function checkPost($args)
    global $Security;
    global $Language;
    global $dbUsers;
    global $Site;
    if ($Security->isBlocked()) {
        Alert::set($Language->g('IP address has been blocked') . '<br>' . $Language->g('Try again in a few minutes'));
        return false;
    // Remove illegal characters from email
    $email = Sanitize::email($args['email']);
    if (Valid::email($email)) {
        // Get username associated to an email.
        $username = $dbUsers->getByEmail($email);
        if ($username != false) {
            // Generate the token and the token expiration date.
            $token = $dbUsers->generateTokenEmail($username);
            // ---- EMAIL ----
            $link = $Site->url() . 'admin/login-email?tokenEmail=' . $token . '&username='******'BLUDIT Login access code');
            $message = Text::replaceAssoc(array('{{WEBSITE_NAME}}' => $Site->title(), '{{LINK}}' => '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $link . '</a>'), $Language->g('email-notification-login-access-code'));
            $sent = Email::send(array('from' => $Site->emailFrom(), 'to' => $email, 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => $message));
            if ($sent) {
                return true;
            } else {
                Alert::set($Language->g('There was a problem sending the email'));
                return false;
    // Bruteforce protection, add IP to blacklist.
    return false;
 public static function email($email)
     // Make sure the email doesn't contain illegal characters
     $illegalChars = Sanitize::email($email, "", true);
     if ($illegalChars != array()) {
         Alert::error("Validate Email", "The email does not allow: " . self::announceIllegalChars($illegalChars), 3);
         return false;
     // Make sure the email has an "@"
     if (strpos($email, "@") === false) {
         Alert::error("Validate Email", "Email improperly formatted: doesn't include an @ character.", 3);
         return false;
     // Prepare Values
     $emailData = array();
     $exp = explode("@", $email);
     $emailData['full'] = $email;
     $emailData['username'] = $exp[0];
     $emailData['domain'] = $exp[1];
     $lenEmail = strlen($email);
     $lenUser = strlen($emailData['username']);
     $lenDomain = strlen($emailData['domain']);
     // Check if the email is too long
     if ($lenEmail > 72) {
         Alert::error("Validate Email", "Email is over 72 characters long.", 1);
         return false;
     // Check if the username is too long
     if ($lenUser < 1 or $lenUser > 50) {
         Alert::error("Validate Email", "Email username must be between 1 and 50 characters.", 2);
         return false;
     // Check if the domain is too long
     if ($lenDomain < 1 or $lenDomain > 50) {
         Alert::error("Validate Email", "Email domain must be between 1 and 50 characters.", 2);
         return false;
     // Check for valid emails with the username
     if ($emailData['username'][0] == '.' or $emailData['username'][$lenUser - 1] == '.') {
         Alert::error("Validate Email", "Email username cannot start or end with a period.", 5);
         return false;
     // Username cannot have two consecutive dots
     if (strpos($emailData['username'], "..") !== false) {
         Alert::error("Validate Email", "Email username cannot contain two consecutive periods.", 5);
         return false;
     // Check the domain for valid characters
     if (!IsSanitized::variable($emailData['domain'], "-.")) {
         Alert::error("Validate Email", "Email domain was not properly sanitized.", 3);
         return false;
     // The email was successfully validated
     return true;
                // Create the ProfilePic for this Account
                $packet = array("uni_id" => $uniID, "title" => $_POST['display_name']);
                $response = API_Connect::to("profile_picture", "SetDefaultPic", $packet);
                // Reset Values
                $_POST['handle'] = "";
                $_POST['display_name'] = "";
                $_POST['email'] = "";
                $_POST['password'] = "";
        } else {
            Alert::error("Process Error", "An error has occurred while processing this registration.", 1);
} else {
    $_POST['email'] = isset($_POST['email']) ? Sanitize::email($_POST['email']) : "";
    $_POST['password'] = isset($_POST['password']) ? Sanitize::safeword($_POST['password']) : "";
    $_POST['handle'] = isset($_POST['handle']) ? Sanitize::variable($_POST['handle']) : "";
    $_POST['display_name'] = isset($_POST['display_name']) ? Sanitize::safeword($_POST['display_name'], ' ') : "";
// Run Header
require SYS_PATH . "/controller/includes/admin_header.php";
// Display the Editing Form
echo '
<h3>Add a New User</h3>
<form class="uniform" action="/admin/AppAccount/Add User" method="post">' . Form::prepare("add-user-uni6") . '

	<strong>Profile Handle:</strong><br />
	<input type="text" name="handle" value="' . $_POST['handle'] . '" style="width:200px;" maxlength="22" />