private function getBackupsList($time = '') { $data = array(); $time = $time == '' ? time() : strtotime($time); $query = "\n SELECT AS backupId, b.farm_id AS farmId, b.service AS serviceName, b.dtcreated AS time, AS farmName\n FROM `services_db_backups` b\n LEFT JOIN `farms` f ON b.farm_id =\n WHERE b.status = ? AND b.env_id = ?\n AND DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(b.dtcreated, 'SYSTEM', ?), '%Y-%m') = ?\n "; $userTimezone = $this->user->getSetting(Scalr_Account_User::SETTING_UI_TIMEZONE); if (empty($userTimezone)) { $userTimezone = 'SYSTEM'; } $args = array(Scalr_Db_Backup::STATUS_AVAILABLE, $this->getEnvironmentId(), $userTimezone, date('Y-m', $time)); if ($this->getParam('farmId')) { $query .= ' AND b.farm_id = ?'; $args[] = $this->getParam('farmId'); } if (!$this->request->isAllowed(Acl::RESOURCE_FARMS, Acl::PERM_FARMS_NOT_OWNED_FARMS)) { $query .= " AND f.created_by_id = ?"; $args[] = $this->user->getId(); } $dbBackupResult = $this->db->GetAll($query, $args); foreach ($dbBackupResult as $row) { $dt = new DateTime($row['time']); Scalr_Util_DateTime::convertTimeZone($dt, $this->user->getSetting(Scalr_Account_User::SETTING_UI_TIMEZONE)); $row['time'] = $dt->format('h:ia'); if (empty($row['farmName'])) { $row['farmName'] = '*removed farm*'; } $data[$dt->format('j M')][] = $row; } return $data; }
/** * @param int $farmId * @param string $serverId * @param string $event * @param string $eventId * @param string $eventServerId * @param int $scriptId * @param int $schedulerId * @param string $byDate * @param string $fromTime * @param string $toTime * @param string $status * @throws Scalr_Exception_Core * @throws Scalr_Exception_InsufficientPermissions */ public function xListScriptingLogsAction($farmId = 0, $serverId = '', $event = '', $eventId = '', $eventServerId = '', $scriptId = 0, $schedulerId = 0, $byDate = '', $fromTime = '', $toTime = '', $status = '') { $this->request->restrictAccess(Acl::RESOURCE_LOGS_SCRIPTING_LOGS); $sql = "SELECT * FROM scripting_log WHERE :FILTER:"; $args = []; $farmSql = "SELECT id FROM farms WHERE env_id = ?"; $farmArgs = [$this->getEnvironmentId()]; list($farmSql, $farmArgs) = $this->request->prepareFarmSqlQuery($farmSql, $farmArgs); $farms = $this->db->GetCol($farmSql, $farmArgs); if ($farmId && in_array($farmId, $farms)) { $sql .= ' AND farmid = ?'; $args[] = $farmId; } else { if (count($farms)) { $sql .= ' AND farmid IN (' . implode(',', $farms) . ')'; } else { $sql .= ' AND 0'; } } if ($serverId) { $sql .= ' AND server_id = ?'; $args[] = $serverId; } if ($eventServerId) { $sql .= ' AND event_server_id = ?'; $args[] = $eventServerId; } if ($eventId) { $sql .= ' AND event_id = ?'; $args[] = $eventId; } if ($scriptId) { /* @var $script Script */ $script = Script::findPk($scriptId); if ($script && (!$script->accountId || $script->accountId == $this->user->getAccountId())) { $scriptName = substr(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/", "_", $script->name), 0, 50); // because of column's length $sql .= ' AND script_name = ?'; $args[] = $scriptName; } } if ($schedulerId) { $sql .= ' AND event = ?'; $args[] = 'Scheduler (TaskID: ' . $schedulerId . ')'; } else { if ($event) { $sql .= ' AND event = ?'; $args[] = $event; } } if ($byDate) { try { $tz = $this->user->getSetting(Scalr_Account_User::SETTING_UI_TIMEZONE); if (!$tz) { $tz = 'UTC'; } $tz = new DateTimeZone($tz); $dtS = new DateTime($byDate, $tz); $dtE = new DateTime($byDate, $tz); if ($fromTime) { $dtS = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i', "{$byDate} {$fromTime}", $tz); } if ($toTime) { $dtE = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i', "{$byDate} {$toTime}", $tz); } else { $dtE = $dtE->add(new DateInterval('P1D')); } if ($dtS && $dtE) { Scalr_Util_DateTime::convertTimeZone($dtS); Scalr_Util_DateTime::convertTimeZone($dtE); $sql .= ' AND dtadded > ? AND dtadded < ?'; $args[] = $dtS->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $args[] = $dtE->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } } catch (Exception $e) { } } if ($status === 'success') { $sql .= ' AND exec_exitcode = ?'; $args[] = 0; } else { if ($status === 'failure') { $sql .= ' AND exec_exitcode <> ?'; $args[] = 0; } } $response = $this->buildResponseFromSql2($sql, ['id', 'dtadded'], ['event', 'script_name'], $args); $cache = []; foreach ($response["data"] as &$row) { // //target_data // if (!$cache['farm_names'][$row['farmid']]) { $cache['farm_names'][$row['farmid']] = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT name FROM farms WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", [$row['farmid']]); } $row['target_farm_name'] = $cache['farm_names'][$row['farmid']]; $row['target_farm_id'] = $row['farmid']; $sInfo = $this->db->GetRow("SELECT farm_roleid, `index` FROM servers WHERE server_id = ? LIMIT 1", [$row['server_id']]); $row['target_farm_roleid'] = $sInfo['farm_roleid']; if (!$cache['role_names'][$sInfo['farm_roleid']]) { $cache['role_names'][$sInfo['farm_roleid']] = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT alias FROM farm_roles WHERE id=?", [$sInfo['farm_roleid']]); } $row['target_role_name'] = $cache['role_names'][$sInfo['farm_roleid']]; $row['target_server_index'] = $sInfo['index']; $row['target_server_id'] = $row['server_id']; // //event_data // if ($row['event_server_id']) { $esInfo = $this->db->GetRow("SELECT farm_roleid, `index`, farm_id FROM servers WHERE server_id = ? LIMIT 1", [$row['event_server_id']]); if (!$cache['farm_names'][$esInfo['farm_id']]) { $cache['farm_names'][$esInfo['farm_id']] = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT name FROM farms WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", [$esInfo['farm_id']]); } $row['event_farm_name'] = $cache['farm_names'][$esInfo['farm_id']]; $row['event_farm_id'] = $esInfo['farm_id']; $row['event_farm_roleid'] = $esInfo['farm_roleid']; if (!$cache['role_names'][$esInfo['farm_roleid']]) { $cache['role_names'][$esInfo['farm_roleid']] = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT alias FROM farm_roles WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", [$esInfo['farm_roleid']]); } $row['event_role_name'] = $cache['role_names'][$esInfo['farm_roleid']]; $row['event_server_index'] = $esInfo['index']; } $row['dtadded'] = Scalr_Util_DateTime::convertTz($row['dtadded']); if (\Scalr::config('scalr.system.scripting.logs_storage') == 'scalr') { $row['execution_id'] = null; } if ($row['message']) { $row['message'] = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($row['message'])); } } $this->response->data($response); }
/** * @param int $farmId * @param string $serverId * @param string $eventId * @param int $scriptId * @param string $eventServerId * @param int $schedulerId * @param string $byDate * @param string $fromTime * @param string $toTime * @param string $status * @param string $event * @param JsonData $sort * @param int $start * @param int $limit * @param string $query * @throws Scalr_Exception_Core * @throws Scalr_Exception_InsufficientPermissions */ public function xListOrchestrationLogsAction($farmId = 0, $serverId = '', $eventId = '', $scriptId = 0, $eventServerId = '', $schedulerId = 0, $byDate = '', $fromTime = '', $toTime = '', $status = '', $event = '', JsonData $sort, $start = 0, $limit = 20, $query = '') { $this->request->restrictAccess(Acl::RESOURCE_LOGS_ORCHESTRATION_LOGS); $o = new Entity\OrchestrationLog(); $f = new Entity\Farm(); $criteria = [Entity\Farm::STMT_FROM => "{$o->table()} JOIN {$f->table('f')} ON {$f->columnId('f')} = {$o->columnFarmId}", Entity\Farm::STMT_WHERE => $this->request->getFarmSqlQuery() . " AND {$f->columnEnvId('f')} = " . $this->db->qstr($this->getEnvironmentId())]; if ($farmId) { $criteria[] = ['farmId' => $farmId]; } if ($serverId) { $criteria[] = ['serverId' => $serverId]; } if ($eventId) { $criteria[] = ['eventId' => $eventId]; } if ($eventServerId) { $criteria[] = ['eventServerId' => $eventServerId]; } if ($scriptId) { /* @var $script Script */ $script = Script::findPk($scriptId); if ($script && $this->request->hasPermissions($script)) { $scriptName = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/", "_", $script->name); $criteria[] = ['scriptName' => $scriptName]; } } if ($query || $event) { $logEntity = new OrchestrationLog(); $eventEntity = new Event(); $criteria[AbstractEntity::STMT_FROM] = $criteria[AbstractEntity::STMT_FROM] . "\n LEFT JOIN {$eventEntity->table('e')}\n ON {$logEntity->columnEventId} = {$eventEntity->columnEventId('e')}\n "; if ($event && $query) { $query = $this->db->qstr('%' . $query . '%'); $criteria[AbstractEntity::STMT_WHERE] = $criteria[AbstractEntity::STMT_WHERE] . " AND (\n {$eventEntity->columnType('e')} = {$this->db->qstr($event)}\n OR ({$logEntity->columnType} LIKE {$query}\n AND {$logEntity->columnScriptName} LIKE {$query})\n )"; } else { if ($event) { $criteria[AbstractEntity::STMT_WHERE] = $criteria[AbstractEntity::STMT_WHERE] . " AND (\n {$eventEntity->columnType('e')} = {$this->db->qstr($event)}\n )"; } else { $query = $this->db->qstr('%' . $query . '%'); $criteria[AbstractEntity::STMT_WHERE] = $criteria[AbstractEntity::STMT_WHERE] . " AND (\n ({$eventEntity->columnType('e')} LIKE {$query}\n OR {$logEntity->columnType} LIKE {$query}\n OR {$logEntity->columnScriptName} LIKE {$query})\n )"; } } } if ($schedulerId) { $criteria[] = ['taskId' => $schedulerId]; } if ($byDate) { try { $tz = $this->user->getSetting(Scalr_Account_User::SETTING_UI_TIMEZONE) ?: 'UTC'; $tz = new DateTimeZone($tz); $dtS = new DateTime($byDate, $tz); $dtE = new DateTime($byDate, $tz); if ($fromTime) { $dtS = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i', "{$byDate} {$fromTime}", $tz); } if ($toTime) { $dtE = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i', "{$byDate} {$toTime}", $tz); } else { $dtE = $dtE->add(new DateInterval('P1D')); } if ($dtS && $dtE) { Scalr_Util_DateTime::convertTimeZone($dtS); Scalr_Util_DateTime::convertTimeZone($dtE); $criteria[] = ['added' => ['$gt' => $dtS]]; $criteria[] = ['added' => ['$lt' => $dtE]]; } } catch (Exception $e) { } } if ($status === 'success') { $criteria[] = ['execExitCode' => 0]; } else { if ($status === 'failure') { $criteria[] = ['execExitCode' => ['$ne' => 0]]; } } $logs = OrchestrationLog::find($criteria, null, Scalr\UI\Utils::convertOrder($sort, ['id' => false], ['id', 'added']), $limit, $start, true); $data = $this->prepareOrchestrationLogData($logs); $this->response->data(['data' => $data, 'total' => $logs->totalNumber]); }
public function xListScriptingLogsAction() { $this->request->restrictAccess(Acl::RESOURCE_LOGS_SCRIPTING_LOGS); $this->request->defineParams(array('farmId' => array('type' => 'int'), 'serverId' => array('type' => 'string'), 'query' => array('type' => 'string'), 'sort' => array('type' => 'json', 'default' => array('property' => 'id', 'direction' => 'DESC')))); $sql = "SELECT * FROM scripting_log WHERE :FILTER:"; $args = array(); $farms = $this->db->GetCol("SELECT id FROM farms WHERE env_id=?", array($this->getEnvironmentId())); if ($this->getParam('farmId') && in_array($this->getParam('farmId'), $farms)) { $sql .= ' AND farmid = ?'; $args[] = $this->getParam('farmId'); } else { if (count($farms)) { $sql .= ' AND farmid IN (' . implode(',', $farms) . ')'; } else { $sql .= ' AND 0'; } } if ($this->getParam('serverId')) { $sql .= ' AND server_id = ?'; $args[] = $this->getParam('serverId'); } if ($this->getParam('eventId')) { $sql .= ' AND event_id = ?'; $args[] = $this->getParam('eventId'); } if ($this->getParam('byDate')) { try { $tz = $this->user->getSetting(Scalr_Account_User::SETTING_UI_TIMEZONE); if (!$tz) { $tz = 'UTC'; } $tz = new DateTimeZone($tz); $dtS = new DateTime($this->getParam('byDate'), $tz); $dtE = new DateTime($this->getParam('byDate'), $tz); if ($this->getParam('fromTime')) { $dtS = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i', $this->getParam('byDate') . ' ' . $this->getParam('fromTime'), $tz); } if ($this->getParam('toTime')) { $dtE = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i', $this->getParam('byDate') . ' ' . $this->getParam('toTime'), $tz); } else { $dtE = $dtE->add(new DateInterval('P1D')); } Scalr_Util_DateTime::convertTimeZone($dtS); Scalr_Util_DateTime::convertTimeZone($dtE); $sql .= ' AND dtadded > ? AND dtadded < ?'; $args[] = $dtS->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $args[] = $dtE->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } catch (Exception $e) { } } $response = $this->buildResponseFromSql2($sql, array('id', 'dtadded'), array('script_name', 'server_id', 'event_server_id', 'event'), $args); $cache = array(); foreach ($response["data"] as &$row) { // //target_data // if (!$cache['farm_names'][$row['farmid']]) { $cache['farm_names'][$row['farmid']] = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT name FROM farms WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", array($row['farmid'])); } $row['target_farm_name'] = $cache['farm_names'][$row['farmid']]; $row['target_farm_id'] = $row['farmid']; $sInfo = $this->db->GetRow("SELECT role_id, farm_roleid, `index` FROM servers WHERE server_id = ? LIMIT 1", array($row['server_id'])); $row['target_farm_roleid'] = $sInfo['farm_roleid']; if (!$cache['role_names'][$sInfo['role_id']]) { $cache['role_names'][$sInfo['role_id']] = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT name FROM roles WHERE id=?", array($sInfo['role_id'])); } $row['target_role_name'] = $cache['role_names'][$sInfo['role_id']]; $row['target_server_index'] = $sInfo['index']; $row['target_server_id'] = $row['server_id']; // //event_data // if ($row['event_server_id']) { $esInfo = $this->db->GetRow("SELECT role_id, farm_roleid, `index`, farm_id FROM servers WHERE server_id = ? LIMIT 1", array($row['event_server_id'])); if (!$cache['farm_names'][$esInfo['farm_id']]) { $cache['farm_names'][$esInfo['farm_id']] = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT name FROM farms WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", array($esInfo['farm_id'])); } $row['event_farm_name'] = $cache['farm_names'][$esInfo['farm_id']]; $row['event_farm_id'] = $esInfo['farm_id']; $row['event_farm_roleid'] = $esInfo['farm_roleid']; if (!$cache['role_names'][$esInfo['role_id']]) { $cache['role_names'][$esInfo['role_id']] = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT name FROM roles WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", array($esInfo['role_id'])); } $row['event_role_name'] = $cache['role_names'][$esInfo['role_id']]; $row['event_server_index'] = $esInfo['index']; } $row['dtadded'] = Scalr_Util_DateTime::convertTz($row['dtadded']); if (\Scalr::config('scalr.system.scripting.logs_storage') == 'scalr') { $row['execution_id'] = null; } if ($row['message']) { $row['message'] = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($row['message'])); } } $this->response->data($response); }
public function xSaveAction() { $this->request->restrictAccess(Acl::RESOURCE_GENERAL_SCHEDULERTASKS, Acl::PERM_GENERAL_SCHEDULERTASKS_MANAGE); $this->request->defineParams(array('id' => array('type' => 'integer'), 'name' => array('type' => 'string', 'validator' => array(Scalr_Validator::REQUIRED => true, Scalr_Validator::NOHTML => true)), 'type' => array('type' => 'string', 'validator' => array(Scalr_Validator::RANGE => array(Scalr_SchedulerTask::SCRIPT_EXEC, Scalr_SchedulerTask::LAUNCH_FARM, Scalr_SchedulerTask::TERMINATE_FARM, Scalr_SchedulerTask::FIRE_EVENT), Scalr_Validator::REQUIRED => true)), 'startTime', 'startTimeDate', 'restartEvery', 'timezone' => array('type' => 'string', 'validator' => array(Scalr_Validator::REQUIRED => true)), 'farmId' => array('type' => 'integer'), 'farmRoleId' => array('type' => 'integer'), 'serverId' => array('type' => 'string'), 'scriptOptions' => array('type' => 'array'), 'eventParams' => array('type' => 'array'), 'eventName' => array('type' => 'string'))); $task = Scalr_SchedulerTask::init(); if ($this->getParam('id')) { $task->loadById($this->getParam('id')); $this->user->getPermissions()->validate($task); } else { $task->accountId = $this->user->getAccountId(); $task->envId = $this->getEnvironmentId(); $task->status = Scalr_SchedulerTask::STATUS_ACTIVE; } $this->request->validate(); $params = array(); $timezone = new DateTimeZone($this->getParam('timezone')); $startTm = $this->getParam('startTime') ? new DateTime($this->getParam('startTimeDate') . " " . $this->getParam('startTime'), $timezone) : NULL; if ($startTm) { Scalr_Util_DateTime::convertTimeZone($startTm, NULL); } $curTm = new DateTime(); if ($startTm && $startTm < $curTm && !$task->id) { $this->request->addValidationErrors('startTimeDate', array('Start time must be greater then current time')); } switch ($this->getParam('type')) { case Scalr_SchedulerTask::FIRE_EVENT: case Scalr_SchedulerTask::SCRIPT_EXEC: if ($this->getParam('serverId')) { $dbServer = DBServer::LoadByID($this->getParam('serverId')); $this->user->getPermissions()->validate($dbServer); $task->targetId = $dbServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->ID; $task->targetServerIndex = $dbServer->index; $task->targetType = Scalr_SchedulerTask::TARGET_INSTANCE; } else { if ($this->getParam('farmRoleId')) { $dbFarmRole = DBFarmRole::LoadByID($this->getParam('farmRoleId')); $this->user->getPermissions()->validate($dbFarmRole); $task->targetId = $dbFarmRole->ID; $task->targetType = Scalr_SchedulerTask::TARGET_ROLE; } else { if ($this->getParam('farmId')) { $dbFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($this->getParam('farmId')); $this->user->getPermissions()->validate($dbFarm); $task->targetId = $dbFarm->ID; $task->targetType = Scalr_SchedulerTask::TARGET_FARM; } else { $this->request->addValidationErrors('farmId', array('Farm ID is required')); } } } if ($this->getParam('type') == Scalr_SchedulerTask::SCRIPT_EXEC) { /* @var $script Script */ $script = Script::findPk($this->getParam('scriptId')); try { if ($script) { $script->checkPermission($this->user, $this->getEnvironmentId()); $task->scriptId = $this->getParam('scriptId'); $params['scriptId'] = $this->getParam('scriptId'); $params['scriptIsSync'] = $this->getParam('scriptIsSync'); $params['scriptTimeout'] = $this->getParam('scriptTimeout'); $params['scriptVersion'] = $this->getParam('scriptVersion'); $params['scriptOptions'] = $this->getParam('scriptOptions'); } else { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->request->addValidationErrors('scriptId', array('Script ID is required')); } } elseif ($this->getParam('type') == Scalr_SchedulerTask::FIRE_EVENT) { if (!EventDefinition::findOne([['name' => $this->getParam('eventName')], ['$or' => [['accountId' => null], ['accountId' => $this->user->getAccountId()]]], ['$or' => [['envId' => null], ['envId' => $this->getEnvironmentId()]]]])) { throw new Exception("Event definition not found"); } $params['eventName'] = $this->getParam('eventName'); $params['eventParams'] = $this->getParam('eventParams'); } break; case Scalr_SchedulerTask::LAUNCH_FARM: if ($this->getParam('farmId')) { $dbFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($this->getParam('farmId')); $this->user->getPermissions()->validate($dbFarm); $task->targetId = $dbFarm->ID; $task->targetType = Scalr_SchedulerTask::TARGET_FARM; } else { $this->request->addValidationErrors('farmId', array('Farm ID is required')); } break; case Scalr_SchedulerTask::TERMINATE_FARM: if ($this->getParam('farmId')) { $dbFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($this->getParam('farmId')); $this->user->getPermissions()->validate($dbFarm); $task->targetId = $dbFarm->ID; $task->targetType = Scalr_SchedulerTask::TARGET_FARM; } else { $this->request->addValidationErrors('farmId', array('Farm ID is required')); } $params['deleteDNSZones'] = $this->getParam('deleteDNSZones'); $params['deleteCloudObjects'] = $this->getParam('deleteCloudObjects'); break; } if (!$this->request->isValid()) { $this->response->failure(); $this->response->data($this->request->getValidationErrors()); return; } $task->name = $this->getParam('name'); $task->type = $this->getParam('type'); $task->comments = $this->getParam('comments'); $task->timezone = $this->getParam('timezone'); $task->startTime = $startTm ? $startTm->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') : NULL; //$task->endTime = $endTm ? $endTm->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') : NULL; $task->restartEvery = $this->getParam('restartEvery'); $task->config = $params; $task->save(); $this->response->success(); }
public function xSaveAction() { $this->request->defineParams(array('id' => array('type' => 'integer'), 'name' => array('type' => 'string', 'validator' => array(Scalr_Validator::REQUIRED => true, Scalr_Validator::NOHTML => true)), 'type' => array('type' => 'string', 'validator' => array(Scalr_Validator::RANGE => array(Scalr_SchedulerTask::SCRIPT_EXEC, Scalr_SchedulerTask::LAUNCH_FARM, Scalr_SchedulerTask::TERMINATE_FARM), Scalr_Validator::REQUIRED => true)), 'startTime', 'endTime', 'restartEvery', 'timezone' => array('type' => 'string', 'validator' => array(Scalr_Validator::REQUIRED => true)), 'farmId' => array('type' => 'integer'), 'farmRoleId' => array('type' => 'integer'), 'serverId' => array('type' => 'string'))); $task = Scalr_SchedulerTask::init(); if ($this->getParam('id')) { $task->loadById($this->getParam('id')); $this->user->getPermissions()->validate($task); } else { $task->accountId = $this->user->getAccountId(); $task->envId = $this->getEnvironmentId(); $task->status = Scalr_SchedulerTask::STATUS_ACTIVE; } $this->request->validate(); $params = array(); $timezone = new DateTimeZone($this->getParam('timezone')); $startTm = $this->getParam('startTime') ? new DateTime($this->getParam('startTime'), $timezone) : NULL; $endTm = $this->getParam('endTime') ? new DateTime($this->getParam('endTime'), $timezone) : NULL; if ($startTm) { Scalr_Util_DateTime::convertTimeZone($startTm, NULL); } if ($endTm) { Scalr_Util_DateTime::convertTimeZone($endTm, NULL); } if ($startTm && $endTm && $endTm < $startTm) { $this->request->addValidationErrors('endTimeDate', array('End time must be greater then start time')); } $curTm = new DateTime(); if ($startTm && $startTm < $curTm && !$task->id) { $this->request->addValidationErrors('startTimeDate', array('Start time must be greater then current time')); } switch ($this->getParam('type')) { case Scalr_SchedulerTask::SCRIPT_EXEC: if ($this->getParam('serverId')) { $dbServer = DBServer::LoadByID($this->getParam('serverId')); $this->user->getPermissions()->validate($dbServer); $task->targetId = $dbServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->ID; $task->targetServerIndex = $dbServer->index; $task->targetType = Scalr_SchedulerTask::TARGET_INSTANCE; } else { if ($this->getParam('farmRoleId')) { $dbFarmRole = DBFarmRole::LoadByID($this->getParam('farmRoleId')); $this->user->getPermissions()->validate($dbFarmRole); $task->targetId = $dbFarmRole->ID; $task->targetType = Scalr_SchedulerTask::TARGET_ROLE; } else { if ($this->getParam('farmId')) { $dbFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($this->getParam('farmId')); $this->user->getPermissions()->validate($dbFarm); $task->targetId = $dbFarm->ID; $task->targetType = Scalr_SchedulerTask::TARGET_FARM; } else { $this->request->addValidationErrors('farmId', array('Farm ID is required')); } } } if ($this->getParam('scriptId')) { // TODO: check scriptId and other vars $params['scriptId'] = $this->getParam('scriptId'); $params['scriptIsSync'] = $this->getParam('scriptIsSync'); $params['scriptTimeout'] = $this->getParam('scriptTimeout'); $params['scriptVersion'] = $this->getParam('scriptVersion'); $params['scriptOptions'] = $this->getParam('scriptOptions'); } else { $this->request->addValidationErrors('scriptId', array('Script ID is required')); } break; case Scalr_SchedulerTask::LAUNCH_FARM: if ($this->getParam('farmId')) { $dbFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($this->getParam('farmId')); $this->user->getPermissions()->validate($dbFarm); $task->targetId = $dbFarm->ID; $task->targetType = Scalr_SchedulerTask::TARGET_FARM; } else { $this->request->addValidationErrors('farmId', array('Farm ID is required')); } break; case Scalr_SchedulerTask::TERMINATE_FARM: if ($this->getParam('farmId')) { $dbFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($this->getParam('farmId')); $this->user->getPermissions()->validate($dbFarm); $task->targetId = $dbFarm->ID; $task->targetType = Scalr_SchedulerTask::TARGET_FARM; } else { $this->request->addValidationErrors('farmId', array('Farm ID is required')); } $params['deleteDNSZones'] = $this->getParam('deleteDNSZones'); $params['deleteCloudObjects'] = $this->getParam('deleteCloudObjects'); break; } if (!$this->request->isValid()) { $this->response->failure(); $this->response->data($this->request->getValidationErrors()); return; } $task->name = $this->getParam('name'); $task->type = $this->getParam('type'); $task->comments = htmlspecialchars($this->getParam('comments')); $task->timezone = $this->getParam('timezone'); $task->startTime = $startTm ? $startTm->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') : NULL; $task->endTime = $endTm ? $endTm->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') : NULL; $task->restartEvery = $this->getParam('restartEveryReal') ? $this->getParam('restartEveryReal') : $this->getParam('restartEvery'); $task->config = $params; $task->save(); $this->response->success(); }