文件: ajax.php 项目: hackingman/LinkX
* Quick user search for the link submission form
function lxQuickUserSearch()
    global $DB, $json;
    $out = array('status' => JSON_SUCCESS, 'results' => array());
    $select = new SelectBuilder('*', 'lx_users');
    $select->AddMultiWhere(array('username', 'email'), array(ST_CONTAINS, ST_CONTAINS), array($_REQUEST['term'], $_REQUEST['term']), TRUE);
    $result = $DB->Query($select->Generate(), $select->binds);
    while ($account = $DB->NextRow($result)) {
        $out['results'][] = $account;
    echo $json->encode($out);
 function compile_galleries_tag($tag_args)
     global $DB;
     $defaults = array('preview' => 'any', 'type' => 'submitted', 'format' => 'any', 'category' => 'MIXED', 'sponsor' => 'any', 'amount' => '20', 'globaldupes' => isset($this->defines['globaldupes']) ? $this->defines['globaldupes'] : 'true', 'pagedupes' => isset($this->defines['pagedupes']) ? $this->defines['pagedupes'] : 'false', 'getnew' => 'true', 'allowused' => 'true', 'description' => 'false', 'weight' => 'any');
     $attrs = $this->parse_attributes($tag_args);
     $attrs = array_merge($defaults, $attrs);
     if (empty($attrs['var'])) {
         return $this->syntax_error("galleries: missing 'var' attribute");
     if (!empty($attrs['previewsize']) && !preg_match('~^\\d+x\\d+$~', $attrs['previewsize'])) {
         return $this->syntax_error("galleries: the 'previewsize' value must be provided and in WxH format");
     $attrs['var'] = $this->parse_vars($attrs['var']);
     // Convert boolean values
     $attrs['preview'] = $this->to_bool($attrs['preview']);
     $attrs['globaldupes'] = $this->to_bool($attrs['globaldupes']);
     $attrs['pagedupes'] = $this->to_bool($attrs['pagedupes']);
     $attrs['getnew'] = $this->to_bool($attrs['getnew']);
     $attrs['allowused'] = $this->to_bool($attrs['allowused']);
     $attrs['description'] = $this->to_bool($attrs['description']);
     // Whether or not to pull a preview thumb
     $pull_preview = 'FALSE';
     // Set default sorting options
     if ($attrs['getnew'] === TRUE) {
         if (isset($attrs['order']) && !isset($attrs['reorder'])) {
             $attrs['reorder'] = $attrs['order'];
         } else {
             if (!isset($attrs['reorder'])) {
                 $attrs['reorder'] = 'date_displayed DESC, date_approved';
         if (!isset($attrs['order'])) {
             $attrs['order'] = 'date_approved';
     } else {
         if (isset($attrs['order']) && !isset($attrs['reorder'])) {
             $attrs['reorder'] = $attrs['order'];
         } else {
             if (!isset($attrs['reorder'])) {
                 $attrs['reorder'] = 'date_displayed DESC, date_approved';
         if (!isset($attrs['order'])) {
             $attrs['order'] = 'date_displayed DESC, date_approved';
     // Prepare RAND() values in order and reorder
     $attrs['order'] = preg_replace('~rand\\(\\)~i', 'RAND(%RAND%)', $attrs['order']);
     $attrs['reorder'] = preg_replace('~rand\\(\\)~i', 'RAND(%RAND%)', $attrs['reorder']);
     // Pulling galleries from a text file
     if (isset($attrs['file'])) {
         // galleries from text file...coming soon
     } else {
         if (isset($attrs['select'])) {
             if (!isset($attrs['reselect']) || empty($attrs['reselect'])) {
                 $attrs['reselect'] = $attrs['select'];
             $replacements = array('%MYSQL_CURDATE%' => '".MYSQL_CURDATE."', '%MYSQL_NOW%' => '".MYSQL_NOW."', '%RAND%' => '".rand()."', '%LIMIT%' => isset($attrs['fillvar']) ? '" . (' . $attrs['amount'] . ' - count(' . $attrs['fillvar'] . ') - $_got) . "' : '" . (' . $attrs['amount'] . ' - $_got) . "', '%PAGEID%' => '" . $this->vars[\'page\'][\'page_id\'] . "', '%FILL%' => '" . (' . $attrs['amount'] . ' - count(' . $attrs['fillvar'] . ')). "');
             foreach ($replacements as $find => $replace) {
                 $attrs['select'] = str_replace($find, $replace, $attrs['select']);
                 $attrs['reselect'] = str_replace($find, $replace, $attrs['reselect']);
             return S_PHP . NEWLINE . "if( \$GLOBALS['_build_type'] == BT_BUILD_WITH_NEW )" . NEWLINE . "{" . NEWLINE . "{$attrs['var']} =& LoadGalleries(\"{$attrs['select']}\", \$this->vars['this_page']['page_id'], \$this->vars['this_page']['category_id']);" . NEWLINE . "}" . NEWLINE . "else" . NEWLINE . "{" . NEWLINE . "{$attrs['var']} =& LoadGalleries(\"{$attrs['reselect']}\", \$this->vars['this_page']['page_id'], \$this->vars['this_page']['category_id']);" . NEWLINE . "}" . NEWLINE . E_PHP;
         } else {
             if (isset($attrs['age']) && (isset($attrs['minage']) || isset($attrs['maxage']))) {
                 return $this->syntax_error("galleries: 'age' attribute cannot be combined with 'minage' or 'maxage'");
             $s = new SelectBuilder('*,`tx_galleries`.`gallery_id` AS `gallery_id`', 'tx_galleries');
             // Process globaldupes
             if ($attrs['globaldupes'] === FALSE) {
                 $s->AddJoin('tx_galleries', 'tx_gallery_used', 'LEFT', 'gallery_id');
                 $s->AddWhere('tx_gallery_used.gallery_id', ST_NULL, null);
             // Process pagedupes
             if ($attrs['pagedupes'] === FALSE) {
                 $s->AddJoin('tx_galleries', 'tx_gallery_used_page', 'LEFT', 'gallery_id');
                 $s->AddWhere('tx_gallery_used_page.gallery_id', ST_NULL, null);
             // Process preview attribute
             if ($attrs['preview'] === TRUE) {
                 if (empty($attrs['previewsize'])) {
                     $s->AddWhere('has_preview', ST_MATCHES, 1);
                     $pull_preview = 'TRUE';
                 } else {
                     $s->AddJoin('tx_galleries', 'tx_gallery_previews', '', 'gallery_id');
                     $s->AddWhere('dimensions', ST_MATCHES, $attrs['previewsize']);
             } else {
                 if ($attrs['preview'] === FALSE) {
                     $s->AddWhere('has_preview', ST_MATCHES, 0);
                 } else {
                     $pull_preview = 'TRUE';
             // Process type attribute
             $attrs['type'] = strtolower($attrs['type']);
             if ($attrs['type'] != 'any') {
                 $s->AddWhere('type', ST_MATCHES, $attrs['type']);
             // Process format attribute
             $attrs['format'] = strtolower($attrs['format']);
             if ($attrs['format'] != 'any') {
                 $s->AddWhere('format', ST_MATCHES, $attrs['format']);
             // Process description attribute
             if ($attrs['description'] === TRUE) {
                 $s->AddWhere('description', ST_NOT_EMPTY, null);
             // Process partner attribute
             if (isset($attrs['partner'])) {
                 $s->AddWhere('partner', ST_MATCHES, $attrs['partner']);
             // Process keywords attribute
             if (isset($attrs['keywords'])) {
                 $s->AddFulltextWhere('keywords', $attrs['keywords']);
             // Process tags attribute
             if (isset($attrs['tags'])) {
                 $s->AddFulltextWhere('tags', $attrs['tags']);
             // Process category attribute
             if (isset($attrs['category'])) {
                 $attrs['category'] = FormatCommaSeparated($attrs['category']);
                 if ($this->flags['category_id']) {
                     if (!isset($GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE_ID'])) {
                         $GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE_ID'] =& $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tx_categories`', null, 'category_id');
                     $s->AddFulltextWhere('categories', $GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE_ID'][$this->flags['category_id']]['tag'], TRUE);
                 } else {
                     if (strtoupper($attrs['category']) != 'MIXED') {
                         $fulltext = array();
                         if (!isset($GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE'])) {
                             $GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE'] =& $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tx_categories`', null, 'name');
                         foreach (explode(',', $attrs['category']) as $category) {
                             switch ($category) {
                                 case 'MIXED':
                                 case 'mixed':
                                 case 'Mixed':
                                     $fulltext[] = MIXED_CATEGORY;
                                     $minus = '';
                                     if (preg_match('~^([-+])(.*)~i', $category, $matches)) {
                                         $minus = $matches[1];
                                         $category = $matches[2];
                                     if ($GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE'][$category]) {
                                         $fulltext[] = $minus . $GLOBALS['CATEGORY_CACHE'][$category]['tag'];
                         if (count($fulltext) < 1) {
                             return $this->syntax_error("galleries: 'category' attribute contains an invalid category name [{$attrs['category']}]");
                         $s->AddFulltextWhere('categories', join(' ', $fulltext));
             // Process sponsor attribute
             if (isset($attrs['sponsor'])) {
                 $attrs['sponsor'] = FormatCommaSeparated($attrs['sponsor']);
                 if (strtolower($attrs['sponsor']) != 'any') {
                     $sponsors =& $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tx_sponsors`', null, 'name');
                     $sponsor_ids = array();
                     $not_in = FALSE;
                     foreach (explode(',', $attrs['sponsor']) as $sponsor) {
                         $minus = FALSE;
                         if (preg_match('~^-(.*)~i', $sponsor, $matches)) {
                             $minus = TRUE;
                             $sponsor = $matches[1];
                         if ($sponsor == 'any') {
                             $not_in = TRUE;
                         } else {
                             if (isset($sponsors[$sponsor])) {
                                 $sponsor_ids[] = $sponsors[$sponsor]['sponsor_id'];
                     if ($not_in) {
                         $s->AddMultiWhere(array('sponsor_id', 'sponsor_id'), array(ST_NOT_IN, ST_NULL), array(join(',', $sponsor_ids), null));
                     } else {
                         $s->AddWhere('sponsor_id', ST_IN, join(',', $sponsor_ids));
             // Process weight attribute
             if (isset($attrs['weight']) && $attrs['weight'] != 'any') {
                 $s->AddWhereString("`weight` {$attrs['weight']}");
             // Process amount attribute
             if (isset($attrs['fillvar'])) {
                 $attrs['fillvar'] = $this->parse_vars($attrs['fillvar']);
             // Get available sorting columns and copy the SelectBuilder object
             // Little hack to workaround differences in object copying between PHP4 and PHP5
             $tx_galleries = $DB->GetColumns('tx_galleries');
             if (function_exists('array_combine')) {
                 $s_new = unserialize(serialize($s));
             } else {
                 $s_new = $s;
             if ($attrs['getnew'] === TRUE) {
                 $s->AddWhere('status', ST_IN, 'used,holding');
                 $s->SetOrderString($attrs['reorder'], $tx_galleries);
                 $s_new->AddWhere('status', ST_MATCHES, 'approved');
                 $s_new->AddMultiWhere(array('date_scheduled', 'date_scheduled'), array(ST_NULL, ST_LESS), array(null, '%MYSQL_NOW%'));
                 $s_new->SetOrderString($attrs['order'], $tx_galleries);
             } else {
                 $s->AddWhere('status', ST_IN, 'used,holding');
                 $s->SetOrderString($attrs['reorder'], $tx_galleries);
                 $s_new->AddWhere('status', ST_IN, 'used,holding');
                 $s_new->SetOrderString($attrs['order'], $tx_galleries);
             // Process age, minage and maxage attributes
             if (isset($attrs['age'])) {
                 $s->AddWhereString("`date_displayed` BETWEEN SUBDATE('%MYSQL_CURDATE% 00:00:00', INTERVAL {$attrs['age']} DAY) AND SUBDATE('%MYSQL_CURDATE% 23:59:59', INTERVAL {$attrs['age']} DAY)");
                 if ($attrs['getnew'] !== TRUE) {
                     $s_new->AddWhereString("`date_displayed` BETWEEN SUBDATE('%MYSQL_CURDATE% 00:00:00', INTERVAL {$attrs['age']} DAY) AND SUBDATE('%MYSQL_CURDATE% 23:59:59', INTERVAL {$attrs['age']} DAY)");
             } else {
                 if (isset($attrs['minage']) && isset($attrs['maxage'])) {
                     $s->AddWhereString("`date_displayed` BETWEEN SUBDATE('%MYSQL_CURDATE% 00:00:00', INTERVAL {$attrs['maxage']} DAY) AND SUBDATE('%MYSQL_CURDATE% 23:59:59', INTERVAL {$attrs['minage']} DAY)");
                     if ($attrs['getnew'] !== TRUE) {
                         $s_new->AddWhereString("`date_displayed` BETWEEN SUBDATE('%MYSQL_CURDATE% 00:00:00', INTERVAL {$attrs['maxage']} DAY) AND SUBDATE('%MYSQL_CURDATE% 23:59:59', INTERVAL {$attrs['minage']} DAY)");
                 } else {
                     if (isset($attrs['minage'])) {
                         $s->AddWhereString("`date_displayed` <= SUBDATE('%MYSQL_CURDATE% 00:00:00', INTERVAL {$attrs['minage']} DAY)");
                         if ($attrs['getnew'] !== TRUE) {
                             $s_new->AddWhereString("`date_displayed` <= SUBDATE('%MYSQL_CURDATE% 00:00:00', INTERVAL {$attrs['minage']} DAY)");
                     } else {
                         if (isset($attrs['maxage'])) {
                             $s->AddWhereString("`date_displayed` >= SUBDATE('%MYSQL_CURDATE% 00:00:00', INTERVAL {$attrs['maxage']} DAY)");
                             if ($attrs['getnew'] !== TRUE) {
                                 $s_new->AddWhereString("`date_displayed` >= SUBDATE('%MYSQL_CURDATE% 00:00:00', INTERVAL {$attrs['maxage']} DAY)");
             // Generate the build and build with new queries
             $b_query = $DB->Prepare($s->Generate(), $s->binds);
             $bwn_query = $DB->Prepare($s_new->Generate(), $s_new->binds);
             $bwnau_query = $DB->Prepare($s->Generate(), $s->binds);
             $replacements = array('%MYSQL_CURDATE%' => '".MYSQL_CURDATE."', '%MYSQL_NOW%' => '".MYSQL_NOW."', '%RAND%' => '".rand()."', '%LIMIT%' => isset($attrs['fillvar']) ? '" . (' . $attrs['amount'] . ' - count(' . $attrs['fillvar'] . ') - $_got) . "' : '" . (' . $attrs['amount'] . ' - $_got) . "', '%PAGEID%' => '" . $this->vars[\'page\'][\'page_id\'] . "', '%FILL%' => '" . (' . $attrs['amount'] . ' - count(' . $attrs['fillvar'] . ')). "');
             foreach ($replacements as $find => $replace) {
                 $b_query = str_replace($find, $replace, $b_query);
                 $bwn_query = str_replace($find, $replace, $bwn_query);
                 $bwnau_query = str_replace($find, $replace, $bwnau_query);
             return S_PHP . NEWLINE . "{$attrs['var']} = null;" . NEWLINE . "\$this->vars['_temp_galleries'] = null;" . NEWLINE . (isset($attrs['fillvar']) ? 'if(' . $attrs['amount'] . ' - count(' . $attrs['fillvar'] . ') > 0)' . NEWLINE . '{' . NEWLINE : '') . "if( \$GLOBALS['_build_type'] == BT_BUILD_WITH_NEW )" . NEWLINE . "{" . NEWLINE . "{$attrs['var']} =& LoadGalleries(\"{$bwn_query}\", \$this->vars['this_page']['page_id'], \$this->vars['this_page']['category_id'], {$pull_preview});" . NEWLINE . ($attrs['getnew'] === TRUE && $attrs['allowused'] === TRUE ? "\$_got = count({$attrs['var']});" . NEWLINE . "if( \$_got < " . (isset($attrs['fillvar']) ? "{$attrs['amount']} - count({$attrs['fillvar']})" : $attrs['amount']) . " )" . NEWLINE . "{" . NEWLINE . "\$this->vars['_temp_galleries'] =& LoadGalleries(\"{$bwnau_query}\", \$this->vars['this_page']['page_id'], \$this->vars['this_page']['category_id'], {$pull_preview});" . NEWLINE . "{$attrs['var']} = ArrayIntermix({$attrs['var']}, \$this->vars['_temp_galleries'], 'end');" . NEWLINE . "}" . NEWLINE : '') . "}" . NEWLINE . "else" . NEWLINE . "{" . NEWLINE . "{$attrs['var']} =& LoadGalleries(\"{$b_query}\", \$this->vars['this_page']['page_id'], \$this->vars['this_page']['category_id'], {$pull_preview});" . NEWLINE . (isset($attrs['fillvar']) ? "}" . NEWLINE : '') . "}" . NEWLINE . E_PHP;