public function testLogsError() { $logger = new TestWorkableLogger(); SS_Log::add_writer($logger); $result = Workable::create()->getJobs(['state' => 'fail']); $this->assertNotNull($logger->event); SS_Log::remove_writer($logger); }
function testRemoveWriter() { SS_Log::remove_writer($this->testEmailWriter); $writers = SS_Log::get_writers(); $this->assertType('array', $writers); $this->assertEquals(1, count($writers)); SS_Log::remove_writer($this->testFileWriter); $writers = SS_Log::get_writers(); $this->assertType('array', $writers); $this->assertEquals(0, count($writers)); }
public function testRemoveWriter() { $testEmailWriter = new SS_LogEmailWriter('*****@*****.**'); $testFileWriter = new SS_LogFileWriter('../test.log'); SS_Log::add_writer($testEmailWriter, SS_Log::ERR); SS_Log::add_writer($testFileWriter, SS_Log::WARN); SS_Log::remove_writer($testEmailWriter); $writers = SS_Log::get_writers(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($writers)); SS_Log::remove_writer($testFileWriter); $writers = SS_Log::get_writers(); $this->assertEquals(0, count($writers)); }
/** * Log the given error, if self::$log_errors is set. * Uses the native error_log() funtion in PHP. * * Format: [d-M-Y h:i:s] <type> at <file> line <line>: <errormessage> <url> * * @todo Detect script path for CLI errors * @todo Log detailed errors to full file * @deprecated 2.5 See SS_Log on setting up error file logging */ protected static function log_error_if_necessary($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext, $errtype) { Deprecation::notice('2.5', 'Use SS_Log instead. See the class documentation in SS_Log.php for more information.'); $priority = $errtype == 'Error' ? SS_Log::ERR : SS_Log::WARN; $writer = new SS_LogFileWriter('../' . self::$log_errors_to); SS_Log::add_writer($writer, $priority); SS_Log::log(array('errno' => $errno, 'errstr' => $errstr, 'errfile' => $errfile, 'errline' => $errline, 'errcontext' => $errcontext), $priority); SS_Log::remove_writer($writer); }
/** * Log the given error, if self::$log_errors is set. * Uses the native error_log() funtion in PHP. * * Format: [d-M-Y h:i:s] <type> at <file> line <line>: <errormessage> <url> * * @todo Detect script path for CLI errors * @todo Log detailed errors to full file * @deprecated 2.5 See SS_Log on setting up error file logging */ protected static function log_error_if_necessary($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext, $errtype) { user_error('Debug::log_error_if_necessary() and Debug::log_errors_to() are deprecated. Please use SS_Log instead. See the class documentation in SS_Log.php for more information.', E_USER_NOTICE); $priority = $errtype == 'Error' ? SS_Log::ERR : SS_Log::WARN; $writer = new SS_LogFileWriter('../' . self::$log_errors_to); SS_Log::add_writer($writer, $priority); SS_Log::log(array('errno' => $errno, 'errstr' => $errstr, 'errfile' => $errfile, 'errline' => $errline, 'errcontext' => $errcontext), $priority); SS_Log::remove_writer($writer); }