public function run() { //this part is to test Admin cookies only - start. $params = ['uuid' => 'fake_uuid', 'username' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'fake password', 'name' => 'fake name', 'created' => '']; $adminUserDto = new AdminUserDto($params); $this->sessionHandler->setAdminUserCookie($adminUserDto); //this part is to test Admin cookies only - end. $this->pipeFilter->run(); $controller = $this->request->controller; $controllerMethod = strtolower($this->request->request_method()); $controller->{$controllerMethod}(); echo "<br><br>" . __METHOD__; }
/** * Outputs the current users full name (if any) */ protected function tagFullname() { $user = SessionHandler::user(); if ($user) { return $user->getFullName(); } }
public function close() { parent::close(); if ($this->isCurrentSessionExceeded()) { $this->log->error(sprintf("[SessionLock] Session lock was held for %s seconds which is longer than the maximum of %s seconds. Request details: \n SERVER_NAME | %s \n SERVER_ADDR | %s \n SCRIPT_FILENAME | %s \n REQUEST_METHOD | %s \n SCRIPT_NAME | %s \n REQUEST_URI | %s \n QUERY_STRING | %s ", $this->session_time, $this->max_session_time, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); } }
public static function get($name) { if (!SessionHandler::instance()->hasSession()) { return null; } return self::instance()->getSession()->get($name); }
public function __construct() { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); $this->expire_time = $session->getTimeout(); session_set_save_handler(array($this, "open"), array($this, "close"), array($this, "read"), array($this, "write"), array($this, "destroy"), array($this, "gc")); register_shutdown_function('session_write_close'); }
public function save() { if (count($this->messages) > 0) { $this->flash = array_merge($this->flash, $this->messages); $this->clear(); } SessionHandler::set('PIMPLE_FLASH', $this->flash); }
function __construct($request) { parent::__construct($request); global $project_datapath; global $project_webroot; $this->projectpath = $project_webroot; $this->userdata = new Userdata($request); }
public static function open() { if (self::$_sess_db = mysqli_connect(DATABASE1_HOST, DATABASE1_USER, DATABASE1_PASS, DATABASE1_NAME)) { mysqli_set_charset(self::$_sess_db, utf8); return true; } return false; }
/** * Mark feedback item as handled * @param $message_id optionally refer to a response message */ public static function markHandled($id, $message_id = 0) { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); $i = self::get($id); $i->time_answered = sql_datetime(time()); $i->answered_by = $session->id; $i->message = $message_id; $i->store(); }
/** * Creates a new poke * @param $to */ public static function send($to) { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); $o = new Poke(); $o->from = $session->id; $o->to = $to; $o->time = sql_datetime(time()); $o->store(); }
public function destroy($id) { if ($id === '') { return false; } setcookie($this->s_session_name, null, time() - 42000); parent::destroy($id); return true; }
public function hasAccess($tag) { $entry = $this->tagRoles[strtoupper($tag)]; if (!$entry) { return true; } $user = SessionHandler::instance()->getUser(); return $entry->isValid($user ? $user->getRole() : self::R_GUEST); }
public function updateTimestamp($key, $data) { ++$this->i; echo 'Update Timestamp ', session_id(), "\n"; return parent::write($key, $data); // User must implement their own method and // cannot call parent as follows // return parent::updateTimestamp($key, $data); }
public static function save() { try { MessageHandler::instance()->save(); SessionHandler::instance()->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { //Do nothing... } }
/** * * @param $type * @param $object_id the object who owns the bookmark */ public static function remove($type, $object_id, $owner = 0) { if (!is_numeric($type) || !is_numeric($object_id) || !is_numeric($owner)) { throw new \Exception('noo'); } $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); $q = 'DELETE FROM ' . self::$tbl_name . ' WHERE owner = ?' . ' AND value = ?' . ' AND type = ?'; return Sql::pDelete($q, 'iii', $owner ? $owner : $session->id, $object_id, $type); }
public static function delete($projectId) { $projectDoc = self::get($projectId); $userId = SessionHandler::user()->getUserId(); if ($projectDoc->type == 'project' && in_array($projectDoc->users, $userId)) { CouchDB::client()->deleteDoc($projectDoc); return true; } return false; }
public function close() { $id = session_id(); if ($this->destroyed) { echo "(#{$this->num}) destroyed, cannot write\n"; } else { echo "(#{$this->num}) closing {$id}\n"; } return parent::close(); }
/** * This function is automatically called after the "open" function * Use the PHP default "read" function, then save the data and close the session if the session has not to be locked * * @param string $session_id * * @return string */ public function read($session_id) { $data = parent::read($session_id); $this->session = $this->unserialize_session_data($data); if (!$this->lock) { $_SESSION = $this->session; session_write_close(); } return $data; }
function editHandler($p) { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); $o = FaqItem::get($p['id']); $o->question = $p['q']; $o->answer = $p['a']; $o->creator = $session->id; $o->time_created = sql_datetime(time()); $o->store(); js_redirect('a/faq'); }
public static function init($room_id, $div_name, $form_id) { $header = XhtmlHeader::getInstance(); $header->includeJs(''); $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); $interval = 1000 * parse_duration('1s'); // milliseconds $locale = 'sv-SE'; $header->registerJsFunction('function scroll_to_bottom(div)' . '{' . 'var elm = get_el(div);' . 'try {' . 'elm.scrollTop = elm.scrollHeight;' . '} catch(e) {' . 'var f = document.createElement("input");' . 'if (f.setAttribute) f.setAttribute("type","text");' . 'if (elm.appendChild) elm.appendChild(f);' . ' = "0px";' . ' = "0px";' . 'if (f.focus) f.focus();' . 'if (elm.removeChild) elm.removeChild(f);' . '}' . '}'); $header->embedJs('YUI({lang:"' . $locale . '"}).use("io-form","node","json-parse","datatype-date", function(Y)' . '{' . 'Y.on("load", function() {' . 'Init();' . '});' . 'function Init(ts)' . '{' . 'var latest;' . 'if (typeof ts === "undefined") {' . 'var uri = "/u/chatroom/update/" + ' . $room_id . ';' . '} else {' . 'var uri = "/u/chatroom/update/" + ' . $room_id . ' + "?ts=" + ts;' . '}' . 'function complete(id, o)' . '{' . 'var data = o.responseText;' . 'var node ="#' . $div_name . '");' . 'try {' . 'var data = Y.JSON.parse(data);' . '} catch (e) {' . 'console.log("invalid data from " + uri);' . 'return;' . '}' . 'if (typeof ts === "undefined")' . 'node.setContent("");' . 'for (var i = data.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {' . 'var p = data[i];' . 'if ((typeof ts === "undefined") || p.from != ' . $session->id . ')' . 'msg_render(p,node);' . '}' . 'if (data.length)' . 'scroll_to_bottom("' . $div_name . '");' . 'latest = data[0] ? data[0].ts : ts;' . 'setTimeout(Init,' . $interval . ',latest);' . '};' . 'Y.once("io:complete",complete,Y);' . 'var request =;' . '}' . '"#' . $form_id . '").on("submit", function(e)' . '{' . 'e.preventDefault();' . 'e.stopPropagation();' . 'frm = get_el( this.get("id") );' . 'if (!frm.msg.value)' . 'return false;' . 'var uri = "/u/chatroom/send/" + ' . $room_id . ' + "?m=" + frm.msg.value;' . 'var request =;' . 'var node ="#' . $div_name . '");' . 'var p = {' . '"name":"' . $session->username . '",' . '"from":' . $session->id . ',' . '"msg":frm.msg.value,' . '"ts":new Date().getTime()/1000' . '};' . 'msg_render(p,node);' . 'scroll_to_bottom("' . $div_name . '");' . 'frm.msg.value = "";' . 'return false;' . '});' . 'function msg_render(p,node)' . '{' . 'var d = new Date(p.ts*1000);' . 'var today = new Date( new Date().getFullYear(), new Date().getMonth(), new Date().getDate(),0,0,0);' . 'node.append("[");' . 'if (d >= today) {' . 'node.append( Y.DataType.Date.format(d, {format:"%H:%M"}) );' . '} else {' . 'node.append( Y.DataType.Date.format(d, {format:"%a %d %b %H:%M"}) );' . '}' . 'node.append("] ");' . 'var who = Y.Node.create("<span class=\\"yui3-hastooltip\\" id=\\"tt_usr_"+p.from+"\\">""</span>");' . 'who.addClass("yui3-hastooltip");' . 'node.append(who);' . 'node.append(": "+p.msg+"<br/>");' . '}' . '});'); }
/** * @return message id */ public static function send($to, $msg, $type = PRIV_MSG) { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); $m = new Message(); $m->to = $to; $m->from = $session->id; $m->body = $msg; $m->type = $type; $m->time_sent = sql_datetime(time()); return $m->store(); }
function loginHandler($p) { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); if ($session->id) { dp('HACK user ' . $session->name . ' (' . $session->id . ') tried to login user ' . $p['usr']); return false; } if ($session->login($p['usr'], $p['pwd'])) { $session->showStartPage(); } return true; }
/** * @return array of User objects for all users online */ public static function getUsersOnline($filter = '') { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); $db = SqlHandler::getInstance(); $q = 'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$tbl_name . ' WHERE time_deleted IS NULL'; if ($filter) { $q .= ' AND userName LIKE "%' . $db->escape($filter) . '%"'; } $q .= ' AND time_last_active >= DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL ' . $session->online_timeout . ' SECOND)' . ' ORDER BY time_last_active DESC'; $list = $db->getArray($q); return SqlObject::loadObjects($list, 'User'); }
function createHandler($p) { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); $o = new BlogEntry(); $o->owner = $session->id; $o->subject = trim($p['subject']); $o->body = trim($p['body']); $o->time_created = sql_datetime(time()); $o->time_published = sql_datetime(time()); $o->id = $o->store(); js_redirect('a/blogs/overview'); }
/** * Creates a new token for specified $name * @return newly created token */ public static function generate($owner, $name) { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); do { $val = sha1('pOwplopw' . $session->id . mt_rand() . $session->name . 'LAZER!!'); if (!Setting::getOwner(TOKEN, $name, $val)) { break; } } while (1); Setting::set(TOKEN, $owner, $name, $val); return $val; }
public static function add($type, $reference = 0, $data = '') { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); $c = new ModerationObject(); $c->type = $type; $c->owner = $session->id; $c->time_created = sql_datetime(time()); $c->data = $data; $c->reference = $reference; $c->id = $c->store(); return $c->id; }
function fbHandler($p) { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); $o = new Feedback(); $o->type = USER; $o->subject = $p['subj']; $o->body = $p['body']; $o->from = $session->id; $o->time_created = sql_datetime(time()); $o->store(); js_redirect(''); // jump to start page }
function editHandler($p) { $o = new ChatRoom(); $o->id = $p['roomid']; $o->name = trim($p['name']); if ($p['locked']) { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); $o->locked_by = $session->id; $o->time_locked = sql_datetime(time()); } $o->store(); js_redirect('a/chatroom/list'); }
public static function render($name) { $wiki = self::getByName($name); $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); if (empty($wiki->text)) { $res = t('The wiki') . ' "' . $name . '" ' . t('does not yet exist') . '!<br/>'; if ($session->isWebmaster) { $res .= ahref('u/wiki/edit/' . $name, 'Create') . '<br/>'; } return $res; } return self::renderText($wiki->text); }
/** Votes for a poll */ static function addVote($type, $id, $value) { $session = SessionHandler::getInstance(); if (!$session->id) { return false; } if (self::hasAnswered($type, $id)) { return false; } $q = 'INSERT INTO ' . self::$tbl_name . ' SET type = ?, owner = ?, userId = ?, value = ?, timestamp = NOW()'; Sql::pInsert($q, 'iiii', $type, $id, $session->id, $value); return true; }