 function doSubmitEmailForm($data, $form)
     $originalEmail = $email = trim(Convert::Raw2SQL($data['Email']));
     $clientKey = trim(Convert::Raw2SQL($data['ClientKey']));
     $order = ShopOrder::orderSession();
     $clientID = $order->ClientID;
     if ($client = DataObject::get_one("ShopClient", "ClientKey LIKE '" . $clientKey . "'")) {
         //existing client
         $clientID = $client->ID;
         if ($lastOrder = DataObject::get_one("ShopOrder", "ClientID = {$clientID} AND Status != 'Unsubmitted'", null, "Created DESC")) {
             if ($addr = $lastOrder->InvoiceAddress()) {
                 //use the last invoice adress, if empty
                 if ($order->InvoiceAddressID == 0) {
                     $newAddr = new ShopAddress();
                     $newAddr->merge($addr, 'right');
                     //restore the relations
                     $newAddr->OrderID = $order->ID;
                     $newAddr->ClientID = $clientID;
                     $order->InvoiceAddressID = $newAddr->ID;
             if ($addr = $lastOrder->DeliveryAddress()) {
                 //use the last shipping adress, if empty
                 if ($order->DeliveryAddressID == 0) {
                     $newAddr = new ShopAddress();
                     $newAddr->merge($addr, 'right');
                     //restore the relations
                     $newAddr->OrderID = $order->ID;
                     $newAddr->ClientID = $clientID;
                     $order->DeliveryAddressID = $newAddr->ID;
     } else {
         //create new client, if not
         $client = $order->Client() ? $order->Client() : new ShopClient();
         $client->Status = "Customer";
         if ($clients = DataObject::get("ShopClient", "Email LIKE '" . $email . "' OR Email LIKE 'shop.renamed.%." . $email . "'")) {
             $client->Email = "shop.renamed." . $clients->count() . "." . $email;
             $client->Status = "Guest";
         } else {
             $client->Email = $email;
         $client->ClientKey = ShopClient::generateClientKey($email);
         $client->Password = $client->ClientKey;
         //add to group
         $client->Groups()->add(DataObject::get_one("Group", "Title LIKE 'ShopClients'"));
         $clientID = $client->ID;
         //todo, send welcome email to client
         //create adress fields for invoice+shipping
         if ($order->InvoiceAddress()->ID == 0) {
             $a = new ShopAddress();
             $a->ClientID = $clientID;
             $a->Email = $email;
             $a->OrderID = $order->ID;
             $order->InvoiceAddressID = $a->ID;
         if ($order->DeliveryAddress()->ID == 0) {
             $a = new ShopAddress();
             $a->ClientID = $clientID;
             $a->Email = $email;
             $a->OrderID = $order->ID;
             $order->DeliveryAddressID = $a->ID;
     $order->Email = $originalEmail;
     $order->ClientID = $clientID;
     $order->CouponCode = strtoupper(Convert::raw2SQL($data['CouponCode']));
     $order->TaxIDNumber = Convert::raw2SQL($data['TaxIDNumber']);
     $client->ClientKey = $clientKey;
     return array();