function creationHTML($section_count) { global $wgRequest; $paramValues = array(); $section_name = $this->mSectionName; $section_level = $this->mSectionLevel; $section_str = wfMessage('sf_createform_pagesection')->text() . " '" . $section_name . "'"; $text = Html::hidden("section_{$section_count}", $section_name); $text .= '<div class="sectionForm">'; $text .= Html::element('h2', array(), $section_str); foreach ($wgRequest->getValues() as $key => $value) { if (($pos = strpos($key, '_section_' . $section_count)) != false) { $paramName = substr($key, 0, $pos); $paramName = str_replace('_', ' ', $paramName); $paramValues[$paramName] = $value; } } $header_options = ''; $text .= Html::element('span', null, wfMessage('sf_createform_sectionlevel')->text()) . "\n"; for ($i = 1; $i < 7; $i++) { if ($section_level == $i) { $header_options .= " " . Html::element('option', array('value' => $i, 'selected'), $i) . "\n"; } else { $header_options .= " " . Html::element('option', array('value' => $i), $i) . "\n"; } } $text .= Html::rawElement('select', array('name' => "level_section_" . $section_count), $header_options) . "\n"; $other_param_text = wfMessage('sf_createform_otherparameters')->escaped(); $text .= "<fieldset class=\"sfCollapsibleFieldset\"><legend>{$other_param_text}</legend>\n"; $text .= Html::rawElement('div', array(), SFCreateForm::showSectionParameters($section_count, $paramValues)) . "\n"; $text .= "</fieldset>\n"; $removeSectionButton = Html::input('delsection_' . $section_count, wfMessage('sf_createform_removesection')->text(), 'submit') . "\n"; $text .= "</br>" . Html::rawElement('p', null, $removeSectionButton) . "\n"; $text .= "\t</div>\n"; return $text; }
function creationHTML($template_num) { $field_form_text = $template_num . "_" . $this->mNum; $template_field = $this->template_field; $text = '<h3>' . wfMessage('sf_createform_field')->escaped() . " '" . $template_field->getFieldName() . "'</h3>\n"; $prop_link_text = SFUtils::linkText(SMW_NS_PROPERTY, $template_field->getSemanticProperty()); // TODO - remove this probably-unnecessary check? if ($template_field->getSemanticProperty() == "") { // Print nothing if there's no semantic property. } elseif ($template_field->getPropertyType() == "") { $text .= '<p>' . wfMessage('sf_createform_fieldpropunknowntype', $prop_link_text)->parseAsBlock() . "</p>\n"; } else { if ($template_field->isList()) { $propDisplayMsg = 'sf_createform_fieldproplist'; } else { $propDisplayMsg = 'sf_createform_fieldprop'; } // Get the display label for this property type. global $smwgContLang; $propertyTypeStr = ''; if ($smwgContLang != null) { $datatypeLabels = $smwgContLang->getDatatypeLabels(); $datatypeLabels['enumeration'] = 'enumeration'; $propTypeID = $template_field->getPropertyType(); // Special handling for SMW 1.9 if ($propTypeID == '_str' && !array_key_exists('_str', $datatypeLabels)) { $propTypeID = '_txt'; } $propertyTypeStr = $datatypeLabels[$propTypeID]; } $text .= Html::rawElement('p', null, wfMessage($propDisplayMsg, $prop_link_text, $propertyTypeStr)->parse()) . "\n"; } // If it's not a semantic field - don't add any text. $form_label_text = wfMessage('sf_createform_formlabel')->text(); $form_label_input = Html::input('label_' . $field_form_text, $template_field->getLabel(), 'text', array('size' => 20)); $input_type_text = wfMessage('sf_createform_inputtype')->escaped(); $text .= <<<END \t<div class="formField"> \t<p>{$form_label_text} {$form_label_input} \t  {$input_type_text} END; global $sfgFormPrinter; if (is_null($template_field->getPropertyType())) { $default_input_type = null; $possible_input_types = $sfgFormPrinter->getAllInputTypes(); } else { $default_input_type = $sfgFormPrinter->getDefaultInputType($template_field->isList(), $template_field->getPropertyType()); $possible_input_types = $sfgFormPrinter->getPossibleInputTypes($template_field->isList(), $template_field->getPropertyType()); } $text .= $this->inputTypeDropdownHTML($field_form_text, $default_input_type, $possible_input_types, $template_field->getInputType()); if (!is_null($template_field->getInputType())) { $cur_input_type = $template_field->getInputType(); } elseif (!is_null($default_input_type)) { $cur_input_type = $default_input_type; } else { $cur_input_type = $possible_input_types[0]; } global $wgRequest; $paramValues = array(); foreach ($wgRequest->getValues() as $key => $value) { if (($pos = strpos($key, '_' . $field_form_text)) != false) { $paramName = substr($key, 0, $pos); // Spaces got replaced by underlines in the // query. $paramName = str_replace('_', ' ', $paramName); $paramValues[$paramName] = $value; } } $other_param_text = wfMessage('sf_createform_otherparameters')->escaped(); $text .= "<fieldset class=\"sfCollapsibleFieldset\"><legend>{$other_param_text}</legend>\n"; $text .= Html::rawElement('div', array('class' => 'otherInputParams'), SFCreateForm::showInputTypeOptions($cur_input_type, $field_form_text, $paramValues)) . "\n"; $text .= "</fieldset>\n"; $text .= <<<END \t</p> \t</div> \t<hr> END; return $text; }
/** * The function called if we're in index.php (as opposed to one of the * special pages). */ static function displayForm($action, $article) { $title = $article->getTitle(); if ($title->getNamespace() == SMW_NS_PROPERTY) { $createPropertyPage = new SFCreateProperty(); $createPropertyPage->execute($title->getText()); } elseif ($title->getNamespace() == NS_TEMPLATE) { $createTemplatePage = new SFCreateTemplate(); $createTemplatePage->execute($title->getText()); } elseif ($title->getNamespace() == SF_NS_FORM) { $createFormPage = new SFCreateForm(); $createFormPage->execute($title->getText()); } elseif ($title->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY) { $createCategoryPage = new SFCreateCategory(); $createCategoryPage->execute($title->getText()); } return false; }
/** * The function called if we're in index.php (as opposed to one of the * special pages) */ static function displayForm($action, $article) { // TODO: This function will be called as a hook handler and $action will // be a string before MW 1.18. From 1.18 onwards this function will# // only be called for formcreate actions, i.e. the if statement can be // removed then. // return "true" if the call failed (meaning, pass on handling // of the hook to others), and "false" otherwise if (is_string($action) && $action !== 'formcreate') { return true; } $title = $article->getTitle(); if ($title->getNamespace() == SMW_NS_PROPERTY) { $createPropertyPage = new SFCreateProperty(); $createPropertyPage->execute($title->getText()); } elseif ($title->getNamespace() == NS_TEMPLATE) { $createTemplatePage = new SFCreateTemplate(); $createTemplatePage->execute($title->getText()); } elseif ($title->getNamespace() == SF_NS_FORM) { $createFormPage = new SFCreateForm(); $createFormPage->execute($title->getText()); } elseif ($title->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY) { $createCategoryPage = new SFCreateCategory(); $createCategoryPage->execute($title->getText()); } return false; }