     * Add the admin all lessons screen edit options.
     * The fields in this function work for both quick and bulk edit. The ID attributes is used
     * by bulk edit javascript in the front end to retrieve the new values set byt the user. Then
     * name attribute is will be used by the quick edit and submitted via standard POST. This
     * will use this classes save_post_meta function to save the new field data.
     * @hooked quick_edit_custom_box
     * @hooked bulk_edit_custom_box
     * @since 1.8.0
     * @param string $column_name
     * @param string $post_type
     * @return void
    public function all_lessons_edit_fields($column_name, $post_type)
        // only show these options ont he lesson post type edit screen
        if ('lesson' != $post_type || 'lesson-course' != $column_name || !current_user_can('edit_lessons')) {
        <fieldset class="sensei-edit-field-set inline-edit-lesson">
            <div class="sensei-inline-edit-col column-<?php 
        echo $column_name;
        echo '<h4>' . __('Lesson Information', 'woothemes-sensei') . '</h4>';
        // create a nonce field to be  used as a security measure when saving the data
        wp_nonce_field('bulk-edit-lessons', '_edit_lessons_nonce');
        wp_nonce_field('sensei-save-post-meta', 'woo_' . $this->token . '_nonce');
        // unchanged option - we need this in because
        // the default option in bulk edit should not be empty. If it is
        // the user will erase data they didn't want to touch.
        $no_change_text = '-- ' . __('No Change', 'woothemes-sensei') . ' --';
        //course selection
        $courses = WooThemes_Sensei_Course::get_all_courses();
        $course_options = array();
        if (count($courses) > 0) {
            foreach ($courses as $course) {
                $course_options[$course->ID] = get_the_title($course->ID);
        //pre-append the no change option
        $course_options['-1'] = $no_change_text;
        $course_attributes = array('name' => 'lesson_course', 'id' => 'sensei-edit-lesson-course', 'class' => ' ');
        $course_field = Sensei_Utils::generate_drop_down('-1', $course_options, $course_attributes);
        echo $this->generate_all_lessons_edit_field(__('Lesson Course', 'woothemes-sensei'), $course_field);
        // lesson complexity selection
        $lesson_complexities = $this->lesson_complexities();
        //pre-append the no change option
        $lesson_complexities['-1'] = $no_change_text;
        $complexity_dropdown_attributes = array('name' => 'lesson_complexity', 'id' => 'sensei-edit-lesson-complexity', 'class' => ' ');
        $complexity_filed = Sensei_Utils::generate_drop_down('-1', $lesson_complexities, $complexity_dropdown_attributes);
        echo $this->generate_all_lessons_edit_field(__('Lesson Complexity', 'woothemes-sensei'), $complexity_filed);

        _e('Quiz Settings', 'woothemes-sensei');

        // Lesson require pass to complete
        $pass_required_options = array('-1' => $no_change_text, '0' => __('No', 'woothemes'), '1' => __('Yes', 'woothemes'));
        $pass_required_select_attributes = array('name' => 'pass_required', 'id' => 'sensei-edit-lesson-pass-required', 'class' => ' ');
        $require_pass_field = Sensei_Utils::generate_drop_down('-1', $pass_required_options, $pass_required_select_attributes, false);
        echo $this->generate_all_lessons_edit_field(__('Pass required', 'woothemes-sensei'), $require_pass_field);
        // Quiz pass percentage
        $quiz_pass_percentage_field = '<input name="quiz_passmark" id="sensei-edit-quiz-pass-percentage" type="number" />';
        echo $this->generate_all_lessons_edit_field(__('Pass Percentage', 'woothemes-sensei'), $quiz_pass_percentage_field);
        // Enable quiz reset button
        $quiz_reset_select__options = array('-1' => $no_change_text, '0' => __('No', 'woothemes'), '1' => __('Yes', 'woothemes'));
        $quiz_reset_name_id = 'sensei-edit-enable-quiz-reset';
        $quiz_reset_select_attributes = array('name' => 'enable_quiz_reset', 'id' => $quiz_reset_name_id, 'class' => ' ');
        $quiz_reset_field = Sensei_Utils::generate_drop_down('-1', $quiz_reset_select__options, $quiz_reset_select_attributes, false);
        echo $this->generate_all_lessons_edit_field(__('Enable quiz reset button', 'woothemes-sensei'), $quiz_reset_field);