public function send(array $options) { $connection = $this->getConnection(); $email = new \SendGrid\Email(); $options = array_replace_recursive($this->defaults, $options); foreach ((array) $options['to'] as $to) { $email->addTo($to); } foreach ((array) $options['cc'] as $cc) { $email->addCc($cc); } foreach ((array) $options['bcc'] as $bcc) { $email->addBcc($bcc); } $email->setSubject($options['subject']); $email->setFrom($this->getFrom($options)); if (!empty($options['category'])) { $email->setCategory($options['category']); } if (!empty($options['categories'])) { $email->setCategories($options['categories']); } if (!empty($options['text'])) { $email->setText($options['text']); } if (!empty($options['html'])) { $email->setHtml($options['html']); } elseif (!empty($options['layout']) && !empty($options['data'])) { $path = $this->_app->basePath . '/mail/sendgrid/' . $options['layout'] . '.html'; if (!file_exists($path)) { $message = 'Layout "' . $options['layout'] . '" cannot be found in "/mail/sendgrid/".'; if ($this->_version == 2) { throw new \yii\web\NotFoundHttpException($message); } else { throw new \CHttpException(404, $message); } } $params = array('subject' => $options['subject']); foreach ($options['data'] as $key => $value) { $params['{{' . $key . '}}'] = $value; } $html = file_get_contents($path); $html = strtr($html, $params); $email->setHtml($html); } return $response = $connection->send($email); }
private function processEmailHeaders($headers, SendGrid\Email $email) { if ($headers && is_array($headers)) { if (isset($headers[self::Header_CC])) { foreach (explode(',', $headers[self::Header_CC]) as $cc) { $email->addCc(trim($cc)); } } if (isset($headers[self::Header_BCC])) { foreach (explode(',', $headers[self::Header_BCC]) as $bcc) { $email->addBcc(trim($bcc)); } } if (isset($headers[self::Header_ReplyTo])) { $email->setReplyTo($headers[self::Header_ReplyTo]); } } return $email; }
public function testToWebFormatWithCcName() { $email = new \SendGrid\Email(); $email->addCc('*****@*****.**', 'Frank Foo'); $email->setFrom('*****@*****.**'); $json = $email->toWebFormat(); $this->assertEquals($json['ccname'], ['Frank Foo']); }
public function testUseHeaders() { $email = new SendGrid\Email(); $email->addTo('*****@*****.**')->addBcc('*****@*****.**')->setFrom('*****@*****.**')->setSubject('Subject')->setHtml('Hello You'); $this->assertFalse($email->useHeaders()); $email->removeBcc('*****@*****.**'); $this->assertTrue($email->useHeaders()); $email->addCc('*****@*****.**'); $this->assertFalse($email->useHeaders()); $email->removeCc('*****@*****.**')->setRecipientsinHeader(true); $this->assertTrue($email->useHeaders()); $email->setRecipientsinHeader(false); $this->assertFalse($email->useHeaders()); $email->addBcc('*****@*****.**')->addAttachment('attachment.ext'); $this->assertTrue($email->useHeaders()); }
/** * Send email. */ public function sendEmail() { $emailMessage = $this->emailMessage; if ($this->emailAccount == null) { $apiUser = Yii::app()->sendGridEmailHelper->apiUsername; $apiPassword = Yii::app()->sendGridEmailHelper->apiPassword; } else { $apiUser = $this->emailAccount->apiUsername; $apiPassword = ZurmoPasswordSecurityUtil::decrypt($this->emailAccount->apiPassword); } $itemData = EmailMessageUtil::getCampaignOrAutoresponderDataByEmailMessage($this->emailMessage); $sendgrid = new SendGrid($apiUser, $apiPassword, array("turn_off_ssl_verification" => true)); $email = new SendGrid\Email(); $email->setFrom($this->fromUserEmailData['address'])->setFromName($this->fromUserEmailData['name'])->setSubject($emailMessage->subject)->setText($emailMessage->content->textContent)->setHtml($emailMessage->content->htmlContent)->addUniqueArg("zurmoToken", md5(ZURMO_TOKEN))->addHeader('X-Sent-Using', 'SendGrid-API')->addHeader('X-Transport', 'web'); //Check if campaign and if yes, associate to email. if ($itemData != null) { list($itemId, $itemClass, $personId) = $itemData; $email->addUniqueArg("itemId", $itemId); $email->addUniqueArg("itemClass", $itemClass); $email->addUniqueArg("personId", $personId); } foreach ($this->toAddresses as $emailAddress => $name) { $email->addTo($emailAddress, $name); } foreach ($this->ccAddresses as $emailAddress => $name) { $email->addCc($emailAddress); } foreach ($this->bccAddresses as $emailAddress => $name) { $email->addBcc($emailAddress); } //Attachments $attachmentsData = array(); $tempAttachmentPath = Yii::app()->getRuntimePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'emailAttachments'; if (!file_exists($tempAttachmentPath)) { mkdir($tempAttachmentPath); } if (!empty($emailMessage->files)) { foreach ($emailMessage->files as $file) { $fileName = tempnam($tempAttachmentPath, 'zurmo_'); $fp = fopen($fileName, 'wb'); fwrite($fp, $file->fileContent->content); fclose($fp); $email->addAttachment($fileName, $file->name); $attachmentsData[] = $fileName; } } $emailMessage->sendAttempts = $emailMessage->sendAttempts + 1; $response = $sendgrid->send($email); if ($response->message == 'success') { //Here we need to check if $emailMessage->error = null; $emailMessage->folder = EmailFolder::getByBoxAndType($emailMessage->folder->emailBox, EmailFolder::TYPE_SENT); $emailMessage->sentDateTime = DateTimeUtil::convertTimestampToDbFormatDateTime(time()); } elseif ($response->message == 'error') { $content = Zurmo::t('EmailMessagesModule', 'Response from Server') . "\n"; foreach ($response->errors as $error) { $content .= $error; } $emailMessageSendError = new EmailMessageSendError(); $data = array(); $data['message'] = $content; $emailMessageSendError->serializedData = serialize($data); $emailMessage->folder = EmailFolder::getByBoxAndType($emailMessage->folder->emailBox, EmailFolder::TYPE_OUTBOX_ERROR); $emailMessage->error = $emailMessageSendError; } if (count($attachmentsData) > 0) { foreach ($attachmentsData as $path) { unlink($path); } } $saved = $emailMessage->save(false); if (!$saved) { throw new FailedToSaveModelException(); } }
public function testAddCc() { $email = new SendGrid\Email(); $email->addCc('foo'); $email->addCc('raz'); $this->assertEquals(2, count($email->getCcs())); $cc_list = $email->getCcs(); $this->assertEquals('foo', $cc_list[0]); $this->assertEquals('raz', $cc_list[1]); // removeTo removes all occurences of data $email->removeCc('raz'); $this->assertEquals(1, count($email->getCcs())); $cc_list = $email->getCcs(); $this->assertEquals('foo', $cc_list[0]); }
/** * @param SendGrid\Email $email * @param Swift_Mime_Message $message */ protected function setCc($email, Swift_Mime_Message $message) { if ($cc = $message->getCc()) { foreach ($cc as $cc_email => $cc_name) { $email->addCc($cc_email, $cc_name); } } }
public function send() { //ARCHIVE THIS EMAIL if ($this->archive) { $rand = substr(md5(rand(0, 100) . date("dmyHis")), -10); //Set url in HTML body $this->HTMLBody = str_replace("[[ARCHIVE]]", LINK_BASE . "archive/" . $rand . ".html", $this->HTMLBody); } //Remove all variables ([[var]]) in template, if necessairy while (($startpos = strpos($this->HTMLBody, "[[")) !== false) { $endpos = strpos(substr($this->HTMLBody, $startpos), "]]") + $startpos; $temp = substr($this->HTMLBody, 0, $startpos) . substr($this->HTMLBody, $endpos + 2); $this->HTMLBody = $temp; } //Create the archived document if ($this->archive) { $doc = new Document("archive/", $rand . '.html'); if (STAGE == "test") { $string = "From: " . $this->from['name'] . ' (' . $this->from['email'] . ')<br/>To: ' . print_r($this->recipients, true) . "<br/>Subject: " . $this->subject . '<br/>'; } else { $string = ""; } $string .= $this->HTMLBody; $doc->write($string); } $email = new SendGrid\Email(); $email->setFrom($this->from["email"])->setFromName($this->from["name"])->setSubject($this->subject)->setText($this->plainBody)->setHTML($this->HTMLBody)->setHeaders($this->headers); //Add recipients foreach ($this->recipients as $recipient) { switch ($recipient["type"]) { case "to": default: $email->addTo($recipient['email'], $recipient["name"]); break; case "cc": $email->addCc($recipient['email'], $recipient["name"]); break; case "bcc": $email->addBcc($recipient['email'], $recipient["name"]); break; } } switch (STAGE) { case 'deploy': case 'test': $result = []; try { $result = $this->sendgrid->send($email); } catch (\SendGrid\Exception $e) { foreach ($e->getErrors() as $er) { trigger_error("A mail error occured: " . $e->getCode() . " - " . $er, E_USER_ERROR); } } $sent = array(); $rejected = array(); if ($result->code == 200) { array_push($sent, true); } else { array_push($rejected, $result->body->message); } return array("sent" => $sent, "rejected" => $rejected); break; case 'dev': default: //Display email in browser, don't send print_r($email); break; } }
/** * Repair data for send message * * @param array $args * * @return array */ function generate_postdata($args = array()) { $emailData = new SendGrid\Email(); $is_force = aem_get_option('aem_force_header', FALSE); $header = $this->process_header($args['headers']); /** * generate postFile */ $emailData->setSubject($args['subject']); $emailData->setText($args['subject']); //From email if (!$is_force && isset($header['from_name'])) { $from_email = $header['from_email']; } else { $from_email = AEM_Option()->get_from_email(); } $from_email = apply_filters('wp_mail_from', $from_email); $emailData->setFrom($from_email); //From name if (!$is_force && isset($header['from_name'])) { $from_name = $header['from_name']; } else { $from_name = AEM_Option()->get_from_name(); } $from_name = apply_filters('wp_mail_from_name', $from_name); $emailData->setFromName($from_name); //to if (!is_array($args['to'])) { $args['to'] = explode(',', $args['to']); } foreach ((array) $args['to'] as $recipient) { try { // Break $recipient into name and address parts if in the format "Foo <*****@*****.**>" $recipient_name = ''; if (preg_match('/(.*)<(.+)>/', $recipient, $matches)) { if (count($matches) == 3) { $recipient_name = $matches[1]; $recipient = $matches[2]; } } $emailData->addTo($recipient, $recipient_name); } catch (phpmailerException $e) { continue; } } //cc if (!empty($header['cc'])) { //header cc not empty if (empty($args['cc'])) { //arg cc empty, override agr cc $args['cc'] = $header['cc']; } else { //arg cc not empty if (!is_array($args['cc'])) { $args['cc'] = explode(',', $args['cc']); } //merge them $args['cc'] = array_merge($header['cc']); } } if (!empty($args['cc'])) { foreach ((array) $args['cc'] as $recipient) { try { // Break $recipient into name and address parts if in the format "Foo <*****@*****.**>" $recipient_name = ''; if (preg_match('/(.*)<(.+)>/', $recipient, $matches)) { if (count($matches) == 3) { $recipient_name = $matches[1]; $recipient = $matches[2]; } } $emailData->addCc($recipient); } catch (phpmailerException $e) { continue; } } } //bcc if (!empty($header['bcc'])) { //header bcc not empty if (empty($args['bcc'])) { //arg bcc empty, override agr cc $args['bcc'] = $header['bcc']; } else { //arg bcc not empty if (!is_array($args['bcc'])) { $args['bcc'] = explode(',', $args['bcc']); } //merge them $args['bcc'] = array_merge($header['bcc']); } } if (!empty($args['bcc'])) { foreach ((array) $args['bcc'] as $recipient) { try { // Break $recipient into name and address parts if in the format "Foo <*****@*****.**>" $recipient_name = ''; if (preg_match('/(.*)<(.+)>/', $recipient, $matches)) { if (count($matches) == 3) { $recipient_name = $matches[1]; $recipient = $matches[2]; } } $emailData->addBcc($recipient); } catch (Exception $e) { continue; } } } if (!isset($header['content_type'])) { $content_type = 'text/plain'; } else { $content_type = $header['content_type']; } $content_type = apply_filters('wp_mail_content_type', $content_type); if ($content_type == "text/html") { $emailData->setHtml($args['message']); } //custom header if (isset($args['headers']) && is_array($args['headers'])) { //extract header line $header_arr = explode("\r\n", $args['headers']); foreach ($header_arr as $header) { //extract header key:value $tmp = explode(':', $header); if (count($tmp) > 1) { if ($tmp[1] != NULL) { if (strtolower($tmp[0]) == 'from') { if (aem_get_option('aem_force_header')) { continue; } } $emailData->addHeader($tmp[0], $tmp[1]); } } } } //$args['attachments'] = array ( plugin_dir_path( AEM_PLUGIN_FILE )."/inc/ae/assets/img/slider.png" ); if (!empty($args['attachments'])) { $emailData->setAttachments($args['attachments']); } $postData = apply_filters("aem_postdata", $emailData); return $postData; }