 public function display()
     $template = new Template();
     $plugins = new PluginList();
     foreach ($plugins->plugins as $plugin) {
         $index = $template->add_loop_item("PLUGINS");
         if (isset($_GET['activate']) && $_GET['activate'] == $plugin->path) {
         } elseif (isset($_GET['deactivate']) && $_GET['deactivate'] == $plugin->path) {
         $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "NAME", htmlentities($plugin->name));
         $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "PATH", htmlentities($plugin->path));
         $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "DESCRIPTION", htmlentities($plugin->getDescription()));
         $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "VERSION", $plugin->version);
         $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "AUTHORLINK", $plugin->authorLink);
         $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "AUTHORNAME", htmlentities($plugin->authorName));
         $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "LICENSE", htmlentities($plugin->license));
         $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "LICENSEURL", htmlentities($plugin->licenseUrl));
         if ($plugin->isActivated()) {
             $myurl = UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias($this->page->alias, "deactivate=" . urlencode($plugin->path));
             $disable = Language::DirectTranslateHtml("DISABLE");
             $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "ACTIVATIONLINK", "<a href=\"" . $myurl . "\">" . $disable . "</a>");
         } else {
             $myurl = UrlRewriting::GetUrlByAlias($this->page->alias, "activate=" . urlencode($plugin->path));
             $enable = Language::DirectTranslateHtml("ENABLE");
             $template->assign_loop_var("PLUGINS", $index, "ACTIVATIONLINK", "<a href=\"" . $myurl . "\">" . $enable . "</a>");
     $template->assign_var("HOST", Settings::getValue("host"));
     $template->assign_var("APIKEY", Settings::getValue("apikey"));
 public function add_comment()
     if (!$this->post->commentsEnabled()) {
         return $this->redirect("/articles/" . $this->post->getUrl());
     // very basic honeypot stuff
     if ($this->request->getVar("details")) {
         $this->setErrors(array("details" => "Please do not fill in the details field"));
         return $this->render("view_post");
     $comment = Table::factory('Comments')->newObject();
     $name = $this->request->getVar("name") != "" ? $this->request->getVar("name") : "Anonymous";
     $data = array("post_id" => $this->post->getId(), "name" => $name, "email" => $this->request->getVar("email"), "content" => $this->request->getVar("content"), "approved" => false, "ip" => $this->request->getIp(), "notifications" => $this->request->getVar("notifications"));
     if ($comment->setValues($data)) {
         $address = Settings::getValue("contact.address");
         $subject = "New comment submission (paynedigital.com)";
         $from = $comment->name . " <" . $comment->email . ">";
         $email = Email::factory();
         $email->setBody($this->fetchTemplate("emails/comment", array("post" => $this->post, "comment" => $comment)));
         if (!$this->request->isAjax()) {
             return $this->redirect("/articles/" . $this->post->getUrl() . "/comment/thanks#comments");
     } else {
     return $this->render("view_post");
  * @param mixed $data
  * @param boolean $loadforbreadcrumb 
 function load($data, $loadforbreadcrumb = false)
     if ($data) {
         $this->id = $data->id;
         $this->title = $data->title;
         $this->ownerid = $data->owner;
         $this->menu = $data->menu;
         $this->alias = $data->alias;
         $this->editorContent = $data->content;
         $this->loadforbeadrcumb = $loadforbreadcrumb;
         $this->editorText = $data->editor;
         $this->canonical = $data->canonical;
         $this->advancedHtmlHeader = $data->advanced_html_header;
         $this->changeFrequence = $data->change_frequence;
         $this->priority = $data->priority;
         $this->inSitemap = $data->in_sitemap_ifnull == 1;
         if (!isset(User::Current()->role) || !User::Current()->role->canAccess($this)) {
             if (Settings::getValue("accessdenied") != $this->id) {
                 throw new AccessDeniedException("Access denied: " . $this->alias);
     } else {
         throw new FileNotFoundException("File Not Found: " . $this->alias);
 function run()
     $theme = Settings::getValue('theme');
     $module = ($result = explode('/', Request::get('module'))) && sizeof($result) > 1 ? $result[sizeof($result) - 1] : Request::get('module');
     $this->template = App::getAppName() . strtoupper(substr($module, 0, 1)) . substr($module, 1) . strtoupper(substr(Request::get('action'), 0, 1)) . substr(Request::get('action'), 1);
     $this->defaultVar = array('theme_name' => $theme, 'theme_url' => App::getAppUrl() . APP_TEMPLATES_DIR . DS . 'themes' . DS . $theme . DS, 'dir_include_frontend' => APP_DIR . DS . 'connection' . DS . APP_TEMPLATES_DIR . DS . 'frontend' . DS . 'include');
     $assign = is_array($result = $this->execute()) ? $result : array();
     if ($this->exit) {
     if ($this->notFound) {
     $seo = connectionSeoModel::create()->getByLocale($this->seoPage, Language::getActiveLanguageISO());
     if (empty($this->default['page_title'])) {
         $this->default['page_title'] = $seo['title'];
     if (empty($this->default['page_meta']['description'])) {
         $this->default['page_meta']['description'] = $seo['description'];
     if (empty($this->default['page_meta']['keywords'])) {
         $this->default['page_meta']['keywords'] = $seo['keywords'];
     if ($this->notFound) {
         $sourceAction = $this->fenom->fetch('themes/' . $theme . '/404.html', array_merge($assign, $this->defaultVar));
     } else {
         $sourceAction = $this->fenom->fetch(Request::get('module') . DS . $this->template . '.html', array_merge($assign, $this->defaultVar));
     if ($this->frame) {
         $this->fenom->display('themes/' . $theme . '/index.html', array_merge(array('action' => $sourceAction), $this->default, $this->defaultVar));
     } else {
         echo $sourceAction;
 public function index()
     if ($this->request->isGet()) {
         $this->assign("columns", Table::factory('Contacts')->getColumns());
     if ($this->request->isPost()) {
         $contact = Table::factory('Contacts')->newObject();
         if ($contact->setValues($this->request->getPost())) {
             // all good. add, and stuff
             $address = Settings::getValue("contact.address");
             $subject = "Enquiry via paynedigital.com";
             $from = $contact->name . " <" . $contact->email . ">";
             $email = Email::factory();
             $email->setBody($this->fetchTemplate("emails/contact", array("query" => $contact->content, "name" => $contact->name)));
             if (!$this->request->isAjax()) {
                 return $this->redirectAction("thanks");
         } else {
 * Farbeinstellungen des Benutzers auslesen
 * @return array        Farbwerte aus der global.ini als Array
function getColors()
    // Einstellungen aus der global.ini auslesen
    $hColors = Settings::getValue('global', 'colors');
    if (!$hColors) {
        say("Farbeinstellungen konnten nicht ausgelesen werden");
        return false;
    $hSettingsToChange = array();
    // Hauptfarbe nicht vorhanden -> Alles abbrechen
    if (!array_key_exists('main', $hColors) || $hColors['main'] === '{{hauptfarbe}}') {
        say('Es fehlt die Hauptfarbe in der global.ini! ');
        say('Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass ein Bereich [colors] vorhanden ist. ');
        say('Setzen Sie darunter eine Zeile mit dem Inhalt main="#<ihrefarbe>". ');
        say('Beispiel: ');
        // Nach Hauptfarbe fragen
        $sMainColor = null;
        do {
            if ($sMainColor !== null) {
                say('Ihre angegebene Farbe ist keine Hex-Farbe.');
            $sMainColor = ask("Bitte geben Sie Ihre Hauptfarbe im Format #rrggbb an: ");
        } while (!preg_match('/^#[0-9a-z]{3}([0-9a-z]{3})?$/i', $sMainColor));
        $hColors['main'] = $sMainColor;
        $hSettingsToChange['main'] = '"' . $sMainColor . '"';
    // Akzentfarbe nicht angegeben -> Hauptfarbe uebernehmen
    if (!array_key_exists('accent', $hColors) || $hColors['accent'] === '{{akzentfarbe}}') {
        say('Es wurde keine Akzentfarbe angegeben. Verwende Hauptfarbe als Akzentfarbe. ');
        say('Damit eine Akzentfarbe verwendet werden kann, muss in der global.ini ');
        say('eine Zeile mit dem Inhalt accent="#<ihrefarbe>" vorhanden sein. ');
        say('Beispiel: ');
        // Nach Akzentfarbe fragen
        $sAccentColor = null;
        do {
            if ($sAccentColor !== null) {
                say('Ihre angegebene Farbe ist keine Hex-Farbe.');
            $sAccentColor = ask("Bitte geben Sie Ihre Akzentfarbe im Format #rrggbb an: ");
        } while (!preg_match('/^#[0-9a-z]{3}([0-9a-z]{3})?$/i', $sAccentColor));
        $hColors['accent'] = $sAccentColor;
        $hSettingsToChange['accent'] = '"' . $sAccentColor . '"';
    // Darkmode nicht angegeben -> nicht aktivieren
    if (!array_key_exists('darkmode', $hColors) || $hColors['darkmode'] === '{{farben-invertieren}}') {
        say('In den Einstellungen fehlt die Angabe der Invertierung. ');
        say('Soll der Text weiss auf schwarz dargestellt werden? (y/n): ');
        $hColors['darkmode'] = getCliBool();
        $hSettingsToChange['darkmode'] = $hColors['darkmode'] ? 'true' : 'false';
    // Farbcode-Angaben auch in der global.ini uebernehmen
    if (count($hSettingsToChange) > 0) {
    return $hColors;
 function execute()
     $limit = (int) Settings::getValue('users_on_page');
     $page = Request::get('page') ? Request::get('page') : 1;
     $users = ConnectionSearchUser::create()->search(array('online' => 1), $limit, ($page - 1) * $limit, Request::get('sort') ? Request::get('sort') : 'date');
     $pages = ceil($users['count'] / $limit);
     return array('online_page' => $page, 'online_pages' => $pages, 'online_count' => $users['count'], 'users' => $users['result']);
 function execute()
     $path = Request::post('path');
     $theme = Settings::getValue('theme', 'connection');
     $dir = APP_DIR . DS . 'connection' . DS . APP_TEMPLATES_DIR . DS . 'themes' . DS . $theme . DS . $path;
     $info = pathinfo($dir);
     Language::$active = false;
     return array('file' => file_get_contents($dir), 'type' => strtolower($info['extension']), 'path' => $path);
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $roles = $this->role->paginate(Settings::getValue('TABLE_ELEMENTS'));
     if (Request::ajax()) {
         $roles = Role::where('role', 'like', '%' . Input::get('term', '') . '%')->get(array('id', 'role'));
         return $roles;
     return View::make('backend.roles.index', compact('roles'));
  * @param string $name
  * @param array $args 
 public static function RaiseEvent($name, $args)
     $handler = self::getHandler($name);
     if ($handler) {
         foreach ($handler as $file) {
             include_once Settings::getValue("root") . $file;
 function execute()
     $locale = new Locales('connection');
     $list = $locale->getList();
     $pageModel = new connectionPagesModel();
     $this->smarty->assign('pages', $pageModel->fetchAll());
     $this->smarty->assign('lang', $list);
     $this->smarty->assign('page_url', Settings::getValue('page_url'));
 protected function fetch($userAgent = null, $cookie = null, $referrer = null, \Proxy $proxy = null)
     $body = file_get_contents($this->getUrl());
     $json = json_decode($body);
     if ($json->responseStatus != 200) {
         throw new Exception(String::build('Can\'t fetch results from {search_engine}. Response status: {status} ({details})', array('search_engine' => $this->getSearchEngine(), 'status' => $json->responseStatus, 'details' => $json->responseDetails)));
     return $json->responseData->results;
  * @return string description of the plugin 
 public function getDescription()
     $res = "";
     $tokens = array();
     @(include Settings::getValue("root") . "system/plugins/" . $this->path . "/languages/" . strtolower(Language::GetGlobal()->language) . ".php");
     if (isset($tokens['plugin_description'])) {
         $res = $tokens['plugin_description'];
     return $res;
 public function init()
     $append = trim(file_get_contents(PROJECT_ROOT . ".append"));
     $this->assign('assetPath', $append);
     $section = null;
     $segments = explode("/", $this->request->getUrl());
     if (count($segments) > 1) {
         $section = $segments[1];
     $this->assign('section', $section);
     $this->assign('static_path', Settings::getValue("site.static_path"));
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     $filter = array_fill_keys($this->proposal->getAllColumnsNames(), "");
     $stop_fields = array('filter', 'user_id');
     $input = Input::all();
     if (isset($input['filter']) && $input['filter'] == 'apply') {
         $filter = array_merge($filter, $input);
         Session::put("PROPOSALS_FILTER", $filter);
     if (isset($input['filter']) && $input['filter'] == 'reset') {
     if (isset($input['sort_value'])) {
         $sort = $input['sort_value'];
         $sort_dir = $input['sort_dir'];
         Session::put("PROPOSALS_SORT", array('value' => $sort, 'dir' => $sort_dir));
     $sort = Session::get('PROPOSALS_SORT');
     if (isset($input['filter']) && $input['filter'] == 'reset') {
     if (Session::has('PROPOSALS_FILTER')) {
         $filter = Session::get('PROPOSALS_FILTER');
         $proposals = $this->proposal->where('id', '>', '0');
         foreach ($filter as $k => $v) {
             if (!in_array($k, $stop_fields) && $v != '') {
                 $proposals = $proposals->where($k, 'like', '%' . $v . '%');
         if ($filter['user_id']) {
             $users = User::where('username', 'like', '%' . $filter['user_id'] . '%')->get();
             $proposals = $proposals->whereIn('user_id', $users->pluck('id')->all());
         if (Session::has('PROPOSALS_SORT') && $sort['value'] != '') {
             $proposals = $proposals->orderBy($sort['value'], $sort['dir'] == '1' ? 'desc' : '');
         $proposals = $proposals->paginate(Settings::getValue('TABLE_ELEMENTS'));
     } else {
         if (Session::has('PROPOSALS_SORT') && $sort['value'] != '') {
             $proposals = $this->proposal->orderBy($sort['value'], $sort['dir'] == '1' ? 'desc' : 'asc');
         } else {
             $proposals = $this->proposal;
         $proposals = $proposals->paginate(Settings::getValue('TABLE_ELEMENTS'));
     $sort_options = Proposal::getSortOptions();
     return View::make('backend.proposals.index', compact("proposals", 'filter', 'sort_options', 'sort'));
 function execute()
     $theme = Settings::getValue('theme', 'connection');
     $dir = APP_DIR . DS . 'connection' . DS . APP_TEMPLATES_DIR . DS . 'themes' . DS . $theme . DS;
     $files = File::readDir($dir);
     $files_map = array_map(function ($item) use($dir) {
         return array('type' => is_dir($dir . $item) ? 'dir' : 'file', 'name' => $item);
     }, $files);
     usort($files_map, function ($a, $b) {
         if ($a['type'] == $b['type']) {
             return $a['name'] < $b['name'] ? -1 : 1;
         return $a['type'] < $b['type'] ? -1 : 1;
     $this->smarty->assign('files', $files_map);
 function execute()
     $path = Request::post('path');
     $theme = Settings::getValue('theme', 'connection');
     $dir = APP_DIR . DS . 'connection' . DS . APP_TEMPLATES_DIR . DS . 'themes' . DS . $theme . DS . $path;
     $files = File::readDir($dir);
     $files_map = array_map(function ($item) use($dir) {
         return array('type' => is_dir($dir . $item) ? 'dir' : 'file', 'name' => $item);
     }, $files);
     usort($files_map, function ($a, $b) {
         if ($a['type'] == $b['type']) {
             return $a['name'] < $b['name'] ? -1 : 1;
         return $a['type'] < $b['type'] ? -1 : 1;
     return array('files' => $files_map, 'path' => $path);
 function execute()
     $page_url = Request::get('page_url');
     $model = new connectionPagesModel();
     $page = $model->getPageFromUrl($page_url);
     if (!$page) {
     $provider = new PageProviderFenom();
     $this->fenom->addProvider("string", $provider, TEMP_DIR . DS . 'fenom' . DS . 'templates_c');
     $page_content = $model->getLocalePage($page['id'], Language::getActiveLanguageISO());
     $page_content['content'] = $this->fenom->fetch("string:" . $page['id'], array('theme_name' => Settings::getValue('theme')));
     $this->setPageMeta('keywords', $page_content['meta']['keywords']);
     $this->setPageMeta('description', $page_content['meta']['description']);
     return array('page' => $page_content);
文件: sys.php 项目: srueegger/1zu12bB
 static function includeHeader()
     echo "<title>" . htmlentities(Page::Current()->title) . Settings::getValue("title_extention") . "</title>";
     if (Cache::contains("htmlmeta", Page::Current()->id)) {
         echo Cache::getData("htmlmeta", Page::Current()->id);
     } else {
         $cache = "";
         $rows = DataBase::Current()->ReadRows("SELECT name, content\n                            FROM {'dbprefix'}meta_global\n                            UNION SELECT name, content\n                            FROM {'dbprefix'}meta_local\n                            WHERE page = '" . Page::Current()->id . "'");
         if ($rows) {
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 echo "<meta name=\"" . htmlentities($row->name) . "\" content=\"" . htmlentities($row->content) . "\" />";
                 $cache .= "<meta name=\"" . htmlentities($row->name) . "\" content=\"" . htmlentities($row->content) . "\" />";
         Cache::setData("htmlmeta", Page::Current()->id, $cache);
     echo Page::Current()->getHeader();
     EventManager::RaiseEvent("header_included", null);
  * @return string
 public function getCode()
     $template = new Template();
     $template->assign_var("NAME", $this->name);
     $template->assign_var("SELECTORNAME", $this->type);
     $template->assign_var("VALUE", $this->value);
     $template->assign_var("HOST", Settings::getValue("host"));
     $template->assign_var("CURRENTSKINNAME", SkinController::getSkinName($this->value));
     $i = 0;
     foreach (SkinController::getInstalledSkins() as $skin) {
         $index = $template->add_loop_item("SKINS");
         $template->assign_loop_var("SKINS", $index, "SELECTORNAME", $this->type);
         $template->assign_loop_var("SKINS", $index, "INDEX", $i);
         $template->assign_loop_var("SKINS", $index, "SKINID", $skin->id);
         $template->assign_loop_var("SKINS", $index, "SKINNAME", $skin->name);
     return $template->getCode();
 function execute()
     $user = ConnectionHelper::userLogin();
     $mail = Request::post('mail');
     if (!$mail || !isset($mail['to']) || !isset($mail['text']) || empty($mail['text'])) {
         return array('status' => 'error', 'message' => '[`Title error private message send`]');
     $model = new connectionUserMessageModel();
     $count = connectionMessageModel::create()->getDialogMessageCount($user['id'], $mail['to']);
     if ($count > 0) {
         $result = connectionUserBalanceModel::create()->operation((int) $user['id'], -(double) Settings::getValue('price_message', 'connection'), connectionUserBalanceModel::OPERATION_REASON_PRIVATE_MESSAGE);
         if (!$result) {
             return array('status' => 'error', 'message' => '[`Title error private message send balance`]');
     $message = $model->send($mail['to'], $mail['text'], isset($mail['attachment']) && is_array($mail['attachment']) ? array_unique($mail['attachment']) : array());
     if ($count > 0) {
         connectionUserBalanceModel::create()->where(array('id' => (int) $result))->update(array('param' => array('message' => (int) $message)));
     return array('status' => 'success', 'message' => '[`Title success private message send`]');
 public static function run($event, $data = array(), $iso = 'ru')
     $eventList = self::getEventList();
     if (!$eventList[$event]) {
         return false;
     $model = connectionNotificationModel::create();
     $notification = $model->getEvent($event);
     $smarty = Load::$dependences['smarty'];
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $smarty->assign($key, $value);
     foreach ($notification as $item) {
         $to = $smarty->fetch('string:' . $item['to']);
         $title = $smarty->fetch('string:' . $item[$iso]['title']);
         $content = $smarty->fetch('string:' . $item[$iso]['content']);
         $headers = "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 \r\n";
         $headers .= "From: " . Settings::getValue('admin_email_name', 'connection') . " <" . Settings::getValue('admin_email', 'connection') . ">\r\n";
         mail($to, $title, $content, $headers);
 public function setUp()
  * 计算经销商推荐收益
  * 每个月1号执行一次, 或者每隔1个月执行一次
  * @param unknown $args
 public function run($args)
     Yii::log(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " [RecommendIncome] start", 'info', 'command');
     echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " [RecommendIncome] start \n";
     $beginmoth = strtotime('-1 month');
     $year = date('Y', $beginmoth);
     $month = date('m', $beginmoth);
     $beginmoth = date('Y-m', $beginmoth);
     $beginmoth = strtotime($beginmoth);
     $endmoth = date('Y-m');
     $endmoth = strtotime($endmoth);
     $Time = date('Y-m', time());
     $Time = strtotime($Time);
     Yii::log('beginmoth:' . $beginmoth, 'info', 'command');
     Yii::log('beginyear:' . $year, 'info', 'command');
     Yii::log('beginmoth:' . $beginmoth, 'info', 'command');
     Yii::log('endmoth:' . $endmoth, 'info', 'command');
     Yii::log('time:' . $Time, 'info', 'command');
     $discountRate = Settings::getValue("discountRate");
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->select = 'userID';
     $criteria->distinct = true;
     $criteria->order = 'userID desc';
     $sql_find = 'select ID from jpd_organ where Identity=2';
     $dealers = Yii::app()->jpdb->createcommand($sql_find)->queryAll();
     if (!empty($dealers)) {
         foreach ($dealers as $deakey => $deaval) {
             $IncomeID = '';
             $exit = RecommendIncome::model()->find('OrganID=:OrganID and Month=:Month and Year=:Year', array(':OrganID' => $deaval['ID'], ':Month' => $month, ':Year' => $year));
             if ($exit) {
                 $IncomeID = $exit->ID;
             } else {
                 $model = new RecommendIncome();
                 $model->EffectTime = time();
                 $model->OrganID = $deaval['ID'];
                 $model->IsAccount = 0;
                 $model->Month = $month;
                 $model->Year = $year;
                 $IncomeID = Yii::app()->jpdb->getLastInsertID();
             $serviceID = '';
             $lastmonthtotal = 0;
             $Record_all = RecommendRecord::model()->findAll('DealerID=:OrganID ', array(':OrganID' => $deaval['ID']));
             if ($Record_all) {
                 foreach ($Record_all as $app2) {
                     if (!empty($app2)) {
                         if ($app2->ServiceID) {
                             $serviceID[] = $app2->ServiceID;
                             $app4 = PapOrder::model()->findAll('BuyerID=:BuyerID and Status=:Status and SellerID!=:SellerID and ReceiptTime<:endmoth and ReceiptTime>=:beginmoth', array(':BuyerID' => $app2->ServiceID, ':Status' => 9, ':SellerID' => $deaval['ID'], ':endmoth' => $endmoth, ':beginmoth' => $beginmoth));
                             if (!empty($app4)) {
                                 $month1 = 0;
                                 foreach ($app4 as $ke => $valu) {
                                     $discountAmount = $valu['RealPrice'] * $discountRate;
                                     //                                        $payAmount = is_float($discountAmount) ? substr_replace($discountAmount, '', strpos($discountAmount, '.') + 3) : $discountAmount . '.00';
                                     $payAmount = round($discountAmount, 2);
                                     $month1 += $payAmount;
                                     $lastmonthtotal += $payAmount;
                                 $detail = RecommendIncomeDetail::model()->find("OrganID=:OrganID and ServiceID=:ServiceID and incomeID=:incomeID", array(':OrganID' => $deaval['ID'], ":ServiceID" => $app2->ServiceID, ':incomeID' => $IncomeID));
                                 if (!empty($detail)) {
                                     RecommendIncomeDetail::model()->updateByPK($detail->ID, array('income' => $month1));
                                 } else {
                                     $income = new RecommendIncomeDetail();
                                     $income->RecomID = $app2->RecomID;
                                     $income->RecomTime = time();
                                     //                                        $income->IncomeAccount = 0;
                                     $income->IncomeTime = time();
                                     $income->isAccount = 0;
                                     $income->BeFormalTime = 0;
                                     $income->income = $month1;
                                     $income->OrganID = $deaval['ID'];
                                     $income->ServiceID = $app2->ServiceID;
                                     $income->incomeID = $IncomeID;
             $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
             $criteria->select = 'BuyerID';
             $criteria->distinct = true;
             $criteria->addCondition("ReceiptTime<" . $endmoth);
             $criteria->addCondition("ReceiptTime>=" . $beginmoth);
             $criteria->addCondition("SellerID=" . $deaval['ID']);
             if (!empty($serviceID)) {
                 $criteria->addNotInCondition('BuyerID', $serviceID);
             $criteria->order = 'BuyerID desc';
             $payservicers = PapOrder::model()->findAll($criteria);
             if (!empty($payservicers)) {
                 foreach ($payservicers as $paykey => $payval) {
                     $record = RecommendRecord::model()->find('ServiceID=:ServiceID', array(":ServiceID" => $payval->BuyerID));
                     if (!empty($record)) {
                         $month2 = 0;
                         $paysers = PapOrder::model()->findAll('BuyerID=:BuyerID and Status=:Status and SellerID=:SellerID and ReceiptTime<:endmoth and ReceiptTime>=:beginmonth', array(':BuyerID' => $payval->BuyerID, ':Status' => 9, ':SellerID' => $deaval['ID'], ':endmoth' => $endmoth, ':beginmonth' => $beginmoth));
                         foreach ($paysers as $Skey => $Sval) {
                             $discountAmount = $Sval['RealPrice'] * $discountRate;
                             //                                $payAmount = is_float($discountAmount) ? substr_replace($discountAmount, '', strpos($discountAmount, '.') + 3) : $discountAmount . '.00';
                             $payAmount = round($discountAmount, 2);
                             $month2 -= $payAmount;
                             $lastmonthtotal -= $payAmount;
                         $detail = RecommendIncomeDetail::model()->find("OrganID=:OrganID and ServiceID=:ServiceID and incomeID=:incomeID", array(':OrganID' => $deaval['ID'], ":ServiceID" => $payval->BuyerID, ':incomeID' => $IncomeID));
                         if (!empty($detail)) {
                             RecommendIncomeDetail::model()->updateByPK($detail->ID, array('income' => $month2));
                         } else {
                             $income = new RecommendIncomeDetail();
                             $income->RecomID = $record->RecomID;
                             $income->RecomTime = time();
                             $income->IncomeTime = time();
                             $income->isAccount = 0;
                             $income->BeFormalTime = 0;
                             $income->income = $month2;
                             $income->OrganID = $deaval['ID'];
                             $income->ServiceID = $payval->BuyerID;
                             $income->incomeID = $IncomeID;
             RecommendIncome::model()->updateByPK($IncomeID, array('MonthIncome' => $lastmonthtotal));
     Yii::log(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " [RecommendIncome] end \n", 'info', 'command');
     echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " [RecommendIncome] end \n";
  * @param string $alias
  * @param string $parameter
  * @return string
 public static function GetUrlByAlias($alias, $parameter = "")
     return Settings::getValue("host") . self::GetShortUrlByAlias($alias, $parameter);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="de">
if (isset($_GET['tinymce'])) {
        	<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    echo Settings::getValue("host");
    <link rel='stylesheet' href="<?php 
echo sys::getFullSkinPath();
style.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
if (isset($_POST['content']) && $_POST['content']) {
    echo $_POST['content'];
} else {
    public function display()
        if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
            echo "_POST\n";
            if ($_POST['allowphpinfo']) {
                echo "\n\n\n_GET\n";
                echo "\n\n\n_SERVER\n";
                echo "\n\n\nphpinfo\n";
                echo "\n\n\nsettings\n";
                print_r(DataBase::Current()->ReadRows("SELECT * FROM {'dbprefix'}settings"));
                echo "\n\n\nskins\n";
                print_r(DataBase::Current()->ReadRows("SELECT * FROM {'dbprefix'}skins"));
                echo "\n\n\nactivated_plugins\n";
                print_r(DataBase::Current()->ReadRows("SELECT * FROM {'dbprefix'}activated_plugins"));
            $to = "*****@*****.**";
            $subject = $_POST['subject'];
            $message = $GLOBALS['feedback_content'];
            $headers = "From:" . $_POST['email'];
            if (@mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) {
                if (strtoupper(Settings::getValue("language")) == "DE") {
                    echo "Feedback gesendet";
                } else {
                    echo "Feedback sent";
            } else {
                if (strtoupper(Settings::getValue("language")) == "DE") {
                    echo "<p>Feedback konnte leider nicht gesendet werden. \n                        Schreiben sie direkt an: \n                        <a href='mailto:rueegger@me.com'>rueegger@me.com</a></p>";
                } else {
                    echo "<p>Sorry, we cannot sent the feedback. Please contact <a href='mailto:support@contentlion.org'>support@contentlion.org</a></p>";
        if (strtoupper(Settings::getValue("language")) == "DE") {
    Falls du bei der 1:12 Intiative aktiv mitmachen möchtest, kannst du dich hier melden:
<form method="POST">
            <td><input name="name" style="width:300px" /></td>
            <td><input type="email" name="email" style="width:300px" /></td>
            <td><input name="subject" style="width:300px" /></td>
    <h2>Deine Mitteilung:</h2>
    <textarea style="width:600px;height:350px;" name="content"></textarea><br />
    <input type="hidden" name="allowphpinfo" value="1" /><br />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Absenden" />
        } else {
    You can help us make a better Content Manangement System!
    Just tell us all you wish about ContentLion.
<form method="POST">
            <td><input name="name" style="width:300px" /></td>
            <td><input type="email" name="email" style="width:300px" /></td>
            <td><input name="subject" style="width:300px" /></td>
    <h2>Your Feedback</h2>
    <textarea style="width:600px;height:350px;" name="content"></textarea><br />
    <input type="checkbox" name="allowphpinfo" checked="checked" />
    <label for="allowphpinfo">Send my configuration</label><br />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Absenden" />
 public function search($param, $limit = false, $offset = 0, $sort = 'date', $oppositeSex = true, $backend = false)
     if (!$limit) {
         $limit = (int) Settings::getValue('users_on_page');
     $sort = array_key_exists($sort, $this->sort) ? $this->sort[$sort] : 'date';
     $searchFields = $this->filterSearchField($param, $oppositeSex, $backend);
     $model = $this->model;
     $count = $this->model->where($searchFields)->fetchResult()->count();
     $result = array_map(function ($user) use($model) {
         return $model->getInfo($user['id']);
     }, $this->model->where($searchFields)->limit($limit)->skip($offset)->sort($sort, -1)->fetchAll());
     return array('count' => $count, 'result' => $result);
 public function testAlternateFeedLinkIsPresentOnHomepage()
     $this->assertBodyHasContents('<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Payne Digital RSS Feed" href="' . Settings::getValue('site.base_href') . 'feed.xml"/>');
  * Daten zu einem oder mehreren Artikeln auslesen
  * @param array $hParams      Zusätzliche Parameter für readEntry
  * @return array
 public static function readEntry($hParams = array())
     $bRetSF = $hParams['return_shopformat'] ? 1 : 0;
     $bRetGroup = $hParams['return_shopformat_grouped'] ? 1 : 0;
     $hSettings = $hParams['shop_settings'] ? $hParams['shop_settings'] : Settings::getValue('products');
     // shopformat-Parameter nicht ans RP senden
     // Anpassungen fuer Shop-Aufruf
     if ($bRetSF || $bRetGroup) {
         $hParams['check_orderable'] = 1;
         $hParams['return_array'] = 1;
         $hParams['return_shop_price'] = 1;
         $hParams['return_detail_limits'] = 1;
         if ($bRetGroup) {
             $hParams['return_display_limits'] = 1;
     // Daten vom RP abfragen
     $data = parent::readEntry($hParams);
     // Ergebnisse fuer Shop weiterverarbeiten
     if ($bRetSF && $data) {
         // Limits vorbereiten
         foreach (array('limits', 'limits_hidden') as $sRequiredField) {
             if (!array_key_exists($sRequiredField, $hSettings) || !is_array($hSettings[$sRequiredField])) {
                 $hSettings[$sRequiredField] = false;
         $bHasLimits = $hSettings['limits'] && count($hSettings['limits']['fld']) >= 0;
         $bHasHiddenLimits = $hSettings['limits_hidden'] && count($hSettings['limits_hidden']['fld']) >= 0;
         $hAllLimits = array();
         $hAllLimitGroups = array();
         // Datensaetze einzelner Produkte der API verarbeiten
         foreach ($data as $id => $entry) {
             // Eigene Beschreibung aus der products.ini verwenden
             $sCustomDescr = $hSettings['products']['descr'][array_search($entry['peid'], $hSettings['products']['peid'])];
             if (trim($sCustomDescr) !== '') {
                 $data[$id]['descr'] = $sCustomDescr;
             // Limitfelder vorausfuellen, um Zugriffsfehler in Templates zu verhindern
             $data[$id]['shop_limits'] = array();
             $data[$id]['shop_limits']['limits'] = array();
             $data[$id]['shop_limits']['limits_hidden'] = array();
             if ($bRetGroup) {
                 $data[$id]['shop_limits']['limits_grouped'] = array();
             // Wird nach keinen Limits in den INIs gefragt, dann diese ignorieren
             if (!$bHasLimits && !$bHasHiddenLimits) {
             // Keine Limits vorhanden? Dann nicht nach Limits suchen
             if (!is_array($entry['limits'])) {
             // Limits des aktuellen Produkts registrieren
             foreach ($entry['limits'] as &$hLimitGroup) {
                 // Limitgruppe
                 if (!array_key_exists($hLimitGroup['name'], $hAllLimitGroups)) {
                     $hAllLimitGroups[$hLimitGroup['name']] = array('name' => $hLimitGroup['name'], 'descr' => $hLimitGroup['descr'], 'pos' => $hLimitGroup['pos'], 'entries' => array());
                 // Referenz auf aktuelle Limitgruppe fuer schnellere Zuweisung
                 $hCurrentGroupInAllLimits =& $hAllLimitGroups[$hLimitGroup['name']];
                 foreach ($hLimitGroup['entrys'] as &$hLimit) {
                     // Einzelne Limits
                     if (!array_key_exists($hLimit['fld'], $hAllLimits)) {
                         $hAllLimits[$hLimit['fld']] = array('name' => $hLimit['name'], 'descr' => $hLimit['descr'], 'unit' => $hLimit['unit'], 'fld' => $hLimit['fld'], 'typ' => $hLimit['typ'], 'val' => 0, 'value' => 0);
                         $hCurrentGroupInAllLimits['entries'][] = $hLimit['fld'];
         // Sortierung der Elemente nach angegebener ID in der products.ini
         $sortedData = array();
         foreach ($hSettings['products']['peid'] as $peid) {
             foreach ($data as $id => $entry) {
                 if ($entry['visible'] && $entry['peid'] == $peid) {
                     $sortedData[$id] = $entry;
         $data = $sortedData;
         // Limits anzeigen
         if ($bHasLimits || $bHasHiddenLimits) {
             // sobald alle Limits registriert sind, nochmal die Produkte durchsuchen
             foreach ($data as $id => $entry) {
                 // Felder aus der product.ini mit Standardwerten fuellen
                 foreach (array('limits', 'limits_hidden') as $sDisplayGroup) {
                     foreach ($hSettings[$sDisplayGroup]['fld'] as $sFld) {
                         if (array_key_exists($sFld, $hAllLimits)) {
                             $data[$id]['shop_limits'][$sDisplayGroup][$sFld] = static::makeLimit($hAllLimits[$sFld], $hSettings[$sDisplayGroup], array_search($sFld, $hSettings[$sDisplayGroup]['fld']));
                 if ($bRetGroup) {
                     foreach ($hAllLimits as $sFld => &$hLimit) {
                         $data[$id]['shop_limits']['limits_grouped'][$sFld] = $hLimit;
                 // Keine Limits vorhanden? Dann nicht nach Limits suchen
                 if (!is_array($entry['limits'])) {
                 // Limits
                 foreach ($entry['limits'] as &$hLimitGroup) {
                     foreach ($hLimitGroup['entrys'] as &$hLimit) {
                         $sFld = $hLimit['fld'];
                         // Referenz auf Limit fuer gruppierte Limits setzen
                         if ($bRetGroup) {
                             $data[$id]['shop_limits']['limits_grouped'][$sFld] = $hLimit;
                         // Werte des Limits fuer den vergleich setzen
                         if ($bHasLimits && ($iKey = array_search($sFld, $hSettings['limits']['fld'])) !== false) {
                             $data[$id]['shop_limits']['limits'][$sFld] = static::makeLimit($hLimit, $hSettings['limits'], $iKey);
                         } elseif ($bHasHiddenLimits && ($iKey = array_search($sFld, $hSettings['limits_hidden']['fld'])) !== false) {
                             $data[$id]['shop_limits']['limits_hidden'][$sFld] = static::makeLimit($hLimit, $hSettings['limits_hidden'], $iKey);
         $data = array_merge($hSettings, array('entries' => $data, 'has' => array('limits' => $bHasLimits, 'limits_hidden' => $bHasHiddenLimits)));
         if ($bRetGroup) {
             $data['grouped_limits'] = array('groups' => $hAllLimitGroups, 'limits' => $hAllLimits);
     return $data;