public function action_index() { $args = array('seller' => Seller::active()); $pagination = Pagination::forge('customer_pagination', array('total_items' => Service_Customer_Order::count($args))); $orders = Service_Customer_Order::find(array_merge($args, array('offset' => $pagination->offset, 'limit' => $pagination->per_page, 'order_by' => array('updated_at' => 'desc')))); $this->view->orders = $orders; $this->view->pagination = $pagination; }
/** * Creates an order. * * @param int $customer_id Customer ID. * * @return void */ public function post_index($customer_id = null) { $customer = $this->get_customer($customer_id); $validator = \Validation_Customer_Order::create($customer); if (!$validator->run()) { throw new HttpBadRequestException($validator->errors()); } $data = $validator->validated(); $order = \Service_Customer_Order::create($customer, $data['products'], $data['paymentmethod']); if (!$order) { throw new HttpServerErrorException(); } $this->response($order); }
/** * Generates customers. * * @return void */ protected static function customers() { $balances = array(0, 5, 10, 12.5, 24.3); $first_names = array('Daniel', 'Steve', 'Elon', 'Bill', 'Stephan', 'Olivia', 'Keithia', 'Caroline', 'Porschia', 'Marie'); $last_names = array('Sposito', 'Manos', 'Myers', 'Jenkins', 'Gates', 'Jobs', 'Musk', 'Wyrick', 'Natalie', 'Stevens'); $streets = array('Wisteria Ln', 'Pebble Creek Blvd', 'Bakerstreet Dr', 'Miranda Point', 'Infinite Loop'); $cities = array('Oklahoma City', 'Phoenix', 'Palo Alto', 'Saigon', 'Caracas'); $states = array('OK', 'NY', 'CA', 'WA', 'FL'); $countries = array('US', 'VN', 'VE'); $customers = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= self::TOTAL_CUSTOMERS; $i++) { $first_name = $first_names[array_rand($first_names)]; $last_name = $last_names[array_rand($last_names)]; // Random created_at between the begin date and now. $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mt_rand(self::BEGIN_DATETIME, time())); $customers[] = array('balance' => $balances[array_rand($balances)], 'contact' => array('first_name' => $first_name, 'last_name' => $last_name, 'email' => $first_name . '.' . $last_name . mt_rand(1, 100) . '', 'address' => mt_rand(1, 5000) . ' ' . $streets[array_rand($streets)], 'city' => $cities[array_rand($cities)], 'state' => $states[array_rand($states)], 'zip' => mt_rand(10000, 99999), 'country' => $countries[array_rand($countries)]), 'status' => mt_rand(1, 10) <= 8 ? 'active' : 'deleted', 'created_at' => $date); } foreach ($customers as $data) { $seller = self::$sellers[array_rand(self::$sellers)]; $customer = \Service_Customer::create($seller, $data); // Create a payment method for the faux customer. $payment_method = \Service_Customer_Paymentmethod::create($customer, self::$gateway, array('contact' => $data['contact'], 'account' => array('provider' => 'Volcano', 'number' => '6011000000000012', 'expiration_month' => '12', 'expiration_year' => '5'))); // Subscribe a random number of customers to a product option. if ($customer && mt_rand(1, 10) >= 5) { $option = self::$product_options[$seller->id][array_rand(self::$product_options[$seller->id])]; $order = \Service_Customer_Order::create($customer, array($option->id => 'My ' . \Str::random('alpha', 5)), null, array('created_at' => $customer->created_at)); // Reset the order's updated_at. self::updateUpdatedAt($order); } // Reset the models' updated_at. self::updateUpdatedAt($customer); foreach ($customer->products as $product) { self::updateUpdatedAt($product); } } \Cli::write('Customer Simulation Complete', 'green'); }
/** * Displays a customer's orders. * * @param int $customer_id Customer ID. * * @return void */ public function action_index($customer_id = null) { $customer = $this->get_customer($customer_id); $this->view->customer = $customer; $this->view->orders = Service_Customer_Order::find(array('customer' => $customer)); }