public function process(\SelectQuery $query) { $result = $query->limit($this->options['limit'])->offset($this->options['page'] * $this->options['limit'])->fetchAll(); $this->count = count($result); // Check to see if total is equal to our limit and check for the real total if ($this->options['page'] || $this->count == $this->options['limit']) { $this->total = (int) $query->limit(null)->offset(null)->select(null)->select('COUNT(*)')->fetchColumn(); } else { $this->total = $this->count; } return $result; }
public static function getComments($table = false, $table_id = false, $limit = false) { $query = new SelectQuery('Comment'); $query->field(array('`comments`.*, `backend_users`.`username`, `backend_users`.`email`'))->leftJoin('BackendUser', '`comments`.`user_id` = `backend_users`.`id`')->filter('`comments`.`active` = 1')->order('IF(`comments`.`in_reply_to` = 0, `comments`.`id`, `comments`.`in_reply_to`) DESC'); $params = array(); if ($table) { $query->filter('`comments`.`foreign_table` = :table'); $params[':table'] = $table; } if ($table_id) { $query->filter('`comments`.`foreign_id` = :table_id'); $params[':table_id'] = $table_id; } if ($limit) { $query->limit($limit); } return $query->fetchAll($params); }
public function action_filter($pageId = 1) { $query = new SelectQuery('BackendRequest'); $query->setFields(array('user_id', 'ip', 'user_agent', 'mode', 'request', 'query', 'COUNT(id) AS `occured`', 'MAX(`added`) AS `last_occured`')); $query->setGroup(array('user_id', 'ip', 'user_agent', 'mode', 'request', 'query')); $params = $queryFilter = array(); $parameters = Controller::getVar('params'); $sort = Controller::getVar('sort'); if (!empty($parameters['userId'])) { $queryFilter[] = 'user_id = :userId'; $params[':userId'] = $parameters['userId']; } if (!empty($parameters['query'])) { $queryFilter[] = "query LIKE('%{$parameters['query']}%')"; } if (!empty($parameters['ip'])) { $queryFilter[] = "ip LIKE('%{$parameters['ip']}%')"; } if (!empty($parameters['user_agent'])) { $queryFilter[] = "user_agent LIKE('%{$parameters['user_agent']}%')"; } $query->filter($queryFilter); $count = 10; if (!empty($sort['field'])) { $query->setOrder(array($sort['field'] . ' ' . $sort['order'])); } if ($pageId == 1) { $start = 0; } elseif ($pageId == 0) { $start = false; $count = false; } else { $start = floor(($pageId - 1) * $count); } $pager = array(); if ($start === 'all') { $limit = 'all'; } else { if ($start || $count) { $limit = "{$start}, {$count}"; } else { $limit = false; } } $query->limit($limit); $items = $query->fetchAll($params); $totalItems = $query->getCount($params); $pager = ''; if ($start || $count) { $pager = array('currentPage' => $pageId, 'itemCount' => count($items), 'itemTotal' => $totalItems, 'totalPages' => round(($totalItems - 1) / $count, 0)); } $retArray['pager'] = $pager; $retArray['data'] = $items; $retArray['params'] = $parameters; $retArray['sort'] = $sort; return $retArray; }
/** * @return SelectQuery **/ public function fillSelectQuery(SelectQuery $query) { $query->limit($this->limit, $this->offset); if ($this->distinct) { $query->distinct(); } if ($this->logic->getSize()) { $query->andWhere($this->logic->toMapped($this->checkAndGetDao(), $query)); } if ($this->order) { $query->setOrderChain($this->order->toMapped($this->checkAndGetDao(), $query)); } if ($this->projection->isEmpty() && $this->strategy->getId() != FetchStrategy::CASCADE) { $this->joinProperties($query, $this->checkAndGetDao(), $this->checkAndGetDao()->getTable(), true); } return $query; }
public function getSelectSQL($options = array()) { //Check the DB Connection $this->error_msg = false; if (!$this->checkConnection()) { if (class_exists('BackendError', false)) { BackendError::add(get_class($this) . ': DB Connection Error', 'getSelectSQL'); } $this->error_msg = 'DB Connection Error'; return false; } $mode = array_key_exists('mode', $options) ? $options['mode'] : 'list'; $query = new SelectQuery($this, array('connection' => $this->db)); //Fields $fields = array_key_exists('fields', $options) ? $options['fields'] : array(); if (empty($fields)) { $query->field("`{$this->meta['table']}`.*"); } else { $query->field($fields); } //Joins $joins = array_key_exists('joins', $options) ? $options['joins'] : array(); if (count($joins)) { foreach ($joins as $join) { if (is_array($join)) { $query->joinArray($join); } } } $q_params = array(); if (!empty($options['conditions'])) { $query->filter($options['conditions']); } //Mode specific $limit = false; switch ($mode) { case 'object': case 'array': case 'full_object': if (!empty($this->meta['id'])) { $query->filter("`{$this->meta['table']}`.`{$this->meta['id_field']}` = :{$this->meta['table']}_id"); $q_params[":{$this->meta['table']}_id"] = $this->meta['id']; } else { $query->limit(empty($limit) ? 1 : $limit); } break; case 'list': if (array_key_exists('limit', $options) && $options['limit'] != 'all') { $query->limit($options['limit']); } break; } //Parameters if (array_key_exists('parameters', $options)) { if (is_array($options['parameters'])) { $q_params = array_merge($q_params, $options['parameters']); } else { $q_params[] = $options['parameters']; } } else { if (!empty($this->meta['parameters'])) { if (is_array($this->meta['parameters'])) { $q_params = array_merge($q_params, $this->meta['parameters']); } else { $q_params[] = $parameters; } } } //Filters if (array_key_exists('filters', $options)) { $query->filter($options['filters']); } else { if (!empty($this->meta['filters'])) { $query->filter($this->meta['filters']); } } //Order if (array_key_exists('order', $options)) { $query->order($options['order']); } else { if (!empty($this->meta['order'])) { $query->order($this->meta['order']); } } //Group if (array_key_exists('group', $options)) { $query->group($options['group']); } else { if (!empty($this->meta['group'])) { $query->group($this->meta['group']); } } //Check Ownership if (array_key_exists('owner_id', $this->meta['fields'])) { if ($user = BackendUser::check()) { if (!in_array('superadmin', $user->roles)) { $query->filter("`{$this->meta['table']}`.`owner_id` = :owner_id"); $q_params[':owner_id'] = $user->id; } } } return array($query, $q_params); }