// configuration (eg. mysql login)
// autoload any classes as required
function __autoload($class_name)
    include 'inc/' . $class_name . '.php';
/*** Connect to database ***/
// Use for getting appropriate permissions based on logged in session
//$db = new Database($dbsettings);
//$kdb = new KidsafeDB($db);
//if ($db->getStatus() != 1) {die ("Unable to connect to the database");}
// used to set messages to provide to the user (eg. 'proxy not disabled for local network');
// including <br> on the end of each message will keep the messages separate for the user
$user_messages = '';
// Read in active sessions
$session_file = new SessionFile($sessionfilename);
// there are some classes for handling sessions, but we only need a basic check
// and don't want the overhead of handling all the additional classes and methods
// when this doesn't need that level of detail - and it's a commonly used page
$sessions = split("\n", $session_file->readFile());
// note need to check that ip is not the same as the proxy (in which case they haven't set bypass for local
if ($ip == $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) {
    // if nolocal then don't allow login
    if ($nolocal == True) {
        $ip = '';
    // if nolocal false then allow tunnelled proxy connections
    // We add warning in either case which can prompt user if it doesn't work
    $user_messages .= 'WARNING: Please set your browser to bypass proxy for local network to allow login. <br>';
// duration - relative time entry (eg. 2 hours) - we can login a computer forever, but not through this
include 'kidsafe-config.php';
// autoload any classes as required
function __autoload($class_name)
    include 'inc/' . $class_name . '.php';
/** Warning do not run in debug on a production system - exposes more information */
//$debug = True;
if (!isset($debug)) {
    $debug = false;
/*** Connect to database ***/
$db = new Database($dbsettings);
$kdb = new KidsafeDB($db);
$session_file = new SessionFile($sessionfilename);
//Get parameters - check safe and return as array
// all values are included in array - even if not on url
$parms = new Parameters();
//$get_values = getPostParms();
if ($db->getStatus() != 1) {
    die("Unable to connect to the database");
// Allow messages to be sent to the web page
$message = '';
// if we restrict login expiry then give reason
$login_restrict = '';
// If we have a username & password then login attempt, if not then prompt
/** logging in **/
// First check that the password is correct - as otherwise we won't allow anything
// $password is already md5 encoded, as is the value in get_values so just do direct compare
// duration - relative time entry (eg. 2 hours) - we can login a computer forever, but not through this
include 'kidsafe-config.php';
// autoload any classes as required
function __autoload($class_name)
    include 'inc/' . $class_name . '.php';
/** Warning do not run in debug on a production system - exposes more information */
//$debug = True;
if (!isset($debug)) {
    $debug = false;
/*** Connect to database ***/
$db = new Database($dbsettings);
$kdb = new KidsafeDB($db);
$session_file = new SessionFile($sessionfilename);
//Get parameters - check safe and return as array
// all values are included in array - even if not on url
$parms = new Parameters();
//$get_values = getPostParms();
if ($db->getStatus() != 1) {
    die("Unable to connect to the database");
// Allow messages to be sent to the web page
$message = '';
// If we have a username & password then login attempt, if not then prompt
/** logging in **/
// First check that the password is correct - as otherwise we won't allow anything
// $password is already md5 encoded, as is the value in get_values so just do direct compare
if ($parms->getParm('user') != '' && $parms->getParm('password') != '') {
    $username = $parms->getParm('user');
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with kidsafe.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
include 'kidsafe-config.php';
// configuration (eg. mysql login)
// autoload any classes as required
function __autoload($class_name)
    include 'inc/' . $class_name . '.php';
// used to set messages to provide to the user (eg. 'proxy not disabled for local network');
// including <br> on the end of each message will keep the messages separate for the user
$user_messages = '';
// Read in active sessions
$session_file = new SessionFile($sessionfilename);
// there are some classes for handling sessions, but we only need a basic check
// and don't want the overhead of handling all the additional classes and methods
// when this doesn't need that level of detail - and it's a commonly used page
$sessions = split("\n", $session_file->readFile());
$updated_session = '';
// read through each session - drop any that match this IP address
foreach ($sessions as $thissession) {
    // compare start of session + space with IP address of this client
    if (strncmp($thissession, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' ', strlen($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) + 1) != 0) {
        $updated_session .= $thissession . "\n";
// setup and load headers
$title = "Kidsafe - logout";