 function share($post)
     if (self::debug()) {
         self::log(sprintf("share(%s)", is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : $post));
     if (!is_object($post)) {
         $post = get_post($post);
     if (!in_array($post->post_type, self::supported_post_types())) {
         return false;
     $posted = $error = false;
     if ($meta = $this->can_post_on_facebook($post)) {
         // determine if this should be delayed
         if ($meta['delay_length']) {
             self::log("Sharing of this post has been delayed {$meta['delay_length']} {$meta['delay_unit']}({$post->ID})");
             $time = strtotime("+{$meta['delay_length']} {$meta['delay_unit']}", current_time('timestamp'));
             update_post_meta($post->ID, self::META_SCHEDULED, $time);
             $meta['delay_length'] = 0;
             update_post_meta($post->ID, self::META, $meta);
             return false;
         if (!empty($meta['append_link'])) {
             if ($meta['message']) {
                 $meta['message'] .= ' - ';
             $meta['message'] .= $this->get_permalink($post->ID);
         try {
             // flush the fb cache
             if (apply_filters('sp_auto_flush_fb', true)) {
                 $poke = self::api('/', 'POST', array('id' => $meta['link'], 'scrape' => 'true'));
             // no targets? error.
             if (!$meta['targets'] && !self::is_business()) {
                 throw new Exception("No publishing Targets selected.");
             // first, should we post to the wall?
             if (self::is_business() || in_array('wall', $meta['targets'])) {
                 $result = self::api(self::me('id') . '/links', 'POST', array('name' => $meta['name'], 'message' => $meta['message'], 'description' => $meta['description'], 'picture' => $meta['picture'], 'link' => $this->get_permalink($post->ID)));
                 self::log(sprintf("posted to the wall: %s", serialize($result)));
                 // store the ID and published date for queuing
                 $result['published'] = time();
                 $result['message'] = $meta['message'];
                 add_post_meta($post->ID, Sharepress::META_RESULT, $result);
             // next, fire the sharepress_post action
             // the pro version picks this up
             do_action('sharepress_post', $meta, $post);
             $this->success($post, $meta);
             delete_post_meta($post->ID, self::META_SCHEDULED);
             $posted = true;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             self::err(sprintf("Exception thrown while in share: %s", print_r($e->getResult(), true)));
             $this->error($post, $meta, $e);
             $error = true;
     if ($twitter_meta = $this->can_post_on_twitter($post)) {
         $client = new SharePress_TwitterClient(get_option(self::OPTION_SETTINGS));
         $tweet = sprintf('%s %s', $post->post_title, $this->get_bitly_link($post));
         if ($hash_tag = trim($twitter_meta['hash_tag'])) {
             $tweet .= ' ' . $hash_tag;
         $result = $client->post($tweet);
         SharePress::log(sprintf("Tweet Result for Post #{$post->ID}: %s", json_encode($result)));
         add_post_meta($post->ID, Sharepress::META_TWITTER_RESULT, $result);
         $posted = true;
     if ($posted && !$error) {
         // success:
         update_post_meta($post->ID, self::META_POSTED, gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
 public function getUserAccessToken($read_only = false)
     // first, consider using the stored access token,
     // so long as the session storage is not $_SESSION
     if (!$this->use_session && ($access_token = $this->getPersistentData('access_token'))) {
         if (class_exists('Sharepress')) {
             SharePress::log("Using stored access token: {$access_token}");
         return $access_token;
     } else {
         if (class_exists('Sharepress')) {
             if ($this->use_session) {
                 SharePress::log(sprintf('Facebook SDK is in session mode - not using stored access token. %s %s', json_encode($_SESSION), json_encode($_REQUEST)), 'WARN');
             } else {
                 // SharePress::log('No access token on file.', 'WARN');
     if ($read_only) {
     // first, consider a signed request if it's supplied.
     // if there is a signed request, then it alone determines
     // the access token.
     $signed_request = $this->getSignedRequest();
     if ($signed_request) {
         // apps.facebook.com hands the access_token in the signed_request
         if (array_key_exists('oauth_token', $signed_request)) {
             $access_token = $signed_request['oauth_token'];
             $this->setPersistentData('access_token', $access_token);
             return $access_token;
         // the JS SDK puts a code in with the redirect_uri of ''
         if (array_key_exists('code', $signed_request)) {
             $code = $signed_request['code'];
             $access_token = $this->getAccessTokenFromCode($code, '');
             if ($access_token) {
                 $this->setPersistentData('code', $code);
                 $this->setPersistentData('access_token', $access_token);
                 return $access_token;
         // signed request states there's no access token, so anything
         // stored should be cleared.
         return false;
         // respect the signed request's data, even
         // if there's an authorization code or something else
     $code = $this->getCode();
     if ($code && $code != $this->getPersistentData('code')) {
         $access_token = $this->getAccessTokenFromCode($code);
         if ($access_token) {
             $this->setPersistentData('code', $code);
             $this->setPersistentData('access_token', $access_token);
             return $access_token;
         // code was bogus, so everything based on it should be invalidated.
         return false;
     // as a fallback, just return whatever is in the persistent
     // store, knowing nothing explicit (signed request, authorization
     // code, etc.) was present to shadow it (or we saw a code in $_REQUEST,
     // but it's the same as what's in the persistent store)
     return $this->getPersistentData('access_token');