 protected function save()
     if (!SPFactory::mainframe()->checkToken()) {
         Sobi::Error('Token', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TASK', SPRequest::task()), SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $id = SPRequest::cmd('filter_id');
     if ($id) {
         $this->validate('field.filter', 'filter');
         $filters = $this->getFilters();
         $name = SPRequest::string('filter_name', 'Filter Name');
         $msg = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), null, SPLang::clean(SPRequest::string('filter_message', 'The data entered in the $field field contains not allowed characters')));
         $regex = SPLang::clean(SPRequest::raw('filter_regex', '/^[\\.*]+$/'));
         $regex = str_replace('[:apostrophes:]', '\\"' . "\\'", $regex);
         $regex = base64_encode(str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), null, $regex));
         $custom = 'custom';
         if (isset($filters[$id]) && !strlen($filters[$id]['options'])) {
             $regex = $filters[$id]['params'];
             $custom = null;
         $filters[$id] = array('params' => $regex, 'key' => $id, 'value' => $name, 'description' => $msg, 'options' => $custom);
         SPFactory::registry()->saveDBSection($filters, 'fields_filter');
         $this->response(Sobi::Url('filter'), Sobi::Txt('FLR.MSG_FILTER_SAVED'), false, 'success');
     } else {
         $this->response(Sobi::Url('filter'), SPLang::e('FILTER_NOT_FOUND'), true, SPC::ERROR_MSG);
 protected function search()
     if (!SPFactory::mainframe()->checkToken()) {
         Sobi::Error('Token', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TASK', SPRequest::task()), SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     //		$selected = SPRequest::int( 'selected', 0 );
     $ssid = SPRequest::base64('ssid');
     $query = SPRequest::string('q', null);
     $session = SPFactory::user()->getUserState('userSelector', null, array());
     $setting = $session[$ssid];
     /* get the site to display */
     $site = SPRequest::int('site', 1);
     $eLim = Sobi::Cfg('user_selector.entries_limit', 18);
     $eLimStart = ($site - 1) * $eLim;
     $params = array();
     if ($query) {
         $q = '%' . $query . '%';
         $params = SPFactory::db()->where(array('name' => $q, 'username' => $q, 'email' => $q), 'OR');
     try {
         $count = SPFactory::db()->select('COUNT(*)', '#__users', $params, $setting['ordering'])->loadResult();
         $data = SPFactory::db()->select(array('id', 'name', 'username', 'email', 'registerDate', 'lastvisitDate'), '#__users', $params, $setting['ordering'], $eLim, $eLimStart)->loadAssocList();
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         echo $x->getMessage();
     $response = array('sites' => ceil($count / $eLim), 'site' => $site);
     if (count($data)) {
         $replacements = array();
         preg_match_all('/\\%[a-z]*/', $setting['format'], $replacements);
         $placeholders = array();
         if (isset($replacements[0]) && count($replacements[0])) {
             foreach ($replacements[0] as $placeholder) {
                 $placeholders[] = str_replace('%', null, $placeholder);
         if (count($replacements)) {
             foreach ($data as $index => $user) {
                 $txt = $setting['format'];
                 foreach ($placeholders as $attribute) {
                     if (isset($user[$attribute])) {
                         $txt = str_replace('%' . $attribute, $user[$attribute], $txt);
                 $data[$index]['text'] = $txt;
         $response['users'] = $data;
     echo json_encode($response);
 protected function save()
     if (!SPFactory::mainframe()->checkToken()) {
         Sobi::Error('Token', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TASK', SPRequest::task()), SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $data = SPRequest::string('bankdata', null, true);
     $data = array('key' => 'bankdata', 'value' => $data, 'type' => 'application', 'id' => Sobi::Section(), 'section' => Sobi::Section());
     try {
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         $message = SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage());
         Sobi::Error('SPPaymentBt', $message, SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         $this->response(Sobi::Back(), $message, false, 'error');
     $this->response(Sobi::Back(), Sobi::Txt('MSG.ALL_CHANGES_SAVED'), false, 'success');
 protected function save()
     if (!SPFactory::mainframe()->checkToken()) {
         Sobi::Error('Token', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TASK', SPRequest::task()), SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $this->validate('extensions.paypal', array('task' => 'paypal', 'pid' => Sobi::Section()));
     SPFactory::registry()->saveDBSection(array(array('key' => 'ppurl', 'value' => SPRequest::string('ppurl')), array('key' => 'ppemail', 'value' => SPRequest::string('ppemail')), array('key' => 'ppcc', 'value' => SPRequest::string('ppcc')), array('key' => 'pprurl', 'value' => SPRequest::string('pprurl'))), 'paypal_' . Sobi::Section());
     $data = array('key' => 'ppexpl', 'value' => SPRequest::string('ppexpl', null, true), 'type' => 'application', 'id' => Sobi::Section(), 'section' => Sobi::Section());
     try {
         $data['key'] = 'ppsubject';
         $data['value'] = SPRequest::string('ppsubject', true);
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         $message = SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage());
         Sobi::Error('SPPaymentBt', $message, SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         $this->response(Sobi::Back(), $message, false, 'error');
     $this->response(Sobi::Back(), Sobi::Txt('MSG.ALL_CHANGES_SAVED'), false, 'success');
  * */
 public function ProxyDependency()
     $path = json_decode(Sobi::Clean(SPRequest::string('path')), true);
     $values = $this->loadDependencyDefinition($path);
     exit(json_encode(array('options' => $values, 'path' => json_encode($path))));
 private function webServer()
     $server = SPRequest::string('SERVER_SOFTWARE', getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), null, 'server');
     //		$server = 'Apache';
     $server = preg_split('/[\\/ ]/', $server);
     $soft = isset($server[0]) ? $server[0] : 'Unknown';
     $ver = isset($server[1]) ? preg_replace('/[^0-9\\.]/i', null, $server[1]) : '0.0.0';
     $ver = explode('.', $ver);
     $sapi = function_exists('php_sapi_name') ? php_sapi_name() : 'Unknown';
     if (strtolower($soft) != 'apache') {
         echo $this->warning($this->txt('REQ.WS_WRONG_SOFTWARE', array('webserver' => SPRequest::string('SERVER_SOFTWARE', getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), null, 'server'))), __FUNCTION__);
     } else {
         $minVer = array('major' => 2, 'minor' => 0, 'build' => 0);
         $rVer = array('major' => 2, 'minor' => 2, 'build' => 0);
         if (!(isset($ver[0]) && isset($ver[1]) && isset($ver[2])) || !($ver[0] && $ver[1])) {
             echo $this->warning($this->txt('REQ.WS_NO_APACHE_VER', array('required' => implode('.', $minVer), 'sapi' => $sapi)), __FUNCTION__);
         $ver = array('major' => $ver[0], 'minor' => $ver[1], 'build' => isset($ver[2]) ? $ver[2] : 0);
         if (!$this->compareVersion($minVer, $ver)) {
             echo $this->error($this->txt('REQ.WS_WRONG_VER', array('required' => implode('.', $minVer), 'installed' => implode('.', $ver), 'sapi' => $sapi)), __FUNCTION__);
         } else {
             echo $this->ok($this->txt('REQ.WS_VERSION_OK', array('installed' => implode('.', $ver), 'sapi' => $sapi)), __FUNCTION__);
 public static function fields($sid = 0, $types = null)
     if (!$sid) {
         $sid = SPRequest::sid('request', Sobi::Section(), false);
     if (!$types) {
         $types = SPRequest::string('types', null);
         $types = SPFactory::config()->structuralData($types, true);
     $fields = SPConfig::fields($sid, $types);
     if (SPRequest::bool('fields-xhr')) {
     } else {
         return $fields;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Site/lib/models/SPDBObject#save()
 public function save($request = 'post')
     $this->loadFields(Sobi::Section(), true);
     // Thu, Feb 19, 2015 12:12:47 - it should be actually "beforeSave"
     Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), 'Before' . ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($this->id));
     /* save the base object data */
     /* @var SPdb $db */
     $db = SPFactory::db();
     if (!$this->nid || SPRequest::task() == 'entry.clone') {
         $this->nid = SPRequest::string($this->nameField, null, false, $request);
         $this->nid = $this->createAlias();
         $this->name = $this->nid;
     if (Sobi::Cfg('entry.publish_limit', 0) && !defined('SOBI_ADM_PATH')) {
         SPRequest::set('entry_createdTime', 0, $request);
         SPRequest::set('entry_validSince', 0, $request);
         SPRequest::set('entry_validUntil', 0, $request);
         $this->validUntil = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + Sobi::Cfg('entry.publish_limit', 0) * 24 * 3600);
     $preState = Sobi::Reg('object_previous_state');
     $nameField = $this->nameField();
     /* get the fields for this section */
     foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
         /* @var $field SPField */
         try {
             if ($field->enabled('form', $preState['new'])) {
                 $field->saveData($this, $request);
             } else {
                 $field->finaliseSave($this, $request);
             if ($field->get('id') == $nameField) {
                 /* get the entry name */
                 $this->name = $field->getRaw();
                 /* save the nid (name id) of the field where the entry name is saved */
                 $this->nameField = $field->get('nid');
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             if (SPRequest::task() != 'entry.clone') {
                 throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_FIELS_DATA', $x->getMessage()));
             } else {
                 Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_FIELS_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $values = array();
     /* get categories */
     $cats = Sobi::Reg('request_categories');
     if (!count($cats)) {
         $cats = SPRequest::arr('entry_parent', SPFactory::registry()->get('request_categories', array()), $request);
     /* by default it should be comma separated string */
     if (!count($cats)) {
         $cats = SPRequest::string('entry_parent', null, $request);
         if (strlen($cats) && strpos($cats, ',')) {
             $cats = explode(',', $cats);
             foreach ($cats as $i => $cat) {
                 $c = (int) trim($cat);
                 if ($c) {
                     $cats[$i] = $c;
                 } else {
         } elseif (strlen($cats)) {
             $cats = array((int) $cats);
     if (is_array($cats) && count($cats)) {
         foreach ($cats as $i => $v) {
             if (!$v) {
     if (is_array($cats) && count($cats)) {
         /* get the ordering in these categories */
         try {
             $db->select('pid, MAX(position)', 'spdb_relations', array('pid' => $cats, 'oType' => 'entry'), null, 0, 0, false, 'pid');
             $cPos = $db->loadAssocList('pid');
             $currPos = $db->select(array('pid', 'position'), 'spdb_relations', array('id' => $this->id, 'oType' => 'entry'))->loadAssocList('pid');
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         /* set the right position */
         foreach ($cats as $i => $cat) {
             $copy = 0;
             if (!$this->approved) {
                 $copy = isset($this->categories[$cats[$i]]) ? 0 : 1;
             } else {
                 $db->delete('spdb_relations', array('id' => $this->id, 'oType' => 'entry'));
             if (isset($currPos[$cat])) {
                 $pos = $currPos[$cat]['position'];
             } else {
                 $pos = isset($cPos[$cat]) ? $cPos[$cat]['MAX(position)'] : 0;
             $values[] = array('id' => $this->id, 'pid' => $cats[$i], 'oType' => 'entry', 'position' => $pos, 'validSince' => $this->validSince, 'validUntil' => $this->validUntil, 'copy' => $copy);
         try {
             $db->insertArray('spdb_relations', $values, true);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     } elseif (!count($this->categories)) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('MISSING_CAT'));
     /* trigger possible state changes */
     if ($preState['approved'] != $this->approved) {
         if ($this->approved) {
             // it's being done by the method above - removing
             //Sobi::Trigger( $this->name(), 'AfterApprove', array( $this->id, $this->approved ) );
     if ($preState['state'] != $this->state) {
         Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), 'AfterChangeState', array($this->id, $this->state));
     SPFactory::cache()->deleteObj('entry', $this->id);
     if (count($cats)) {
         foreach ($cats as $cat) {
             SPFactory::cache()->deleteObj('category', $cat);
     Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), 'After' . ucfirst($preState['new'] ? __FUNCTION__ : 'Update'), array(&$this));
 protected function save($apply, $clone = false)
     if (!SPFactory::mainframe()->checkToken()) {
         Sobi::Error('Token', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TASK', SPRequest::task()), SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $sets = array();
     if (!$clone) {
         $sid = SPRequest::sid() ? SPRequest::sid() : SPRequest::int('entry_id');
     } else {
         $sid = 0;
     $apply = (int) $apply;
     if (!$this->_model) {
     $tplPackage = Sobi::Cfg('section.template', SPC::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE);
     $customClass = null;
     if (isset($this->_tCfg['general']['functions']) && $this->_tCfg['general']['functions']) {
         $customClass = SPLoader::loadClass('/' . str_replace('.php', null, $this->_tCfg['general']['functions']), false, 'templates');
         if (method_exists($customClass, 'BeforeStoreEntry')) {
             $customClass::BeforeStoreEntry($this->_model, $_POST);
     $preState = array('approved' => $this->_model->get('approved'), 'state' => $this->_model->get('state'), 'new' => !$this->_model->get('id'));
     SPFactory::registry()->set('object_previous_state', $preState);
     $this->authorise($this->_model->get('id') ? 'edit' : 'add');
     try {
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         $back = Sobi::GetUserState('back_url', Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'entry.add', 'sid' => Sobi::Section())));
         $data = $x->getData();
         $this->response($back, $x->getMessage(), false, 'error', array('required' => $data['field']));
     try {
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         $back = Sobi::GetUserState('back_url', Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'entry.add', 'sid' => Sobi::Section())));
         $this->response($back, $x->getMessage(), false, 'error');
     $sid = $this->_model->get('id');
     $sets['sid'] = $sid;
     $sets['entry.nid'] = $this->_model->get('nid');
     $sets['entry.id'] = $sid;
     if ($customClass && method_exists($customClass, 'AfterStoreEntry')) {
     if (SPRequest::string('history-note') || $this->_task == 'saveWithRevision' || Sobi::Cfg('entry.versioningAdminBehaviour', 1)) {
         $this->logChanges('save', SPRequest::string('history-note'));
     if ($apply || $clone) {
         if ($clone) {
             $msg = Sobi::Txt('MSG.OBJ_CLONED', array('type' => Sobi::Txt($this->_model->get('oType'))));
             $this->response(Sobi::Url(array('task' => $this->_type . '.edit', 'sid' => $sid)), $msg);
         } else {
             $msg = Sobi::Txt('MSG.OBJ_SAVED', array('type' => Sobi::Txt($this->_model->get('oType'))));
             $this->response(Sobi::Url(array('task' => $this->_type . '.edit', 'sid' => $sid)), $msg, false, 'success', array('sets' => $sets));
     } elseif ($this->_task == 'saveAndNew') {
         $msg = Sobi::Txt('MSG.ALL_CHANGES_SAVED');
         $sid = $this->_model->get('parent');
         if (!$sid) {
             $sid = Sobi::Section();
         $this->response(Sobi::Url(array('task' => $this->_type . '.add', 'sid' => $sid)), $msg, true, 'success', array('sets' => $sets));
     } else {
         $this->response(Sobi::Back(), Sobi::Txt('MSG.OBJ_SAVED', array('type' => Sobi::Txt($this->_model->get('oType')))));
  * @param string $name - The name of the cookie.
  * @param string $value - The value of the cookie
  * @param int $expire - The time the cookie expires. This is a Unix timestamp so is in number of seconds since the epoch
  * @param bool $httponly - When true the cookie will be made accessible only through the HTTP protocol.
  * @param bool $secure - Indicates that the cookie should only be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection from the client
  * @param string $path - The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on
  * @param string $domain - The domain that the cookie is available
  * @return bool
 public static function set($name, $value, $expire = 0, $httponly = false, $secure = false, $path = '/', $domain = null)
     $name = self::prefix . $name;
     $expire = $expire == 0 ? $expire : time() + $expire;
     return SPFactory::mainframe()->setCookie($name, $value, $expire, $httponly, $secure, $path, $domain) && SPRequest::string($name, null, false, 'cookie');
文件: cache.php 项目: pelloq1/SobiPro
  * @param $xml DOMDocument
  * @param $template string
  * @param array $data
  * @return bool
 public function addView($xml, $template, $data = array())
     if (!Sobi::Cfg('cache.xml_enabled') || $this->_cachedView || Sobi::Reg('break_cache_view') || Sobi::My('id') && Sobi::Cfg('cache.xml_no_reg')) {
         return false;
     if (!in_array(SPRequest::task('get'), $this->_disableViewCache)) {
         foreach ($this->_disableObjectCache as $task) {
             if (strstr(SPRequest::task(), $task)) {
                 return false;
         if (count($_REQUEST)) {
             foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) {
                 if (!isset($this->requestStore[$k])) {
                     $data['request'][$k] = SPRequest::string($k);
         $data['pathway'] = SPFactory::mainframe()->getPathway();
         $this->view['xml'] = $xml;
         $this->view['template'] = $template;
         $this->view['data'] = $data;
  * Save a rule
  * @param bool $apply
 protected function save($apply)
     Sobi::Trigger('Save', 'Acl', array(&$this));
     if (!SPFactory::mainframe()->checkToken()) {
         Sobi::Error('Token', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TASK', SPRequest::task()), SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $rid = SPRequest::int('rid', 'null');
     $this->validate('acl.edit', array('task' => 'acl.edit', 'rid' => $rid));
     if ($rid) {
     $vs = SPRequest::timestamp('set_validSince');
     $vu = SPRequest::timestamp('set_validUntil');
     $vs = $vs ? date(Sobi::Cfg('db.date_format', 'Y-m-d H:i:s'), $vs) : null;
     $vu = $vu ? date(Sobi::Cfg('db.date_format', 'Y-m-d H:i:s'), $vu) : null;
     $name = SPRequest::string('set_name');
     $nid = SPRequest::cmd('set_nid');
     $note = SPRequest::string('set_note');
     $state = SPRequest::int('set_state', 1);
     $gids = SPRequest::arr('set_groups');
     $sids = SPRequest::arr('set_sections');
     $pf = SPRequest::arr('set_permissions', array());
     $pa = SPRequest::arr('set_adm_permissions', array());
     // if can publish any, then can see any unpublished
     if (in_array(20, $pf)) {
         $pf[] = 14;
     // if can publish own, then can see own unpublished
     if (in_array(21, $pf)) {
         $pf[] = 12;
     if (in_array(19, $pf)) {
         $pf[] = 15;
     $perms = array_merge($pf, $pa);
     /* @var SPdb $db */
     $db = SPFactory::db();
     /* update or insert the rule definition */
     try {
         $db->insertUpdate('spdb_permissions_rules', array('rid' => $rid, 'name' => $name, 'nid' => $nid, 'validSince' => $vs, 'validUntil' => $vu, 'note' => $note, 'state' => $state));
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error('ACL', SPLang::e('CANNOT_CREATE_RULE_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $rid = (int) $rid ? (int) $rid : $db->insertid();
     /* insert the groups ids */
     if (count($gids)) {
         foreach ($gids as $i => $gid) {
             $gids[$i] = array('rid' => $rid, 'gid' => $gid);
         try {
             $db->insertArray('spdb_permissions_groups', $gids);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error('ACL', SPLang::e('CANNOT_INSERT_GROUPS_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     try {
         $db->select('*', 'spdb_permissions', array('site' => 'adm', 'value' => 'global'));
         $admPermissions = $db->loadResultArray();
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error('ACL', SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_PERMISSIONS_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     /* create permission and section map */
     if (count($sids) && count($perms)) {
         $map = array();
         /* travel the sections */
         foreach ($sids as $sid) {
             foreach ($perms as $pid) {
                 if (in_array($pid, $admPermissions)) {
                     $map[] = array('rid' => $rid, 'sid' => 0, 'pid' => $pid);
                 } else {
                     $map[] = array('rid' => $rid, 'sid' => $sid, 'pid' => $pid);
         try {
             $db->insertArray('spdb_permissions_map', $map, true);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error('ACL', SPLang::e('CANNOT_INSERT_GROUPS_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     /* trigger plugins */
     Sobi::Trigger('AfterSave', 'Acl', array(&$this));
     /* set redirect */
     $this->response(Sobi::Url($apply ? array('task' => 'acl.edit', 'rid' => $rid) : 'acl'), Sobi::Txt('ACL_RULE_SAVED'), !$apply, SPC::SUCCESS_MSG, array('sets' => array('rid' => $rid)));
  * @param SPEntry $entry
  * @param string $request
  * @throws SPException
  * @return string
  * @throw SPException
 private function verify($entry, $request)
     $data = SPRequest::arr($this->nid, array(), $request);
     if (!$data) {
         $dataString = SPRequest::string($this->nid, null, false, $request);
         if (strstr($dataString, '://')) {
             $data = SPFactory::config()->structuralData($dataString);
         } else {
             $dataString = SPRequest::int($this->nid, 0, $request);
             if ($dataString) {
                 $data = array($dataString);
     } else {
         if (count($data) > $this->catsMaxLimit && count($data) > 1) {
             $data = array_slice($data, 0, $this->catsMaxLimit);
     $dexs = count($data);
     /* check if it was required */
     if ($this->required && !$dexs && $this->method != 'fixed') {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_REQUIRED_ERR', $this->name));
     /* check if there was an adminField */
     if ($this->adminField && $dexs && $this->method != 'fixed') {
         if (!Sobi::Can('entry.adm_fields.edit')) {
             throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_NOT_AUTH', $this->name));
     /* check if it was free */
     if (!$this->isFree && $this->fee && $dexs) {
         SPFactory::payment()->add($this->fee, $this->name, $entry->get('id'), $this->fid);
     /* check if it was editLimit */
     if ($this->editLimit == 0 && !Sobi::Can('entry.adm_fields.edit') && $dexs) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_NOT_AUTH_EXP', $this->name));
     /* check if it was editable */
     if (!$this->editable && !Sobi::Can('entry.adm_fields.edit') && $dexs && $entry->get('version') > 1) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_NOT_AUTH_NOT_ED', $this->name));
     if (!$dexs) {
         $data = array();
     return $data;
  * @return string
 public function getBack()
     $r = Sobi::GetUserState('back_url', Sobi::Url());
     if (!$r) {
         $r = SPRequest::string('HTTP_REFERER', self::url(), false, 'SERVER');
     return $r;
  * Gets the data for a field and save it in the database
  * @param SPEntry $entry
  * @param string $request
  * @return bool
 public function saveData(&$entry, $request = 'POST')
     if (!$this->enabled) {
         return false;
     $data = $this->verify($entry, $request);
     $time = SPRequest::now();
     $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER');
     $uid = Sobi::My('id');
     /* if we are here, we can save these data */
     /* @var SPdb $db */
     $db =& SPFactory::db();
     if ($this->allowHtml) {
         /* filter data */
         if (count($this->allowedAttributes)) {
         if (count($this->allowedTags)) {
         $data = SPRequest::string($this->nid, null, $this->allowHtml, $request);
         if (!$this->editor && $this->maxLength && strlen($data) > $this->maxLength) {
             $data = substr($data, 0, $this->maxLength);
     } else {
         $data = strip_tags($data);
     /* collect the needed params */
     $params = array();
     $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp');
     $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown');
     $params['fid'] = $this->fid;
     $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id');
     $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section');
     $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang();
     $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state');
     $params['params'] = null;
     $params['options'] = null;
     $params['baseData'] = $data;
     $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved');
     $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed');
     /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */
     if ($entry->get('version') == 1) {
         $params['createdTime'] = $time;
         $params['createdBy'] = $uid;
         $params['createdIP'] = $IP;
     $params['updatedTime'] = $time;
     $params['updatedBy'] = $uid;
     $params['updatedIP'] = $IP;
     $params['copy'] = !$entry->get('approved');
     if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) {
     $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit;
     /* save it */
     try {
         $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params);
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     /* if it wasn't edited in the default language, we have to try to insert it also for def lang */
     if (Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) {
         $params['lang'] = Sobi::DefLang();
         try {
             $db->insert('spdb_field_data', $params, true, true);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
  * Save existing field
 protected function save($clone = false)
     $sets = array();
     if (!SPFactory::mainframe()->checkToken()) {
         Sobi::Error('Token', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TASK', SPRequest::task()), SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $fid = SPRequest::int('fid');
     $field = SPFactory::Model('field', true);
     if ($fid) {
         $f = $this->loadField($fid);
     } else {
     $nid = SPRequest::cmd('field_nid');
     if (!$nid || !strstr($nid, 'field_')) {
         /** give me my spaces back!!! */
         $nid = strtolower(str_replace('-', '_', SPLang::nid('field_' . SPRequest::string('field_name'))));
         SPRequest::set('field_nid', $nid);
     if ($clone || !$fid) {
         try {
             $fid = $field->saveNew($this->attr);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             $this->response(Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'field.edit', 'fid' => $fid, 'sid' => SPRequest::sid())), $x->getMessage(), false, SPC::ERROR_MSG);
     } else {
         try {
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             $this->response(Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'field.edit', 'fid' => $fid, 'sid' => SPRequest::sid())), $x->getMessage(), false, SPC::ERROR_MSG);
     $alias = $field->get('nid');
     $fieldSets = $field->get('sets');
     if (is_array($fieldSets) && count($fieldSets)) {
         $sets = array_merge($fieldSets, $sets);
     $sets['fid'] = $field->get('fid');
     $sets['field.nid'] = $alias;
     /* in case we are changing the sort by field */
     if (Sobi::Cfg('list.entries_ordering') == $alias && $field->get('nid') != $alias) {
         SPFactory::config()->saveCfg('list.entries_ordering', $field->get('nid'));
     if ($this->_task == 'apply' || $clone) {
         if ($clone) {
             $msg = Sobi::Txt('FM.FIELD_CLONED');
             $this->response(Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'field.edit', 'fid' => $fid, 'sid' => SPRequest::sid())), $msg);
         } else {
             $msg = Sobi::Txt('MSG.ALL_CHANGES_SAVED');
             $this->response(Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'field.edit', 'fid' => $fid, 'sid' => SPRequest::sid())), $msg, false, 'success', array('sets' => $sets));
     } else {
         $this->response(Sobi::Back(), Sobi::Txt('MSG.ALL_CHANGES_SAVED'));
  * @param string $path
  * @deprecated since 1.1
 public function loadConfig($path)
     SPFactory::header()->addCssFile('adm.legacy')->addJsFile(array('adm.legacy', 'menu'));
     $this->_legacy = true;
     if (strlen($path)) {
         $this->_config = SPLoader::loadIniFile($path, true, true, true);
     Sobi::Trigger('beforeLoadConfig', $this->name(), array(&$this->_config));
     if (isset($this->_config['css_files'])) {
         foreach ($this->_config['css_files'] as $file) {
     if (isset($this->_config['js_files'])) {
         foreach ($this->_config['js_files'] as $file) {
     if ($this->key('site_title')) {
     if (isset($this->_config['toolbar'])) {
         /* in case we are adding new entry/category/field we have to remove the 'duplicate' button
         		 and the separators after and before*/
         if ($this->get('task') == 'add' || $this->get('task') == 'new') {
             $previous = null;
             $next = false;
             foreach ($this->_config['toolbar'] as $key => $value) {
                 $previous = $key;
                 if ($key == 'duplicate') {
                     if ($next && isset($this->_config['toolbar'][$key])) {
                     if ($previous && isset($this->_config['toolbar'][$previous])) {
                     $next = true;
         $menu = array();
         foreach ($this->_config['toolbar'] as $type => $settings) {
             $type = preg_replace('/\\_{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]$/', null, $type);
             $cfg = $this->parseMenu(explode('|', $settings));
             $menu[] = array('type' => $type, 'settings' => $cfg);
     if (!isset($this->_config['submenu'])) {
         $this->_config['submenu'] = SPLoader::loadIniFile('etc.adm.submenu', false);
     if (isset($this->_config['submenu'])) {
         ////			SPLoader::loadClass( 'cms.html.admin_menu' );
         //			foreach ( $this->_config[ 'submenu' ] as $type => $settings ) {
         ////				$type = preg_replace( '/\_{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]$/', null, $type );
         //				$cfg = $this->parseMenu( explode( '|', $settings ) );
         //				call_user_func_array( array( 'SPAdmMenu', 'addSubMenuEntry' ), $cfg );
         //			}
     if (isset($this->_config['hidden'])) {
         foreach ($this->_config['hidden'] as $name => $defValue) {
             $this->addHidden(SPRequest::string($name, $defValue), $name);
     Sobi::Trigger('afterLoadConfig', $this->name(), array(&$this->_config));
文件: entry.php 项目: pelloq1/SobiPro
 private function editForm()
     if ($this->_task != 'add') {
         $sid = SPRequest::sid();
         $sid = $sid ? $sid : SPRequest::int('pid');
     } else {
         $this->authorise($this->_task, 'own');
         $this->_model = null;
         $sid = SPRequest::int('pid');
         //			$section = SPFactory::Section( Sobi::Section() );
     if ($this->_model && $this->_model->isCheckedOut()) {
         Sobi::Redirect(Sobi::Url(array('sid' => SPRequest::sid())), Sobi::Txt('EN.IS_CHECKED_OUT', $this->_model->get('name')), SPC::ERROR_MSG, true);
     /* determine template package */
     $tplPackage = Sobi::Cfg('section.template', SPC::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE);
     /* load template config */
     /* check if we have stored last edit in cache */
     $this->getCache(SPRequest::string('editentry', null, false, 'cookie'), 'editcache');
     $section = SPFactory::Model('section');
     if ($this->_model) {
         /* handle meta data */
         /* add pathway */
     } else {
         /* handle meta data */
         if ($this->_task == 'add') {
         SPFactory::mainframe()->addToPathway(Sobi::Txt('EN.ADD_PATH_TITLE'), Sobi::Url('current'));
         SPFactory::mainframe()->setTitle(Sobi::Txt('EN.ADD_TITLE', array('section' => $section->get('name'))));
         /* add pathway */
     $id = $this->_model->get('id');
     if (!$id) {
         $this->_model->set('state', 1);
     if ($this->_task != 'add' && !$this->authorise($this->_task, $this->_model->get('owner') == Sobi::My('id') ? 'own' : '*')) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('YOU_ARE_NOT_AUTH_TO_EDIT_THIS_ENTRY'));
     /* get fields for this section */
     $fields = $this->_model->get('fields');
     if (!count($fields)) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_FIELDS_IN_SECTION', Sobi::Reg('current_section')));
     /* create the validation script to check if required fields are filled in and the filters, if any, match */
     /* check out the model */
     $class = SPLoader::loadView('entry');
     $view = new $class($this->template);
     $view->assign($this->_model, 'entry');
     $cache = Sobi::Reg('editcache');
     /* get the categories */
     if (isset($cache) && isset($cache['entry_parent'])) {
         $cats = explode(',', $cache['entry_parent']);
     } else {
         $cats = $this->_model->getCategories(true);
     if (count($cats)) {
         $tCats = array();
         foreach ($cats as $cid) {
             $tCats2 = SPFactory::config()->getParentPath((int) $cid, true);
             if (is_array($tCats2) && count($tCats2)) {
                 $tCats[] = implode(Sobi::Cfg('string.path_separator', ' > '), $tCats2);
         if (count($tCats)) {
             $view->assign(implode("\n", $tCats), 'parent_path');
         $view->assign(implode(", ", $cats), 'parents');
     } else {
         $parent = $sid == Sobi::Reg('current_section') ? 0 : $sid;
         if ($parent) {
             $view->assign(implode(Sobi::Cfg('string.path_separator', ' > '), SPFactory::config()->getParentPath($parent, true)), 'parent_path');
         $view->assign($parent, 'parents');
     $view->assign($this->_task, 'task');
     $view->assign($fields, 'fields');
     $view->assign($id, 'id');
     $view->assign($id, 'sid');
     $view->assign(SPFactory::user()->getCurrent(), 'visitor');
     $view->setConfig($this->_tCfg, $this->template);
     $view->setTemplate($tplPackage . '.' . $this->templateType . '.' . ($this->template == 'add' ? 'edit' : $this->template));
     $view->addHidden($sid ? $sid : SPRequest::sid(), 'pid');
     $view->addHidden($id, 'sid');
     $view->addHidden(SPRequest::int('pid') && SPRequest::int('pid') != $id ? SPRequest::int('pid') : Sobi::Section(), 'pid');
     $view->addHidden('entry.submit', SOBI_TASK);
     Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), __FUNCTION__, array(&$view));
 protected function search()
     $this->_request = SPRequest::search('field_');
     $this->_request['search_for'] = str_replace('*', '%', SPRequest::string('sp_search_for', null));
     $this->_request['phrase'] = SPRequest::string('spsearchphrase', Sobi::Cfg('search.form_searchphrase_def', 'all'));
     $this->_request['phrase'] = strlen($this->_request['phrase']) ? $this->_request['phrase'] : Sobi::Cfg('search.form_searchphrase_def', 'all');
     $ssid = SPRequest::cmd('ssid', SPRequest::cmd('ssid', null, 'cookie'));
     $this->_fields = $this->loadFields();
     $searchForString = false;
     Sobi::Trigger('OnRequest', 'Search', array(&$this->_request));
     $searchLimit = Sobi::Cfg('search.result_limit', 1000);
     for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {
         $this->_resultsByPriority[$i] = array();
     // if the visitor wasn't on the search page first
     if (!$ssid || SPRequest::int('reset', 0)) {
     /* clean request */
     if (count($this->_request)) {
         foreach ($this->_request as $i => $v) {
             if (is_array($v)) {
                 foreach ($v as $index => $value) {
                     $v[$index] = htmlspecialchars_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES);
                 $this->_request[$i] = SPRequest::cleanArray($v, true);
             } else {
                 $this->_request[$i] = $this->_db->escape($v);
     /* sort fields by priority */
     usort($this->_fields, array('self', 'sortByPrio'));
     /* First the basic search ..... */
     /* if we have a string to search */
     if (strlen($this->_request['search_for']) && $this->_request['search_for'] != Sobi::Txt('SH.SEARCH_FOR_BOX')) {
         $searchForString = true;
         $this->_narrowing = true;
         switch ($this->_request['phrase']) {
             case 'exact':
             case 'all':
             case 'any':
                 $this->searchWords($this->_request['phrase'] == 'all');
         $this->_results = array_unique($this->_results);
     Sobi::Trigger('AfterBasic', 'Search', array(&$this->_results, &$this->_resultsByPriority));
     /* ... now the extended search. Check which data we've received */
     if (count($this->_fields)) {
         $results = null;
         foreach ($this->_fields as $field) {
             if (isset($this->_request[$field->get('nid')]) && $this->_request[$field->get('nid')] != null) {
                 $this->_narrowing = true;
                 $fr = $field->searchData($this->_request[$field->get('nid')], Sobi::Section());
                 $priority = $field->get('priority');
                 if (is_array($fr)) {
                     $this->_resultsByPriority[$priority] = array_merge($this->_resultsByPriority[$priority], $fr);
                 /* if we didn't got any results before this array contains the results */
                 if (!is_array($results)) {
                     $results = $fr;
                 } else {
                     if (is_array($fr)) {
                         $results = array_intersect($results, $fr);
         /** Tue, Oct 21, 2014 10:18:37
          * No result is also a result so no "count"
          * */
         //			if ( is_array( $results ) && count( $results ) ) {
         if (is_array($results)) {
             /* if we had also a string to search we have to get the intersection */
             if ($searchForString) {
                 $this->_results = array_intersect($this->_results, $results);
             } else {
                 $this->_results = $results;
     /** @since 1.1 - a method to narrow the search results down */
     if (count($this->_fields)) {
         // If we have any results already - the we are limiting results down
         // if we don't have results but we were already searching then skip - because there is nothing to narrow down
         // if we don't have results but we weren't searching for anything else - then we are narrowing down everything
         if (count($this->_results) || !$this->_narrowing) {
             foreach ($this->_fields as &$field) {
                 $request = isset($this->_request[$field->get('nid')]) ? $this->_request[$field->get('nid')] : null;
                 if ($request) {
                     $field->searchNarrowResults($request, $this->_results, $this->_resultsByPriority);
     $this->_request['search_for'] = str_replace('%', '*', $this->_request['search_for']);
     if (count($this->_results) > $searchLimit) {
         SPFactory::message()->error(Sobi::Txt('SH.SEARCH_TOO_MANY_RESULTS', count($this->_results), $searchLimit), false);
         $this->_resultsByPriority = array();
         $this->_results = array_slice($this->_results, 0, $searchLimit);
     } else {
     Sobi::Trigger('AfterExtended', 'Search', array(&$this->_results, &$this->_resultsByPriority));
     $req = is_array($this->_request) && count($this->_request) ? SPConfig::serialize($this->_request) : null;
     $res = is_array($this->_results) && count($this->_results) ? implode(', ', $this->_results) : null;
     $cre = is_array($this->_categoriesResults) && count($this->_categoriesResults) ? implode(', ', $this->_categoriesResults) : null;
     /* determine the search parameters */
     $attr = array('entriesResults' => array('results' => $res, 'resultsByPriority' => $this->_resultsByPriority), 'catsResults' => $cre, 'uid' => Sobi::My('id'), 'browserData' => SPConfig::serialize(SPBrowser::getInstance()));
     if (strlen($req)) {
         $attr['requestData'] = $req;
     /* finally save */
     try {
         Sobi::Trigger('OnSave', 'Search', array(&$attr, &$ssid));
         $this->_db->update('spdb_search', $attr, array('ssid' => $ssid));
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_CREATE_SESSION_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $url = array('task' => 'search.results', 'sid' => Sobi::Section());
     // For Peter's Components Anywhere extension and other
     $params = Sobi::Cfg('search.params_to_pass');
     if (count($params)) {
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $val = SPRequest::raw($param);
             if ($val) {
                 $url[$param] = SPRequest::raw($param);
     /* if we cannot transfer the search id in cookie */
     if (!SPRequest::cmd('ssid', null, 'cookie')) {
         $url['ssid'] = $ssid;
     if (Sobi::Cfg('cache.unique_search_url')) {
         $url['t'] = microtime(true);
  * @param array $cfg
  * @param string $template
  * @return $this
 public function &setConfig($cfg, $template)
     $this->_config = $cfg;
     if (isset($cfg[$template]) && count($cfg[$template])) {
         foreach ($cfg[$template] as $k => $v) {
             $this->_config[$k] = $v;
     if (isset($this->_config['general']['css_files'])) {
         $this->_config['general']['css_files'] = explode(',', $this->_config['general']['css_files']);
         foreach ($this->_config['general']['css_files'] as $file) {
     if (isset($this->_config['general']['js_files'])) {
         $this->_config['general']['js_files'] = explode(',', $this->_config['general']['js_files']);
         foreach ($this->_config['general']['js_files'] as $file) {
             if (trim($file)) {
     if ($this->key('site_title')) {
     if (isset($this->_config['hidden'])) {
         foreach ($this->_config['hidden'] as $name => $defValue) {
             $this->addHidden(SPRequest::string($name, $defValue), $name);
     Sobi::Trigger('afterLoadConfig', $this->name(), array(&$this->_config));
     return $this;
 private function install($file = null)
     $arch = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.archive');
     $ajax = strlen(SPRequest::cmd('ident', null, 'post'));
     if (!$file && SPRequest::string('root')) {
         $file = str_replace('.xml', null, SPRequest::string('root'));
         $file = SPLoader::path('tmp.install.' . $file, 'front', true, 'xml');
     if (!$file) {
         $ident = SPRequest::cmd('ident', null, 'post');
         $data = SPRequest::file($ident);
         $name = str_replace(array('.' . SPFs::getExt($data['name']), '.'), null, $data['name']);
         $path = SPLoader::dirPath('tmp.install.' . $name, 'front', false);
         $c = 0;
         while (SPFs::exists($path)) {
             $path = SPLoader::dirPath('tmp.install.' . $name . '_' . ++$c, 'front', false);
          * temp directory - will be removed later but it needs to be writable for apache and Joomla! fs (FTP mode)
         try {
             if (Sobi::Cfg('ftp_mode')) {
                 SPFs::mkdir($path, 0777);
             } else {
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             return $this->ajaxResponse($ajax, $x->getMessage(), false, SPC::ERROR_MSG);
         $file = $path . '/' . $data['name'];
         try {
             $arch->upload($data['tmp_name'], $file);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             return $this->ajaxResponse($ajax, $x->getMessage(), false, SPC::ERROR_MSG);
     } elseif (SPRequest::string('root') && $file) {
         $path = dirname($file);
     } else {
         $name = str_replace(array('.' . SPFs::getExt($file), '.'), null, basename($file));
         $path = SPLoader::dirPath('tmp.install.' . $name, 'front', false);
         $c = 0;
         while (SPFs::exists($path)) {
             $path = SPLoader::dirPath('tmp.install.' . $name . '_' . ++$c, 'front', false);
          * temp directory - will be removed later but it needs to  writable for apache and Joomla! fs (FTP mode)
         try {
             if (Sobi::Cfg('ftp_mode')) {
                 SPFs::mkdir($path, 0777);
             } else {
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             return $this->ajaxResponse($ajax, $x->getMessage(), false, SPC::ERROR_MSG);
     if ($path) {
         if (!SPRequest::string('root')) {
             if (!$arch->extract($path)) {
                 return $this->ajaxResponse($ajax, SPLang::e('CANNOT_EXTRACT_ARCHIVE', basename($file), $path), false, SPC::ERROR_MSG);
         $dir =& SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.directory', $path);
         $xml = array_keys($dir->searchFile('.xml', false, 2));
         if (!count($xml)) {
             return $this->ajaxResponse($ajax, SPLang::e('NO_INSTALL_FILE_IN_PACKAGE'), false, SPC::ERROR_MSG);
         $definition = $this->searchInstallFile($xml);
         if (!$definition) {
             if (SPFactory::CmsHelper()->installerFile($xml)) {
                 try {
                     $message = SPFactory::CmsHelper()->install($xml, $path);
                     return $this->ajaxResponse($ajax, $message['msg'], $ajax, $message['msgtype']);
                 } catch (SPException $x) {
                     return $this->ajaxResponse($ajax, $x->getMessage(), $ajax, SPC::ERROR_MSG);
             } else {
                 return $this->ajaxResponse($ajax, SPLang::e('NO_INSTALL_FILE_IN_PACKAGE'), false, SPC::ERROR_MSG);
         /** @var $installer SPInstaller */
         $installer =& SPFactory::Instance('services.installers.' . trim(strtolower($definition->documentElement->tagName)), $xml[0], trim($definition->documentElement->tagName));
         try {
             $msg = $installer->install();
             return $this->ajaxResponse($ajax, $msg, true, SPC::SUCCESS_MSG);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             return $this->ajaxResponse($ajax, $x->getMessage(), false, SPC::ERROR_MSG);
     } else {
         return $this->ajaxResponse($ajax, SPLang::e('NO_FILE_HAS_BEEN_UPLOADED'), false, SPC::ERROR_MSG);
  * */
 public function ProxyIcon()
     $secret = md5(Sobi::Cfg('secret'));
     $file = SPRequest::string('file');
     $file = explode('/', $file);
     $dirName = SPLoader::dirPath("tmp.files.{$secret}.{$file[0]}", 'front', true);
     $fileName = $dirName . $file[1];
     header('Content-Type:' . image_type_to_mime_type(exif_imagetype($fileName)));
     header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($fileName));
  * Returns copy of stored registry value key
  * @param string $key - stored key
  * @param mixed $def - default value
  * @return mixed
 public static function Request($key, $def = null)
     return SPRequest::string($key, $def);