public function execute($args = null) { if (!ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAdmin()) { return header('Location: /admin/login'); } ServiceRenderHtml::newInstance()->load('admin/stats')->setData('res1', CollectionAction::newInstance()->countDesc())->setData('res2', CollectionUser::newInstance()->findAllWithReputation())->setData('res3', CollectionUser_has_user::newInstance()->findAllCoworkers())->render(); }
public function findByWithUser($names, $ids) { if (!is_array($ids)) { $ids = array($ids); } if (!is_array($names)) { $names = array($names); } $c = static::getModelName(); $sth = ServiceDb::getInstance()->prepare(' select `' . static::getTableName() . '`.*, `user`.* from `' . static::getTableName() . '` left join `user` on `user`.`id`=`' . static::getTableName() . '`.`user_id` where `' . implode('`=? and `', $names) . '`=?'); $sth->execute($ids); $arr = array(); foreach ($sth->fetchAll() as $data) { if ($data['id'] == ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->getId()) { continue; } $a = new ModelUser(); $a->hydrate($data); $b = new $c(); $b->hydrate($data); $a->setProfile($b); $arr[] = $a; } return $arr; }
public function execute($args = null) { if (!ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAuth()) { header('Location: /login'); } else { if (empty($_POST)) { return ServiceRenderHtml::newInstance()->load('search')->render(); } $res = array(); if (isset($_POST['search1'])) { $res = CollectionProfile::newInstance()->findByWithUser('prog', $_POST['prog']); } elseif (isset($_POST['search2'])) { $res = CollectionProfile::newInstance()->findByWithUser(array('prog', 'semester'), array($_POST['prog'], $_POST['semester'])); } elseif (isset($_POST['search3'])) { $res = CollectionProfile::newInstance()->findByWithUser('sex', $_POST['sex']); } elseif (isset($_POST['search4'])) { $resx = CollectionUser_has_user::newInstance()->findByWithUserLoose('user_id1', ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->getId()); foreach ($resx as $v) { $res[] = $v->getUser2(); } } elseif (isset($_POST['search5'])) { $res = CollectionProfile::newInstance()->findAllWithUser(); } else { return ControllerError::newInstance()->execute($args); } $_SESSION['search'] = $res; header('Location: /search/result'); } }
private function updateV($args) { $p = ServiceRenderJson::newInstance(); $pro = ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->getProfile(); if (isset($_POST['id'], $_POST['value'])) { if (!($u = $pro->getParameter($_POST['id']))) { $p->setData('success', false)->setData('message', 'Paramètre inconnu'); } else { if (!ModelParameter::isValidVisibility($_POST['value'])) { $p->setData('success', false)->setData('message', 'Valeur incorrecte'); } else { $u->setVisibility($_POST['value']); // we persist the Profile, not the Parameter ! Be careful if (ServiceDb::getInstance()->persist($pro)) { $p->setData('success', true)->setData('message', 'La visibilité du paramètre a bien été modifiée'); ServiceDb::getInstance()->persist(ModelAction::newInstance()->setUser_id(ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->getId())->setType('update')->setObject('parameter visibility')->setValue($_POST['id'])->setWhen()); } else { $p->setData('message', 'L\'opération a échoué !'); } } } } else { $p->setData('success', false); } $p->render(); }
private function del($args) { $p = ServiceRenderJson::newInstance(); $u = ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser(); $i = $u->getId(); if ($v = $this->getQueryNext()) { if (!($o = $u->getPhoto($v))) { $p->setData('success', false)->setData('message', 'Cette photo n\'existe pas !'); } elseif ($o->getUser_id() != $i) { $p->setData('success', false)->setData('message', 'Cette photo n\'est pas la votre !'); } else { if (!ServiceDb::getInstance()->delete($o)) { $p->setData('message', 'L\'opération a échoué !'); } else { $p->setData('success', true)->setData('message', 'La photo a bien été supprimée'); $u->delPhoto($o); $f = '../public/uploads/' . $o->getId(); //.'.'.$ext; if (@unlink($f)) { ServiceDb::getInstance()->persist(ModelAction::newInstance()->setUser_id($i)->setType('delete')->setObject('photo')->setValue($o->getId())->setWhen()); } else { $p->setData('success', false)->setData('message', 'Erreur lors de la suppression de l\'image'); } } } } else { $p->setData('success', false); } $p->render(); }
public function execute($args = null) { if (!ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAdmin()) { return header('Location: /admin/login'); } ServiceRenderHtml::newInstance()->load('admin/home')->render(); }
public function execute($args = null) { $p = ServiceRenderJson::newInstance(); if (isset($_POST['id'], $_POST['type'], $_POST['action'])) { if (!($u = CollectionUser::newInstance()->find($_POST['id']))) { $p->setData('success', false)->setData('message', 'Membre inconnu'); } else { $c = ($_POST['action'] == 'add' ? 'enable' : 'disable') . 'Type'; $r = ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->getUser_has_user($u); $r->{$c}($_POST['type']); if (ServiceDb::getInstance()->persist($r)) { $p->setData('success', true)->setData('message', 'La relation a bien été ' . ($_POST['action'] == 'add' ? 'ajoutée' : 'supprimée')); ServiceDb::getInstance()->persist(ModelAction::newInstance()->setUser_id(ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->getId())->setObject('relation')->setValue($u->getLogin() . ' (' . ModelUser_has_user::$shortNames[$_POST['type']] . ')')->setType($_POST['action'] == 'add' ? 'create' : 'delete')->setWhen()); if ($r->getType() == 0) { ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->delUser_has_user($r); ServiceDb::getInstance()->delete($r); } else { ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->addUser_has_user($r); } } else { $p->setData('message', 'L\'opération a échoué !'); } } } else { $p->setData('success', false); } $p->render(); }
public function execute($args = null) { $p = ServiceRenderHtml::newInstance()->load('lost')->setData('page', $args)->setData('hideMessages', true); if (!ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAuth()) { $p->setData('hideNavigation', true); } $p->render(); }
public function execute($args = null) { if (ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAuth()) { header('Location: /profile'); } else { header('Location: /login'); } }
public function execute($args = null) { if (ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAdmin()) { header('Location: /admin/home'); } else { header('Location: /admin/login'); } }
public function execute($args = null) { if (!ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAdmin()) { return header('Location: /admin/login'); } $res = CollectionAction::newInstance()->findAll(); rsort($res); ServiceRenderHtml::newInstance()->load('admin/logs')->setData('res', $res)->render(); }
public function execute($args = null) { setcookie('login', '', -1); setcookie('value', '', -1); ServiceAuth::getInstance()->deAuth(); $v = $this->getQueryNext(); if ($v != 'quiet') { ServiceMessage::getInstance()->addMessage('Vous avez bien été déconnecté', 'success'); } header('Location: /home'); }
public function execute($args = null) { if (!ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAuth()) { header('Location: /login'); } else { if (isset($_SESSION['search'])) { $p = ServiceRenderHtml::newInstance()->load('search_result')->setData('result', $_SESSION['search'])->render(); } else { header('Location: /search'); } } }
public function execute($args = null) { if (ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAdmin()) { die(header('Location: /admin')); } if (!empty($_POST)) { if (ServiceAuth::getInstance()->adminAuth($_POST['password'])) { ServiceMessage::getInstance()->addMessage('Vous avez bien été connecté', 'success'); header('Location: /admin'); return; } else { ServiceMessage::getInstance()->addMessage('Mauvaise mot de passe', 'error'); } } ServiceRenderHtml::newInstance()->load('admin/login')->setData('hideNavigation', true)->render(); }
public function execute($args = null) { if (!ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAuth()) { header('Location: /login'); } else { $p = ServiceRenderHtml::newInstance()->load('profile')->setData('user', ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser())->setData('guest', false); if ($q = $this->getQueryNext()) { if ($q != ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->getLogin()) { if ($user = CollectionUser::newInstance()->findBy('login', $q)) { $p->setData('user', $user)->setData('guest', true); } else { $p->load('profile_not_found'); } } } $p->render(); } }
public function execute($args = null) { if (ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAuth()) { die(header('Location: /home')); } elseif (ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAdmin()) { die(header('Location: /admin')); } if (!empty($_POST)) { if (ServiceAuth::getInstance()->regularAuth($_POST['login'], $_POST['password'])) { if (isset($_POST['remember_me'])) { setcookie('login', ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->getLogin(), time() + 3600 * 24 * 365); setcookie('hash', ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->gethash(), time() + 3600 * 24 * 365); } ServiceMessage::getInstance()->addMessage('Vous avez bien été connecté', 'success'); header('Location: /home'); return; } else { ServiceMessage::getInstance()->addMessage('Mauvaise combinaison', 'error'); } } ServiceRenderHtml::newInstance()->load('login')->setData('hideNavigation', true)->render(); }
public function render() { $hideNavigation = false; $hideMessages = false; extract(parent::getData()); $_POST = @array_map_recursive('htmlspecialchars', $_POST); $_GET = @array_map_recursive('htmlspecialchars', $_GET); require 'View/header.php'; if (!$hideNavigation) { require ServiceAuth::getInstance()->isAdmin() ? 'View/admin/nav.php' : 'View/nav.php'; } require 'View/body.php'; echo '<div id="messages"></div>'; if (!$hideMessages && ServiceMessage::getInstance()->hasMessages()) { foreach (ServiceMessage::getInstance()->getMessages() as $v) { list($message, $level) = $v; require 'View/message.php'; } } require 'View/' . $this->getFile() . '.php'; require 'View/footer.php'; return $this; }
public function findByWithUserLoose($names, $ids) { if (!is_array($names)) { $names = array($names); } if (!is_array($ids)) { $ids = array($ids); } $k = ''; foreach (array_keys(ModelUser::newInstance()->getPersistentData()) as $v) { $k .= "`user2`.`{$v}` `a__{$v}`,"; } $sth = ServiceDb::getInstance()->prepare(' select `user_has_user`.*, ' . $k . ' `user2`.`id` `a__id` from `user_has_user` left join `user` `user2` on `user2`.`id`=`user_has_user`.`user_id2` where `' . implode('`=? or `', $names) . '`=?'); $sth->execute($ids); $arr = array(); foreach ($sth->fetchAll() as $data) { if ($data['a__id'] == ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->getId()) { continue; } $datax = array(); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (strpos($k, 'a__') === 0) { $datax[str_replace('a__', '', $k)] = $v; } } $a = ModelUser_has_user::newInstance()->hydrate($data); $a->setUser2(ModelUser::newInstance()->hydrate($datax)); $arr[] = $a; } return $arr; }
private function del($args) { $p = ServiceRenderJson::newInstance(); $u = ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser(); $i = $u->getId(); if ($v = $this->getQueryNext()) { if (!($o = $u->getSkill($v))) { $p->setData('success', false)->setData('message', 'Vous n\'avez pas cette compétence #1'); } elseif ($o->getUser_id() != $u->getId()) { $p->setData('success', false)->setData('message', 'Vous n\'avez pas cette compétence #2'); } else { if (!ServiceDb::getInstance()->delete($o)) { $p->setData('message', 'L\'opération a échoué !'); } else { $p->setData('success', true)->setData('message', 'La compétence a bien été supprimée'); $u->delSkill($o); ServiceDb::getInstance()->persist(ModelAction::newInstance()->setUser_id($i)->setType('delete')->setObject('skill')->setValue($o->getName())->setWhen()); } } } else { $p->setData('success', false); } $p->render(); }
if ($a = $user->getSkills()) { foreach ($a as $v) { echo '<li>' . $v->getName() . '<a href="/parameter/skill/del/' . $v->getId() . '" class="btn btn-danger btn-small delete">Supprimer</a></li>'; } } else { echo '<li class="empty">Pas de compétence</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; if (!$guest) { echo '<form style="margin-top:10px" action="/parameter/skill/add" method="post" class="form-search"><div class="input-append"><input type="text" name="value" value="" class="btn-small search-query" placeholder="Ajouter une compétence" required="required" style="line-height:100%" /><input type="submit" value="Valider" class="btn btn-small" /></div></form>'; } ?> </dd> <?php } if (!$guest || ServiceAuth::getInstance()->getUser()->isAllowedToSee($user, 'photos')) { ?> <dt class="visibility-<?php echo $user->getProfile()->getParameter('photos')->getVisibility(); ?> ">Liste de photos<?php if (!$guest) { echo showDropDown($user->getProfile()->getParameter('photos')); } ?> </dt> <dd class="update-photo"><?php echo '<ul>'; if ($a = $user->getPhotos()) { foreach ($a as $v) { echo '<li><a href="/uploads/' . $v->getId() . '" target="_blank">Image #' . $v->getId() . '</a><a href="/parameter/photo/del/' . $v->getId() . '" class="btn btn-danger btn-small delete">Supprimer</a></li>';