  * For each author, add an AuthorHelper
 private function migrateAuthors()
     /** @var SQLSelect $query */
     $query = SQLSelect::create();
     $authors = $query->execute();
     foreach ($authors as $author) {
         /** Create a new author if it doesn't exist */
         if (!($authorHelper = AuthorHelper::get()->filter(array('OriginalName' => trim($author['Author'])))->first())) {
             /** @var AuthorHelper $authorHelper */
             $authorHelper = AuthorHelper::create();
             $authorHelper->OriginalName = $author['Author'];
         $sql = "UPDATE `News` SET `AuthorHelperID` = '" . $authorHelper->ID . "' WHERE Author = '" . $author['Author'] . "'";
 public function augmentDatabase()
     $classTable = $this->owner->class;
     $isRootClass = $this->owner->class == ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class);
     // Build a list of suffixes whose tables need versioning
     $allSuffixes = array();
     foreach (Versioned::$versionableExtensions as $versionableExtension => $suffixes) {
         if ($this->owner->hasExtension($versionableExtension)) {
             $allSuffixes = array_merge($allSuffixes, (array) $suffixes);
             foreach ((array) $suffixes as $suffix) {
                 $allSuffixes[$suffix] = $versionableExtension;
     // Add the default table with an empty suffix to the list (table name = class name)
     array_push($allSuffixes, '');
     foreach ($allSuffixes as $key => $suffix) {
         // check that this is a valid suffix
         if (!is_int($key)) {
         if ($suffix) {
             $table = "{$classTable}_{$suffix}";
         } else {
             $table = $classTable;
         $fields = DataObject::database_fields($this->owner->class);
         if ($fields) {
             $options = Config::inst()->get($this->owner->class, 'create_table_options', Config::FIRST_SET);
             $indexes = $this->owner->databaseIndexes();
             if ($suffix && ($ext = $this->owner->getExtensionInstance($allSuffixes[$suffix]))) {
                 if (!$ext->isVersionedTable($table)) {
                 $fields = $ext->fieldsInExtraTables($suffix);
                 $indexes = $fields['indexes'];
                 $fields = $fields['db'];
             // Create tables for other stages
             foreach ($this->stages as $stage) {
                 // Extra tables for _Live, etc.
                 // Change unique indexes to 'index'.  Versioned tables may run into unique indexing difficulties
                 // otherwise.
                 $indexes = $this->uniqueToIndex($indexes);
                 if ($stage != $this->defaultStage) {
                     DB::require_table("{$table}_{$stage}", $fields, $indexes, false, $options);
                 // Version fields on each root table (including Stage)
                 if($isRootClass) {
                 	$stageTable = ($stage == $this->defaultStage) ? $table : "{$table}_$stage";
                 	$parts=Array('datatype'=>'int', 'precision'=>11, 'null'=>'not null', 'default'=>(int)0);
                 	$values=Array('type'=>'int', 'parts'=>$parts);
                 	DB::requireField($stageTable, 'Version', $values);
             if ($isRootClass) {
                 // Create table for all versions
                 $versionFields = array_merge(Config::inst()->get('Versioned', 'db_for_versions_table'), (array) $fields);
                 $versionIndexes = array_merge(Config::inst()->get('Versioned', 'indexes_for_versions_table'), (array) $indexes);
             } else {
                 // Create fields for any tables of subclasses
                 $versionFields = array_merge(array("RecordID" => "Int", "Version" => "Int"), (array) $fields);
                 //Unique indexes will not work on versioned tables, so we'll convert them to standard indexes:
                 $indexes = $this->uniqueToIndex($indexes);
                 $versionIndexes = array_merge(array('RecordID_Version' => array('type' => 'unique', 'value' => '"RecordID","Version"'), 'RecordID' => true, 'Version' => true), (array) $indexes);
             if (DB::get_schema()->hasTable("{$table}_versions")) {
                 // Fix data that lacks the uniqueness constraint (since this was added later and
                 // bugs meant that the constraint was validated)
                 $duplications = DB::query("SELECT MIN(\"ID\") AS \"ID\", \"RecordID\", \"Version\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \"{$table}_versions\" GROUP BY \"RecordID\", \"Version\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tHAVING COUNT(*) > 1");
                 foreach ($duplications as $dup) {
                     DB::alteration_message("Removing {$table}_versions duplicate data for " . "{$dup['RecordID']}/{$dup['Version']}", "deleted");
                     DB::prepared_query("DELETE FROM \"{$table}_versions\" WHERE \"RecordID\" = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND \"Version\" = ? AND \"ID\" != ?", array($dup['RecordID'], $dup['Version'], $dup['ID']));
                 // Remove junk which has no data in parent classes. Only needs to run the following
                 // when versioned data is spread over multiple tables
                 if (!$isRootClass && ($versionedTables = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($table))) {
                     foreach ($versionedTables as $child) {
                         if ($table === $child) {
                         // only need subclasses
                         // Select all orphaned version records
                         $orphanedQuery = SQLSelect::create()->selectField("\"{$table}_versions\".\"ID\"")->setFrom("\"{$table}_versions\"");
                         // If we have a parent table limit orphaned records
                         // to only those that exist in this
                         if (DB::get_schema()->hasTable("{$child}_versions")) {
                             $orphanedQuery->addLeftJoin("{$child}_versions", "\"{$child}_versions\".\"RecordID\" = \"{$table}_versions\".\"RecordID\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND \"{$child}_versions\".\"Version\" = \"{$table}_versions\".\"Version\"")->addWhere("\"{$child}_versions\".\"ID\" IS NULL");
                         $count = $orphanedQuery->count();
                         if ($count > 0) {
                             DB::alteration_message("Removing {$count} orphaned versioned records", "deleted");
                             $ids = $orphanedQuery->execute()->column();
                             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                                 DB::prepared_query("DELETE FROM \"{$table}_versions\" WHERE \"ID\" = ?", array($id));
             DB::require_table("{$table}_versions", $versionFields, $versionIndexes, true, $options);
         } else {
             foreach ($this->stages as $stage) {
                 if ($stage != $this->defaultStage) {