function eventsAction()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get("config");
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     $acl = getACLInstance();
     $user = new UserAccount();
     // $user->populate($formvalues['id']);
     $events = getLeaveRequests("", getYearStart(), getYearEnd());
     // debugMessage($events);
     $jsondata = array();
     $i = 0;
     if (count($events) > 0) {
         // $jsondata = $events;
         $leaveoptions = getHoursDaysDropdown();
         foreach ($events as $key => $value) {
             $jsondata[$key]['id'] = $value['id'];
             $unit = '';
             if (!isArrayKeyAnEmptyString($value['durationtype'], $leaveoptions)) {
                 $unit = ' on Leave';
             $jsondata[$key]['title'] = $value['user'] . $unit;
             $jsondata[$key]['start'] = $value['startdate'];
             $jsondata[$key]['end'] = $value['enddate'];
             if (isTimesheetEmployee() && $value['userid'] == $session->getVar('userid') || $acl->checkPermission('Leave', ACTION_APPROVE)) {
                 // $jsondata[$key]['url'] = $this->view->serverUrl($this->view->baseUrl('leave/view/id/'.encode($value['id'])));
     // debugMessage($jsondata);
     echo json_encode($jsondata);
 public function loginAction()
     $userForm = new Form_LoginForm();
     if ($this->_request->isPost() && $userForm->isValid($_POST)) {
         $data = $userForm->getValues();
         $db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
         $authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($db, 'utils', 'username', 'source');
         $result = $authAdapter->authenticate();
         if ($result->isValid()) {
             $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
             $data1 = $authAdapter->getResultRowObject(null, 'source');
             // $auth->getStorage()->write($data1);
             // $auth->getStorage()->write($data);
             $dom = $auth->getIdentity()->domainadmin;
             $host = $auth->getIdentity()->hostadmin;
             $mySession = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
             $mySession->setSessVar('username', $formData['username']);
             echo 'valid';
         } else {
             $this->view->loginMessage = "Sorry, your username or password was incorrect";
     $this->view->form = $userForm;
 function updatestatusAction()
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $this->_translate = Zend_Registry::get("translate");
     $formvalues['id'] = $id = $formvalues['id'];
     $formvalues['dateapproved'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('now'));
     $formvalues['approvedbyid'] = $session->getVar('userid');
     // debugMessage($formvalues);
     $leave = new Leave();
     if (!isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('reason', $formvalues)) {
         $leave->setReason("<br/>Rejected with remarks: " . $formvalues['reason']);
     try {
         $session->setVar(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, $this->_translate->translate($formvalues[SUCCESS_MESSAGE]));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // debugMessage('error '.$e->getMessage());
         $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, $e->getMessage());
     // exit();
 function excelAction()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     // debugMessage($formvalues);
     $title = $this->_getParam('reporttitle');
     // debugMessage($formvalues);
     $cvsdata = decode($formvalues['csv_text']);
     if (!isEmptyString($title)) {
         $cvsdata = str_replace('"--"', '""', $cvsdata);
         $title = str_replace(', ', ' ', $title);
         $cvsdata = $title . "\r\n" . $cvsdata;
     // debugMessage($cvsdata); exit();
     $currenttime = time();
     $filename = $currenttime . '.csv';
     		file_put_contents($full_path, $cvsdata);*/
     $data = stripcslashes($cvsdata);
     // debugMessage($data);
     // exit();
     header("Pragma: public");
     header("Expires: 0");
     header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
     header("Cache-Control: private", false);
     header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$filename}\";");
     header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
     echo $data;
 function processPost($formvalues)
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     // trim spaces from the name field
     if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('create', $formvalues)) {
         $formvalues['create'] = 0;
     if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('edit', $formvalues)) {
         $formvalues['edit'] = 0;
     if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('view', $formvalues)) {
         $formvalues['view'] = 0;
     if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('list', $formvalues)) {
         $formvalues['list'] = 0;
     if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('delete', $formvalues)) {
         $formvalues['delete'] = 0;
     if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('export', $formvalues)) {
         $formvalues['export'] = 0;
     if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('approve', $formvalues)) {
         $formvalues['approve'] = 0;
     if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('flag', $formvalues)) {
         $formvalues['flag'] = 0;
     // debugMessage($formvalues); exit();
  * Sends the details of the support form by email 
 public function processcontactusAction()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     // debugMessage($formvalues);
     $profile = new UserAccount();
     if ($profile->sendContactNotification($formvalues)) {
         // after send events
         $session->setVar(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, "Thank you for contacting us. We shall get back to you shortly.");
     } else {
         $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, 'Sorry! An error occured in sending the message. Please try again later ');
 public function init()
     // initialize the parent controller
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     // check whether the user is logged in
     if (isEmptyString($session->getVar('userid'))) {
         // clear the session
         $this->_helper->redirector->gotoSimpleAndExit("login", "user", $this->getRequest()->getModuleName(), array('redirecturl' => encode(Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRequestUri())));
     $cache = Zend_Registry::get('cache');
     // load the acl instance
     $acl = getACLInstance();
     // debugMessage('resource is '.$this->getResourceForACL()." action ".$this->getActionforACL()); exit;
     if (!$acl->checkPermission($this->getResourceForACL(), $this->getActionforACL())) {
         // debugMessage('resource is '.$this->getResourceForACL()." action ".$this->getActionforACL());
         // redirect to the access denied page
         $this->_helper->redirector->gotoSimpleAndExit("accessdenied", "index");
 function checkinAction()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     $testarray = array("userid" => 15, 'datein' => 'Jan 27, 2015', 'timein' => '08:00 AM', 'dateout' => '', 'timeout' => '', 'reason' => '', 'createdby' => 15);
     $attendance = new Attendance();
     debugMessage('errors are ' . $attendance->getErrorStackAsString());
     try {
         debugMessage('saved successfully');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         debugMessage('error: ' . $e->getMessage());
 function processreplyAction()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $config = Zend_Registry::get("config");
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     $messages = array();
     $messages['senderid'] = $formvalues['senderid'];
     $messages['parentid'] = $formvalues['parentid'];
     $messages['subject'] = $formvalues['subject'];
     $messages['contents'] = $formvalues['contents'];
     $recipients_array = array();
     $users = array();
     $users = $formvalues['recipientids'];
     foreach ($users as $userid) {
         $recipients_array[$userid]['recipientid'] = $userid;
     $messages['recipients'] = $recipients_array;
     // debugMessage($messages);
     $msg = new Message();
     		debugMessage('error is '.$msg->getErrorStackAsString()); exit();*/
     // save the messages to system inbox
     if ($msg->hasError()) {
         $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, "An error occured in sending the message. " . $msg->getErrorStackAsString());
     } else {
         try {
             // copy message to recepient's email of specified  / required for admin contact
             $messagereceipients = $msg->getRecipients();
             if ($this->_getParam('copytoemail') == 1) {
                 foreach ($messagereceipients as $messageuser) {
                     if (!isEmptyString($messageuser->getRecipient()->getEmail())) {
             if ($this->_getParam('copytophone') == 1) {
                 foreach ($messagereceipients as $messageuser) {
                     if (!isEmptyString($messageuser->getRecipient()->getPhone())) {
                         # check if user has phone number on profile
             // copy message to user's phone if specified
             $session->setVar(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, "Message successfully replied. ");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, "An error occured in sending the message. " . $e->getMessage());
     // exit();
 function sendApprovalConfirmationNotification()
     $template = new EmailTemplate();
     # create mail object
     $mail = getMailInstance();
     $view = new Zend_View();
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     // assign values
     $template->assign('firstname', $this->getUser()->getFirstName());
     $statuslabel = $this->isApproved() ? "Approved" : "Rejected";
     $subject = "Leave " . $statuslabel;
     $save_toinbox = true;
     $type = "leave";
     $subtype = "leave_" . strtolower($statuslabel);
     $viewurl = $template->serverUrl($template->baseUrl('leave/view/id/' . encode($this->getID())));
     $rejectreason = "";
     if ($this->isRejected()) {
         $rejectreason = "<br><b>Synopsis:</b> " . $this->getComments() . "";
     $days = $this->getDuration() / getHoursInDay();
     $message_contents = "<p>This is to confirm that your Leave Request from <b>" . changeMySQLDateToPageFormat($this->getStartDate()) . "</b> to <b> " . changeMySQLDateToPageFormat($this->getEndDate()) . "</b> has been successfully " . $statuslabel . $rejectreason . ".</p>\n\t\t<p>To view your request online <a href='" . $viewurl . "'>click here<a></p>\n\t\t<br />\n\t\t<p>" . $this->getApprover()->getName() . "<br />\n\t\t" . getAppName() . "</p>\n\t\t";
     $template->assign('contents', $message_contents);
     // configure base stuff
     $mail->addTo($this->getUser()->getEmail(), $this->getUser()->getName());
     // set the send of the email address
     $mail->setFrom(getDefaultAdminEmail(), getDefaultAdminName());
     // render the view as the body of the email
     $html = $template->render('default.phtml');
     // debugMessage($html); exit();
     if ($this->getUser()->allowEmailForTimesheetApproval() && !isEmptyString($this->getUser()->getEmail())) {
         try {
             $session->setVar("custommessage1", "Email sent to " . $this->getUser()->getEmail());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, 'Email notification not sent! ' . $e->getMessage());
     if ($save_toinbox) {
         # save copy of message to user's application inbox
         $message_dataarray = array("senderid" => DEFAULT_ID, "subject" => $subject, "contents" => $message_contents, "html" => $html, "type" => $type, "subtype" => $subtype, "refid" => $this->getID(), "recipients" => array(md5(1) => array("recipientid" => $this->getUserID())));
         // debugMessage($message_dataarray);
         // process message data
         $message = new Message();
     return true;
 function sendPayslipNotification()
     $template = new EmailTemplate();
     # create mail object
     $mail = getMailInstance();
     $view = new Zend_View();
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     // assign values
     $template->assign('firstname', $this->getUser()->getFirstName());
     $subject = "Payslip " . date('F Y', strtotime($this->getPayroll()->getStartDate()));
     $save_toinbox = true;
     $type = "payroll";
     $subtype = "payslip_generated";
     $viewurl = $template->serverUrl($template->baseUrl('temp/' . $this->getPDFName() . '.pdf'));
     $message_contents = "<p>This is to confirm that your Payslip for <b>" . date('F Y', strtotime($this->getPayroll()->getStartDate())) . "</b> has been completed and attached.</p>\n\t\t<p>You can also view it online <a href='" . $viewurl . "'>click here<a></p>\n\t\t<br />\n\t\t<p>" . $this->getPayroll()->getCreator()->getName() . "<br />\n\t\t" . getAppName() . "</p>\n\t\t";
     $template->assign('contents', $message_contents);
     // configure base stuff
     $mail->addTo($this->getUser()->getEmail(), $this->getUser()->getName());
     // set the send of the email address
     $mail->setFrom(getDefaultAdminEmail(), getDefaultAdminName());
     // add attachment
     $content = file_get_contents($this->getPDFPath());
     // e.g. ("attachment/abc.pdf")
     $attachment = new Zend_Mime_Part($content);
     $attachment->type = 'application/pdf';
     $attachment->disposition = Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT;
     $attachment->encoding = Zend_Mime::ENCODING_BASE64;
     $attachment->filename = $this->getPDFName();
     // name of file
     // render the view as the body of the email
     $html = $template->render('default.phtml');
     // debugMessage($html); // exit();
     if ($this->getUser()->allowEmailForPayslip() && !isEmptyString($this->getUser()->getEmail())) {
         try {
             // $session->setVar("custommessage1", "Email sent to ".$this->getUser()->getEmail());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             debugMessage('Email notification not sent! ' . $e->getMessage());
             $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, 'Email notification not sent! ' . $e->getMessage());
     if ($save_toinbox) {
         # save copy of message to user's application inbox
         $message_dataarray = array("senderid" => DEFAULT_ID, "subject" => $subject, "contents" => $message_contents, "html" => $html, "type" => $type, "subtype" => $subtype, "refid" => $this->getID(), "recipients" => array(md5(1) => array("recipientid" => $this->getUserID())));
         // debugMessage($message_dataarray);
         // process message data
         $message = new Message();
     return true;
 function croppictureAction()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     $user = new UserAccount();
     $userfolder = $user->getID();
     // debugMessage($formvalues);
     $oldfile = "large_" . $user->getProfilePhoto();
     // debugMessage($user->toArray());
     $src = $base . $oldfile;
     $currenttime = time();
     $currenttime_file = $currenttime . '.jpg';
     $newlargefilename = $base . "large_" . $currenttime_file;
     $newmediumfilename = $base . "medium_" . $currenttime_file;
     // exit();
     $image = WideImage::load($src);
     $cropped1 = $image->crop($formvalues['x1'], $formvalues['y1'], $formvalues['w'], $formvalues['h']);
     $resized_1 = $cropped1->resize(300, 300, 'fill');
     //$image2 = WideImage::load($src);
     $cropped2 = $image->crop($formvalues['x1'], $formvalues['y1'], $formvalues['w'], $formvalues['h']);
     $resized_2 = $cropped2->resize(165, 165, 'fill');
     // check if UserAccount already has profile picture and archive it
     $ftimestamp = current(explode('.', $user->getProfilePhoto()));
     $allfiles = glob($base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.*');
     $currentfiles = glob($base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*' . $ftimestamp . '*.*');
     // debugMessage($currentfiles);
     $deletearray = array();
     foreach ($allfiles as $value) {
         if (!in_array($value, $currentfiles)) {
             $deletearray[] = $value;
     // debugMessage($deletearray);
     if (count($deletearray) > 0) {
         foreach ($deletearray as $afile) {
             $afile_filename = basename($afile);
             rename($afile, $base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'archive' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $afile_filename);
     $session->setVar(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, "Successfully updated profile picture");
     $this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl($this->view->baseUrl('profile/view/id/' . encode($user->getID())));
     // exit();
 function afterUpdate()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     # check if user is being invited during update
     if (!isEmptyString($this->getDefaultUserID()) && isEmptyString($this->getDefaultUser()->getCompanyID())) {
         $startdate = DEFAULT_DATETIME;
         $expirydate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($startdate)) . " +" . getTrialDays() . " days "));
         if (isEmptyString($this->getStartDate()) && $this->getID() != DEFAULT_COMPANYID) {
         if (isEmptyString($this->getEndDate()) && $this->getID() != DEFAULT_COMPANYID) {
     // invite via email
     if ($this->getIsBeinginvited() == 1) {
     if ($this->getID() == DEFAULT_ID) {
         $config_collection = new Doctrine_Collection(Doctrine_Core::getTable("AppConfig"));
         $appconfig = new AppConfig();
         $appconfig = new AppConfig();
         if ($config_collection->count() > 0) {
     return true;
    function indexAction()
        $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
        $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
        $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
        $userid = $session->getVar('userid');
        $companyid = getCompanyID();
        $acl = getACLInstance();
        $company_query = "";
        $company_query = " u.companyid = '" . $companyid . "' AND ";
        $q = $formvalues['searchword'];
        $html = '';
        $hasdata = false;
        // )
        # search users if loggedin user has access
        if ($acl->checkPermission('User Account', ACTION_LIST)) {
            $query = "SELECT FROM useraccount as u \n\t\t\t\tWHERE " . $company_query . "\n\t\t\t   (u.firstname like '%" . $q . "%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.lastname like '%" . $q . "%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.othername like '%" . $q . "%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.displayname like '%" . $q . "%' or \n\t\t\t\ like '%" . $q . "%' or \n\t\t\t\ like '%" . $q . "%' or \n\t\t\t\tu.username like '%" . $q . "%') \n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\t\t\torder by u.displayname asc LIMIT 5 ";
            // debugMessage($query);
            $result = $conn->fetchAll($query);
            $count_results = count($result);
            // debugMessage($result);
            if ($count_results > 0) {
                $hasdata = true;
                $html .= '<div class="separator"><span>Employees</span>
					<div class="allresults"><a href="' . $this->view->baseUrl('profile/list/searchterm/' . $q) . '" class="blockanchor">...see more results</a></div>
                foreach ($result as $row) {
                    $user = new UserAccount();
                    $b_q = '<b>' . $q . '</b>';
                    $name = $user->getDisplayName();
                    $name = str_ireplace($q, $b_q, $name);
                    $position = getDatavariables('EMPLOYEE_POSITIONS', $user->getPosition(), true);
                    $phone = $user->getPhone();
                    $phone = str_ireplace($q, $b_q, $phone);
                    $email = $user->getEmail();
                    $email = str_ireplace($q, $b_q, $email);
                    $media = $user->getMediumPicturePath();
                    $viewurl = $this->view->baseUrl('profile/view/id/' . encode($row['id']));
                    $html .= '
					<li style="height:auto; min-height:90px;" class="display_box" align="left" url="' . $viewurl . '" theid="' . $row['id'] . '">
						<a href="' . $viewurl . '" style="color:#666; text-decoration:none;">
							<img class="imagecontainer" src="' . $media . '" style="width:78px; height:auto; float:left; margin-right:6px;" />
							<div style="margin-left: 70px;">
								<span class="name blocked">' . $name . '</span>
								<span class="name blocked">' . $position . '</span>
								<span class="blocked" style="margin-top:5px;">Email: ' . $email . '</span>
								<span class="blocked">Phone: ' . $phone . '</span>
        # add navigation to searchable parameters
        $result = array('id' => 1, 'users' => '');
        # check no data is available for all areas and return no results message
        if (!$hasdata) {
            $html .= '
				<li class="display_box" align="center" style="height:30px;">
					<span style="width:100%; display:block; text-align:center;">No results for <b>' . $q . '</b></span>
        $html .= '</ul>';
        echo $html;
 function afterSave()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     # add log to audit trail
     $view = new Zend_View();
     $url = $view->serverUrl($view->baseUrl('role/view/id/' . encode($this->getID())));
     $usecase = '0.4';
     $module = '0';
     $details = "Role <a href='" . $url . "' class='blockanchor'>" . $this->getName() . "</a> created";
     $browser = new Browser();
     $audit_values = $session->getVar('browseraudit');
     $audit_values['module'] = $module;
     $audit_values['usecase'] = $usecase;
     $audit_values['transactiontype'] = $type;
     $audit_values['status'] = "Y";
     $audit_values['userid'] = $session->getVar('userid');
     $audit_values['transactiondetails'] = $details;
     $audit_values['url'] = $url;
     // debugMessage($audit_values);
     $this->notify(new sfEvent($this, $type, $audit_values));
  * Overide  to save persons relationships
  *	@return true if saved, false otherwise
 function afterSave()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     $update = false;
     # save changes
     if ($update) {
     // find any duplicates and delete them
     $duplicates = $this->getDuplicates();
     if ($duplicates->count() > 0) {
     // exit();
     return true;
 public function processrolesAction()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $this->_translate = Zend_Registry::get("translate");
     $post_array = $this->_getAllParams();
     // debugMessage($this->_getAllParams()); exit;
     $id = $post_array['id'];
     $post_array['id'] = decode($id);
     $perms = $post_array['permissions'];
     if (isEmptyString($id)) {
         // add new role first
         $newrole = new AclGroup();
         $post_array['createdby'] = $session->getVar('userid');
         // debugMessage($newrole->toArray()); debugMessage('error is '.$newrole->getErrorStackAsString());
         $post_array['id'] = $newrole->getID();
     } else {
         // update role first
         $newrole = new AclGroup();
         // debugMessage($newrole->toArray()); debugMessage('error is '.$newrole->getErrorStackAsString()); // exit();
     // exit;
     $role = new AclGroup();
     $permissions = $role->getPermissions();
     $permissions_array = $permissions->toArray();
     $post_array['permissions'] = $perms;
     // set audit entry before save
     if (!isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('permissions', $post_array)) {
         $data = array();
         foreach ($post_array['permissions'] as $key => $value) {
             $data[$key] = $value;
             $post_array['permissions'][$key]['groupid'] = $post_array['id'];
             if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('flag', $value)) {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['flag'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['flag'] = trim(intval($value['flag']));
             if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('create', $value)) {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['create'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['create'] = trim(intval($value['create']));
             if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('edit', $value)) {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['edit'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['edit'] = trim(intval($value['edit']));
             if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('view', $value)) {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['view'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['view'] = trim(intval($value['view']));
             if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('list', $value)) {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['list'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['list'] = trim(intval($value['list']));
             if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('delete', $value)) {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['delete'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['delete'] = trim(intval($value['delete']));
             if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('approve', $value)) {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['approve'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['approve'] = trim(intval($value['approve']));
             if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('export', $value)) {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['export'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['export'] = trim(intval($value['export']));
             if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('id', $value)) {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['id'] = NULL;
             $post_array['permissions'][$key]['createdby'] = $session->getVar('userid');
             $post_array['permissions'][$key]['datecreated'] = getCurrentMysqlTimestamp();
             if (!isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('id', $value)) {
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['lastupdatedby'] = $session->getVar('userid');
                 $post_array['permissions'][$key]['lastupdatedate'] = getCurrentMysqlTimestamp();
             } else {
                 $post_array['createdby'] = $session->getVar('userid');
         // end loop through permissions to unset empty groupids
     // debugMessage($post_array); exit();
     if (!isEmptyString($id)) {
         $beforesave = $post_array['permissions'];
         // debugMessage($beforesave);
     $perm_collection = new Doctrine_Collection(Doctrine_Core::getTable("AclPermission"));
     foreach ($post_array['permissions'] as $key => $value) {
         $perm = new AclPermission();
         if (!isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('id', $value)) {
         if ($perm->isValid()) {
         } else {
             debugMessage('Error: ' . $perm->getErrorStackAsString());
     try {
         if (isEmptyString($id)) {
             # add log to audit trail
             $url = $this->view->serverUrl($this->view->baseUrl('role/view/id/' . encode($newrole->getID())));
             $usecase = '0.4';
             $module = '0';
             $type = SYSTEM_CREATEROLE;
             $details = "Role <a href='" . $url . "' class='blockanchor'>" . $newrole->getName() . "</a> created";
         } else {
             $url = $this->view->serverUrl($this->view->baseUrl('role/view/id/' . encode($newrole->getID())));
             $usecase = '0.5';
             $module = '0';
             $type = SYSTEM_UPDATEROLE;
             $details = "Role <a href='" . $url . "' class='blockanchor'>" . $newrole->getName() . "</a> updated";
             $prejson = json_encode($beforesave);
             $after = $perm_collection->toArray();
             $postjson = json_encode($post_array);
             // debugMessage($postjson);
             // $diff = array_diff($beforesave, $after);  // debugMessage($diff);
             $jsondiff = '';
             // debugMessage($jsondiff);
         $browser = new Browser();
         $audit_values = $session->getVar('browseraudit');
         $audit_values['module'] = $module;
         $audit_values['usecase'] = $usecase;
         $audit_values['transactiontype'] = $type;
         $audit_values['status'] = "Y";
         $audit_values['userid'] = $session->getVar('userid');
         $audit_values['transactiondetails'] = $details;
         $audit_values['url'] = $url;
         if (!isEmptyString($id)) {
             $audit_values['isupdate'] = 1;
             $audit_values['prejson'] = $prejson;
             $audit_values['postjson'] = $postjson;
             $audit_values['jsondiff'] = $jsondiff;
         // debugMessage($audit_values);
         $this->notify(new sfEvent($this, $type, $audit_values));
         if (!isEmptyString($this->_getParam(SUCCESS_MESSAGE))) {
             $session->setVar(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, $this->_translate->translate($this->_getParam(SUCCESS_MESSAGE)));
         $this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl($this->view->baseUrl("role/view/id/" . encode($role->getID())));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // debugMessage($perm_collection->toArray());
         // debugMessage('error in save. '.$e->getMessage());
         $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, $e->getMessage());
  * Action to display the Login page 
 public function logoutAction()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $browser = new Browser();
     $audit_values = $session->getVar('browseraudit');
     $audit_values['module'] = 1;
     $audit_values['usecase'] = '1.2';
     $audit_values['transactiontype'] = USER_LOGOUT;
     $audit_values['status'] = "Y";
     $audit_values['userid'] = $session->getVar('userid');
     $audit_values['transactiondetails'] = "Logout for user with id '" . $session->getVar('username') . "' successful";
     // debugMessage($audit_values);
     $this->notify(new sfEvent($this, USER_LOGIN, $audit_values));
     // redirect to the login page
 function schedulecreateAction()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     // parent::createAction();
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     // debugMessage($formvalues); exit();
     $formvalues['id'] = $id = decode($formvalues['id']);
     $status = $formvalues['status'];
     $old_shift = $formvalues['shift_old'];
     $isactive = false;
     $shift = new ShiftSchedule();
     if (!isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('id', $formvalues)) {
         $isactive = $shift->isActive();
     } else {
         $formvalues['addedbyid'] = $session->getVar('userid');
         $formvalues['dateadded'] = DEFAULT_DATETIME;
     if ($shift->hasError()) {
         debugMessage('errors are ' . $shift->getErrorStackAsString());
         $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, $shift->getErrorStackAsString());
     // exit;
     try {
         $updateshift = false;
         if ($status == 1) {
             if ($old_shift != $shift->getSessionID()) {
                 $updateshift = true;
         } else {
             if (!isEmptyString($old_shift) && $isactive) {
                 $updateshift = true;
         // debugMessage($shift->toArray()); exit;
         # update any previous shifts that could still be active when setting a new active session
         if ($status == 1) {
             $updateableshifts = $shift->getCurrentActiveShiftsForUser($shift->getUserID());
             // debugMessage($updateableshifts->toArray());
             if ($updateableshifts->count() > 0) {
                 foreach ($updateableshifts as $ashift) {
         $session->setVar(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, $this->_getParam('successmessage'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, $e->getMessage());
         //debugMessage('save error '.$e->getMessage());
  * @return String 
 public function getListCountDropDown()
     $listcount = new LookupType();
     $values = $listcount->getOptionValues();
     asort($values, SORT_NUMERIC);
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $dropdown = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('itemcountperpage', array('multiOptions' => $values, 'view' => new Zend_View(), 'decorators' => array('ViewHelper'), 'class' => array('form-control', 'width75', 'inline', 'input-sm')));
     if (isEmptyString($this->getItemCountPerPage())) {
     } else {
         $session->setVar('itemcountperpage', $this->getItemCountPerPage());
     $selectobj = '<span>Per page: ' . $dropdown->render() . '</span>';
     return $selectobj;
 function captchaAction()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     // debugMessage('scre is '.strtolower($this->_getParam('code')));
     // debugMessage('rand is '.strtolower($session->getVar('random_number')));
     if (strtolower($this->_getParam('code')) == strtolower($session->getVar('random_number'))) {
         echo 1;
         // submitted
     } else {
         echo 0;
         // invalid code
 public function deleteAction()
     $this->_setParam("action", ACTION_DELETE);
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     // debugMessage($formvalues); // exit;
     $successurl = decode($formvalues[URL_SUCCESS]);
     if (!isArrayKeyAnEmptyString(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, $formvalues)) {
         $successmessage = decode($formvalues[SUCCESS_MESSAGE]);
     // debugMessage($successurl);
     $payroll = new Payroll();
     $id = is_numeric($formvalues['id']) ? $formvalues['id'] : decode($formvalues['id']);
     // debugMessage($id);
     $deletetrxns = $payroll->getLedgerDeleteTrxns();
     if ($deletetrxns->count() > 0) {
     /* debugMessage($payroll->getLedgerDeleteTrxns()->toArray());
     		exit(); */
     if ($payroll->delete()) {
         $session->setVar(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, $this->_translate->translate("global_delete_success"));
         $successmessage = $this->_getParam(SUCCESS_MESSAGE);
         if (!isEmptyString($successmessage)) {
             $session->setVar(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, $successmessage);
 function isTimesheetEmployee()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $acl = getACLInstance();
     return $this->getType() == '2' && ($this->getIsTimesheetuser() == '1' || $this->getIsTimesheetuser() == '2') ? true : false;
function getCompanies($status = '1')
    $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
    $custom_query = "";
    if (!isEmptyString($status)) {
        $custom_query .= " AND c.status = '" . $status . "' ";
    $myquery = "";
    if ($session->getVar('userid') != 81) {
        $myquery = " AND c.createdby <> 81 ";
    $query = "SELECT as optionvalue, as optiontext FROM company c where ( <> '' " . $myquery . ") " . $custom_query . " order by optiontext ";
    $array = getOptionValuesFromDatabaseQuery($query);
    return $array;
 public function uploadAction()
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     // debugMessage($formvalues);
     $config = Zend_Registry::get("config");
     $this->_translate = Zend_Registry::get("translate");
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
 public function errorAction()
     // $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(TRUE);
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
 function smsstatsAction()
     $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $query = "SELECT\n\t\tSUM(IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.datecreated) >= " . $this->view->onehourago_timestamp . ", c.msgcount, 0)) as onehourago,\n\t\tSUM(IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.datecreated) >= " . $this->view->sixhourago_timestamp . ", c.msgcount, 0)) as sixhourago,\n\t\tSUM(IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.datecreated) >= " . $this->view->twelvehourago_timestamp . ", c.msgcount, 0)) as twelvehourago,\n\t\tSUM(IF(TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) = TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->today_iso . "'), c.msgcount, 0)) as today,\n\t\tSUM(IF(TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) = TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->yestday_iso . "'), c.msgcount, 0)) as yesterday,\n\t\tSUM(IF(TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) >= TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->mondaythisweek_iso . "') AND TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) <= TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->sundaythisweek_iso . "'), c.msgcount, 0)) as thisweek,\n\t\tSUM(IF(TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) >= TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->mondaylastweek_iso . "') AND TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) <= TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->sundaylastweek_iso . "'), c.msgcount, 0)) as lastweek ,\n\t\tSUM(IF(TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) >= TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->firstdayofthismonth_iso . "') AND TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) <= TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->lastdayofthismonth_iso . "'), c.msgcount, 0)) as thismonth,\n\t\tSUM(IF(TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) >= TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->firstdayoflastmonth_iso . "') AND TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) <= TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->lastdayoflastmonth_iso . "'), c.msgcount, 0)) as lastmonth,\n\t\tSUM(IF(TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) >= TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->firstdayofyear_iso . "') AND TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) <= TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->lastdayofyear_iso . "'), c.msgcount, 0)) as thisyear,\n\t\tSUM(IF(TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) >= TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->firstsystemday_iso . "') AND TO_DAYS(c.datecreated) <= TO_DAYS('" . $this->view->today_iso . "'), c.msgcount, 0)) as allentries\n\t\tFROM outbox AS c\n\t\twhere <> '' ";
     // debugMessage($query);
     $result = $conn->fetchRow($query);
     // debugMessage($result);
     echo json_encode($result);
 function croplogoAction()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     $company = new Company();
     $companyfolder = $company->getID();
     /* debugMessage($formvalues);
       	debugMessage($company->toArray()); */
     // exit;
     $oldfile = "large_" . $company->getLogo();
     $base = BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uploads' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "company" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'comp_' . $companyfolder . '' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logo' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     // debugMessage($company->toArray());
     $src = $base . $oldfile;
     $currenttime = mktime();
     $currenttime_file = $currenttime . '.jpg';
     $newlargefilename = $base . "large_" . $currenttime_file;
     $newmediumfilename = $base . $currenttime_file;
     $newheight = $formvalues['h'] / $formvalues['w'] * 150;
     // exit();
     $image = WideImage::load($src);
     $cropped1 = $image->crop($formvalues['x1'], $formvalues['y1'], $formvalues['w'], $formvalues['h']);
     $resized_1 = $cropped1->resize(150, $newheight, 'fill');
     //$image2 = WideImage::load($src);
     $cropped2 = $image->crop($formvalues['x1'], $formvalues['y1'], $formvalues['w'], $formvalues['h']);
     // $resized_2 = $cropped2->resize(165, 165, 'fill');
     $resized_2 = $cropped2->resize($formvalues['w'], $formvalues['h'], 'fill');
     // check if user already has profile picture and archive it
     $ftimestamp = current(explode('.', $company->getLogo()));
     $allfiles = glob($base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.*');
     $currentfiles = glob($base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*' . $ftimestamp . '*.*');
     // debugMessage($currentfiles);
     $deletearray = array();
     foreach ($allfiles as $value) {
         if (!in_array($value, $currentfiles)) {
             $deletearray[] = $value;
     // debugMessage($deletearray);
     if (count($deletearray) > 0) {
         foreach ($deletearray as $afile) {
             $afile_filename = basename($afile);
             rename($afile, $base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'archive' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $afile_filename);
     $session->setVar(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, "Successfully updated");
     if (!isEmptyString($this->_getParam(URL_SUCCESS))) {
     $this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl($this->view->baseUrl('company/view/id/' . encode($company->getID())));
function isPublicUser()
    $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
    return isEmptyString($session->getVar('userid')) ? true : false;
 function approveAction()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     $config = Zend_Registry::get("config");
     $this->_translate = Zend_Registry::get("translate");
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     $id = decode($formvalues['id']);
     $formvalues['id'] = $id;
     $successmessage = "";
     if (!isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('id', $formvalues)) {
         if (isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('status', $formvalues)) {
             $formvalues['status'] = 1;
         $ledger = new Ledger();
         if (!isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('reason', $formvalues)) {
             $ledger->setRemarks($ledger->getRemarks() . "<br/> Rejected with remarks: " . $formvalues['reason']);
         // debugMessage($ledger->toArray()); exit();
         try {
             $msg = "Successfully Approved";
             if ($formvalues['status'] == 4) {
                 $msg = "Successfully Rejected";
             $session->setVar(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, $msg);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // debugMessage($e->getMessage());
             $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, $e->getMessage());