protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
     if ($options['application'] == false) {
         throw new Exception('You must set the application name in order for the database connectoins to be properly initialized (They are on the application level)');
     if ($options['connection'] == false) {
         throw new Exception('You must set the connection name!');
     if ($options['table'] == false) {
         throw new Exception('You must set a table name!');
     $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($this->configuration);
     $this->logSection('doctrine', 'generating yaml schema from database');
     $config = $this->getCliConfig();
     $schemaPath = $config['yaml_schema_path'] . uFs::DS . 'schema.yml';
     $connections = array($options['connection'] => array($options['table']));
     $builderOptions = array();
     return SchemaBuilder::getInstance()->update($schemaPath, $connections, $builderOptions);