<?php require_once '../StageBloc.php'; require_once 'config.php'; $stagebloc = new Services_StageBloc($clientId, $clientSecret, $redirectUri, $inDevelopment); if (isset($_GET['code'])) { try { $accessToken = $stagebloc->accessToken($_GET['code']); echo 'Successfully authenticated! Your access token is ' . $accessToken['access_token'] . '<br/>' . '<a href="request.php?accessToken=' . $accessToken['access_token'] . '">Try an example request</a>'; } catch (Services_StageBloc_Invalid_Http_Response_Code_Exception $e) { exit($e->getMessage()); } } else { $authUrl = $stagebloc->getAuthorizeUrl(array('scope' => 'non-expiring')); echo '<a href="' . $authUrl . '">Connect With StageBloc</a>'; }
<?php require_once '../StageBloc.php'; require_once 'config.php'; // If sent here from authentication.php, we can grab the access token from there // Note: You should copy this access token into the info.php file for further testing once you receive it if (!empty($_GET) && isset($_GET['accessToken'])) { $accessToken = $_GET['accessToken']; } // Setup our StageBloc OAuth object $stagebloc = new Services_StageBloc($clientId, $clientSecret, $redirectUri, $inDevelopment); $stagebloc->setAccessToken($accessToken); $stagebloc->setResponseFormat('json'); // XML is default, JSON is also accepted // Post a test status update // Warning: This will update your StageBloc account with test data! Comment this out if you don't want that to happen! $postData = array('text' => 'Status update from StageBloc\'s PHP API wrapper!'); $test = $stagebloc->post('statuses/edit', $postData); // Get the statuses for this account $items = $stagebloc->get('statuses/list'); echo '<h2>Statuses</h2>'; // If the response format is XML, it might be easier to understand the output by viewing the page source echo $items;
// Using {Include file="<theme_file_name>.sbt"} anywhere in your main theme.sbt file will include theme_file_name.sbt from this folder // This can be used as a way to organize your theme a bit more and not have to have all the HTML in one file // If null, it'll assume your entire theme is in theme.sbt $themeViewsPath = null; // The path to where CSS files are stored for each theme relative to the theme itself (i.e. you shouldn't need a beginning slash) // Each CSS file in the folder specified by the path will be added in a <link> tag at the top of the theme (folder searching isn't recursive) // If you use "Submit" theme, the CSS from the files in this directory will be appended into one, larger CSS dump before POSTing it to the server // If null, it will look for /theme_dir/style.css $cssPath = null; // The path to where JS files are stored for each theme relative to the theme itself (i.e. you shouldn't need a beginning slash) // Behaves similarily to $cssPath with regards to the other behaviors // If null, it will look for /theme_dir/javascript.js $jsPath = null; // Once you have the other three pieces of information, this can be found by using index.php to get an access token // It will be placed here for you automatically once you login with your StageBloc credentials $accessToken = null; // This will be populated for your automagically upon authentication // For those who are curious, it's basically just a log of the JSON returned from the API to have locally // So if you ever need to "reset" your login, changing both this and $accessToken back to null will force another login $accountData = null; // Since you're authenticated with the API, the theming engine usually assumes there's a logged in user when rendering the theme // Set this to true to simulate what a logged out user would see (useful when testing fan club stuff, etc) $simulateLoggedOutUser = false; $inDevelopment = false; // This will basically always be false, StageBloc uses this internally // These files should not be included in the page or submitted to the theme $jsFileBlacklist = ['gulpfile.js', 'Gruntfile.js']; // Setup our StageBloc OAuth object $stagebloc = new Services_StageBloc($clientId, $clientSecret, $redirectUri, $inDevelopment); $stagebloc->setAccessToken($accessToken); $stagebloc->setResponseFormat('json');