public function display_results($access_id, $secret_key, $domain) { try { $seomozapi = new SEOMozAPI($access_id, $secret_key); $urlmetrics = json_decode($seomozapi->urlmetrics($domain)); $target_url = preg_replace('!http(s)?:\\/\\/!', '', $domain); $attribution = str_replace('/', '%252F', rtrim($target_url, "/")); $attribution = "" . $attribution; $wrapper = new XMLElement('div'); $info = new XMLElement('div'); $info->setAttribute('class', 'info'); //mozRank $rank_header = new XMLElement('h4', 'Domain mozRank'); $info->appendChild($rank_header); $rank_info = new XMLElement('p', 'Measure of the mozRank <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a> of the domain in the Linkscape index'); $info->appendChild($rank_info); $dl_results = new XMLElement('dl'); //10 Point Score $dt_score = new XMLElement('dt', '10-point score'); $dd_score = new XMLElement('dd', '<a target="_blank" href="' . $attribution . '">' . $urlmetrics->fmrp . '</a>'); $dl_results->appendChild($dt_score); $dl_results->appendChild($dd_score); //Raw Score $dt_score = new XMLElement('dt', 'Raw score'); $dd_score = new XMLElement('dd', '<a target="_blank" href="' . $attribution . '">' . $urlmetrics->fmrr . '</a>'); $dl_results->appendChild($dt_score); $dl_results->appendChild($dd_score); //Domain Authority $dt_score = new XMLElement('dt', 'Domain Authority <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a>'); $dd_score = new XMLElement('dd', '<a target="_blank" href="' . $attribution . '" target="_blank">' . $urlmetrics->pda . '</a>'); $dl_results->appendChild($dt_score); $dl_results->appendChild($dd_score); $info->appendChild($dl_results); //External Links $external_links_header = new XMLElement('h4', 'External Links to Homepage'); $info->appendChild($external_links_header); $dl_results = new XMLElement('dl'); $dt_score = new XMLElement('dt', 'The number of external (from other subdomains), juice passing links <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a> to the target URL in the Linkscape index'); $dd_score = new XMLElement('dd', '<a target="_blank" href="' . $attribution . '" target="_blank">' . $urlmetrics->ueid . '</a>'); $dl_results->appendChild($dt_score); $dl_results->appendChild($dd_score); $info->appendChild($dl_results); //Links to homepage $homepage_links_header = new XMLElement('h4', 'Links to Homepage'); $info->appendChild($homepage_links_header); $dl_results = new XMLElement('dl'); $dt_score = new XMLElement('dt', 'The number of internal and external, juice and non-juice passing links <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a> to the target URL in the Linkscape index'); $dd_score = new XMLElement('dd', '<a href="' . $attribution . '" target="_blank">' . $urlmetrics->uid . '</a>'); $dl_results->appendChild($dt_score); $dl_results->appendChild($dd_score); $info->appendChild($dl_results); //Homepage mozRank $homepage_mozrank_header = new XMLElement('h4', 'Homepage mozRank'); $info->appendChild($homepage_mozrank_header); $homepage_mozrank_info = new XMLElement('p', 'Measure of the mozRank <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a> of the homepage URL in the Linkscape index'); $info->appendChild($homepage_mozrank_info); $dl_results = new XMLElement('dl'); //10 Point Score $dt_score = new XMLElement('dt', '10-point score'); $dd_score = new XMLElement('dd', '<a href="' . $attribution . '">' . $urlmetrics->umrp . '</a>'); $dl_results->appendChild($dt_score); $dl_results->appendChild($dd_score); //Raw Score $dt_score = new XMLElement('dt', 'Raw score'); $dd_score = new XMLElement('dd', '<a href="' . $attribution . '">' . $urlmetrics->umrr . '</a>'); $dl_results->appendChild($dt_score); $dl_results->appendChild($dd_score); //Homepage Authority $dt_score = new XMLElement('dt', 'Homepage Authority <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a>'); $dd_score = new XMLElement('dd', '<a href="' . $attribution . '" target="_blank">' . $urlmetrics->upa . '</a>'); $dl_results->appendChild($dt_score); $dl_results->appendChild($dd_score); $info->appendChild($dl_results); $wrapper->appendChild($info); return $wrapper; } catch (Exception $e) { $info = new XMLElement('div'); $info->setAttribute('class', 'info'); $info_header = new XMLElement('h4', 'No data found. Check your account details.'); $info->appendChild($info_header); $info_header->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', '<code>' . (string) $e->getMessage() . '</code>')); return $info; } }
function wds_seomoz_settings() { global $wds_options; $name = 'wds_seomoz'; $title = 'Moz'; $description = __('<p>We make it easy to integrate with Moz - the industry leader in SEO reports.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Sign-up for a free account</a> to gain access to reports that will tell you how your site stacks up against the competition with all of the important SEO measurement tools - ranking, links, and much more.</p>', 'wds'); $fields = array('authentication' => array('title' => __('Authentication', 'wds'), 'intro' => '', 'options' => array(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'access-id', 'title' => __('Access ID', 'wds'), 'description' => ''), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'secret-key', 'title' => __('Secret Key', 'wds'), 'description' => '')))); $contextual_help = ''; $target_url = str_replace('http://', '', get_bloginfo('url')); //if( $pagenow = 'wds_seomoz' && isset( $_GET['updated'] ) ) { // <-- This is the way it was before. It doesn't really work. if (wds_is_wizard_step('4') && isset($_GET['settings-updated'])) { // Changed how we determine settings being saved delete_transient("seomoz_urlmetrics_{$target_url}"); } $additional = ''; if (isset($wds_options['access-id']) && isset($wds_options['secret-key'])) { $seomozapi = new SEOMozAPI($wds_options['access-id'], $wds_options['secret-key']); $urlmetrics = $seomozapi->urlmetrics($target_url); $attribution = str_replace('/', '%252F', untrailingslashit($target_url)); $attribution = "{$attribution}"; $additional = is_object($urlmetrics) ? ' <h3>' . __('Domain Metrics', 'wds') . '</h3> <table class="widefat" style="width:500px"> <thead> <tr> <th width="75%">' . __('Metric', 'wds') . '</th> <th>' . __('Value', 'wds') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tfoot> <tr> <th>' . __('Metric', 'wds') . '</th> <th>' . __('Value', 'wds') . '</th> </tr> </tfoot> <tbody> <tr> <td><b>' . __('Domain mozRank', 'wds') . '</b><br />Measure of the mozRank <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a> of the domain in the Linkscape index</td> <td>' . sprintf(__('10-point score: %s', 'wds'), "<a href='{$attribution}'>{$urlmetrics->fmrp}</a>") . '<br />' . sprintf(__('Raw score: %s', 'wds'), "<a href='{$attribution}' target='_blank'>{$urlmetrics->fmrr}</a>") . ' </td> </tr> <tr class="alt"> <td><b>' . __('Domain Authority', 'wds') . '</b> <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a></td> <td><a href="' . $attribution . '" target="_blank">' . (!empty($urlmetrics->pda) ? $urlmetrics->pda : '') . '</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>' . __('External Links to Homepage', 'wds') . '</b><br />The number of external (from other subdomains), juice passing links <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a> to the target URL in the Linkscape index </td> <td><a href="' . $attribution . '" target="_blank">' . (!empty($urlmetrics->ueid) ? $urlmetrics->ueid : '') . '</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>' . __('Links to Homepage', 'wds') . '</b><br />The number of internal and external, juice and non-juice passing links <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a> to the target URL in the Linkscape index</td> <td><a href="' . $attribution . '" target="_blank">' . (!empty($urlmetrics->uid) ? $urlmetrics->uid : '') . '</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>' . __('Homepage mozRank', 'wds') . '</b><br />Measure of the mozRank <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a> of the homepage URL in the Linkscape index</td> <td>' . sprintf(__('10-point score: %s', 'wds'), "<a href='{$attribution}'>{$urlmetrics->umrp}</a>") . '<br />' . sprintf(__('Raw score: %s', 'wds'), "<a href='{$attribution}' target='_blank'>{$urlmetrics->umrr}</a>") . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>' . __('Homepage Authority', 'wds') . '</b> <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a></td> <td><a href="' . $attribution . '" target="_blank">' . (!empty($urlmetrics->upa) ? $urlmetrics->upa : '') . '</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>' . __('For posts / pages specific metrics refer to the Moz URL metrics module on the Edit Post / Page screen,', 'wds') . '</p> ' : '<p>' . sprintf(__('Unable to retrieve data from the Moz API. Error: %s.', 'wds'), $urlmetrics) . '</p>'; } $additional .= '<p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="' . WDS_PLUGIN_URL . 'images/linkscape-logo.png" title="Moz Linkscape API" /></a></p>'; if (wds_is_wizard_step('4')) { $settings = new WDS_Core_Admin_Tab($name, $title, $description, $fields, 'wds', $contextual_help, $additional); } }
function wds_seomoz_dashboard_widget() { global $wds_options; if (!isset($wds_options['access-id']) || !isset($wds_options['secret-key'])) { _e('<p>Moz credentials not properly set up.</p>'); return; } $target_url = preg_replace('!http(s)?:\\/\\/!', '', get_bloginfo('url')); $seomozapi = new SEOMozAPI($wds_options['access-id'], $wds_options['secret-key']); $urlmetrics = $seomozapi->urlmetrics($target_url); $attribution = str_replace('/', '%252F', untrailingslashit($target_url)); //$attribution = "$attribution/a"; $attribution = "{$attribution}"; if (!is_object($urlmetrics)) { printf(__('Unable to retrieve data from the Moz API. Error: %s.', 'wds'), $urlmetrics); return; } echo '<h4>' . __('Domain Metrics', 'wds') . ' (' . $target_url . ')</h4> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th width="75%">' . __('Metric', 'wds') . '</th> <th>' . __('Value', 'wds') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tfoot> <tr> <th>' . __('Metric', 'wds') . '</th> <th>' . __('Value', 'wds') . '</th> </tr> </tfoot> <tbody> <tr> <td><b>' . __('Domain mozRank', 'wds') . '</b><br />Measure of the mozRank <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a> of the domain in the Linkscape index</td> <td>' . sprintf(__('10-point score: %s', 'wds'), "<a href='{$attribution}'>{$urlmetrics->fmrp}</a>") . '<br />' . sprintf(__('Raw score: %s', 'wds'), "<a href='{$attribution}' target='_blank'>{$urlmetrics->fmrr}</a>") . ' </td> </tr> <tr class="alt"> <td><b>' . __('Domain Authority', 'wds') . '</b> <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a></td> <td><a href="' . $attribution . '" target="_blank">' . (!empty($urlmetrics->pda) ? $urlmetrics->pda : '') . '</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>' . __('External Links to Homepage', 'wds') . '</b><br />The number of external (from other subdomains), juice passing links <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a> to the target URL in the Linkscape index </td> <td><a href="' . $attribution . '" target="_blank">' . (!empty($urlmetrics->ueid) ? $urlmetrics->ueid : '') . '</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>' . __('Links to Homepage', 'wds') . '</b><br />The number of internal and external, juice and non-juice passing links <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a> to the target URL in the Linkscape index</td> <td><a href="' . $attribution . '" target="_blank">' . (!empty($urlmetrics->uid) ? $urlmetrics->uid : '') . '</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>' . __('Homepage mozRank', 'wds') . '</b><br />Measure of the mozRank <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a> of the homepage URL in the Linkscape index</td> <td>' . sprintf(__('10-point score: %s', 'wds'), "<a href='{$attribution}'>{$urlmetrics->umrp}</a>") . '<br />' . sprintf(__('Raw score: %s', 'wds'), "<a href='{$attribution}' target='_blank'>{$urlmetrics->umrr}</a>") . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>' . __('Homepage Authority', 'wds') . '</b> <a href="" target="_blank">(?)</a></td> <td><a href="' . $attribution . '" target="_blank">' . (!empty($urlmetrics->upa) ? $urlmetrics->upa : '') . '</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>' . __('For posts / pages specific metrics refer to the Moz URL metrics module on the Edit Post / Page screen', 'wds') . '</p>' . '<p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="' . WDS_PLUGIN_URL . 'images/linkscape-logo.png" title="Moz Linkscape API" /></a></p>'; }
function wds_seomoz_urlmetrics_box($post) { global $wds_options; $page = str_replace('/', '%252F', untrailingslashit(str_replace('http://', '', get_permalink($post->ID)))); $seomozapi = new SEOMozAPI($wds_options['access-id'], $wds_options['secret-key']); $urlmetrics = $seomozapi->urlmetrics($page); ?> <table class="widefat"> <tbody> <tr class="alt"> <th width="30%"><?php _e('Metric', 'wds'); ?> </th> <th>Value</th> </tr> <tr> <th><?php _e('External Links', 'wds'); ?> </th> <td><p><a href="<?php echo $page; ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo !empty($urlmetrics->ueid) ? $urlmetrics->ueid : ''; ?> </a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php _e('Links', 'wds'); ?> </th> <td><p><a href="<?php echo $page; ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo !empty($urlmetrics->uid) ? $urlmetrics->uid : ''; ?> </a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php _e('mozRank', 'wds'); ?> </th> <td><p><?php echo '<b>' . __('10-point score:', 'wds') . '</b> <a href="' . $page . '" target="_blank">' . (!empty($urlmetrics->umrp) ? $urlmetrics->umrp : '') . '</a><br /><br /><b>' . __('Raw score:', 'wds') . '</b> <a href="' . $page . '" target="_blank">' . (!empty($urlmetrics->umrr) ? $urlmetrics->umrr : ''); ?> </a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php _e('Page Authority', 'wds'); ?> </th> <td><p><a href="<?php echo $page; ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo !empty($urlmetrics->upa) ? $urlmetrics->upa : ''; ?> </a></p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php echo '<p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="' . WDS_PLUGIN_URL . 'images/linkscape-logo.png" title="Moz Linkscape API" /></a></p>'; }