  * Add the type of content element
  * @param array
  * @return string
 public function addCteType($arrRow)
     $callback = static::$defaultAddCteTypeCallback;
     $callbackObject = in_array('getInstance', get_class_methods($callback[0])) ? $callback[0]::getInstance() : new $callback[0]();
     $callbackMethod = static::$defaultAddCteTypeCallback[1];
     // Build level for all elements
     if (self::$arrContentElements == null) {
         $arrSh5Stack = array();
         self::$arrContentElements = array();
         // Support GlobalContentelements extension if installed
         $where = array('', null);
         if (in_array('GlobalContentelements', $this->Config->getActiveModules())) {
             $where = array(' AND do=?', $this->Input->get('do'));
         $arrResult = $this->Database->prepare('SELECT * FROM tl_content WHERE pid=?' . $where[0] . ' ORDER BY sorting')->execute($this->Input->get('id'), $where[1])->fetchAllAssoc();
         foreach ($arrResult as $value) {
             // Check for sh5 start and end tags
             if ($value['type'] == 'semantic_html5' && $value['sh5_tag'] == 'start') {
                 $arrSh5Stack[$value['id']] = true;
             // Add level setting
             if (count($arrSh5Stack) != 0) {
                 self::$arrContentElements[$value['id']] = count($arrSh5Stack);
             if ($value['type'] == 'semantic_html5' && $value['sh5_tag'] == 'end') {
     $strReturn = '';
     // Add rendering settings
     if (count(self::$arrContentElements) != 0 && array_key_exists($arrRow['id'], self::$arrContentElements)) {
         $intLevel = self::$arrContentElements[$arrRow['id']];
         if ($arrRow['type'] == 'semantic_html5') {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $intLevel; $i++) {
                 if ($i == 0) {
                     $strReturn .= '<div>';
                 } else {
                     $strReturn .= '<div>';
             $strReturn .= $callbackObject->{$callbackMethod}($arrRow);
             if ($arrRow['type'] == 'semantic_html5') {
                 $strReturn = $this->colorize($strReturn, $arrRow);
                 $strReturn = str_replace('limit_height', '', $strReturn);
                 $strReturn = str_replace('h64', '', $strReturn);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $intLevel; $i++) {
                 $strReturn .= '</div>';
         } else {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $intLevel + 1; $i++) {
                 if ($i == 0) {
                     $strReturn .= '<div>';
                 } else {
                     $strReturn .= '<div>';
             $strReturn .= $callbackObject->{$callbackMethod}($arrRow);
             if ($arrRow['type'] == 'semantic_html5') {
                 $strReturn = $this->colorize($strReturn, $arrRow);
                 $strReturn = str_replace('limit_height', '', $strReturn);
                 $strReturn = str_replace('h64', '', $strReturn);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $intLevel + 1; $i++) {
                 $strReturn .= '</div>';
     } else {
         $strReturn = $callbackObject->{$callbackMethod}($arrRow);
         if ($arrRow['type'] == 'semantic_html5') {
             $strReturn = $this->colorize($strReturn, $arrRow);
             $strReturn = str_replace('limit_height', '', $strReturn);
             $strReturn = str_replace('h64', '', $strReturn);
     return $strReturn;