public static function getInstance()
     $userid = SettingsModel::getApiKey();
     $secret = SettingsModel::getSecretKey();
     $station = SettingsModel::getStation();
     $spinpapiCacheFolder = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../spinpapi/tmp';
     $logerrors = true;
     $apiVersion = 2;
     if (!isset(self::$spinpapi)) {
         self::$spinpapi = new \SpinPapiClient($userid, $secret, $station, $logerrors, $apiVersion);
     return self::$spinpapi;

namespace WPSpin;

// get program schedule from Spinitron
$station = SettingsModel::getStation();
$data = file_get_contents('' . $station . '&show=schedule&ptype=s');
// remove some header information that we're not using
$data = preg_replace('/<p id="catselector">.*\\n.*\\n.*/', '', $data);
// Remove links
// Links look like:
// <a href="playlist.php?station=kwva&amp;ptype=s&amp;showid=380" title="Democracy Now! playlists">Democracy Now!</a>
// and
// <a href="playlist.php?station=kwva&amp;ptype=s&amp;djuid=38" title="Abulikah's playlists">
// TODO: Figure out how to make these links go to our custom posts for show/dj. Something like:
// $data = preg_replace('/playlist.php?.*showid=/', '?page_id=', $data);
// For now, remove spinitron links and replace with links to our archives
$site_root = get_option("siteurl");
$data = preg_replace('/playlist.php\\?[^>]*showid[^"]*/', "{$site_root}/wpspin_shows/", $data);
$data = preg_replace('/playlist.php\\?[^>]*djuid[^"]*/', "{$site_root}/wpspin_profiles/", $data);
// link stylesheet from view and render processed data
$stylesheet = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . '../views/showschedule.css';
print '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $stylesheet . '" />';
print $data;