  * Build an HTML string to show under the theme selection box.
  * @return string
 private function createstring_ThemeDetails()
     $HTML = "<div id='{$this->current_slug}_details' class='theme_details'>";
     // Description
     $HTML .= $this->slplus->helper->create_SubheadingLabel(__('About This Theme', 'csa-slplus'));
     if (empty($this->themeDetails[$this->current_slug]['description'])) {
         $HTML .= __('No description has been set for this theme.', 'csa-slplus');
     } else {
         $HTML .= $this->themeDetails[$this->current_slug]['description'];
     $HTML .= '<p>' . __('Learn more about changing the Store Locator Plus interface via the ', 'csa-slplus') . sprintf('<a href="%s" target="csa">%s</a>', $this->support_url . 'user-experience/view/themes-custom-css/', __('Custom Themes documentation.', 'csa-slplus')) . '</p>';
     // Add On Packs
     if (!empty($this->themeDetails[$this->current_slug]['add-ons'])) {
         // List The Add On Packs Wanted
         $HTML .= $this->slplus->helper->create_SubheadingLabel(__('Add On Packs', 'csa-slplus'));
         $active_HTML = '';
         $inactive_HTML = '';
         $addon_list = explode(',', $this->themeDetails[$this->current_slug]['add-ons']);
         foreach ($addon_list as $slug) {
             $slug = trim(strtolower($slug));
             if (isset($this->slplus->add_ons->available[$slug])) {
                 // Show Active Add Ons
                 if ($this->slplus->add_ons->is_active($slug)) {
                     $active_HTML .= "<li class='product active'>" . $this->slplus->add_ons->get_product_url($slug) . '</li>';
                     // Add to inactive HTML string
                 } else {
                     $inactive_HTML .= "<li class='product inactive'>" . $this->slplus->add_ons->get_product_url($slug) . '</li>';
         $HTML .= '</ul>';
         // Add active add on pack list
         if (!empty($active_HTML)) {
             $HTML .= __('This theme will make use of these add-on packs:', 'csa-slplus') . '<ul>' . $active_HTML . '</ul>';
         // Add inactive add on pack list
         if (!empty($inactive_HTML)) {
             $HTML .= __('This theme works best if you activate the following add-on packs:', 'csa-slplus') . '<ul>' . $inactive_HTML . '</ul>';
         // Add the options section
         $HTML .= $this->createstring_ThemeOptions();
     $HTML .= '</div>';
     return $HTML;
  * Build the Google settings panel.
 function build_ServerSection()
     $sectName = __('Server', 'csa-slplus');
     $this->settings->add_section(array('name' => $sectName));
     $groupName = __('Geocoding', 'csa-slplus');
     $this->settings->add_ItemToGroup(array('section' => $sectName, 'group' => $groupName, 'label' => __('Server-To-Server Speed', 'csa-slplus'), 'setting' => 'http_timeout', 'use_prefix' => false, 'type' => 'list', 'value' => $this->slplus->options_nojs['http_timeout'], 'custom' => array('Slow' => '30', 'Normal' => '10', 'Fast' => '3'), 'description' => __('How fast is your server when communicating with other servers like Google? ', 'csa-slplus') . __('Set this to slow if you get frequent geocoding errors but geocoding works sometimes. ', 'csa-slplus') . __('Set this to fast if you never have geocoding errors and are bulk loading more than 100 locations at a time. ', 'csa-slplus')));
     $this->settings->add_ItemToGroup(array('section' => $sectName, 'group' => $groupName, 'label' => __('Geocode Retries', 'csa-slplus'), 'setting' => 'geocode_retries', 'type' => 'list', 'value' => get_option(SLPLUS_PREFIX . '-geocode_retries', '3'), 'custom' => array('None' => 0, '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6', '7' => '7', '8' => '8', '9' => '9', '10' => '10'), 'description' => __('How many times should we try to set the latitude/longitude for a new address? ', 'csa-slplus') . __('Higher numbers mean slower bulk uploads. ', 'csa-slplus') . __('Lower numbers make it more likely the location will not be set during bulk uploads. ', 'csa-slplus') . sprintf(__('Bulk import or re-geocoding is a %s feature.', 'csa-slplus'), $this->slplus->add_ons->available['slp-pro']['link'])));
     $this->settings->add_ItemToGroup(array('section' => $sectName, 'group' => $groupName, 'label' => __('Maximum Retry Delay', 'csa-slplus'), 'setting' => 'retry_maximum_delay', 'use_prefix' => false, 'value' => $this->slplus->options_nojs['retry_maximum_delay'], 'description' => __('Maximum time to wait between retries, in seconds. ', 'csa-slplus') . __('Use multiples of 1. ', 'csa-slplus') . __('Recommended value is 5. ', 'csa-slplus') . sprintf(__('Bulk import or re-geocoding is a %s feature.', 'csa-slplus'), $this->slplus->add_ons->available['slp-pro']['link'])));
     // Google License
     $groupName = __('Google Business License', 'csa-slplus');
     $this->settings->add_ItemToGroup(array('section' => $sectName, 'group' => $groupName, 'label' => __('Google Client ID', 'csa-slplus'), 'setting' => 'google_client_id', 'use_prefix' => false, 'value' => $this->slplus->options_nojs['google_client_id'], 'description' => __('If you have a Google Maps for Work client ID, enter it here. ', 'csa-slplus') . __('All Google API requests will go through your account at Google. ', 'csa-slplus') . __('You will receive higher quotas and faster maps I/O performance. ', 'csa-slplus')));
     $this->settings->add_ItemToGroup(array('section' => $sectName, 'group' => $groupName, 'label' => __('Google Private Key', 'csa-slplus'), 'setting' => 'google_private_key', 'use_prefix' => false, 'value' => $this->slplus->options_nojs['google_private_key'], 'description' => __('Your Google private key (Crypto Key) for signing Geocoding requests. ', 'csa-slplus') . __('Do NOT share this with anyone and take extra measures to keep it private. ', 'csa-slplus')));
     // ACTION: slp_generalsettings_modify_googlepanel
     //    params: settings object, section name
     do_action('slp_generalsettings_modify_googlepanel', $this->settings, $sectName);
  * Localize the CSL Script
 public function localize_script()
     $this->slplus->debugMP('slp.main', 'msg', 'SLPlus_UI:' . __FUNCTION__);
     // Handle any IconAttributes optionally set using the shortcode in combination with the Pro Pack
     $this->handleIconAttributes('map_home_icon', 'homeicon');
     $this->handleIconAttributes('map_end_icon', 'endicon');
     $slplus_home_icon_file = str_replace(SLPLUS_ICONURL, SLPLUS_ICONDIR, $this->slplus->options['map_home_icon']);
     $slplus_end_icon_file = str_replace(SLPLUS_ICONURL, SLPLUS_ICONDIR, $this->slplus->options['map_end_icon']);
     $this->slplus->data['home_size'] = function_exists('getimagesize') && file_exists($slplus_home_icon_file) ? getimagesize($slplus_home_icon_file) : array(0 => 20, 1 => 34);
     $this->slplus->data['end_size'] = function_exists('getimagesize') && file_exists($slplus_end_icon_file) ? getimagesize($slplus_end_icon_file) : array(0 => 20, 1 => 34);
     add_shortcode('slp_location', array($this, 'process_slp_location_Shortcode'));
     // Load up some basic options.
     // This can probably be handled better.
     $this->slplus->options['use_sensor'] = get_option(SLPLUS_PREFIX . '_use_location_sensor', 0) == 1;
     // Set starting map center
     $this->slplus->options['map_center'] = $this->set_MapCenter();
     // Environment
     $environment['addons'] = $this->slplus->add_ons->get_versions();
     // Lets get some variables into our script.
     // "Higher Level" JS Options are those noted below.
     // TODO: ALL of these options should go inside the options property other than plugin_url, core_url.
     $scriptData = array('plugin_url' => SLPLUS_PLUGINURL, 'disable_scroll' => get_option(SLPLUS_PREFIX . '_disable_scrollwheel') == 1, 'map_3dcontrol' => get_option(SLPLUS_PREFIX . '_disable_largemapcontrol3d') == 0, 'map_home_sizew' => $this->slplus->data['home_size'][0], 'map_home_sizeh' => $this->slplus->data['home_size'][1], 'map_end_sizew' => $this->slplus->data['end_size'][0], 'map_end_sizeh' => $this->slplus->data['end_size'][1], 'map_scalectrl' => get_option(SLPLUS_PREFIX . '_disable_scalecontrol') == 0, 'map_typectrl' => get_option(SLPLUS_PREFIX . '_disable_maptypecontrol') == 0, 'msg_noresults' => $this->slplus->settings->get_item('message_noresultsfound', 'No results found.', '_'), 'results_string' => $this->set_ResultsLayout(false), 'overview_ctrl' => get_option('sl_map_overview_control', 0), 'zoom_tweak' => get_option('sl_zoom_tweak', 1), 'environment' => apply_filters('slp_js_environment', $environment), 'options' => apply_filters('slp_js_options', $this->slplus->options));
     $this->slplus->debugMP('slp.main', 'pr', 'Script Data', $scriptData);
     // AJAX URL Stuff
     $scriptData['ajaxurl'] = admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
     $scriptData['nonce'] = wp_create_nonce('em');
     wp_localize_script('csl_script', 'slplus', $scriptData);
  * Register an add-on pack.
  * @param string $slug
  * @param object $object
 private function register_addon($slug, $object)
     $this->slplus->add_ons->register($slug, $object);
     // TODO: remove this when all add-on packs reference $this->slplus->add_ons->instances vs. $this->slplus->addons (GFI, MMap)
     $this->slplus->addons[$slug] = $object;
  * Process the store locator plus shortcode.
  * Variables this function uses and passes to the template
  * we need a better way to pass vars to the template parser so we don't
  * carry around the weight of these global definitions.
  * the other option is to unset($GLOBAL['<varname>']) at then end of this
  * function call.
  * We now use $this->plugin->data to hold attribute data.
  * @link https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/10HCyJ8vSx8ew59TbP3zrTcv2fVZcedG-eHzY78xyWSA/edit?usp=sharing Flowchart for render_shortcode
  * @param type $attributes
  * @param type $content
  * @return string HTML the shortcode will render
 function render_shortcode($attributes, $content = null)
     if (!is_object($this->slplus)) {
         return sprintf(__('%s is not ready', 'csa-slplus'), __('Store Locator Plus', 'csa-slplus'));
     $this->slplus->debugMP('msg', get_class() . '::' . __FUNCTION__);
     // Force some plugin data properties
     $this->slplus->data['radius_options'] = isset($this->slplus->data['radius_options']) ? $this->slplus->data['radius_options'] : '';
     // Load from plugin object data table first,
     // attributes trump options
     // Setup the base plugin allowed attributes
     add_filter('slp_shortcode_atts', array($this, 'filter_SetAllowedShortcodes'), 80, 3);
     // FILTER: slp_shortcode_atts
     // Apply the filter of allowed attributes.
     $attributes = shortcode_atts(apply_filters('slp_shortcode_atts', array(), $attributes, $content), $attributes, 'slplus');
     do_action('slp_before_render_shortcode', $attributes);
     // Set plugin data and options to include the attributes.
     // TODO: data needs to go away and become part of options.
     $this->slplus->data = array_merge($this->slplus->data, (array) $attributes);
     $this->slplus->options = array_merge($this->slplus->options, (array) $attributes);
     // If Force Load JavaScript is NOT checked...
     // Localize the CSL Script - modifies the CSLScript with any shortcode attributes.
     // Setup the style sheets
     if (!$this->slplus->javascript_is_forced) {
     // Map Actions
     add_action('slp_render_map', array($this, 'create_DefaultMap'));
     // Shortcodes for SLPLUS layouts
     add_shortcode('slp_option', array($this, 'create_string_slp_option_value'));
     add_shortcode('slp_search', array($this, 'createstring_SearchForm'));
     add_shortcode('slp_map', array($this, 'create_Map'));
     add_shortcode('slp_mapcontent', array($this, 'create_MapContent'));
     add_shortcode('slp_maptagline', array($this, 'create_MapTagline'));
     add_shortcode('slp_results', array($this, 'create_Results'));
     // Placeholders
     if (!$this->slplus->add_ons->is_active('slp-tagalong')) {
         add_shortcode('tagalong', array($this, 'createstring_TagalongPlaceholder'));
     // Set our flag for later processing
     // of JavaScript files
     if (!defined('SLPLUS_SHORTCODE_RENDERED')) {
         define('SLPLUS_SHORTCODE_RENDERED', true);
     $this->slplus->shortcode_was_rendered = true;
     // FILTER: slp_layout
     $this->slplus->debugMP('slp.main', 'pr', '', $this->slplus->options);
     $HTML = do_shortcode(apply_filters('slp_layout', $this->slplus->defaults['layout']));
     // Remove Shortcodes Not Used Outside Of Here
     do_action('slp_after_render_shortcode', $attributes);
     return $HTML;