)
     if (!isset($data['category']) || empty($data['category'])) {
         $data['category'] = 'root';
     $newProduct = false;
     $category_id = $this->getCategoryByPath($data['category']);
     // Search product by name, category
     // or create new one
     $cr = new CDbCriteria();
     $cr->with = array('translate');
     // if (isset($data['seo_alias']) && !empty($data['seo_alias']) && $data['seo_alias'] != '')
     //     $cr->compare('t.seo_alias', $data['seo_alias']);
     if (isset($data['sku']) && !empty($data['sku']) && $data['sku'] != '') {
         $cr->compare('t.sku', $data['sku']);
     } else {
         $cr->compare('translate.name', $data['name']);
     $model = ShopProduct::model()->applyCategories($category_id)->find($cr);
     if (!$model) {
         $newProduct = true;
         $model = new ShopProduct();
     } else {
     $model->name = $data['name'];
     $model->price = $data['price'];
     $model->seo_alias = CMS::translit($data['name']);
     // Process product type
     $model->type_id = $this->getTypeIdByName($data['type']);
     // Manufacturer
     if (isset($data['manufacturer']) && !empty($data['manufacturer'])) {
         $model->manufacturer_id = $this->getManufacturerIdByName($data['manufacturer']);
     // Update product variables and eav attributes.
     $attributes = new XmlAttributesProcessor($model, $data['attributes']);
     if ($model->validate()) {
         $categories = array($category_id);
         if (isset($data['additionalCategories'])) {
             $categories = array_merge($categories, $this->getAdditionalCategories($data['additionalCategories']));
         if (!$newProduct) {
             foreach ($model->categorization as $c) {
                 $categories[] = $c->category;
             $categories = array_unique($categories);
         // Save product
         $model->save(false, false);
         // Update EAV data
         // Update categories
         $model->setCategories($categories, $category_id);
         // Process product main image if product doesn't have one
         $this->setImages($model, $data);
     } else {
         $errors = $model->getErrors();
         $error = array_shift($errors);
         $this->errors[] = array('line' => $this->line, 'error' => $error[0]);
function shop_save_product($edit = 0)
    global $xoopsSecurity, $xoopsUser, $xoopsModule, $xoopsModuleConfig;
    $q = '';
    foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
        ${$k} = $v;
        if ($k == 'XOOPS_TOKEN_REQUEST' || $k == 'action') {
        $q .= $q == '' ? "{$k}=" . rawurlencode($v) : "&{$k}=" . rawurlencode($v);
    $q = "action=" . ($edit ? 'edit&id=' . $id : 'new') . '&' . $q;
    if (!$xoopsSecurity->check()) {
        redirectMsg("products.php?{$q}", __('Session token expired!', 'shop'), 1);
    if ($edit) {
        if ($id <= 0) {
            redirectMsg("products.php", __('Product ID has not been provided', 'shop'), 1);
        $product = new ShopProduct($id);
        if ($product->isNew()) {
            redirectMsg("products.php", __('Specified product does not exists!', 'shop'), 1);
    } else {
        $product = new ShopProduct();
    if ($name == '' || $description == '' || empty($cats)) {
        redirectMsg("products.php?{$q}", __('Please fill al required data!', 'shop'), 1);
    if (!isset($nameid)) {
        $nameid = TextCleaner::getInstance()->sweetstring($name);
     * Comprobamos que no exista otra página con el mismo título
    $db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix("shop_products") . " WHERE nameid='{$nameid}'";
    $sql .= $edit ? " AND id_product<>" . $product->id() : '';
    list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
    if ($num > 0) {
        redirectMsg('products.php?' . $q, __('Another product with same name already exists!', 'shop'), 1);
    #Guardamos los datos del Post
    $product->setVar('name', $name);
    $product->setVar('nameid', $nameid);
    $product->setVar('description', $description);
    $product->setVar('price', $price);
    $product->setVar('buy', $buy != '' && $buy != 'http://' ? $buy : '');
    $product->setVar('type', $type);
    $product->setVar('available', $available);
    // Add Metas
    foreach ($meta_name as $k => $v) {
        $product->add_meta($v, $meta_value[$k]);
    $product->add_categories($cats, true);
    include_once RMCPATH . '/class/uploader.php';
    $folder = XOOPS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/minishop';
    $folderths = XOOPS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/minishop/ths';
    if ($edit) {
        $image = $product->getVar('image');
        $filename = $product->getVar('image');
    } else {
        $filename = '';
    //Obtenemos el tamaño de la imagen
    $thSize = explode("|", $xoopsModuleConfig['thssize']);
    $imgSize = explode("|", $xoopsModuleConfig['imgsize']);
    $up = new RMFileUploader($folder, $xoopsModuleConfig['maxsize'] * 1024, array('jpg', 'png', 'gif'));
    if ($up->fetchMedia('image')) {
        if (!$up->upload()) {
            redirectMsg('./products.php', $up->getErrors(), 1);
        if ($edit && $product->getVar('image') != '') {
            @unlink(XOOPS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/minishop/' . $product->getVar('image'));
            @unlink(XOOPS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/minishop/ths/' . $product->getVar('image'));
        $filename = $up->getSavedFileName();
        $fullpath = $up->getSavedDestination();
        // Redimensionamos la imagen
        $redim = new RMImageResizer($fullpath, $fullpath);
        if ($xoopsModuleConfig['imgredim']) {
            $redim->resizeAndCrop($imgSize[0], $imgSize[1]);
        } else {
            $redim->resizeWidthOrHeight($imgSize[0], $imgSize[1]);
        $redim->setTargetFile($folderths . "/{$filename}");
        if ($xoopsModuleConfig['thsredim']) {
            $redim->resizeAndCrop($thSize[0], $thSize[1]);
        } else {
            $redim->resizeWidthOrHeight($thSize[0], $thSize[1]);
    $product->setVar('image', $filename);
    if ($product->save()) {
        redirectMsg("products.php", __('Database updated successfully!', 'shop'), 0);
    } else {
        redirectMsg("products.php?{$q}", __('Errors ocurred while trying to update database', 'shop') . "<br />" . $product->errors(), 1);