static function createRDF($title, $rdfDataArray, $fullexport = true, $backlinks = false) { // if it's not a full export, don't add internal object data if (!$fullexport) { return true; } $pageName = $title->getDBkey(); $namespace = $title->getNamespace(); // Go through all SIOs for the current page, create RDF for // each one, and add it to the general array. $iw = ''; $db = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $res = $db->select('smw_ids', array('smw_id', 'smw_namespace', 'smw_title'), 'smw_title LIKE ' . $db->addQuotes($pageName . '#%') . ' AND ' . 'smw_namespace=' . $db->addQuotes($namespace) . ' AND smw_iw=' . $db->addQuotes($iw), 'SIO::getSMWPageObjectIDs'); while ($row = $db->fetchObject($res)) { $value = new SIOInternalObjectValue($row->smw_title, intval($row->smw_namespace)); if (class_exists('SMWSqlStubSemanticData')) { // SMW >= 1.6 $semdata = new SMWSqlStubSemanticData($value, false); } else { $semdata = new SMWSemanticData($value, false); } $propertyTables = SMWSQLStore2::getPropertyTables(); foreach ($propertyTables as $tableName => $propertyTable) { $data = smwfGetStore()->fetchSemanticData($row->smw_id, null, $propertyTable); foreach ($data as $d) { $semdata->addPropertyStubValue(reset($d), end($d)); } } $rdfDataArray[] = SMWExporter::makeExportData($semdata, null); } return true; }