function _getImage(&$file, $firsttime=true, $allowvector=true, $orig_srcpath=false) { 
	// firsttime i.e. whether to add to this->images - use false when calling iteratively
	// Image Data passed directly as var:varname
	if (preg_match('/var:\s*(.*)/',$file, $v)) { 
		$data = $this->$v[1];
		$file = md5($data);
	// mPDF 5.5.13
	if (preg_match('/data:image\/(gif|jpeg|png);base64,(.*)/',$file, $v)) { 
		$type = $v[1];
		$data = base64_decode($v[2]);
		$file = md5($data);

	// mPDF 5.6.02
	if ($firsttime && $file && substr($file,0,5)!='data:') { $file = urlencode_part($file); }
	if ($firsttime && $orig_srcpath && substr($orig_srcpath,0,5)!='data:') { $orig_srcpath = urlencode_part($orig_srcpath); }

	$ppUx = 0;
	if ($orig_srcpath && isset($this->images[$orig_srcpath])) { $file=$orig_srcpath; return $this->images[$orig_srcpath]; }
	if (isset($this->images[$file])) { return $this->images[$file]; }
	else if ($orig_srcpath && isset($this->formobjects[$orig_srcpath])) { $file=$orig_srcpath; return $this->formobjects[$file]; }
	else if (isset($this->formobjects[$file])) { return $this->formobjects[$file]; }
	// Save re-trying image URL's which have already failed
	else if ($firsttime && isset($this->failedimages[$file])) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, ''); } 
	if (empty($data)) {
		$type = '';
		$data = '';

 		if ($orig_srcpath && $this->basepathIsLocal && $check = @fopen($orig_srcpath,"rb")) {
			$data = file_get_contents($file);
			$type = $this->_imageTypeFromString($data);
		if (!$data && $check = @fopen($file,"rb")) {
			$data = file_get_contents($file);
			$type = $this->_imageTypeFromString($data);
		if ((!$data || !$type) && !ini_get('allow_url_fopen') ) {	// only worth trying if remote file and !ini_get('allow_url_fopen')
			$this->file_get_contents_by_socket($file, $data);	// needs full url?? even on local (never needed for local)
			if ($data) { $type = $this->_imageTypeFromString($data); }
		if ((!$data || !$type) && !ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && function_exists("curl_init")) {
			$this->file_get_contents_by_curl($file, $data);		// needs full url?? even on local (never needed for local)
			if ($data) { $type = $this->_imageTypeFromString($data); }

	if (!$data) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Could not find image file'); }
	if (empty($type)) { $type = $this->_imageTypeFromString($data); }	
	if (($type == 'wmf' || $type == 'svg') && !$allowvector) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'WMF or SVG image file not supported in this context'); }

	// SVG
	if ($type == 'svg') {
		if (!class_exists('SVG', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH .'classes/svg.php'); }
		$svg = new SVG($this);
		$info = $svg->ImageSVG($data);
		//Restore font
		if($family) $this->SetFont($family,$style,$size,false);
		if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing SVG file'); }
		return $info;

	// JPEG
	if ($type == 'jpeg' || $type == 'jpg') {
		$hdr = $this->_jpgHeaderFromString($data);
		if (!$hdr) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing JPG header'); }
		$a = $this->_jpgDataFromHeader($hdr);
		$j = strpos($data,'JFIF');
		if ($j) { 
			//Read resolution
			if ($unitSp > 0) {
				$ppUx=$this->_twobytes2int(substr($data,($j+8),2));	// horizontal pixels per meter, usually set to zero
				if ($unitSp == 2) {	// = dots per cm (if == 1 set as dpi)
					$ppUx=round($ppUx/10 *25.4);
		if ($a[2] == 'DeviceCMYK' && (($this->PDFA && $this->restrictColorSpace!=3) || $this->restrictColorSpace==2)) {
			// convert to RGB image
			if (!function_exists("gd_info")) { $this->Error("JPG image may not use CMYK color space (".$file.")."); }
			if ($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "JPG image may not use CMYK color space - ".$file." - (Image converted to RGB. NB This will alter the colour profile of the image.)"; }
			$im = @imagecreatefromstring($data);
			if ($im) {
				$tempfile = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempImgPNG'.RAND(1,10000).'.png';
				imageinterlace($im, false);
				$check = @imagepng($im, $tempfile);
				if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary file ('.$tempfile.') whilst using GD library to parse JPG(CMYK) image'); }
				$info = $this->_getImage($tempfile, false);
				if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file ('.$tempfile.') created with GD library to parse JPG(CMYK) image'); }
				if ($firsttime) {
				return $info;
			else { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating GD image file from JPG(CMYK) image'); }
		else if ($a[2] == 'DeviceRGB' && ($this->PDFX || $this->restrictColorSpace==3)) {
			// Convert to CMYK image stream - nominally returned as type='png'
			$info = $this->_convImage($data, $a[2], 'DeviceCMYK', $a[0], $a[1], $ppUx, false);
			if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "JPG image may not use RGB color space - ".$file." - (Image converted to CMYK. NB This will alter the colour profile of the image.)"; }
		else if (($a[2] == 'DeviceRGB' || $a[2] == 'DeviceCMYK') && $this->restrictColorSpace==1) {
			// Convert to Grayscale image stream - nominally returned as type='png'
			$info = $this->_convImage($data, $a[2], 'DeviceGray', $a[0], $a[1], $ppUx, false);
		else {
			$info = array('w'=>$a[0],'h'=>$a[1],'cs'=>$a[2],'bpc'=>$a[3],'f'=>'DCTDecode','data'=>$data, 'type'=>'jpg');
			if ($ppUx) { $info['set-dpi'] = $ppUx; }
		if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing or converting JPG image'); }

		if ($firsttime) {
		return $info;

	// PNG
	else if ($type == 'png') {
		//Check signature
		if(substr($data,0,8)!=chr(137).'PNG'.chr(13).chr(10).chr(26).chr(10)) { 
			return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing PNG identifier'); 
		//Read header chunk
		if(substr($data,12,4)!='IHDR') { 
			return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Incorrect PNG file (no IHDR block found)'); 

		$errpng = false;
		$pngalpha = false; 
		if($bpc>8) { $errpng = 'not 8-bit depth'; }
		if($ct==0) { $colspace='DeviceGray'; }
		elseif($ct==2) { $colspace='DeviceRGB'; }
		elseif($ct==3) { $colspace='Indexed'; }
		elseif($ct==4) { $colspace='DeviceGray';  $errpng = 'alpha channel'; $pngalpha = true; }
		else { $colspace='DeviceRGB'; $errpng = 'alpha channel'; $pngalpha = true; } 
		if(ord(substr($data,26,1))!=0) { $errpng = 'compression method'; }
		if(ord(substr($data,27,1))!=0) { $errpng = 'filter method'; }
		if(ord(substr($data,28,1))!=0) { $errpng = 'interlaced file'; }
		$j = strpos($data,'pHYs');
		if ($j) { 
			//Read resolution
			if ($unitSp == 1) {
				$ppUx=$this->_fourbytes2int(substr($data,($j+4),4));	// horizontal pixels per meter, usually set to zero
				$ppUx=round($ppUx/1000 *25.4);
		if (($colspace == 'DeviceRGB' || $colspace == 'Indexed') && ($this->PDFX || $this->restrictColorSpace==3)) {
			// Convert to CMYK image stream - nominally returned as type='png'
			$info = $this->_convImage($data, $colspace, 'DeviceCMYK', $w, $h, $ppUx, $pngalpha);
			if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "PNG image may not use RGB color space - ".$file." - (Image converted to CMYK. NB This will alter the colour profile of the image.)"; }
		else if (($colspace == 'DeviceRGB' || $colspace == 'Indexed') && $this->restrictColorSpace==1) {
			// Convert to Grayscale image stream - nominally returned as type='png'
			$info = $this->_convImage($data, $colspace, 'DeviceGray', $w, $h, $ppUx, $pngalpha);
		else if (($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) && $pngalpha) {
			// Remove alpha channel
			if ($this->restrictColorSpace==1) {	// Grayscale
				$info = $this->_convImage($data, $colspace, 'DeviceGray', $w, $h, $ppUx, $pngalpha);
			else if ($this->restrictColorSpace==3) {	// CMYK
				$info = $this->_convImage($data, $colspace, 'DeviceCMYK', $w, $h, $ppUx, $pngalpha);
			else if ($this->PDFA ) {	// RGB
				$info = $this->_convImage($data, $colspace, 'DeviceRGB', $w, $h, $ppUx, $pngalpha);
			if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "Transparency (alpha channel) not permitted in PDFA or PDFX files - ".$file." - (Image converted to one without transparency.)"; }
		else if ($errpng || $pngalpha) {
			if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $gd = gd_info(); }
			else {$gd = array(); }
			if (!isset($gd['PNG Support'])) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'GD library required for PNG image ('.$errpng.')'); }
			$im = imagecreatefromstring($data);
			if (!$im) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating GD image from PNG file ('.$errpng.')'); }
			$w = imagesx($im);
			$h = imagesy($im);
			if ($im) {
			   $tempfile = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempImgPNG'.RAND(1,10000).'.png';
			   // Alpha channel set
			   if ($pngalpha) {
				if ($this->PDFA) { $this->Error("PDFA1-b does not permit images with alpha channel transparency (".$file.")."); }
				$imgalpha = imagecreate($w, $h);
				// generate gray scale pallete
				for ($c = 0; $c < 256; ++$c) { ImageColorAllocate($imgalpha, $c, $c, $c); }
				// extract alpha channel
				$gammacorr = 2.2;	// gamma correction
				for ($xpx = 0; $xpx < $w; ++$xpx) {
					for ($ypx = 0; $ypx < $h; ++$ypx) {
						//$colorindex = imagecolorat($im, $xpx, $ypx);
						//$col = imagecolorsforindex($im, $colorindex);
						//$gamma2 = (pow((((127 - $col['alpha']) * 255 / 127) / 255), $gammacorr) * 255);
						$alpha = (imagecolorat($im, $xpx, $ypx) & 0x7F000000) >> 24;
						if ($alpha < 127) {
							if ($alpha==0) { $gamma = 255; }
								$gamma = (pow((((127 - $alpha) * 255 / 127) / 255), $gammacorr) * 255);
							imagesetpixel($imgalpha, $xpx, $ypx, $gamma);
				// create temp alpha file
	 		 	$tempfile_alpha = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempMskPNG'.RAND(1,10000).'.png';
				if (!is_writable($tempfile_alpha)) { 
					$check = @imagepng($imgalpha);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary image object whilst using GD library to parse PNG image'); }
					$this->_tempimg = ob_get_contents();
					$this->_tempimglnk = 'var:_tempimg';
					// extract image without alpha channel
					$imgplain = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
					imagecopy($imgplain, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h);
					// create temp image file
					$minfo = $this->_getImage($this->_tempimglnk, false);
					if (!$minfo) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file image object created with GD library to parse PNG image'); }
					$check = @imagepng($imgplain);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary image object whilst using GD library to parse PNG image'); }
					$this->_tempimg = ob_get_contents();
					$this->_tempimglnk = 'var:_tempimg';
					$info = $this->_getImage($this->_tempimglnk, false);
					if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file image object created with GD library to parse PNG image'); }
					$imgmask = count($this->images)+1;
					$minfo['cs'] = 'DeviceGray';
					$minfo['i']=$imgmask ;
					$this->images[$tempfile_alpha] = $minfo;

				else {
					$check = @imagepng($imgalpha, $tempfile_alpha);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Failed to create temporary image file ('.$tempfile_alpha.') parsing PNG image with alpha channel ('.$errpng.')'); }

					// extract image without alpha channel
					$imgplain = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
					imagecopy($imgplain, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h);

					// create temp image file
					$check = @imagepng($imgplain, $tempfile);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Failed to create temporary image file ('.$tempfile.') parsing PNG image with alpha channel ('.$errpng.')'); }
					// embed mask image
					$minfo = $this->_getImage($tempfile_alpha, false);
					if (!$minfo) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file ('.$tempfile_alpha.') created with GD library to parse PNG image'); }
					$imgmask = count($this->images)+1;
					$minfo['cs'] = 'DeviceGray';
					$minfo['i']=$imgmask ;
					$this->images[$tempfile_alpha] = $minfo;
					// embed image, masked with previously embedded mask
					$info = $this->_getImage($tempfile, false);
					if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file ('.$tempfile.') created with GD library to parse PNG image'); }

				$info['masked'] = $imgmask;
				if ($ppUx) { $info['set-dpi'] = $ppUx; }
				if ($firsttime) {
				return $info;
			   else { 	// No alpha/transparency set
				imagealphablending($im, false);
				imagesavealpha($im, false); 
				imageinterlace($im, false);
				if (!is_writable($tempfile)) { 
					$check = @imagepng($im);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary image object whilst using GD library to parse PNG image'); }
					$this->_tempimg = ob_get_contents();
					$this->_tempimglnk = 'var:_tempimg';
					$info = $this->_getImage($this->_tempimglnk, false);
					if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file image object created with GD library to parse PNG image'); }
				else {
					$check = @imagepng($im, $tempfile );
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Failed to create temporary image file ('.$tempfile.') parsing PNG image ('.$errpng.')'); }
					$info = $this->_getImage($tempfile, false) ;
					unlink($tempfile ); 
					if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file ('.$tempfile.') created with GD library to parse PNG image'); }
				if ($ppUx) { $info['set-dpi'] = $ppUx; }
				if ($firsttime) {
				return $info;

		else {
			$parms='/DecodeParms <</Predictor 15 /Colors '.($ct==2 ? 3 : 1).' /BitsPerComponent '.$bpc.' /Columns '.$w.'>>';
			//Scan chunks looking for palette, transparency and image data
			$p = 33;
			do {
				$n=$this->_fourbytes2int(substr($data,$p,4));	$p += 4;
				$type=substr($data,$p,4);	$p += 4;
				if($type=='PLTE') {
					//Read palette
					$pal=substr($data,$p,$n);	$p += $n;
					$p += 4;
				elseif($type=='tRNS') {
					//Read transparency info
					$t=substr($data,$p,$n);	$p += $n;
					if($ct==0) $trns=array(ord(substr($t,1,1)));
					elseif($ct==2) $trns=array(ord(substr($t,1,1)),ord(substr($t,3,1)),ord(substr($t,5,1)));
						if(is_int($pos)) $trns=array($pos);
					$p += 4;
				elseif($type=='IDAT') {
					$pngdata.=substr($data,$p,$n);	$p += $n;
					$p += 4;
				elseif($type=='IEND') { break; }
				else if (preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]{4}/',$type)) { $p += $n+4; }
				else { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing PNG image data'); }
			if (!$pngdata) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing PNG image data - no IDAT data found'); }
			if($colspace=='Indexed' and empty($pal)) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing PNG image data - missing colour palette'); }
			$info = array('w'=>$w,'h'=>$h,'cs'=>$colspace,'bpc'=>$bpc,'f'=>'FlateDecode','parms'=>$parms,'pal'=>$pal,'trns'=>$trns,'data'=>$pngdata);
			if ($ppUx) { $info['set-dpi'] = $ppUx; }

		if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing or converting PNG image'); }

		if ($firsttime) {
		return $info;

	// GIF
	else if ($type == 'gif') {
	if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $gd = gd_info(); }
		else {$gd = array(); }
		if (isset($gd['GIF Read Support']) && $gd['GIF Read Support']) {
			$im = @imagecreatefromstring($data);
			if ($im) {
				$tempfile = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempImgPNG'.RAND(1,10000).'.png';
				imagealphablending($im, false);
				imagesavealpha($im, false); 
				imageinterlace($im, false);
				if (!is_writable($tempfile)) { 
					$check = @imagepng($im);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary image object whilst using GD library to parse GIF image'); }
					$this->_tempimg = ob_get_contents();
					$this->_tempimglnk = 'var:_tempimg';
					$info = $this->_getImage($this->_tempimglnk, false);
					if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file image object created with GD library to parse GIF image'); }
				else {
					$check = @imagepng($im, $tempfile);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary file ('.$tempfile.') whilst using GD library to parse GIF image'); }
					$info = $this->_getImage($tempfile, false);
					if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file ('.$tempfile.') created with GD library to parse GIF image'); }
				if ($firsttime) {
				return $info;
			else { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating GD image file from GIF image'); }

		if (!class_exists('gif', false)) { 
		$gif=new CGIF();

		$gif->loadFile($data, 0);

		if(isset($gif->m_img->m_gih->m_bLocalClr) && $gif->m_img->m_gih->m_bLocalClr) {
			$nColors = $gif->m_img->m_gih->m_nTableSize;
			$pal = $gif->m_img->m_gih->m_colorTable->toString();
			if($bgColor != -1) {
				$bgColor = $gif->m_img->m_gih->m_colorTable->colorIndex($bgColor);
		} elseif(isset($gif->m_gfh->m_bGlobalClr) && $gif->m_gfh->m_bGlobalClr) {
			$nColors = $gif->m_gfh->m_nTableSize;
			$pal = $gif->m_gfh->m_colorTable->toString();
			if((isset($bgColor)) and $bgColor != -1) {
				$bgColor = $gif->m_gfh->m_colorTable->colorIndex($bgColor);
		} else {
			$nColors = 0;
			$bgColor = -1;

		if(isset($gif->m_img->m_bTrans) && $gif->m_img->m_bTrans && ($nColors > 0)) {

		if($colspace=='Indexed' and empty($pal)) {
			return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing GIF image - missing colour palette'); 
		if ($this->compress) {
			$info = array( 'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h, 'cs'=>$colspace, 'bpc'=>8, 'f'=>'FlateDecode', 'pal'=>$pal, 'trns'=>$trns, 'data'=>$gifdata);
		else {
			$info = array( 'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h, 'cs'=>$colspace, 'bpc'=>8, 'pal'=>$pal, 'trns'=>$trns, 'data'=>$gifdata);
		if ($firsttime) {
		return $info;

/*-- IMAGES-BMP --*/
	// BMP (Windows Bitmap)
	else if ($type == 'bmp') {
		if (!class_exists('bmp', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/bmp.php'); }
		if (empty($this->bmp)) { $this->bmp = new bmp($this); }
		$info = $this->bmp->_getBMPimage($data, $file);
		if (isset($info['error'])) {
			return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, $info['error']); 
		if ($firsttime) {
		return $info;
/*-- END IMAGES-BMP --*/
/*-- IMAGES-WMF --*/
	// WMF
	else if ($type == 'wmf') {
		if (!class_exists('wmf', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/wmf.php'); }
		if (empty($this->wmf)) { $this->wmf = new wmf($this); }
		$wmfres = $this->wmf->_getWMFimage($data);
	  if ($wmfres[0]==0) { 
		if ($wmfres[1]) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, $wmfres[1]); }
		return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing WMF image'); 
	  $info = array('x'=>$wmfres[2][0],'y'=>$wmfres[2][1],'w'=>$wmfres[3][0],'h'=>$wmfres[3][1],'data'=>$wmfres[1]);
	  return $info;
/*-- END IMAGES-WMF --*/

	// UNKNOWN TYPE - try GD imagecreatefromstring
	else {
		if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $gd = gd_info(); }
		else {$gd = array(); }
		if (isset($gd['PNG Support']) && $gd['PNG Support']) {
			$im = @imagecreatefromstring($data);
			if (!$im) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing image file - image type not recognised, and not supported by GD imagecreate'); }
			$tempfile = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempImgPNG'.RAND(1,10000).'.png';
			imagealphablending($im, false);
			imagesavealpha($im, false); 
			imageinterlace($im, false);
			$check = @imagepng($im, $tempfile);
			if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary file ('.$tempfile.') whilst using GD library to parse unknown image type'); }
			$info = $this->_getImage($tempfile, false);
			if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file ('.$tempfile.') created with GD library to parse unknown image type'); }
			if ($firsttime) {
			return $info;

	return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing image file - image type not recognised'); 
 public function draw(SVGRenderingHelper $rh, $scaleX, $scaleY, $offsetX = 0, $offsetY = 0)
     $opacity = $this->getStyle('opacity');
     if (isset($opacity) && is_numeric($opacity)) {
         $opacity = floatval($opacity);
     // original (document fragment) width for unit parsing
     $ow = $rh->getWidth() / $scaleX;
     $cx = ($offsetX + $this->cx) * $scaleX;
     $cy = ($offsetY + $this->cy) * $scaleY;
     $rx = $this->rx * $scaleX;
     $ry = $this->ry * $scaleY;
     $fill = $this->getComputedStyle('fill');
     if (isset($fill) && $fill !== 'none') {
         $fillColor = SVG::parseColor($fill, true);
         $rh->fillEllipse($cx, $cy, $rx, $ry, $fillColor);
     $stroke = $this->getComputedStyle('stroke');
     if (isset($stroke) && $stroke !== 'none') {
         $strokeColor = SVG::parseColor($stroke, true);
         $rh->setStrokeWidth(SVG::convertUnit($this->getComputedStyle('stroke-width'), $ow) * $scaleX);
         $rh->drawEllipse($cx, $cy, $rx, $ry, $strokeColor);
 public function draw(SVGRenderingHelper $rh, $scaleX, $scaleY, $offsetX = 0, $offsetY = 0)
     $opacity = $this->getStyle('opacity');
     if (isset($opacity) && is_numeric($opacity)) {
         $opacity = floatval($opacity);
     // original (document fragment) width for unit parsing
     $ow = $rh->getWidth() / $scaleX;
     $p = array();
     $np = count($this->points);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $np; $i++) {
         $point = $this->points[$i];
         $p[] = ($offsetX + $point[0]) * $scaleX;
         $p[] = ($offsetY + $point[1]) * $scaleY;
     $fill = $this->getComputedStyle('fill');
     if (isset($fill) && $fill !== 'none') {
         $fillColor = SVG::parseColor($fill, true);
         $rh->fillPolygon($p, $np, $fillColor);
     $stroke = $this->getComputedStyle('stroke');
     if (isset($stroke) && $stroke !== 'none') {
         $strokeColor = SVG::parseColor($stroke, true);
         $rh->setStrokeWidth(SVG::convertUnit($this->getComputedStyle('stroke-width'), $ow) * $scaleX);
         $rh->drawPolyline($p, $np, $strokeColor);
 public function execute(&$value, &$error)
     // file upload check
     foreach ($value['error'] as $error_code) {
         if ($error_code) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('upload_error');
             return false;
     $validation = sfConfig::get('app_images_validation');
     // weight check
     foreach ($value['size'] as $file_size) {
         if ($file_size > $validation['weight']) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('weight_error');
             return false;
     // type check
     // FIXME with symfony 1.0, the type is the one given by the browser
     // we prefer to use or own mime type checker (this is what is done in further
     // versions of symfony, using system file check)
     foreach ($value['tmp_name'] as $file) {
         $file_type = c2cTools::getMimeType($file);
         if (!in_array($file_type, $validation['mime_types'])) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('type_error');
             return false;
     foreach ($value['tmp_name'] as $k => $filename) {
         if ($value['type'][$k] != 'image/svg+xml') {
             list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename);
         } else {
             // are there any script?
             if (SVG::hasScript($filename)) {
                 $error = $this->getParameter('svg_script_error');
                 return false;
             // dimensions
             $dimensions = SVG::getSize($filename);
             if ($dimensions === false) {
                 $error = $this->getParameter('svg_error');
                 return false;
             } else {
                 list($width, $height) = $dimensions;
         // height/width check
         if ($width > $validation['max_size']['width'] || $height > $validation['max_size']['height']) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('max_dim_error');
             return false;
         if ($width < $validation['min_size']['width'] || $height < $validation['min_size']['height']) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('min_dim_error');
             return false;
     return true;
 public function draw(SVGRenderingHelper $rh, $scaleX, $scaleY, $offsetX = 0, $offsetY = 0)
     $opacity = $this->getStyle('opacity');
     if (isset($opacity) && is_numeric($opacity)) {
         $opacity = floatval($opacity);
     // original (document fragment) width for unit parsing
     $ow = $rh->getWidth() / $scaleX;
     $x1 = ($offsetX + $this->x1) * $scaleX;
     $y1 = ($offsetY + $this->y1) * $scaleY;
     $x2 = ($offsetX + $this->x2) * $scaleX;
     $y2 = ($offsetY + $this->y2) * $scaleY;
     $stroke = $this->getComputedStyle('stroke');
     if (isset($stroke) && $stroke !== 'none') {
         $strokeColor = SVG::parseColor($stroke, true);
         $rh->setStrokeWidth(SVG::convertUnit($this->getComputedStyle('stroke-width'), $ow) * $scaleX);
         $rh->drawLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $strokeColor);
 public function execute(&$value, &$error)
     // whether the image was sent via plupload or not
     $plupload = (bool) (!$this->getContext()->getRequest()->getParameter('noplupload', false));
     // file upload check
     if ($value['error']) {
         // if plupload was used, most probably the resized image
         // was too big, so provide custom error message
         if ($plupload) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('upload_resize_error');
         } else {
             $error = $this->getParameter('upload_error');
         return false;
     $validation = sfConfig::get('app_images_validation');
     if ($value['size'] > $validation['weight']) {
         // same as above (in this case, max_file_size from php.ini is bigger than $validation['weight'])
         if ($plupload) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('weight_resize_error');
         } else {
             $error = $this->getParameter('weight_error');
         return false;
     // type check
     // with symfony 1.0, the type is the one given by the browser
     // we prefer to use or own mime type checker (this is what is done in further
     // versions of symfony, using system file check)
     $mime_type = c2cTools::getMimeType($value['tmp_name']);
     if (!in_array($mime_type, $validation['mime_types'])) {
         $error = $this->getParameter('type_error');
         return false;
     if ($mime_type != 'image/svg+xml') {
         list($width, $height) = getimagesize($value['tmp_name']);
     } else {
         // are there any script?
         if (SVG::hasScript($value['tmp_name'])) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('svg_script_error');
             return false;
         // dimensions
         $dimensions = SVG::getSize($value['tmp_name']);
         if ($dimensions === false) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('svg_error');
             return false;
         } else {
             list($width, $height) = $dimensions;
     // height/width check (max width not checked for SVG, it is automatically resized)
     if ($mime_type != 'image/svg+xml' && ($width > $validation['max_size']['width'] || $height > $validation['max_size']['height'])) {
         $error = $this->getParameter('max_dim_error');
         return false;
     if ($width < $validation['min_size']['width'] || $height < $validation['min_size']['height']) {
         $error = $this->getParameter('min_dim_error');
         return false;
     return true;
  * Executes edit action.
 public function executeEdit()
     // populate objects for form display depending on what we are doing (creating, editing)
     // All modules will use the same template
     $document = $this->document;
     $module_name = $this->getModuleName();
     $this->document_name = $document->get('name');
     // Culture (lang) is automatically defined in Hydrate,
     // redefined in the model.
     if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST) {
         $lang = $this->getRequestParameter('lang');
         $user_id = $this->getUser()->getId();
         $is_minor = $this->getRequestParameter('rev_is_minor', false);
         $message = $this->getRequestParameter('rev_comment');
         $old_lon = $document->get('lon');
         $old_lat = $document->get('lat');
         // upload potential GPX file to server and set WKT field
         // or upload a new version of an image
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         if ($request->hasFiles()) {
             c2cTools::log('request has files');
             if ($request->getFileName('image_new_version') && $module_name == 'images') {
                 c2cTools::log('new image uploaded');
                 $base_path = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                 $temp_dir = $base_path . sfConfig::get('app_images_temp_directory_name');
                 $upload_dir = $base_path . sfConfig::get('app_images_directory_name');
                 $filename = $request->getFiles();
                 $unique_filename = c2cTools::generateUniqueName();
                 $file_ext = Images::detectExtension($filename['image_new_version']['tmp_name']);
                 // upload file in a temporary folder
                 $new_location = $temp_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $unique_filename . $file_ext;
                 $redir_route = '@document_by_id_lang_slug?module=' . $module_name . '&id=' . $this->document->get('id') . '&lang=' . $this->document->getCulture() . '&slug=' . get_slug($this->document);
                 if (!$request->moveFile('image_new_version', $new_location)) {
                     return $this->setErrorAndRedirect('Failed moving uploaded file', $redir_route);
                 if ($file_ext == '.svg') {
                     if (!SVG::rasterize($temp_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $unique_filename, $file_ext)) {
                         return $this->setErrorAndRedirect('Failed rasterizing svg file', $redir_route);
                     $document->set('has_svg', true);
                 } else {
                     $document->set('has_svg', false);
                 // generate thumbnails (ie. resized images: "BI"/"SI")
                 Images::generateThumbnails($unique_filename, $file_ext, $temp_dir);
                 // move to uploaded images directory
                 if (!Images::moveAll($unique_filename . $file_ext, $temp_dir, $upload_dir)) {
                     return $this->setErrorAndRedirect('image dir unavailable', $redir_route);
                 // update filename and image properties
                 $document->set('filename', $unique_filename . $file_ext);
                 $size = getimagesize($upload_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $unique_filename . $file_ext);
                 if ($size) {
                     $document->set('width', $size[0]);
                     $document->set('height', $size[1]);
                 $document->set('file_size', filesize($upload_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $unique_filename . $file_ext));
                 // populate with new exif data, if any...
                 $document->populateWithExifDataFrom($upload_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $unique_filename . $file_ext);
             if ($request->getFileName('gps_data') && in_array($module_name, array('routes', 'outings'))) {
                 // it is necessary to preserve both tests nested.
                 if ($wkt = $this->getWktFromFileUpload($request)) {
                     c2cTools::log('wkt extracted');
                     $document->set('geom_wkt', $wkt);
                     // NB: these fields exist in both objects for which a file upload is possible (outings, routes)
                     $_a = ParseGeo::getCumulatedHeightDiffFromWkt($wkt);
                     if (!$document->get('height_diff_up')) {
                         $document->set('height_diff_up', $_a['up']);
                         c2cTools::log('height diff up set from wkt : ' . $_a['up']);
                     if (!$document->get('height_diff_down')) {
                         $document->set('height_diff_down', $_a['down']);
                         c2cTools::log('height diff down set from wkt : ' . $_a['down']);
                     $message = '[geodata] ' . (!$message ? "Edit with geometry upload" : $message);
                 } else {
                     $this->getRequest()->setError('gps_data', 'invalid gpx file');
                     return false;
         if (count($this->document->getModified()) == 0 && count($this->document->getCurrentI18nObject()->getModified()) == 0) {
             // no change of the document was detected
             // => redirects to the document without saving anything
         // we prevent here concurrent edition :
         // fake data so that second test always fails on summit creation (and when document is an archive) :
         $rev_when_edition_begun = 1;
         $current_rev = 0;
         // test if id exists (summit update) before checking concurrent edition
         // and if this is not an archive (editing an old document to reverse wrong changes)
         // (because only useful for document update) :
         if (($id = $this->getRequestParameter('id')) && !$this->getRequestParameter('editing_archive')) {
             $rev_when_edition_begun = $this->getRequestParameter('revision');
             $current_rev = $document->getVersion();
         c2cTools::log("Document {$id} in {$lang} : rev when edition begun : {$rev_when_edition_begun} - current rev : {$current_rev}");
         if ($rev_when_edition_begun < $current_rev) {
             c2cTools::log("Document {$id} in {$lang} has been concurrently saved. {$rev_when_edition_begun} < {$current_rev}");
             // document has been saved by someone else during edition
             // we present datas entered in the same form
             $this->document = $document;
             // and we launch a preview with the document in its true current state:
             $this->concurrent_edition = true;
             // if the current_document variable is available in the edit template, we display the preview of it.
         } else {
             $message = !$message ? "Edit in {$lang}" : $message;
             // if document has a geometry, compute and create associations with ranges, depts, countries.
             // nb: association is performed upon document creation with initial geometry
             // OR when the centroid (lon, lat) has moved during an update.
             $needs_geom_association = isset($wkt) || $document->get('lon') != $old_lon && $document->get('lon') != null || $document->get('lat') != $old_lat && $document->get('lat') != null;
             // geom centroid has moved
             $document->doSaveWithMetadata($user_id, $is_minor, $message);
             $this->success = true;
             // means that child class can redirect to document view after other operations if needed (eg: associations).
             $this->document = $document;
             $id = $document->get('id');
             if ($needs_geom_association) {
                 c2cTools::log('executeEdit: needs_geom_association');
                 // we create new associations :
                 //  (and delete old associations before creating the new ones)
                 //  (and do not create outings-maps associations)
                 $nb_created = gisQuery::createGeoAssociations($id, true, $module_name != 'outings');
                 c2cTools::log("created {$nb_created} geo associations");
                 // if summit or site coordinates have moved (hence $needs_geom_association = true),
                 // refresh geo-associations of associated routes (from summits) and outings (from routes or sites)
             // we clear views, histories, diffs of this doc + filter and list, in every language (content+interface):
             $this->clearCache($module_name, $id);
             // we clear views of the associated docs in every language (content+interface):
             // find all associated docs
             // 'users' module is excuded because a change of a user page have no visibility in associated docs, then it is not necessary to clear the cache of all associated outings
             if ($module_name != 'users') {
                 $associated_docs = Association::findAllAssociatedDocs($id, array('id', 'module'));
                 $ids = array();
                 foreach ($associated_docs as $doc) {
                     $doc_id = $doc['id'];
                     $doc_module = $doc['module'];
                     // clear their view cache
                     $this->clearCache($doc_module, $doc_id, false, 'view');
                     if ($module_name == 'outings' && in_array($doc_module, array('routes', 'sites')) || $module_name == 'routes' && in_array($doc_module, array('summits', 'parkings'))) {
                         $ids[] = $doc_id;
                 if ($module_name == 'outings') {
                     $associated_docs = Association::findAllAssociatedDocs($ids, array('id', 'module'), array('sr', 'hr', 'pr', 'rr', 'pt', 'ht'));
                     $ids = array();
                     foreach ($associated_docs as $doc) {
                         $doc_id = $doc['id'];
                         $doc_module = $doc['module'];
                         // clear their view cache
                         $this->clearCache($doc_module, $doc_id, false, 'view');
                         if (in_array($doc_module, array('summits', 'parkings', 'sites'))) {
                             $ids[] = $doc_id;
                     if (count($ids)) {
                         $associated_docs = Association::findMainAssociatedDocs($ids, array('id', 'module'), array('ss', 'pp', 'tt'));
                         foreach ($associated_docs as $doc) {
                             // clear their view cache
                             $this->clearCache($doc['module'], $doc['id'], false, 'view');
                 } elseif ($module_name == 'routes') {
                     $associated_docs = Association::findMainAssociatedDocs($ids, array('id', 'module'), array('ss', 'pp'));
                     foreach ($associated_docs as $doc) {
                         // clear their view cache
                         $this->clearCache($doc['module'], $doc['id'], false, 'view');
             // saves new document id in a "pseudo id" cookie to retrieve it if user resubmits original form
             if ($this->new_document && $this->pseudo_id) {
                 $this->getResponse()->setCookie($this->pseudo_id, $id);
         // Go through simple heuristics to check for potential vandalism
     } else {
         // We display edit form. Retrieve nb comments
         $this->nb_comments = $this->new_document ? 0 : PunbbComm::retrieveNbComments($document->get('id') . '_' . $document->getCulture());
     // module specific actions
 /** This function is used to validate an uploaded image.
  * It is quite similar to myImageValidator, except
  * that we cannot validate images one by one (when several ones
  * are uploaded at the same time). Thus, we have some custom
  * validation mechanism here
 public static function validate_image(&$value, &$error, $i)
     // file upload check
     if ($value['error'][$i]) {
         $error = 'file failed to upload';
         return false;
     $validation = sfConfig::get('app_images_validation');
     if ($value['size'][$i] > $validation['weight']) {
         $error = 'file is too big';
         return false;
     // type check
     // FIXME with symfony 1.0, the type is the one given by the browser
     // we prefer to use or own mime type checker (this is what is done in further
     // versions of symfony, using system file check)
     $mime_type = c2cTools::getMimeType($value['tmp_name'][$i]);
     if (!in_array($mime_type, $validation['mime_types'])) {
         $error = 'file has incorrect type';
         return false;
     if ($mime_type != 'image/svg+xml') {
         list($width, $height) = getimagesize($value['tmp_name'][$i]);
     } else {
         // are there any script?
         if (SVG::hasScript($value['tmp_name'][$i])) {
             $error = 'file cannot contain scripts';
             return false;
         // dimensions
         $dimensions = SVG::getSize($value['tmp_name'][$i]);
         if ($dimensions === false) {
             $error = 'file is malformed SVG';
             return false;
         } else {
             list($width, $height) = $dimensions;
     // height/width check
     if ($width > $validation['max_size']['width'] || $height > $validation['max_size']['height']) {
         $error = 'file is too large';
         return false;
     if ($width < $validation['min_size']['width'] || $height < $validation['min_size']['height']) {
         $error = 'min_dim_error';
         return false;
     return true;
 public function draw(SVGRenderingHelper $rh, $scaleX, $scaleY, $offsetX = 0, $offsetY = 0)
     $opacity = $this->getStyle('opacity');
     if (isset($opacity) && is_numeric($opacity)) {
         $opacity = floatval($opacity);
     // original (document fragment) width for unit parsing
     $ow = $rh->getWidth() / $scaleX;
     // start of polygon construction
     $polys = array();
     $currentPoly = null;
     $x = 0;
     $y = 0;
     $startX = null;
     $startY = null;
     $matches = array();
     preg_match_all('/[MLHVCQAZ][^MLHVCQAZ]*/i', $this->d, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     foreach ($matches as $match) {
         $match = trim($match[0]);
         $command = substr($match, 0, 1);
         $args = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', trim(substr($match, 1)));
         if ($command === 'M') {
             // moveto absolute
             foreach (array_chunk($args, 2) as $args) {
                 if (count($args) < 2) {
                     break 2;
                 $x = floatval($args[0]);
                 $y = floatval($args[1]);
                 $startX = $x;
                 $startY = $y;
                 if (!empty($currentPoly)) {
                     $polys[] = $currentPoly;
                 $currentPoly = array(($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX, ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY);
         } else {
             if ($command === 'm') {
                 // moveto relative
                 foreach (array_chunk($args, 2) as $args) {
                     if (count($args) < 2) {
                         break 2;
                     $x += floatval($args[0]);
                     $y += floatval($args[1]);
                     $startX = $x;
                     $startY = $y;
                     if (!empty($currentPoly)) {
                         $polys[] = $currentPoly;
                     $currentPoly = array(($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX, ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY);
             } else {
                 if ($command === 'L') {
                     // lineto absolute
                     foreach (array_chunk($args, 2) as $args) {
                         if (count($args) < 2) {
                             break 2;
                         $x = floatval($args[0]);
                         $y = floatval($args[1]);
                         $currentPoly[] = ($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX;
                         $currentPoly[] = ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY;
                 } else {
                     if ($command === 'l') {
                         // lineto relative
                         foreach (array_chunk($args, 2) as $args) {
                             if (count($args) < 2) {
                                 break 2;
                             $x += floatval($args[0]);
                             $y += floatval($args[1]);
                             $currentPoly[] = ($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX;
                             $currentPoly[] = ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY;
                     } else {
                         if ($command === 'H') {
                             // lineto horizontal absolute
                             if (empty($args)) {
                             foreach ($args as $arg) {
                                 $x = floatval($arg);
                                 $currentPoly[] = ($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX;
                                 $currentPoly[] = ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY;
                         } else {
                             if ($command === 'h') {
                                 // lineto horizontal relative
                                 if (empty($args)) {
                                 foreach ($args as $arg) {
                                     $x += floatval($arg);
                                     $currentPoly[] = ($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX;
                                     $currentPoly[] = ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY;
                             } else {
                                 if ($command === 'V') {
                                     // lineto vertical absolute
                                     if (empty($args)) {
                                     foreach ($args as $arg) {
                                         $y = floatval($arg);
                                         $currentPoly[] = ($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX;
                                         $currentPoly[] = ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY;
                                 } else {
                                     if ($command === 'v') {
                                         // lineto vertical relative
                                         if (empty($args)) {
                                         foreach ($args as $arg) {
                                             $y += floatval($arg);
                                             $currentPoly[] = ($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX;
                                             $currentPoly[] = ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY;
                                     } else {
                                         if ($command === 'Z' || $command === 'z') {
                                             // end
                                             if (!empty($args)) {
                                             $x = $startX !== null ? $startX : 0;
                                             $y = $startY !== null ? $startY : 0;
                                             $currentPoly[] = ($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX;
                                             $currentPoly[] = ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY;
                                         } else {
                                             if ($command === 'C') {
                                                 // curveto cubic absolute
                                                 foreach (array_chunk($args, 6) as $args) {
                                                     if (count($args) < 6) {
                                                         break 2;
                                                     // start point
                                                     $p0x = ($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX;
                                                     $p0y = ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY;
                                                     // first control point
                                                     $p1x = ($offsetX + floatval($args[0])) * $scaleX;
                                                     $p1y = ($offsetY + floatval($args[1])) * $scaleY;
                                                     // second control point
                                                     $p2x = ($offsetX + floatval($args[2])) * $scaleX;
                                                     $p2y = ($offsetY + floatval($args[3])) * $scaleY;
                                                     // final point
                                                     $nx = floatval($args[4]);
                                                     $ny = floatval($args[5]);
                                                     $p3x = ($offsetX + $nx) * $scaleX;
                                                     $p3y = ($offsetY + $ny) * $scaleY;
                                                     $currentPoly = array_merge($currentPoly, SVGRenderingHelper::approximateCubicBezier(array($p0x, $p0y), array($p1x, $p1y), array($p2x, $p2y), array($p3x, $p3y)));
                                                     $x = $nx;
                                                     $y = $ny;
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($command === 'c') {
                                                     // curveto cubic relative
                                                     foreach (array_chunk($args, 6) as $args) {
                                                         if (count($args) < 6) {
                                                             break 2;
                                                         // start point
                                                         $p0x = ($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX;
                                                         $p0y = ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY;
                                                         // first control point
                                                         $p1x = ($offsetX + $x + floatval($args[0])) * $scaleX;
                                                         $p1y = ($offsetY + $y + floatval($args[1])) * $scaleY;
                                                         // second control point
                                                         $p2x = ($offsetX + $x + floatval($args[2])) * $scaleX;
                                                         $p2y = ($offsetY + $y + floatval($args[3])) * $scaleY;
                                                         // final point
                                                         $nx = $x + floatval($args[4]);
                                                         $ny = $y + floatval($args[5]);
                                                         $p3x = ($offsetX + $nx) * $scaleX;
                                                         $p3y = ($offsetY + $ny) * $scaleY;
                                                         $currentPoly = array_merge($currentPoly, SVGRenderingHelper::approximateCubicBezier(array($p0x, $p0y), array($p1x, $p1y), array($p2x, $p2y), array($p3x, $p3y)));
                                                         $x = $nx;
                                                         $y = $ny;
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($command === 'Q') {
                                                         // curveto quadratic absolute
                                                         foreach (array_chunk($args, 4) as $args) {
                                                             if (count($args) < 4) {
                                                                 break 2;
                                                             // start point
                                                             $p0x = ($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX;
                                                             $p0y = ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY;
                                                             // control point
                                                             $p1x = ($offsetX + floatval($args[0])) * $scaleX;
                                                             $p1y = ($offsetY + floatval($args[1])) * $scaleY;
                                                             // final point
                                                             $nx = floatval($args[2]);
                                                             $ny = floatval($args[3]);
                                                             $p2x = ($offsetX + $nx) * $scaleX;
                                                             $p2y = ($offsetY + $ny) * $scaleY;
                                                             $currentPoly = array_merge($currentPoly, SVGRenderingHelper::approximateQuadraticBezier(array($p0x, $p0y), array($p1x, $p1y), array($p2x, $p2y)));
                                                             $x = $nx;
                                                             $y = $ny;
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($command === 'q') {
                                                             // curveto quadratic relative
                                                             foreach (array_chunk($args, 4) as $args) {
                                                                 if (count($args) < 4) {
                                                                     break 2;
                                                                 // start point
                                                                 $p0x = ($offsetX + $x) * $scaleX;
                                                                 $p0y = ($offsetY + $y) * $scaleY;
                                                                 // control point
                                                                 $p1x = ($offsetX + $x + floatval($args[0])) * $scaleX;
                                                                 $p1y = ($offsetY + $y + floatval($args[1])) * $scaleY;
                                                                 // final point
                                                                 $nx = $x + floatval($args[2]);
                                                                 $ny = $y + floatval($args[3]);
                                                                 $p2x = ($offsetX + $nx) * $scaleX;
                                                                 $p2y = ($offsetY + $ny) * $scaleY;
                                                                 $currentPoly = array_merge($currentPoly, SVGRenderingHelper::approximateQuadraticBezier(array($p0x, $p0y), array($p1x, $p1y), array($p2x, $p2y)));
                                                                 $x = $nx;
                                                                 $y = $ny;
     if (!empty($currentPoly)) {
         $polys[] = $currentPoly;
     // fill
     $fill = $this->getComputedStyle('fill');
     if (isset($fill) && $fill !== 'none') {
         $fillColor = SVG::parseColor($fill, true);
         foreach ($polys as $poly) {
             $numpoints = count($poly) / 2;
             if ($numpoints >= 3) {
                 $rh->fillPolygon($poly, $numpoints, $fillColor);
     // outline
     $stroke = $this->getComputedStyle('stroke');
     if (isset($stroke) && $stroke !== 'none') {
         $strokeColor = SVG::parseColor($stroke, true);
         $rh->setStrokeWidth(SVG::convertUnit($this->getComputedStyle('stroke-width'), $ow) * $scaleX);
         foreach ($polys as $poly) {
             $rh->drawPolyline($poly, count($poly) / 2, $strokeColor);
 private function handleImage($image_name, $tmp_name, $temp_dir, $index = 1)
     // copy the image to the temp directory
     $filename = $tmp_name;
     $unique_filename = c2cTools::generateUniqueName();
     $file_ext = Images::detectExtension($filename);
     $new_location = $temp_dir . $unique_filename . $file_ext;
     if (!move_uploaded_file($filename, $new_location)) {
         return array('error' => array('field' => 'image_file', 'msg' => 'Failed moving uploaded file'));
     // svg
     if ($file_ext == '.svg') {
         if (!SVG::rasterize($temp_dir, $unique_filename, $file_ext)) {
             return array('error' => array('field' => 'image_file', 'msg' => 'Failed rasterizing svg file'));
     // if jpg, check if we need orientation changes
     if ($file_ext == '.jpg') {
     // generate thumbnails
     Images::generateThumbnails($unique_filename, $file_ext, $temp_dir);
     // look iptc for a possible title (jpeg only)
     if ($file_ext == '.jpg') {
         $size = getimagesize($new_location, $info);
         if (isset($info['APP13'])) {
             $iptc = iptcparse($info['APP13']);
             if (isset($iptc['2#105'])) {
                 $image_title = trim($iptc['2#105'][0]);
             } else {
                 if (isset($iptc['2#120'])) {
                     $image_title = trim($iptc['2#120'][0]);
     if (isset($image_title)) {
         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($image_title, "UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15", true);
         if ($encoding !== false) {
             if ($encoding != 'UTF-8') {
                 $image_title = mb_convert_encoding($image_title, 'UTF-8', $encoding);
             } else {
                 $image_title = $image_title;
         // if encoding could not be detected, rather not try to put it as prefilled title
     // we are also interested at this point on the exif date in order to reorder images on the client side
     if ($file_ext == '.jpg' && ($exif = exif_read_data($new_location))) {
         if (isset($exif['DateTimeOriginal'])) {
             $image_date = str_replace(' ', ':', $exif['DateTimeOriginal']);
             $image_date = explode(':', $image_date);
             $image_date = mktime($image_date[3], $image_date[4], $image_date[5], $image_date[1], $image_date[2], $image_date[0]);
     return array('image_filename' => $unique_filename . $file_ext, 'default_license' => $this->getDefaultImageLicense($this->getRequestParameter('document_id'), $this->getRequestParameter('mod')), 'image_number' => (intval($this->getRequestparameter('image_number')) + 1) * 1000 + $index, 'image_title' => isset($image_title) ? $image_title : null, 'image_datetime' => isset($image_date) && $image_date ? $image_date : null);
		<div class="row">

			<div class="col-md-4 text-blue-grey" markdown="1">

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			<div class="col-md-8">

			<div class="breather-lg"></div>
echo SVG::create($path . "/images/svg/globe.svg", [600, 450], false, true);



	<div class="breather-lg"></div>



<div class="body-feature bg-blue-grey bg-300">