 public static function getDBO()
     if (!isset(self::$_dbo)) {
         self::$_dbo = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
 * @author      Yannick Gaultier
 * @copyright   (c) Yannick Gaultier 2012
 * @package     sh404sef
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL
 * @version
 * @date		2013-04-25
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');
global $Itemid;
global $sh_LANG;
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$shPageInfo =& Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo();
// get page details gathered by system plugin
$sefConfig =& Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
$database = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
$view = JREQUEST::getCmd('view', null);
$catid = JREQUEST::getInt('catid', null);
$id = JREQUEST::getInt('id', null);
$limit = JREQUEST::getInt('limit', null);
$limitstart = JREQUEST::getInt('limitstart', null);
$layout = JREQUEST::getCmd('layout', null);
$showall = JREQUEST::getInt('showall', null);
$format = JREQUEST::getCmd('format', null);
$print = JREQUEST::getInt('print', null);
$tmpl = JREQUEST::getCmd('tmpl', null);
$lang = JREQUEST::getString('lang', null);
$shLangName = empty($lang) ? $shPageInfo->currentLanguageTag : shGetNameFromIsoCode($lang);
$shLangIso = isset($lang) ? $lang : shGetIsoCodeFromName($shPageInfo->currentLanguageTag);
$shLangIso = shLoadPluginLanguage('com_content', $shLangIso, 'COM_SH404SEF_CREATE_NEW');
 public function create($string, &$vars, &$shAppendString, $shLanguage, $shSaveString = '', &$originalUri)
     // get our config objects
     $pageInfo = Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo();
     $sefConfig = Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
     // get DB // backward compat, some plugins rely on having this object available in scope
     $database = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
     ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Entering sef404 create function with ' . $string);
     // extract request vars to have them readily available
     ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Extracting $vars:', print_r($vars, true));
     // maybe one of them interfere with the variable holding our result?
     if (isset($title)) {
         // V 1.2.4.r : protect against components using 'title' as GET vars
         $sh404SEF_title = $title;
         // means that $sh404SEF_title has to be used in plugins or extensions
     $title = array();
     // V 1.2.4.r
     // use custom method to find about correct plugin to use
     // can be overwritten by a user plugin
     $extPlugin =& Sh404sefFactory::getExtensionPlugin($option);
     // which plugin file are we supposed to use?
     $extPluginPath = $extPlugin->getSefPluginPath($vars);
     $pluginType = $extPlugin->getPluginType();
     // various ways to handle various SEF url plugins
     switch ($pluginType) {
         // use Joomla router.php file in extension dir
         case Sh404sefClassBaseextplugin::TYPE_JOOMLA_ROUTER:
             // Load the plug-in file.
             ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Loading component own router.php file');
             $functionName = ucfirst(str_replace('com_', '', $option)) . 'BuildRoute';
             if (!function_exists($functionName)) {
                 include JPATH_ROOT . '/components/' . $option . '/router.php';
             $originalVars = empty($originalUri) ? $vars : $originalUri->getQuery($asArray = true);
             $title = $functionName($originalVars);
             $title = $pageInfo->router->encodeSegments($title);
             // manage GET var lists ourselves, as Joomla router.php does not do it
             if (!empty($vars)) {
                 // there are some unused GET vars, we must transfer them to our mechanism, so
                 // that they are eventually appended to the sef url
                 foreach ($vars as $k => $v) {
                     switch ($k) {
                         case 'option':
                         case 'Itemid':
                             // if variable has not been used in sef url, add it to list of variables to be
                             // appended to the url as query string elements
                             if (array_key_exists($k, $originalVars)) {
                                 shAddToGETVarsList($k, $v);
                             } else {
             // special case for search component, as router.php encode the search word in the url
             // we can't do that, as we are storing each url in the db
             if (isset($originalVars['option']) && $originalVars['option'] == 'com_search' && !empty($vars['searchword'])) {
                 // router.php has encoded that in the url, we need to undo
                 $title = array();
                 $originalVars['searchword'] = $vars['searchword'];
                 shAddToGETVarsList('searchword', $vars['searchword']);
                 if (!empty($vars['view'])) {
                     $vars['view'] = $vars['view'];
                     shAddToGETVarsList('view', $vars['view']);
             // handle menu items, having only a single Itemid in the url
             // (router.php will return an empty array in that case, even if we have restored
             // the full non-sef url, as we already did)
              * Build the application route
             $tmp = '';
             if (empty($title) && isset($vars['Itemid']) && !empty($vars['Itemid'])) {
                 $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();
                 $item = $menu->getItem($vars['Itemid']);
                 if (is_object($item) && $vars['option'] == $item->component) {
                     $title[] = $item->route;
             if (empty($title)) {
                 $title[] = substr($vars['option'], 4);
             // add user defined prefix
             $prefix = shGetComponentPrefix($option);
             if (!empty($prefix)) {
                 array_unshift($title, $prefix);
             // now process the resulting title string
             $string = shFinalizePlugin($string, $title, $shAppendString, '', isset($limit) ? $limit : null, isset($limitstart) ? $limitstart : null, isset($shLangName) ? $shLangName : null, isset($showall) ? $showall : null, $suppressPagination = true);
             // use sh404sef plugins, either in ext. dir or in sh404sef dir
         // use sh404sef plugins, either in ext. dir or in sh404sef dir
         case Sh404sefClassBaseextplugin::TYPE_SH404SEF_ROUTER:
             ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Loading sh404SEF plugin in ' . $extPluginPath);
             include $extPluginPath;
             // Joomsef plugins
         // Joomsef plugins
         case Sh404sefClassBaseextplugin::TYPE_JOOMSEF_ROUTER:
             include_once $extPluginPath;
             $className = 'SefExt_' . $option;
             $plugin = new $className();
             if (!shIsHomepage($string)) {
                 // make sure the plugin does not try to calculate pagination
                 $params =& SEFTools::GetExtParams('com_content');
                 $params->set('pagination', '1');
                 // ask plugin to build url
                 $result = $plugin->create($originalUri);
                 $title = empty($result['title']) ? array() : $result['title'];
                 // make sure we have a url
                 if (empty($title) && isset($vars['Itemid']) && !empty($vars['Itemid'])) {
                     $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();
                     $item = $menu->getItem($vars['Itemid']);
                     if (is_object($item) && $vars['option'] == $item->component) {
                         $title[] = $item->route;
                 $prefix = shGetComponentPrefix($option);
                 if (!empty($prefix)) {
                     array_unshift($title, $prefix);
                 if (empty($title) && !shIsHomepage($string)) {
                     $title[] = substr($vars['option'], 4);
                 list($usedVars, $ignore) = $plugin->getNonSefVars($result);
                 if (!empty($ignore)) {
                     $usedVars = array_merge($usedVars, $ignore);
             } else {
                 $string = '';
                 $title[] = '/';
                 $usedVars = array();
             // post process result to adjust to our workflow
             if (!empty($vars)) {
                 foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($key, $usedVars)) {
             // finalize url
             $string = shFinalizePlugin($string, $title, $shAppendString = '', $shItemidString = '', isset($limit) ? $limit : null, isset($limitstart) ? $limitstart : null, isset($shLangName) ? $shLangName : null, isset($showall) ? $showall : null);
             // Acesef plugins
         // Acesef plugins
         case Sh404sefClassBaseextplugin::TYPE_ACESEF_ROUTER:
             include_once $extPluginPath;
             $className = 'AceSEF_' . $option;
             $plugin = new $className();
             $plugin->AcesefConfig = AcesefFactory::getConfig();
             // some plugins appear to not call the constructor parent, and so AcesefConfig is not set
             $tmp = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('sh404sefextacesef', $option);
             $params = new JRegistry();
             $segments = array();
             $do_sef = true;
             $metadata = array();
             $item_limitstart = 0;
             $originalVars = empty($originalUri) ? $vars : $originalUri->getQuery($asArray = true);
             $plugin->build($originalVars, $title, $do_sef, $metadata, $item_limitstart);
             $prefix = shGetComponentPrefix($option);
             if (empty($title) && isset($vars['Itemid']) && !empty($vars['Itemid'])) {
                 $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();
                 $item = $menu->getItem($vars['Itemid']);
                 if (is_object($item) && $vars['option'] == $item->component) {
                     $title[] = $item->route;
             if (!empty($prefix)) {
                 array_unshift($title, $prefix);
             if (empty($title) && !shIsHomepage($string)) {
                 $title[] = substr($vars['option'], 4);
             // acesef plugin don't remove used vars from our GET var manager
             // we'll do it now. Vars used are those not present anymore in
             // $originalVars
             // they will be reappended to the SEF url by shFinalizePlugin
             $usedVars = array_diff($vars, $originalVars);
             if (!empty($usedVars)) {
                 foreach ($usedVars as $key => $value) {
             // remove Itemid and option, as these are not unset by plugin
             // finalize url
             $string = shFinalizePlugin($string, $title, $shAppendString = '', $shItemidString = '', isset($limit) ? $limit : null, isset($limitstart) ? $limitstart : null, isset($shLangName) ? $shLangName : null, isset($showall) ? $showall : null);
             ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'Falling back to sefGetLocation');
             if (empty($sefConfig->defaultComponentStringList[str_replace('com_', '', $option)])) {
                 $title[] = getMenuTitle($option, isset($task) ? $task : null, null, null, $shLanguage);
             } else {
                 $title[] = $sefConfig->defaultComponentStringList[str_replace('com_', '', $option)];
             if ($title[0] != '/') {
                 $title[] = '/';
                 // V 1.2.4.q getMenuTitle can now return '/'
             if (count($title) > 0) {
                 // V 1.2.4.q use $shLanguage insted of $lang  (lang name rather than lang code)
                 $string = sef_404::sefGetLocation($string, $title, isset($task) ? $task : null, isset($limit) ? $limit : null, isset($limitstart) ? $limitstart : null, isset($shLanguage) ? $shLanguage : null);
     return $string;
 /** Returns the array of texts used by the extension for creating URLs
  *  in currently selected language (for JoomFish support)
  * @param	string  Extension name
  * @return	array   Extension's texts
 function getExtTexts($option, $lang = '')
     $database = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
     static $extTexts;
     if ($option == '') {
         return false;
     // Set the language
     if ($lang == '') {
         $lang = SEFTools::getLangLongCode();
     if (!isset($extTexts)) {
         $extTexts = array();
     if (!isset($extTexts[$option])) {
         $extTexts[$option] = array();
     if (!isset($extTexts[$option][$lang])) {
         $extTexts[$option][$lang] = array();
         // If lang is different than current language, change it
         if ($lang != SEFTools::getLangLongCode()) {
             $language = JFactory::getLanguage();
             $oldLang = $language->setLanguage($lang);
         $query = "SELECT `id`, `name`, `value` FROM `#__sefexttexts` WHERE `extension` = '{$option}'";
         $texts = $database->loadObjectList();
         if (is_array($texts) && count($texts) > 0) {
             foreach (array_keys($texts) as $i) {
                 $name = $texts[$i]->name;
                 $value = $texts[$i]->value;
                 $extTexts[$option][$lang][$name] = $value;
         // Set the language back to previously selected one
         if (isset($oldLang) && $oldLang != SEFTools::getLangLongCode()) {
             $language = JFactory::getLanguage();
     return $extTexts[$option][$lang];
function shAddPaginationInfo($limit, $limitstart, $showall, $iteration, $url, $location, $shSeparator = null, $defaultListLimitValue = null)
    $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
    //echo 'Incoming pagination : ' . $url . ' | limit : ' . $limit . ' | start : ' . $limitstart . "\n";
    $pageInfo =& Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo();
    // get page details gathered by system plugin
    $sefConfig =& Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
    $database = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
    // get a default limit value, for urls where it's missing
    $listLimit = shGetDefaultDisplayNumFromURL($url, $includeBlogLinks = true);
    $defaultListLimit = is_null($defaultListLimitValue) ? shGetDefaultDisplayNumFromConfig($url, $includeBlogLinks = false) : $defaultListLimitValue;
    //echo 'Incoming pagination : $listLimit : ' . $listLimit . ' | $defaultListLimit : ' . $defaultListLimit . "\n";
    // clean suffix and index file before starting to add things to the url
    // clean suffix
    if (strpos($url, 'option=com_content') !== false && strpos($url, 'format=pdf') !== false) {
        $shSuffix = '.pdf';
    } else {
        $shSuffix = $sefConfig->suffix;
    $suffixLength = JString::strLen($shSuffix);
    if (!empty($shSuffix) && $shSuffix != '/' && JString::substr($location, -$suffixLength) == $shSuffix) {
        $location = JString::substr($location, 0, JString::strlen($location) - $suffixLength);
    // clean index file
    if ($sefConfig->addFile && (empty($shSuffix) || JString::subStr($location, -$suffixLength) != $shSuffix)) {
        $indexFileLength = JString::strlen($sefConfig->addFile);
        if ($sefConfig->addFile != '/' && JString::substr($location, -$indexFileLength) == $sefConfig->addFile) {
            $location = JString::substr($location, 0, JString::strlen($location) - $indexFileLength);
    // do we have a trailing slash ?
    if (empty($shSeparator)) {
        $shSeparator = JString::substr($location, -1) == '/' ? '' : '/';
    if (!empty($limit) && is_numeric($limit)) {
        $pagenum = intval($limitstart / $limit);
    } else {
        if (!isset($limit) && !empty($limitstart)) {
            // only limitstart
            if (strpos($url, 'option=com_content') !== false && strpos($url, 'view=article') !== false) {
                $pagenum = intval($limitstart + 1);
                // multipage article
            } else {
                $pagenum = intval($limitstart / $listLimit) + 1;
                // blogs, tables, ...
        } else {
            $pagenum = $iteration;
    // Make sure we do not end in infite loop here.
    if ($pagenum < $iteration) {
        $pagenum = $iteration;
    // shumisha added to handle table-category and table-section which may have variable number of items per page
    // There still will be a problem with filter, which may reduce the total number of items. Thus the item we are looking for
    if ($sefConfig->alwaysAppendItemsPerPage || strpos($url, 'option=com_virtuemart') && $sefConfig->shVmUsingItemsPerPage) {
        $shMultPageLength = $sefConfig->pagerep . (empty($limit) ? $listLimit : $limit);
    } else {
        $shMultPageLength = '';
    // shumisha : modified to add # of items per page to URL, for table-category or section-category
    if (!empty($sefConfig->pageTexts[$pageInfo->currentLanguageTag]) && false !== strpos($sefConfig->pageTexts[$pageInfo->currentLanguageTag], '%s')) {
        $page = str_replace('%s', $pagenum, $sefConfig->pageTexts[$pageInfo->currentLanguageTag]) . $shMultPageLength;
    } else {
        $page = $sefConfig->pagerep . $pagenum . $shMultPageLength;
    // V 1.2.4.t special processing to replace page number by headings
    $shPageNumberWasReplaced = false;
    if (strpos($url, 'option=com_content') !== false && strpos($url, 'view=article') !== false && !empty($limitstart)) {
        // this is multipage article - limitstart instead of limit in J1.5
        if ($sefConfig->shMultipagesTitle) {
            parse_str($url, $shParams);
            if (!empty($shParams['id'])) {
                $shPageTitle = '';
                try {
                    $contentElement = ShlDbHelper::selectObject('#__content', array('id', 'fulltext', 'introtext'), array('id' => $shParams['id']));
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    JError::raise(E_ERROR, 500, $e->getMessage());
                $contentText = $contentElement->introtext . $contentElement->fulltext;
                if (!empty($contentElement) && strpos($contentText, 'class="system-pagebreak') !== false) {
                    // search for mospagebreak tags
                    // copied over from pagebreak plugin
                    // expression to search for
                    $regex = '#<hr([^>]*)class=(\\"|\')system-pagebreak(\\"|\')([^>]*)\\/>#iU';
                    // find all instances of mambot and put in $matches
                    $shMatches = array();
                    preg_match_all($regex, $contentText, $shMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
                    // adds heading or title to <site> Title
                    if (empty($limitstart)) {
                        // if first page use heading of first mospagebreak
                        /* if ( $shMatches[0][2] ) {
                            parse_str( html_entity_decode( $shMatches[0][2] ), $args );
                           if ( @$args['heading'] ) {
                           $shPageTitle = stripslashes( $args['heading'] );
                    } else {
                        // for other pages use title of mospagebreak
                        if ($limitstart > 0 && $shMatches[$limitstart - 1][1]) {
                            $args = JUtility::parseAttributes($shMatches[$limitstart - 1][0]);
                            if (@$args['title']) {
                                $shPageTitle = $args['title'];
                            } else {
                                if (@$args['alt']) {
                                    $shPageTitle = $args['alt'];
                                } else {
                                    // there is a page break, but no title. Use a page number
                                    $shPageTitle = str_replace('%s', $limitstart + 1, $sefConfig->pageTexts[$pageInfo->currentLanguageTag]);
                if (!empty($shPageTitle)) {
                    // found a heading, we should use that as a Title
                    $location .= $shSeparator . titleToLocation($shPageTitle);
                $shPageNumberWasReplaced = true;
                // always set the flag, otherwise we'll a Page-1 added
        } else {
            // mutiple pages article, but we don't want to use smart title.
            // directly use limitstart
            $page = str_replace('%s', $limitstart + 1, $sefConfig->pageTexts[$pageInfo->currentLanguageTag]);
    // maybe this is a multipage with "showall=1"
    if (strpos($url, 'option=com_content') !== false && strpos($url, 'view=article') !== false && strpos($url, 'showall=1') !== false) {
        // this is multipage article with showall
        $tempTitle = JText::_('All Pages');
        $location .= $shSeparator . titleToLocation($tempTitle);
        $shPageNumberWasReplaced = true;
        // always set the flag, otherwise we'll a Page-1 added
    // make sure we remove bad characters
    $takethese = str_replace('|', '', $sefConfig->friendlytrim);
    $location = JString::trim($location, $takethese);
    // add page number
    if (!$shPageNumberWasReplaced && (!isset($limitstart) && (isset($limit) && $limit != 1 && $limit != $listLimit && $limit != $defaultListLimit) || !empty($limitstart))) {
        $location .= $shSeparator . $page;
    // add suffix
    if (!empty($shSuffix) && !empty($location) && $location != '/' && JString::substr($location, -1) != '/') {
        $location = $shSuffix == '/' ? $location . $shSuffix : str_replace($shSuffix, '', $location) . $shSuffix;
    // add default index file
    if ($sefConfig->addFile) {
        // V 1.2.4.t
        if (empty($shSuffix) || !empty($shSuffix) && JString::subStr($location, -$suffixLength) != $shSuffix) {
            $location .= (JString::substr($location, -1) == '/' ? '' : '/') . $sefConfig->addFile;
    return JString::ltrim($location, '/');
  * Returns the Joomla category for given id
  * @param int $catid
  * @return string
 function _getCategories($catid, $useAlias = false)
     $sefConfig =& SEFConfig::getConfig();
     $database = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
     $jfTranslate = $sefConfig->translateNames ? ', `id`' : '';
     $cat_table = "#__categories";
     $field = 'title';
     if ($useAlias) {
         $field = 'alias';
     // Let's find the Joomla category name for given category ID
     $title = '';
     if (isset($catid) && $catid != 0) {
         $catid = intval($catid);
         $query = "SELECT `{$field}` AS `title` {$jfTranslate} FROM `{$cat_table}` WHERE `id` = '{$catid}'";
         $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
         try {
             if ($database->getErrorNum()) {
                 $msg = JText::_('Database error');
                 if (JDEBUG) {
                     $msg .= ': ' . $database->stderr();
                 throw new Exception($msg);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             JError::raiseError('JoomSEF Error', $e->getMessage());
         if (@count($rows) > 0 && !empty($rows[0]->title)) {
             $title = $rows[0]->title;
     return $title;
 function revert($route, &$disabled)
     $db = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
     $sefConfig =& SEFConfig::getConfig();
     $cache =& SEFCache::getInstance();
     $vars = array();
     $route = html_entity_decode(urldecode($route));
     $route = str_replace(' ', $sefConfig->replacement, $route);
     $routeNoSlash = rtrim($route, '/');
     // try to use cache
     if ($sefConfig->useCache) {
         $row = $cache->getNonSefUrl($route);
     } else {
         $row = null;
     // cache worked
     if ($row) {
         $fromCache = true;
     } else {
         // URL isn't in cache or cache disabled
         $fromCache = false;
         if ($sefConfig->transitSlash) {
             $where = "(`sefurl` = " . $db->Quote($routeNoSlash) . ") OR (`sefurl` = " . $db->Quote($routeNoSlash . '/') . ")";
         } else {
             $where = "`sefurl` = " . $db->Quote($route);
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `#__sefurls` WHERE ({$where}) AND (`origurl` != '') AND (`trashed` = '0') ORDER BY `priority` LIMIT 1";
         $row = $db->loadObject();
     if ($row) {
         // Set the disabled flag (old cache records don't need to have enabled set)
         if (!isset($row->enabled)) {
             $row->enabled = 1;
         if ($row->enabled) {
             $disabled = false;
         } else {
             $disabled = true;
         // Use the already created URL
         $string = $row->origurl;
         if (isset($row->Itemid) && $row->Itemid != '') {
             $string .= (strpos($string, '?') ? '&' : '?') . 'Itemid=' . $row->Itemid;
         // update the hits count if needed
         if (!$fromCache || $sefConfig->cacheRecordHits) {
             $where = '';
             if (!empty($row->id)) {
                 $where = " WHERE `id` = '{$row->id}'";
             } else {
                 $where = " WHERE `sefurl` = " . $db->Quote($row->sefurl) . " AND `origurl` != '' AND `trashed` = '0'";
             $db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__sefurls` SET `cpt` = (`cpt` + 1)" . $where);
         $string = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $string);
         $QUERY_STRING = str_replace('index.php?', '', $string);
         parse_str($QUERY_STRING, $vars);
         // Moved to JoomSEF::_parseSefUrl()
         if ($sefConfig->setQueryString) {
         // prepare the meta tags array for MetaBot
         // only if URL is not disabled
         if (!$disabled) {
             $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
             if (!empty($row->metatitle)) {
                 JoomSEF::set('sef.meta.title', $row->metatitle);
             if (!empty($row->metadesc)) {
                 JoomSEF::set('sef.meta.desc', $row->metadesc);
             if (!empty($row->metakey)) {
                 JoomSEF::set('sef.meta.key', $row->metakey);
             if (!empty($row->metalang)) {
                 JoomSEF::set('sef.meta.lang', $row->metalang);
             if (!empty($row->metarobots)) {
                 JoomSEF::set('sef.meta.robots', $row->metarobots);
             if (!empty($row->metagoogle)) {
                 JoomSEF::set('sef.meta.google', $row->metagoogle);
             if (!empty($row->canonicallink)) {
                 JoomSEF::set('sef.link.canonical', $row->canonicallink);
             if (!empty($row->metacustom)) {
                 $metacustom = @unserialize($row->metacustom);
                 if (!empty($metacustom)) {
                     JoomSEF::set('sef.meta.custom', $metacustom);
         // If cache is enabled but URL isn't in cache yet, add it
         if ($sefConfig->useCache && !$fromCache) {
             $cache->addUrl($row->origurl, $row->sefurl, $row->cpt + 1, $row->Itemid, $row->metatitle, $row->metadesc, $row->metakey, $row->metalang, $row->metarobots, $row->metagoogle, $row->canonicallink, $row->metacustom, $row->enabled, $row->sef);
     } elseif ($sefConfig->useMoved) {
         // URL not found, let's try the Moved Permanently table
         $where = '';
         if ($sefConfig->transitSlash) {
             $where = '(`old` = ' . $db->Quote($routeNoSlash) . ') OR (`old` = ' . $db->Quote($routeNoSlash . '/') . ')';
         } else {
             $where = '`old` = ' . $db->Quote($route);
         $db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM `#__sefmoved` WHERE {$where}");
         $row = $db->loadObject();
         if ($row) {
             // URL found, let's update the lastHit in table and redirect
             $db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__sefmoved` SET `lastHit` = NOW() WHERE `id` = '{$row->id}'");
             $root = JURI::root();
             $f = $l = '';
             if (!headers_sent($f, $l)) {
                 // Let's build absolute URL from our link
                 if (strstr($row->new, $root) === false) {
                     $url = $root;
                     if (substr($url, -1) != '/') {
                         $url .= '/';
                     if (substr($row->new, 0, 1) == '/') {
                         $row->new = substr($row->new, 1);
                     $url .= $row->new;
                 } else {
                     $url = $row->new;
                 // Use the link to redirect
                 header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
                 header('Location: ' . $url);
                 header('Connection: close');
             } else {
                 JoomSEF::_headers_sent_error($f, $l, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     return $vars;
 public function loadHomepages()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     if ($app->isAdmin()) {
     // store default links in each language
     $languages = JLanguageHelper::getLanguages();
     $this->isMultilingual = shIsMultilingual();
     $defaultLanguage = shGetDefaultLang();
     if ($this->isMultilingual === false || $this->isMultilingual == 'joomla') {
         $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();
         foreach ($languages as $language) {
             $menuItem = $menu->getDefault($language->lang_code);
             if (!empty($menuItem)) {
                 $this->homeLinks[$language->lang_code] = $this->_prepareLink($menuItem);
                 if ($language->lang_code == $defaultLanguage) {
                     $this->homeLink = $this->homeLinks[$language->lang_code];
                     $this->homeItemid = $menuItem->id;
         // find about the "All" languages home link
         $menuItem = $menu->getDefault('*');
         if (!empty($menuItem)) {
             $this->allLangHomeLink = $this->_prepareLink($menuItem);
     } else {
         // trouble starts
         $db = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
         $query = $db->getQuery(true);
         $query->where('home <> 0');
         try {
             $items = $db->shlloadObjectList('language');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             ShlSystem_Log::error('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->getMessage());
         if (!empty($items)) {
             if (count($items) == 1) {
                 $tmp = array_values($items);
                 $defaultItem = $tmp[0];
             if (empty($defaultItem)) {
                 $defaultItem = empty($items[$defaultLanguage]) ? null : $items[$defaultLanguage];
             if (empty($defaultItem)) {
                 $defaultItem = empty($items['*']) ? null : $items['*'];
             foreach ($languages as $language) {
                 if (!empty($items[$language->lang_code])) {
                     $this->homeLinks[$language->lang_code] = $this->_prepareLink($items[$language->lang_code]);
                 } else {
                     // no menu item for home link
                     // let's try to  build one
                     $this->homeLinks[$language->lang_code] = $this->_prepareLink($defaultItem, shGetIsoCodeFromName($language->lang_code));
                 if ($language->lang_code == $defaultLanguage) {
                     $this->homeLink = $this->homeLinks[$language->lang_code];
                     $this->homeItemid = $defaultItem->id;
                     $this->allLangHomeLink = shCleanUpLang($this->homeLinks[$language->lang_code]);
     ShlSystem_Log::debug('sh404sef', 'HomeLinks = %s', print_r($this->homeLinks, true));
 function getLanguages()
     static $languages;
     if (!isset($languages)) {
         $db = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
         $tables = $db->getTableList();
         $prefix = $db->getPrefix();
         $langs = $prefix . "languages";
         if (in_array($langs, $tables)) {
             // Get installed languages and add them to list
             $langs = AceDatabase::loadObjectList("SELECT `id`, `shortcode`, `name` FROM `#__languages` WHERE `active` = '1' ORDER BY `ordering`");
             if (@count(@$langs)) {
                 foreach ($langs as $lang) {
                     $l = new stdClass();
                     $l->code = $lang->shortcode;
                     $l->name = $lang->name;
                     // Load languages
                     $languages[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $l->code, $l->name);
     return $languages;
  * Save a list of meta data as entered by user in backend to the database
  * @param string $metaData an array of meta key/meta value from user. Also include nonsef url
  * @return boolean true on success
 public function save($dataArray = null)
     $this->_db = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
     $row = JTable::getInstance($this->_defaultTable, 'Sh404sefTable');
     // only save if there is actually some metas data
     // at least on new records
     $metas = '';
     foreach ($dataArray as $key => $value) {
         if ($key != 'meta_id' && (substr($key, 0, 4) == 'meta' || substr($key, 0, 3) == 'fb_' || substr($key, 0, 3) == 'og_' || $key == 'canonical')) {
             $metas .= $value;
     // if there is no meta data entered, and this is an existing record, delete it, or at least do not save
         if (!empty($dataArray['meta_id'])) {
             // there is an existing record, meta data was cleared by user, we can delete the record altogether
             try {
                 ShlDbHelper::delete('#__sh404sef_metas', array('id' => $dataArray['meta_id']));
                 return true;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 return false;
         // in any case, don't save anything
         return true;
     if (empty($metas) && empty($dataArray['meta_id'])) {
         // avoid creating a new (and empty) record when savnig a record from the "metas" page
         // where we're editing several records at a time
         // This would pass the test just above, because we do not have any values for fb_*, og_*, etc
         // fields as we're only editing title and description
         return true;
     $status = true;
     // load pre-existing values
     if (!empty($dataArray['meta_id'])) {
         $status = $row->load($dataArray['meta_id']);
     // attach incoming data to table object
     $status = $status && $row->bind($dataArray);
     // add language code if missing, except on home page
     if ($status && $row->newurl != sh404SEF_HOMEPAGE_CODE && !preg_match('/(&|\\?)lang=[a-zA-Z]{2,3}/iuU', $row->newurl)) {
         // no lang string, let's add default
         $shTemp = explode('-', shGetDefaultLang());
         $shLangTemp = $shTemp[0] ? $shTemp[0] : 'en';
         $row->newurl .= '&lang=' . $shLangTemp;
     // sort url params, except on home page
     if ($status && $row->newurl != sh404SEF_HOMEPAGE_CODE) {
         $row->newurl = shSortUrl($row->newurl);
     // pre-save checks
     $status = $status && $row->check();
     // save the changes
     $status = $status && $row->store();
     // store error message
     if (!$status) {
         $error = $row->getError();
     // return true if no error
     $errors = $this->getError();
     return empty($errors);
  * Loads custom install adapters, allowing
  * installation of Acesef and Joomsef custom plugins
  * as regular Joomla plugins
 public static function loadInstallAdapters()
     // disabled due to J! 3.1 backward compatibility break
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $option = JRequest::getCmd('option');
     if ($app->isAdmin() && $option == 'com_installer') {
         // Get the installer instance
         $installer = JInstaller::getInstance();
         $db = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
         // create a Joomsef adapter
         $joomsefAdapter = new Sh404sefAdapterJoomsefinstaller($installer, $db);
         $installer->setAdapter('sef_ext', $joomsefAdapter);
         // create an Acesef adapter
         $acesefAdapter = new Sh404sefAdapterAcesefinstaller($installer, $db);
         $installer->setAdapter('acesef_ext', $acesefAdapter);
 private function _shDeletetable($tableName)
     $db = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
     $query = 'drop table ' . $db->quoteName('#__' . $tableName);
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage() . '<br />';
             $dosef = false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $dosef = false;
         ShlSystem_Log::error('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->getMessage());
     // View Agent Email
 // View Agent Email
 case 'viewagentemail':
     $agent_id = id;
     $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_HP_SEF_EMAIL'];
     if (is_numeric($agent_id)) {
         try {
             $db = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
             $db->setQuery("SELECT a.id, a.name AS agent_name, c.id, c.name AS company_name FROM #__hp_agents AS a" . "\nLEFT JOIN #__hp_companies AS c ON a.company = c.id" . "\nWHERE a.id = " . $db->Quote($agent_id) . "\nLIMIT 1");
             $row = $db->shlLoadObject();
             $title[] = $row->company_name;
             $title[] = $row->agent_name;
             $title[] = '/';
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $dosef = false;
             ShlSystem_Log::error('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         $dosef = false;
     // Standard Search
  * Get installed front end language list
  * @access  private
  * @return  array
 public static function getInstalledLanguagesList($site = true)
     static $languages = null;
     if (is_null($languages)) {
         $db = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
         // is there a languages table ?
         $languages = array();
         $languagesTableName = $db->getPrefix() . 'languages';
         $tablesList = $db->getTableList();
         if (is_array($tablesList) && in_array($languagesTableName, $tablesList)) {
             try {
                 $query = 'SELECT * FROM #__languages';
                 $languages = $db->shlLoadObjectList();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 JError::raiseWarning('SOME_ERROR_CODE', "Error loading languages lists: " . $e->getMessage());
                 ShlSystem_Log::error('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->getMessage());
                 return false;
             // match fields name to what we need, those were changed in version 2.2 of JF
             foreach ($languages as $key => $language) {
                 if (empty($language->id)) {
                     $languages[$key]->id = $language->lang_id;
                 if (empty($language->name)) {
                     $languages[$key]->name = $language->title;
                 if (empty($language->code)) {
                     $languages[$key]->code = $language->lang_code;
                 if (empty($language->shortcode)) {
                     $languages[$key]->shortcode = $language->sef;
                 if (empty($language->active) && empty($language->published)) {
                     // drop this language, it is not published
     return $languages;
 private function _prepareControlPanelData()
     $sefConfig = Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
     $this->assign('sefConfig', $sefConfig);
     // update information
     $versionsInfo = Sh404sefHelperUpdates::getUpdatesInfos();
     $this->assign('updates', $versionsInfo);
     // url databases stats
     $database = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
     try {
         $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM #__sh404sef_urls WHERE ';
         $database->setQuery($sql . "`dateadd` > '0000-00-00' and `newurl` = '' ");
         // 404
         $count404 = $database->shlLoadResult();
         $database->setQuery($sql . "`dateadd` > '0000-00-00' and `newurl` != '' ");
         // custom
         $customCount = $database->shlLoadResult();
         $database->setQuery($sql . "`dateadd` = '0000-00-00'");
         // regular
         $sefCount = $database->shlLoadResult();
         // calculate security stats
         $default = empty($sefConfig->shSecLastUpdated) ? '- -' : '0';
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         ShlSystem_Log::error('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->getMessage());
         $sefCount = 0;
         $count404 = 0;
         $customCount = 0;
     $this->assign('sefCount', $sefCount);
     $this->assign('Count404', $count404);
     $this->assign('customCount', $customCount);
 function shDoTitleTags(&$buffer)
     // Replace TITLE and DESCRIPTION and KEYWORDS
     if (empty($buffer)) {
     global $shCustomTitleTag, $shCustomDescriptionTag, $shCustomKeywordsTag, $shCustomRobotsTag, $shCustomLangTag, $shCanonicalTag;
     $database = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
     $shPageInfo =& Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo();
     $sefConfig =& Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $headData = $document->getHeadData();
     // V 1.2.4.t protect against error if using shCustomtags without sh404SEF activated
     // this should not happen, so we simply do nothing
     if (!isset($sefConfig) || empty($shPageInfo->currentNonSefUrl)) {
     // check if there is a manually created set of tags from tags file
     // need to get them from DB
     if ($sefConfig->shMetaManagementActivated) {
         // is this homepage ? set flag for future use
         // V 1.2.4.t make sure we have lang info and properly sorted params
         if (!preg_match('/(&|\\?)lang=[a-zA-Z]{2,3}/iuU', $shPageInfo->currentNonSefUrl)) {
             // no lang string, let's add default
             $shTemp = explode('-', $shPageInfo->currentLanguageTag);
             $shLangTemp = $shTemp[0] ? $shTemp[0] : 'en';
             $shPageInfo->currentNonSefUrl .= '&lang=' . $shLangTemp;
         $nonSef = shGetCurrentNonSef();
         $isHome = $nonSef == shSortUrl(shCleanUpAnchor(Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo()->homeLink));
         $shCustomTags = shGetCustomMetaData($isHome ? sh404SEF_HOMEPAGE_CODE : $nonSef);
         // J! 2.5 finder canonical handling/hack
         $highlight = shGetURLVar($nonSef, 'highlight', null);
         if (!empty($highlight) && empty($shCanonicalTag)) {
             $searchCanoNonSef = str_replace('?highlight=' . $highlight, '', $nonSef);
             $searchCanoNonSef = str_replace('&highlight=' . $highlight, '', $searchCanoNonSef);
             $shCanonicalTag = JRoute::_($searchCanoNonSef);
         $tagsToInsert = '';
         // group new tags insertion, better perf
         if (!empty($shCustomTags)) {
             $shCustomTitleTag = !empty($shCustomTags->metatitle) ? $shCustomTags->metatitle : $shCustomTitleTag;
             $shCustomDescriptionTag = !empty($shCustomTags->metadesc) ? $shCustomTags->metadesc : $shCustomDescriptionTag;
             $shCustomKeywordsTag = !empty($shCustomTags->metakey) ? $shCustomTags->metakey : $shCustomKeywordsTag;
             $shCustomRobotsTag = !empty($shCustomTags->metarobots) ? $shCustomTags->metarobots : $shCustomRobotsTag;
             $shCustomLangTag = !empty($shCustomTags->metalang) ? $shCustomTags->metalang : $shCustomLangTag;
             $shCanonicalTag = !empty($shCustomTags->canonical) ? $shCustomTags->canonical : $shCanonicalTag;
         // then insert them in page
         if (empty($shCustomTitleTag)) {
             $shCustomTitleTag = $document->getTitle();
         if (!empty($shCustomTitleTag)) {
             $prepend = $isHome ? '' : $sefConfig->prependToPageTitle;
             $append = $isHome ? '' : $sefConfig->appendToPageTitle;
             $shPageInfo->pageTitle = htmlspecialchars(shCleanUpTitle($prepend . $shCustomTitleTag . $append), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
             $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('/\\<\\s*title\\s*\\>.*\\<\\s*\\/title\\s*\\>/isuU', '<title>' . $shPageInfo->pageTitle . '</title>', $buffer);
             $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('/\\<\\s*meta\\s+name\\s*=\\s*"title.*\\/\\>/isuU', '', $buffer);
             // remove any title meta
         if (!is_null($shCustomDescriptionTag)) {
             $t = htmlspecialchars(shCleanUpDesc($shCustomDescriptionTag), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
             $shPageInfo->pageDescription = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('#\\$([0-9]*)#u', '\\\\$${1}', $t);
             if (strpos($buffer, '<meta name="description" content=') !== false) {
                 $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('/\\<\\s*meta\\s+name\\s*=\\s*"description.*\\/\\>/isUu', '<meta name="description" content="' . $shPageInfo->pageDescription . '" />', $buffer);
             } else {
                 $tagsToInsert .= "\n" . '<meta name="description" content="' . $shPageInfo->pageDescription . '" />';
         } else {
             // read Joomla! description if none set by us
             if (empty($shPageInfo->pageDescription)) {
                 $shPageInfo->pageDescription = empty($headData['description']) ? '' : htmlspecialchars(shCleanUpDesc($headData['description']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
         if (!is_null($shCustomKeywordsTag)) {
             $t = htmlspecialchars(shCleanUpDesc($shCustomKeywordsTag), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
             $shPageInfo->pageKeywords = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('#\\$([0-9]*)#u', '\\\\$${1}', $t);
             if (strpos($buffer, '<meta name="keywords" content=') !== false) {
                 $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('/\\<\\s*meta\\s+name\\s*=\\s*"keywords.*\\/\\>/isUu', '<meta name="keywords" content="' . $shPageInfo->pageKeywords . '" />', $buffer);
             } else {
                 $tagsToInsert .= "\n" . '<meta name="keywords" content="' . $shPageInfo->pageKeywords . '" />';
         } else {
             // read Joomla! description if none set by us
             if (empty($shPageInfo->pageKeywords)) {
                 $shPageInfo->pageKeywords = empty($headData['metaTags']['standard']['keywords']) ? '' : htmlspecialchars(shCleanUpDesc($headData['metaTags']['standard']['keywords']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
         if (!is_null($shCustomRobotsTag)) {
             $shPageInfo->pageRobotsTag = $shCustomRobotsTag;
             if (strpos($buffer, '<meta name="robots" content="') !== false) {
                 $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('/\\<\\s*meta\\s+name\\s*=\\s*"robots.*\\/\\>/isUu', '<meta name="robots" content="' . $shCustomRobotsTag . '" />', $buffer);
             } else {
                 if (!empty($shCustomRobotsTag)) {
                     $tagsToInsert .= "\n" . '<meta name="robots" content="' . $shCustomRobotsTag . '" />';
         } else {
             // read Joomla! description if none set by us
             if (empty($shPageInfo->pageRobotsTag)) {
                 $shPageInfo->pageRobotsTag = empty($headData['metaTags']['standard']['robots']) ? '' : htmlspecialchars(shCleanUpDesc($headData['metaTags']['standard']['robots']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
         if (!is_null($shCustomLangTag)) {
             $shLang = $shCustomLangTag;
             $shPageInfo->pageLangTag = $shCustomLangTag;
             if (strpos($buffer, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Language"') !== false) {
                 $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('/\\<\\s*meta\\s+http-equiv\\s*=\\s*"Content-Language".*\\/\\>/isUu', '<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="' . $shCustomLangTag . '" />', $buffer);
             } else {
                 $tagsToInsert .= "\n" . '<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="' . $shCustomLangTag . '" />';
         // custom handling of canonical
         $canonicalPattern = '/\\<\\s*link[^>]+rel\\s*=\\s*"canonical[^>]+\\/\\>/isUu';
         $matches = array();
         $canonicalCount = preg_match_all($canonicalPattern, $buffer, $matches);
         // more than one canonical already: kill them all
         if ($canonicalCount > 1 && Sh404sefFactory::getConfig()->removeOtherCanonicals) {
             $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr($canonicalPattern, '', $buffer);
             $canonicalCount = 0;
         // more than one and J3: must be the one inserted by J3 SEF plugin
         if ($canonicalCount > 0 && Sh404sefFactory::getConfig()->removeOtherCanonicals && version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
             // kill it, if asked to
             $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr($canonicalPattern, '', $buffer);
             $canonicalCount = 0;
         // if there' a custom canonical for that page, insert it, or replace any existing ones
         if (!empty($shCanonicalTag) && $canonicalCount == 0) {
             // insert a new canonical
             $tagsToInsert .= "\n" . '<link href="' . htmlspecialchars($shCanonicalTag, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" rel="canonical" />' . "\n";
         } else {
             if (!empty($shCanonicalTag)) {
                 // replace existing canonical
                 $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr($canonicalPattern, '<link href="' . htmlspecialchars($shCanonicalTag, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" rel="canonical" />', $buffer);
         // insert all tags in one go
         if (!empty($tagsToInsert)) {
             $buffer = shInsertCustomTagInBuffer($buffer, '<head>', 'after', $tagsToInsert, 'first');
         // remove Generator tag
         if ($sefConfig->shRemoveGeneratorTag) {
             $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('/<meta\\s*name="generator"\\s*content=".*\\/>/isUu', '', $buffer);
         // put <h1> tags around content elements titles
         if ($sefConfig->shPutH1Tags) {
             if (strpos($buffer, 'class="componentheading') !== false) {
                 $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('/<div class="componentheading([^>]*)>\\s*(.*)\\s*<\\/div>/isUu', '<div class="componentheading$1><h1>$2</h1></div>', $buffer);
                 $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('/<td class="contentheading([^>]*)>\\s*(.*)\\s*<\\/td>/isUu', '<td class="contentheading$1><h2>$2</h2></td>', $buffer);
             } else {
                 // replace contentheading by h1
                 $buffer = ShlSystem_Strings::pr('/<td class="contentheading([^>]*)>\\s*(.*)\\s*<\\/td>/isUu', '<td class="contentheading$1><h1>$2</h1></td>', $buffer);
         // version x : if multiple h1 headings, replace them by h2
         if ($sefConfig->shMultipleH1ToH2 && substr_count(JString::strtolower($buffer), '<h1>') > 1) {
             $buffer = str_replace('<h1>', '<h2>', $buffer);
             $buffer = str_replace('<H1>', '<h2>', $buffer);
             $buffer = str_replace('</h1>', '</h2>', $buffer);
             $buffer = str_replace('</H1>', '</h2>', $buffer);
         // V 1.3.1 : replace outbounds links by internal redirects
         if (sh404SEF_REDIRECT_OUTBOUND_LINKS) {
             $tmp = preg_replace_callback('/<\\s*a\\s*href\\s*=\\s*"(.*)"/isUu', 'shDoRedirectOutboundLinksCallback', $buffer);
             if (empty($tmp)) {
                 ShlSystem_Log::error('shlib', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'RegExp failed: invalid character on page ' . Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo()->currentSefUrl);
             } else {
                 $buffer = $tmp;
         // V 1.3.1 : add symbol to outbounds links
         if ($sefConfig->shInsertOutboundLinksImage) {
             $tmp = preg_replace_callback("/<\\s*a\\s*href\\s*=\\s*(\"|').*(\"|')\\s*>.*<\\/a>/isUu", 'shDoInsertOutboundLinksImageCallback', $buffer);
             if (empty($tmp)) {
                 ShlSystem_Log::error('shlib', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'RegExp failed: invalid character on page ' . Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo()->currentSefUrl);
             } else {
                 $buffer = $tmp;
         // fix homepage link when using Joomfish in non default languages, error in joomla mainmenu helper
         if (sh404SEF_PROTECT_AGAINST_BAD_NON_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_MENU_HOMELINK && !shIsDefaultLang( $shPageInfo->currentLanguageTag)) {
         			$badHomeLink = preg_quote(JURI::base());
         			$targetLang = explode( '-', $shPageInfo->currentLanguageTag);
         			$goodHomeLink = rtrim(JURI::base(), '/') . $sefConfig->shRewriteStrings[$sefConfig->shRewriteMode] . $targetLang[0] . '/';
         			$buffer = preg_replace( '#<div class="module_menu(.*)href="' . $badHomeLink . '"#isU',
            '<div class="module_menu$1href="' . $goodHomeLink . '"', $buffer);
         			$buffer = preg_replace( '#<div class="moduletable_menu(.*)href="' . $badHomeLink . '"#isU',
            '<div class="moduletable_menu$1href="' . $goodHomeLink . '"', $buffer);
         // all done
         return $buffer;
    function saveConfig($return_data = 0)
        $database = ShlDbHelper::getDb();
        $sef_config_file = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/' . 'components' . '/' . 'com_sef' . '/' . 'configuration.php';
        $config_data = '';
        //build the data file
        $config_data .= "&lt;?php\n";
        $config_data .= '/**
 * SEF component for Joomla! 1.5
 * @author      ARTIO s.r.o.
 * @copyright   ARTIO s.r.o., http://www.artio.cz
 * @package     JoomSEF
 * @version     3.1.0
 * @license     GNU/GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

        foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
            if ($key != '0') {
                $config_data .= "\${$key} = ";
                switch (gettype($value)) {
                    case 'boolean':
                        $config_data .= $value ? 'true' : 'false';
                    case 'string':
                        // The only character that needs to be escaped is double quote (")
                        $config_data .= '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', stripslashes($value)) . '"';
                    case 'integer':
                    case 'double':
                        $config_data .= strval($value);
                    case 'array':
                        $datastring = '';
                        foreach ($value as $key2 => $data) {
                            $datastring .= '\'' . $key2 . '\' => "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', stripslashes($data)) . '",';
                        $datastring = substr($datastring, 0, -1);
                        $config_data .= "array({$datastring})";
                        $config_data .= 'null';
            $config_data .= ";\n";
        $config_data .= '?>';
        if ($return_data == 1) {
            return $config_data;
        } else {
            // write to disk
            $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
            $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl);
            $config_data = strtr($config_data, $trans_tbl);
            $ret = JFile::write($sef_config_file, $config_data);
            return $ret;