 * Install
 * Runs on plugin install by setting up the post types, custom taxonomies,
 * flushing rewrite rules to initiate the new 'sell_media_item' slug and also
 * creates the plugin and populates the settings fields for those plugin
 * pages.
 * @since 1.8.5
 * @global $wpdb
 * @global $wp_version
 * @return void
function sell_media_install()
    $version = get_option('sell_media_version');
    if ($version && $version > SELL_MEDIA_VERSION) {
    // Register Custom Post Types
    // Register Taxonomies
    // Flush the permalinks
    // Don't forget registration hook is called
    // BEFORE! taxonomies are registered! therefore
    // these terms and taxonomies are NOT derived from our object!
    $settings = sell_media_get_plugin_options();
    $admin_columns = empty($settings->admin_columns) ? null : $settings->admin_columns;
    // Install new table for term meta
    $taxonomy_metadata = new SellMediaTaxonomyMetadata();
    $taxonomy = 'licenses';
    // Add Personal and Commerical default license terms
    $r_personal = wp_insert_term('Personal', $taxonomy, array('slug' => 'personal'));
    $r_commercial = wp_insert_term('Commercial', $taxonomy, array('slug' => 'commercial'));
    // Install protected folder for uploading files and prevent hotlinking
    $downloads_url = sell_media_get_upload_dir();
    if (wp_mkdir_p($downloads_url) && !file_exists($downloads_url . '/.htaccess')) {
        if ($file_handle = @fopen($downloads_url . '/.htaccess', 'w')) {
            fwrite($file_handle, 'deny from all');
    // Add a new Customer role
    add_role('sell_media_customer', 'Customer', array('read' => true));
    // This is a new install so add the defaults to the options table
    if (empty($version)) {
        $defaults = sell_media_get_plugin_option_defaults();
        update_option(sell_media_get_current_plugin_id() . "_options", $defaults);
        // A version number exists, so run upgrades
    } else {
        require_once SELL_MEDIA_PLUGIN_DIR . '/inc/admin-upgrade.php';
    // Update the version number
    update_option('sell_media_version', SELL_MEDIA_VERSION);
 * Update term meta field based on term ID.
 * Use the $prev_value parameter to differentiate between meta fields with the
 * same key and term ID.
 * If the meta field for the term does not exist, it will be added.
 * @param int $term_id Term ID.
 * @param string $key Metadata key.
 * @param mixed $value Metadata value.
 * @param mixed $prev_value Optional. Previous value to check before removing.
 * @return bool False on failure, true if success.
function sell_media_update_term_meta($term_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value = '')
    return update_metadata('taxonomy', $term_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value);