static function do_auto_key_expiry()
     global $wpdb;
     $current_date = date("Y-m-d");
     $tbl_name = SLM_TBL_LICENSE_KEYS;
     $sql_prep = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$tbl_name} WHERE lic_status !=%s", 'expired');
     //Load the non-expired keys
     $licenses = $wpdb->get_results($sql_prep, OBJECT);
     if (!$licenses) {
         SLM_Debug_Logger::log_debug_st("do_auto_key_expiry() - no license keys found.");
         return false;
     foreach ($licenses as $license) {
         $key = $license->license_key;
         $expiry_date = $license->date_expiry;
         if ($expiry_date == '0000-00-00') {
             SLM_Debug_Logger::log_debug_st("This key (" . $key . ") doesn't have a valid expiry date set. The expiry of this key will not be checked.");
         $today_dt = new DateTime($current_date);
         $expire_dt = new DateTime($expiry_date);
         if ($today_dt > $expire_dt) {
             //This key has reached the expiry. So expire this key.
             SLM_Debug_Logger::log_debug_st("This key (" . $key . ") has expired. Expiry date: " . $expiry_date . ". Setting license key status to expired.");
             $data = array('lic_status' => 'expired');
             $where = array('id' => $license->id);
             $updated = $wpdb->update($tbl_name, $data, $where);
 function slm_daily_cron_event_handler()
     $options = get_option('slm_plugin_options');
     if ($options['enable_auto_key_expiry'] == '1') {
         //Do the auto key expiry task
         SLM_Debug_Logger::log_debug_st("SLM daily cronjob - auto expiry of license key is enabled.");
     //Do any ohter daily cronjob tasks.