/** * Editing time event * * All except time event id is editable */ public function editTimeEvent() { if ($this->_isOverlapping()) { return false; } $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $updateTable = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_TABLE_TIME_EVENT . "`"; if ($this->getProjectId() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_PROJECT_ID . "`"; $updateValues[] = $this->getProjectId(); } if ($this->getEmployeeId() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_EMPLOYEE_ID . "`"; $updateValues[] = $this->getEmployeeId(); } if ($this->getActivityId() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_ACTIVITY_ID . "`"; $updateValues[] = $this->getActivityId(); } if ($this->getTimesheetId() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_TIMESHEET_ID . "`"; $updateValues[] = $this->getTimesheetId(); } if ($this->getStartTime() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_START_TIME . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'" . $this->getStartTime() . "'"; } else { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_START_TIME . "`"; $updateValues[] = "null"; } if ($this->getEndTime() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_END_TIME . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'" . $this->getEndTime() . "'"; } else { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_END_TIME . "`"; $updateValues[] = "null"; } if ($this->getReportedDate() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_REPORTED_DATE . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'" . $this->getReportedDate() . "'"; } if ($this->getDuration() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_DURATION . "`"; $updateValues[] = $this->getDuration(); } if ($this->getDescription() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_DESCRIPTION . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'" . $this->getDescription() . "'"; } $updateConditions[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_TIME_EVENT_ID . "` = {$this->getTimeEventId()}"; $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $updateFields, $updateValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if ($result) { if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { return true; } else { return 2; } } return false; }
/** * Update project information */ public function updateProject() { if ($this->_isDuplicateName(true)) { throw new ProjectsException("Duplicate name", 1); } $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $updateTable = self::TABLE_NAME; if ($this->getCustomerId() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::PROJECT_DB_FIELD_CUSTOMER_ID . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'" . $this->getCustomerId() . "'"; } if ($this->getProjectName() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::PROJECT_DB_FIELD_NAME . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'" . $this->getProjectName() . "'"; } if ($this->getProjectDescription() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::PROJECT_DB_FIELD_DESCRIPTION . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'" . $this->getProjectDescription() . "'"; } if ($this->getDeleted() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::PROJECT_DB_FIELD_DELETED . "`"; $updateValues[] = $this->getDeleted(); } $updateConditions[] = "`" . self::PROJECT_DB_FIELD_PROJECT_ID . "` = {$this->getProjectId()}"; if (is_array($updateFields)) { $updateValues = $sql_builder->quoteCorrect($updateValues); $sqlQString = $sql_builder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $updateFields, $updateValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $message2 = $dbConnection->executeQuery($sqlQString); //Calling the addData() function // We don't check mysql_affected_rows here since the update may not have changed any // of the database fields. if ($message2) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * Change the status of the filled timesheet */ private function _changeTimesheetStatus() { $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $updateTable = self::TIMESHEET_DB_TABLE_TIMESHEET; $updateFields[0] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_DB_FIELD_STATUS . "`"; $updateValues[0] = $this->getStatus(); if ($this->getComment() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_DB_FIELD_COMMENT . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'" . $this->getComment() . "'"; } $updateConditions[] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_DB_FIELD_TIMESHEET_ID . "` = {$this->getTimesheetId()}"; $query = $sql_builder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $updateFields, $updateValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if ($result) { return true; } return false; }
public function updateNotificationStatus() { $userObj = new Users(); $userObj->updateUserEmail($this->getUserId(), $this->getEmail()); if (!$this->_notificationConfigurationExsist()) { return $this->_addNotificationStatus(); } $sqlQBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $arrFields[0] = '`status`'; $changeValues[0] = $this->getNotificationStatus(); $arrTable = "`hs_hr_mailnotifications`"; $updateConditions[1] = "`user_id` = '{$this->getUserId()}'"; $updateConditions[2] = "`notification_type_id` = '{$this->getNotifcationTypeId()}'"; $query = $sqlQBuilder->simpleUpdate($arrTable, $arrFields, $changeValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); return $result; }
private function _update() { $updateTable = self::WORKSHIFT_TABLE; $fields[0] = self::DB_FIELD_NAME; $fields[1] = self::DB_FIELD_HOURS; $updateValues[0] = "'" . $this->name . "'"; $updateValues[1] = $this->hoursPerDay; $updateConditions[0] = self::DB_FIELD_WORKSHIFT_ID . " = " . $this->workshiftId; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $fields, $updateValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if ($result === false) { throw new WorkshiftException("Error in update", WorkshiftException::ERROR_IN_DB_QUERY); } return mysql_affected_rows(); }
public function undeleteLeaveType() { $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $selectTable = "`hs_hr_leavetype` "; $changeFields[0] = "`available_flag`"; $changeValues[0] = "'" . $this->availableStatusFlag . "'"; $updateConditions[0] = "`leave_type_id` = '" . $this->getLeaveTypeId() . "'"; $query = $sql_builder->simpleUpdate($selectTable, $changeFields, $changeValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if (isset($result) && mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Updates the day * * requires a filled object * * @access pubic */ public function editDay() { $arrFieldList[0] = "`" . self::WEEKENDS_TABLE_LENGTH . "`"; $arrRecordsList[0] = $this->getLength(); $updateConditions[0] = "`" . self::WEEKENDS_TABLE_DAY . '` = ' . $this->getDay(); $updateTable = "`" . self::WEEKENDS_TABLE . "`"; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $arrFieldList, $arrRecordsList, $updateConditions); //echo $query; $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 0) { return $this->_addDay(); } return $result; }
public function updateUserEmail($userId, $email) { $sqlQBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $arrFields[0] = '`email1`'; $changeValues[0] = $email; $arrTable = "`hs_hr_users`"; $updateConditions[1] = "`id` = '{$userId}'"; $query = $sqlQBuilder->simpleUpdate($arrTable, $arrFields, $changeValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); return true; }
/** * Edits holiday * * The object needs to be filled. * * @access public */ public function edit() { $arrFieldList[0] = "`" . self::HOLIDAYS_TABLE_DESCRIPTION . "`"; $arrFieldList[1] = "`" . self::HOLIDAYS_TABLE_DATE . "`"; $arrFieldList[2] = "`" . self::HOLIDAYS_TABLE_RECURRING . "`"; $arrFieldList[3] = "`" . self::HOLIDAYS_TABLE_LENGTH . "`"; $arrRecordsList[0] = "'" . $this->getDescription() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[1] = "'" . $this->getDate() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[2] = $this->getRecurring(); $arrRecordsList[3] = $this->getLength(); $updateConditions[0] = "`" . self::HOLIDAYS_TABLE_HOLIDAY_ID . '` = ' . $this->getHolidayId(); $arrTable = "`" . self::HOLIDAYS_TABLE . "`"; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleUpdate($arrTable, $arrFieldList, $arrRecordsList, $updateConditions); //echo $query; $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); }
/** * This function will delete leave records for the given date. This will only for leave status other than 'taken' * @param $date - string date for delete records */ public static function updateLeavesForDate($date, $length) { $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $updateTable = "`hs_hr_leave`"; $changeFields[] = "`leave_length_days`"; $changeFields[] = "`leave_length_hours`"; $changeValues[] = "(`leave_length_days` - ({$length} / " . self::LEAVE_LENGTH_FULL_DAY . "))"; $changeValues[] = "`leave_length_hours` - {$length}"; $updateConditions[] = "`leave_date` = '" . $date . "'"; $updateConditions[] = "`leave_status` <> '" . self::LEAVE_STATUS_LEAVE_TAKEN . "'"; $query = $sql_builder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $changeFields, $changeValues, $updateConditions, false); //echo $query."\n"; $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); }
/** * Update leave quota of an employee * * @return boolean * @access public */ private function updateLeaveQuota() { $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $updateTable = "`" . self::LEAVEQUOTA_DB_TABLE_EMPLOYEE_LEAVE_QUOTA . "`"; $updateFileds[0] = "`" . self::LEAVEQUOTA_DB_FIELD_NO_OF_DAYS_ALLOTED . "`"; $updateValues[0] = "'" . $this->getNoOfDaysAllotted() . "'"; $updateConditions[0] = "`" . self::LEAVEQUOTA_DB_FIELD_YEAR . "` = '" . $this->getYear() . "'"; $updateConditions[1] = "`" . self::LEAVEQUOTA_DB_FIELD_LEAVE_TYPE_ID . "` = '" . $this->getLeaveTypeId() . "'"; $updateConditions[2] = "`" . self::LEAVEQUOTA_DB_FIELD_EMPLOYEE_ID . "` = '" . $this->getEmployeeId() . "'"; $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $updateFileds, $updateValues, $updateConditions); //echo $query."\n"; $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if ($result) { return true; } return false; }
public function update() { if (!CommonFunctions::isValidId($this->id)) { throw new HspPayPeriodException("Invalid id", HspPayPeriodException::INVALID_ID); } $updateTable = '`' . self::PAY_PERIOD_DB_TABLE . '`'; $changeFields[0] = '`' . self::PAY_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_START_DATE . '`'; $changeFields[1] = '`' . self::PAY_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_END_DATE . '`'; $changeFields[2] = '`' . self::PAY_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_CLOSE_DATE . '`'; $changeFields[3] = '`' . self::PAY_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_CHECK_DATE . '`'; $changeFields[4] = '`' . self::PAY_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_TIMESHEET_APROVAL_DUE_DATE . '`'; $changeValues[0] = "'" . $this->startDate . "'"; $changeValues[1] = "'" . $this->endDate . "'"; $changeValues[2] = "'" . $this->closeDate . "'"; $changeValues[3] = "'" . $this->checkDate . "'"; $changeValues[4] = "'" . $this->timesheetAprovalDueDate . "'"; $updateConditions[0] = "`" . self::PAY_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_ID . "` = '" . $this->id . "'"; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $changeFields, $changeValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); return $result; }
private function _update() { if (!CommonFunctions::isValidId($this->id)) { throw new HspPaymentRequest("Invalid id", HspPaymentRequest::INVALID_ID); } $arrTable = '`' . self::HSP_PAYMENT_REQUEST_DB_TABLE . '`'; if ($this->dateIncurred != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_DATE_INCURRED . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->dateIncurred . "'"; } if ($this->providerName != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_PROVIDER_NAME . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->providerName . "'"; } if ($this->personIncurringExpense != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_PERSON_INCURRING_EXPENSE . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->personIncurringExpense . "'"; } if ($this->expenseDescription != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_EXPENSE_DESCRIPTION . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->expenseDescription . "'"; } if ($this->expenseAmount != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_EXPENSE_AMOUNT . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->expenseAmount . "'"; } if ($this->paymentMadeTo != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_PAYMENT_MADE_TO . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->paymentMadeTo . "'"; } if ($this->thirdPartyAccountNumber != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_THIRD_PARTY_ACCOUNT_NUMBER . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->thirdPartyAccountNumber . "'"; } if ($this->mailAddress != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_MAIL_ADDRESS . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->mailAddress . "'"; } if ($this->comments != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_COMMENTS . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->comments . "'"; } if ($this->status != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_STATUS . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->status . "'"; } if ($this->datePaid != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_DATE_PAID . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->datePaid . "'"; } if ($this->checkNumber != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_CHECK_NUMBER . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->checkNumber . "'"; } if ($this->hrNotes != null) { $updateFields[] = '`' . self::DB_FIELD_HR_NOTES . '`'; $arrRecordsList[] = "'" . $this->hrNotes . "'"; } $updateConditions[0] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_ID . "` = '" . $this->id . "'"; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleUpdate($arrTable, $updateFields, $arrRecordsList, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if ($result === false) { throw new HspPaymentRequestException("Error in update", HspPaymentRequestException::ERROR_IN_DB_QUERY); } return mysql_affected_rows(); }
public function cancelLeaveTaken($obj) { $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $updateTable = "`hs_hr_leave`"; $updateFileds[0] = "`leave_status`"; $updateFileds[1] = "`leave_comments`"; $updateValues[0] = "'" . $obj->getLeaveStatus() . "'"; $updateValues[1] = "'" . $obj->getLeaveComments() . "'"; $updateConditions[0] = "`leave_id` = '" . $obj->getLeaveId() . "'"; $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $updateFileds, $updateValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if ($result) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function delJobTitles($arrList) { $updateTable = "`hs_hr_job_title`"; $changeFields[0] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_IS_ACTIVE . "`"; $changeValues[0] = self::DELETED_JOB_TITLE; $updateConditions[0] = self::DB_FIELD_CODE . " IN('" . implode("','", $arrList[0]) . "')"; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $changeFields, $changeValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if ($result) { return true; } return false; }
public function saveTimesheetSubmissionPeriod() { $this->_findEndDay(); $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $updateTable = self::TIMESHEET_SUBMISSION_PERIOD_DB_TABLE_TIMESHEET_SUBMISSION_PERIOD; if ($this->getName() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_SUBMISSION_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_NAME . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'{$this->getName()}'"; } if ($this->getFrequency() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_SUBMISSION_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_FREQUENCY . "`"; $updateValues[] = $this->getFrequency(); } if ($this->getPeriod() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_SUBMISSION_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_PERIOD . "`"; $updateValues[] = $this->getPeriod(); } if ($this->getStartDay() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_SUBMISSION_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_START_DAY . "`"; $updateValues[] = $this->getStartDay(); } if ($this->getEndDay() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_SUBMISSION_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_END_DAY . "`"; $updateValues[] = $this->getEndDay(); } if ($this->getDescription() != null) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_SUBMISSION_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_DESCRIPTION . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'{$this->getDescription()}'"; } $updateConditions[] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_SUBMISSION_PERIOD_DB_FIELD_TIMESHEET_PERIOD_ID . "` = {$this->getTimesheetPeriodId()}"; $query = $sql_builder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $updateFields, $updateValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if ($result) { if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { return true; } } return false; }
function updateEmpBasSal($object = null) { $tableName = 'hs_hr_emp_basicsalary'; $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); if (is_array($object)) { $fields[0] = 'emp_number'; $fields[1] = 'sal_grd_code'; $fields[2] = 'currency_id'; $fields[3] = 'ebsal_basic_salary'; $fields[4] = 'payperiod_code'; $newObject = $object['new']; $values[0] = $newObject->getEmpId(); $values[1] = "'" . $newObject->getEmpSalGrdCode() . "'"; $values[2] = "'" . $newObject->getEmpCurrCode() . "'"; $values[3] = "'" . $newObject->getEmpBasSal() . "'"; $values[4] = empty($newObject->payPeriod) ? "null" : $newObject->payPeriod; $oldObject = $object['old']; $updateCondition[] = "SAL_GRD_CODE = '" . $oldObject->getEmpSalGrdCode() . "'"; $updateCondition[] = "CURRENCY_ID = '" . $oldObject->getEmpCurrCode() . "'"; $sqlQString = $sql_builder->simpleUpdate($tableName, $fields, $values, $updateCondition, false); } else { $sql_builder->table_name = $tableName; $arrRecordsList[0] = "'" . $this->getEmpId() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[1] = "'" . $this->getEmpSalGrdCode() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[2] = "'" . $this->getEmpCurrCode() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[3] = "'" . $this->getEmpBasSal() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[4] = empty($this->payPeriod) ? "null" : "'" . $this->payPeriod . "'"; $sql_builder->flg_update = 'true'; $sql_builder->arr_update = $arrFieldList; $sql_builder->arr_updateRecList = $arrRecordsList; $sqlQString = $sql_builder->addUpdateRecord1(2); } $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $message2 = $dbConnection->executeQuery($sqlQString); //Calling the addData() function return $message2; }
/** * * function _changeLeaveStatus, access is private, will not be documented * * @access private */ protected function _changeLeaveStatus() { $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $table = "`hs_hr_leave`"; $changeFields[0] = "`leave_status`"; $changeFields[1] = "`leave_comments`"; $changeValues[0] = $this->getLeaveStatus(); $changeValues[1] = "'" . $this->getLeaveComments() . "'"; $updateConditions[0] = "`leave_request_id` = " . $this->getLeaveRequestId(); $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleUpdate($table, $changeFields, $changeValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if (isset($result) && mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { return true; } return false; }
public static function updateUsedPerPayment($year, $hspPlanId, $employeeId, $amount) { $updateTable = "`" . self::DB_TABLE_HSP_SUMMARY . "`"; $updateFields[0] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_TOTAL_USED . "`"; $updateValues[0] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_TOTAL_USED . "` + " . $amount; $updateConditions[0] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_HSP_PLAN_YEAR . "` = '" . $year . "'"; $updateConditions[1] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_HSP_PLAN_ID . "` = '" . $hspPlanId . "'"; $updateConditions[2] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_EMPLOYEE_ID . "` = '" . $employeeId . "'"; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $updateFields, $updateValues, $updateConditions, false); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); }
/** * This functions brings forward last year balance for HSA and HRA */ private static function _broughtForwardHspBalance() { $yearStart = date('Y') . "-01-01"; $currentDate = date('Y-m-d'); if ($currentDate >= $yearStart && self::recordsExist(date('Y') - 1) && !Config::getHspBroughtForwadYear("HspBroughtForward" . date('Y'))) { $selectTable = "`" . parent::DB_TABLE_HSP_SUMMARY . "`"; $selectFields[0] = "`" . parent::DB_FIELD_EMPLOYEE_ID . "`"; $selectFields[1] = "`" . parent::DB_FIELD_HSP_PLAN_ID . "`"; $selectFields[2] = "`" . parent::DB_FIELD_TOTAL_ACCRUED . "`"; $selectFields[3] = "`" . parent::DB_FIELD_TOTAL_USED . "`"; $year = date('Y') - 1; $selectConditions[0] = "`" . parent::DB_FIELD_HSP_PLAN_YEAR . "` = '{$year}'"; $selectConditions[1] = "`" . parent::DB_FIELD_HSP_PLAN_ID . "` != '3'"; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleSelect($selectTable, $selectFields, $selectConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if ($dbConnection->dbObject->numberOfRows($result) > 0) { while ($row = $dbConnection->dbObject->getArray($result)) { $updateTable = "`" . self::DB_TABLE_HSP_SUMMARY . "`"; $updateFields[0] = "`" . parent::DB_FIELD_TOTAL_ACCRUED . "`"; $updateValues[0] = "`" . parent::DB_FIELD_TOTAL_ACCRUED . "`" + ($row[2] - $row[3]); $updateConditions[0] = "`" . parent::DB_FIELD_EMPLOYEE_ID . "` = '" . $row[0] . "'"; $updateConditions[1] = "`" . parent::DB_FIELD_HSP_PLAN_ID . "` = '" . $row[1] . "'"; $updateConditions[2] = "`" . parent::DB_FIELD_HSP_PLAN_YEAR . "` = '" . date('Y') . "'"; $sqlBuilder2 = new SQLQBuilder(); $query2 = $sqlBuilder2->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $updateFields, $updateValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection2 = new DMLFunctions(); $dbConnection2->executeQuery($query2); } } Config::setHspBroughtForwadYear("set", "HspBroughtForward" . date('Y')); } }
public function editPropertyList() { $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sql_builder->table_name = $this->TABLE_NAME; $sql_builder->flg_update = 'true'; $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $i = 0; foreach ($this->editPropIds as $id) { $sqlQString = $sql_builder->simpleUpdate($this->TABLE_NAME, array('emp_id'), array($this->editEmpIds[$i]), array("`prop_id`='{$id}'")); $message2 = $dbConnection->executeQuery($sqlQString); $i++; } return $message2; }
/** * */ public function updateRecord() { if (!isset($this->attendanceId)) { throw new AttendanceRecordException('Attendance ID is not set', AttendanceRecordException::ERROR_ID_NOT_SET); } $updateTable = "`" . self::DB_TABLE . "`"; if (isset($this->inDate) && isset($this->inTime)) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_PUNCHIN_TIME . "`"; $updateValues[] = "{$this->inDate} {$this->inTime}"; } if (isset($this->outDate) && isset($this->outTime)) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_PUNCHOUT_TIME . "`"; $updateValues[] = "{$this->outDate} {$this->outTime}"; } if (isset($this->inNote)) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_IN_NOTE . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'" . $this->inNote . "'"; } if (isset($this->outNote)) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_OUT_NOTE . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'" . $this->outNote . "'"; } if (isset($this->status)) { $updateFields[] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_STATUS . "`"; $updateValues[] = "'" . $this->status . "'"; } $updateConditions[] = "`" . self::DB_FIELD_ATTENDANCE_ID . "` = {$this->attendanceId}"; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleUpdate($updateTable, $updateFields, $updateValues, $updateConditions); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if ($result) { return true; } else { return false; } }