  * Run the widget. Renders the shipping estimator lines on the page.
 public function run()
     // Required assets.
     $assets = Yii::app()->getAssetManager()->publish(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'assets', false, -1, true);
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile($assets . '/js/WsShippingEstimator.js');
     $pathToZippo = Yii::getPathOfAlias('ext') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wsadvcheckout' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'assets';
     $assets = Yii::app()->getAssetManager()->publish($pathToZippo, false, -1, true);
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile($assets . '/zippo.js');
     $checkoutForm = MultiCheckoutForm::loadFromSessionOrNew();
     // We may wish to update the shipping options right away if we know the
     // cart has changed.
     $updateOnLoad = false;
     if ($this->updateShippingOptions) {
         // This check for shippingCountry being null is a workaround to fix
         // WS-3180. When shippingCountry is null, we need to update the
         // shipping estimates *now* because they will not be updated by the
         // JavaScript (since the JavaScript in WsShippingEstimator requires
         // country to be set). The reason we need to do this is because
         // shippingCountry may be null when in-store pickup has been
         // chosen.
         // TODO: Fix this in WsShippingEstimator and remove this workaround.
         if (empty($checkoutForm->shippingCountry) || empty($checkoutForm->shippingPostal)) {
         } else {
             $updateOnLoad = true;
     // Use the shipping scenarios and shipping address in the session.
     $arrCartScenario = Shipping::loadCartScenariosFromSession();
     $wsShippingEstimatorOptions = self::getShippingEstimatorOptions($arrCartScenario, $checkoutForm->shippingProvider, $checkoutForm->shippingPriority, $checkoutForm->shippingCity, $checkoutForm->shippingStateCode, $checkoutForm->shippingCountryCode, $updateOnLoad);
     $selectedCartScenario = Shipping::getSelectedCartScenarioFromSession();
     if ($selectedCartScenario !== null) {
         $formattedShippingPrice = $selectedCartScenario['formattedShippingPrice'];
         $formattedCartTax = $selectedCartScenario['formattedCartTax'];
     } else {
         $formattedShippingPrice = null;
         $formattedCartTax = null;
     $this->render('_shippingestimator', array('countries' => CHtml::listData(Country::getShippingCountries(), 'code', 'country'), 'formattedShippingPrice' => $formattedShippingPrice, 'formattedCartTax' => $formattedCartTax, 'shippingCountryCode' => $wsShippingEstimatorOptions['shippingCountryCode'], 'shippingCountryName' => $wsShippingEstimatorOptions['shippingCountryName'], 'shippingPostal' => $checkoutForm->shippingPostal, 'wsShippingEstimatorOptions' => CJSON::encode($wsShippingEstimatorOptions), 'cssClass' => self::CSS_CLASS));
  * Update the cart shipping (xlsws_cart_shipping) based on selected
  * shipping scenario from the session. Before calling this make sure that
  * the shipping scenarios in the session are up to date and the
  * checkoutForm in the session uses the desired providerId and
  * priorityLabel.
  * If no cart shipping already exists, one will be created.
  * If an error occurs it will be added to $this->errors in the Yii's model error format.
  * @See CModel::getErrors().
  * @return bool true if the shipping was updated, false otherwise.
 public function updateShipping()
     $selectedCartScenario = Shipping::getSelectedCartScenarioFromSession();
     if ($selectedCartScenario === null) {
         Yii::log('Cannot update shipping, no scenario selected', 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
         return false;
     Yii::log("Shipping Product " . $selectedCartScenario['shippingProduct'], 'info', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
     // Populate the shipping object with default data.
     $this->shipping_method = $selectedCartScenario['shippingProduct'];
     $this->shipping_module = $selectedCartScenario['module'];
     $this->shipping_data = $selectedCartScenario['shippingLabel'];
     $this->shipping_cost = $selectedCartScenario['shippingPrice'];
     $this->shipping_sell = $selectedCartScenario['shippingPrice'];
     $this->shipping_sell_taxed = $selectedCartScenario['shippingPriceWithTax'];
     $this->shipping_taxable = Yii::app()->params['SHIPPING_TAXABLE'] == '1' ? 1 : 0;
     if ($this->save() === false) {
         Yii::log("Error saving Cart Shipping:\n" . print_r($this->getErrors()), 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . '.' . __FUNCTION__ . '.' . __LINE__);
         return false;
     Yii::app()->shoppingcart->shipping_id = $this->id;
     return true;
  * Return the options required by ConfirmationShippingEstimator.js
  * which is registered anytime the confirmation page is rendered
  * @return array
 private function _getShippingEstimatorOptions()
     $selectedCartScenario = Shipping::getSelectedCartScenarioFromSession();
     $wsShippingEstimatorOptions = WsShippingEstimator::getShippingEstimatorOptions(array($selectedCartScenario), $this->checkoutForm->shippingProvider, $this->checkoutForm->shippingPriority, $this->checkoutForm->shippingCity, $this->checkoutForm->shippingStateCode, $this->checkoutForm->shippingCountryCode);
     $wsShippingEstimatorOptions['redirectToShippingOptionsUrl'] = Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl('shippingoptions');
     return $wsShippingEstimatorOptions;