文件: lists.php 项目: Ekleog/platal
 /** Ensure the current user owns the given MailingList.
 protected function verify_list_owner($page, $mlist)
     if (list(, , $owners) = $mlist->getMembers()) {
         if (!(in_array(S::user()->forlifeEmail(), $owners) || S::admin())) {
             $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de l'administrer.");
     } else {
         $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de l'administrer.<br />" . " Si tu penses qu'il s'agit d'une erreur, " . "<a href='mailto:support@polytechnique.org'>contact le support</a>.");
 public function save(ProfilePage $page, $field, $value)
     $deletePrivate = S::user()->isMe($page->owner) || S::admin();
     Phone::deletePhones($page->pid(), Phone::LINK_ADDRESS, null, $deletePrivate);
     Address::deleteAddresses($page->pid(), Address::LINK_PROFILE, null, null, $deletePrivate);
     AddressReq::purge_requests($page->pid(), 0, 0, Address::LINK_PROFILE);
     Address::saveFromArray($value, $page->pid(), Address::LINK_PROFILE, null, $deletePrivate);
     if (S::user()->isMe($page->owner) && count($value) > 1) {
         Platal::page()->trigWarning('Attention, tu as plusieurs adresses sur ton profil. Pense à supprimer celles qui sont obsolètes.');
 public function __construct(User $user, $params = null)
     $this->user =& $user;
     global $globals;
     Banana::$msgedit_canattach = false;
     Banana::$spool_root = $globals->spoolroot . '/spool/banana/';
     array_push(Banana::$msgparse_headers, 'x-org-id', 'x-org-mail');
     Banana::$nntp_host = self::buildURL($user->login());
     if (S::admin()) {
         Banana::$msgshow_mimeparts[] = 'source';
     Banana::$debug_nntp = $globals->debug & DEBUG_BT;
     Banana::$debug_smarty = $globals->debug & DEBUG_SMARTY;
     Banana::$feed_active = S::hasAuthToken();
     parent::__construct($params, 'NNTP', 'PlatalBananaPage');
     if (@$params['action'] == 'profile') {
         Banana::$action = 'profile';
文件: ml.inc.php 项目: Ekleog/platal
 function __construct(User $user, $params = null)
     global $globals;
     $this->user =& $user;
     Banana::$spool_root = $globals->spoolroot . '/spool/banana/';
     Banana::$spool_boxlist = false;
     Banana::$msgedit_canattach = true;
     Banana::$debug_mbox = $globals->debug & DEBUG_BT;
     Banana::$debug_smarty = $globals->debug & DEBUG_SMARTY;
     Banana::$mbox_helper = $globals->spoolroot . '/banana/mbox-helper/mbox-helper';
     Banana::$feed_updateOnDemand = true;
     if (S::admin()) {
         Banana::$msgshow_mimeparts[] = 'source';
     array_push(Banana::$msgparse_headers, 'x-org-id', 'x-org-mail');
     Banana::$feed_active = S::hasAuthToken();
     MLBanana::$listname = $params['listname'];
     MLBanana::$domain = $params['domain'];
     $params['group'] = $params['listname'] . '@' . $params['domain'];
     parent::__construct($params, 'MLArchive', 'PlatalBananaMLPage');
文件: admin.php 项目: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_validate($page, $action = 'list', $id = null)
     $page->setTitle('Administration - Valider une demande');
     if ($action == 'edit' && !is_null($id)) {
         $page->assign('preview_id', $id);
     } else {
         $page->assign('preview_id', null);
     if (Env::has('uid') && Env::has('type') && Env::has('stamp')) {
         $req = Validate::get_typed_request(Env::v('uid'), Env::v('type'), Env::v('stamp'));
         if ($req) {
         } else {
             $page->trigWarning('La validation a déjà été effectuée.');
     $r = XDB::iterator('SHOW COLUMNS FROM requests_answers');
     while (($a = $r->next()) && $a['Field'] != 'category') {
     $categories = explode(',', str_replace("'", '', substr($a['Type'], 5, -1)));
     $page->assign('categories', $categories);
     $hidden = array();
     $res = XDB::query('SELECT  hidden_requests
                          FROM  requests_hidden
                         WHERE  uid = {?}', S::v('uid'));
     $hide_requests = $res->fetchOneCell();
     if (Post::has('hide')) {
         $hide = array();
         foreach ($categories as $cat) {
             if (!Post::v($cat)) {
                 $hidden[$cat] = 1;
                 $hide[] = $cat;
         $hide_requests = join(',', $hide);
         XDB::query('INSERT INTO  requests_hidden (uid, hidden_requests)
                          VALUES  ({?}, {?})
         ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  hidden_requests = VALUES(hidden_requests)', S::v('uid'), $hide_requests);
     } elseif ($hide_requests) {
         foreach (explode(',', $hide_requests) as $hide_type) {
             $hidden[$hide_type] = true;
     $page->assign('hide_requests', $hidden);
     // Update the count of item to validate here... useful in development configuration
     // where several copies of the site use the same DB, but not the same "dynamic configuration"
     global $globals;
     $page->assign('vit', Validate::iterate());
     $page->assign('isAdmin', S::admin());
 public function save(ProfilePage $page, $field, $value)
     $deletePrivate = S::user()->isMe($page->owner) || S::admin();
     XDB::execute('DELETE FROM  pj, pjt
                         USING  profile_job      AS pj
                     LEFT JOIN  profile_job_term AS pjt ON (pj.pid = pjt.pid AND pj.id = pjt.jid)
                         WHERE  pj.pid = {?}' . ($deletePrivate ? '' : ' AND pj.pub IN (\'public\', \'ax\')'), $page->pid());
     Address::deleteAddresses($page->pid(), Address::LINK_JOB, null, null, $deletePrivate);
     Phone::deletePhones($page->pid(), Phone::LINK_JOB, null, $deletePrivate);
     $previous_requests = EntrReq::get_typed_requests($page->pid(), 'entreprise');
     foreach ($previous_requests as $request) {
     $terms_values = array();
     foreach ($value as $id => &$job) {
         if (($job['pub'] != 'private' || $deletePrivate) && (isset($job['name']) && $job['name'])) {
             if (isset($job['jobid']) && $job['jobid']) {
                 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_job (pid, id, description, email, entry_year,
                                                         url, pub, email_pub, jobid)
                                    VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $page->pid(), $id, $job['description'], $job['w_email'], $job['w_entry_year'], $job['w_url'], $job['pub'], $job['w_email_pub'], $job['jobid']);
             } else {
                 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_job (pid, id, description, email, entry_year,
                                                         url, pub, email_pub)
                                    VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $page->pid(), $id, $job['description'], $job['w_email'], $job['w_entry_year'], $job['w_url'], $job['pub'], $job['w_email_pub']);
                 $request = new EntrReq(S::user(), $page->profile, $id, $job['name'], $job['hq_acronym'], $job['hq_url'], $job['hq_email'], $job['hq_fixed'], $job['hq_fax'], $job['hq_address']);
             $address = new Address(array_merge($job['w_address'], array('pid' => $page->pid(), 'id' => $id, 'type' => Address::LINK_JOB)));
             Phone::savePhones($job['w_phone'], $page->pid(), Phone::LINK_JOB, $id);
             if (isset($job['terms'])) {
                 foreach ($job['terms'] as $term) {
                     $terms_values[] = XDB::format('({?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $page->pid(), $id, $term['jtid'], "original");
     if (count($terms_values) > 0) {
         XDB::rawExecute('INSERT INTO  profile_job_term (pid, jid, jtid, computed)
                               VALUES  ' . implode(', ', $terms_values) . '
              ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  computed = VALUES(computed)');
     if (S::user()->isMe($page->owner) && count($value) > 1) {
         Platal::page()->trigWarning('Attention, tu as plusieurs emplois sur ton profil. Pense à supprimer ceux qui sont obsolètes.');
 protected function _saveData()
     if ($this->changed['nationality1'] || $this->changed['nationality2'] || $this->changed['nationality3'] || $this->changed['birthdate'] || $this->changed['freetext'] || $this->changed['freetext_pub'] || $this->changed['axfreetext'] || $this->changed['email_directory'] || $this->changed['profile_title']) {
         if ($this->values['nationality3'] == "") {
             $this->values['nationality3'] = NULL;
         if ($this->values['nationality2'] == "") {
             $this->values['nationality2'] = $this->values['nationality3'];
             $this->values['nationality3'] = NULL;
         if ($this->values['nationality1'] == "") {
             $this->values['nationality1'] = $this->values['nationality2'];
             $this->values['nationality2'] = $this->values['nationality3'];
             $this->values['nationality3'] = NULL;
         if ($this->values['nationality1'] == $this->values['nationality2'] && $this->values['nationality2'] == $this->values['nationality3']) {
             $this->values['nationality2'] = NULL;
             $this->values['nationality3'] = NULL;
         } else {
             if ($this->values['nationality1'] == $this->values['nationality2']) {
                 $this->values['nationality2'] = $this->values['nationality3'];
                 $this->values['nationality3'] = NULL;
             } else {
                 if ($this->values['nationality2'] == $this->values['nationality3'] || $this->values['nationality1'] == $this->values['nationality3']) {
                     $this->values['nationality3'] = NULL;
         $new_email = $this->values['email_directory'] == "*****@*****.**" ? $this->values['email_directory_new'] : $this->values['email_directory'];
         if ($new_email == "") {
             $new_email = NULL;
         XDB::execute("UPDATE  profiles\n                             SET  nationality1 = {?}, nationality2 = {?}, nationality3 = {?}, birthdate = {?},\n                                  freetext = {?}, freetext_pub = {?}, axfreetext = {?}, email_directory = {?}, title = {?}\n                           WHERE  pid = {?}", $this->values['nationality1'], $this->values['nationality2'], $this->values['nationality3'], ProfileSettingDate::toSQLDate($this->values['birthdate']), $this->values['freetext'], $this->values['freetext_pub'], $this->values['axfreetext'], $new_email, $this->values['profile_title'], $this->pid());
     if ($this->changed['photo_pub']) {
         XDB::execute("UPDATE  profile_photos\n                             SET  pub = {?}\n                           WHERE  pid = {?}", $this->values['photo_pub'], $this->pid());
     if (S::user()->isMe($this->owner) && $this->changed['yourself']) {
         if ($this->owner) {
             XDB::execute('UPDATE  accounts
                              SET  display_name = {?}
                            WHERE  uid = {?}', $this->values['yourself'], $this->owner->id());
         XDB::execute('UPDATE  profile_display
                          SET  yourself = {?}
                        WHERE  pid = {?}', $this->values['yourself'], $this->pid());
     if ($this->changed['promo_display']) {
         if ($this->values['promo_display'][0] == $this->profile->mainEducation()) {
             $yearpromo = intval(substr($this->values['promo_display'], 1, 4));
             if ($this->profile->mainEducation() == 'X' && $yearpromo >= $this->profile->entry_year || $this->profile->mainEducation() != 'X' && $yearpromo >= $this->profile->entry_year + $this->profile->mainEducationDuration()) {
                 XDB::execute('UPDATE  profile_display
                                  SET  promo = {?}
                                WHERE  pid = {?}', $this->values['promo_display'], $this->pid());
                 XDB::execute('UPDATE  profile_education
                                  SET  promo_year = {?}
                                WHERE  pid = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', flags)', $yearpromo, $this->pid());
     if ($this->changed['birthdate_ref'] && S::admin() && !$this->owner->perms) {
         XDB::execute('UPDATE  profiles
                          SET  birthdate_ref = {?}
                        WHERE  pid = {?}', ProfileSettingDate::toSQLDate($this->values['birthdate_ref']), $this->pid());
     if (!S::user()->isMe($this->owner) && $this->changed['deathdate']) {
         XDB::execute('UPDATE  profiles
                          SET  deathdate = {?}, deathdate_rec = NOW()
                        WHERE  pid = {?} AND deathdate_rec IS NULL', ProfileSettingDate::toSQLDate($this->values['deathdate']), $this->pid());
         if (XDB::affectedRows() > 0) {
             if ($this->owner) {
         } else {
             /* deathdate_rec was not NULL, this is just an update of the death date
             XDB::execute('UPDATE  profiles
                              SET  deathdate = {?}
                            WHERE  pid = {?}', ProfileSettingDate::toSQLDate($this->values['deathdate']), $this->pid());
文件: profile.php 项目: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_profile($page, $id = null)
     // Checks if the identifier corresponds to an actual profile. Numeric
     // identifiers canonly be user by logged users.
     if (is_null($id)) {
         return PL_NOT_FOUND;
     // Determines the access level at which the profile will be displayed.
     // Note: VIEW_HIDDEN can NOT be selected. The admins who want to read
     // information need to use the "edit profile" pages instead.
     if (Env::v('view') == 'public') {
         $view = Visibility::VIEW_PUBLIC;
     } else {
         if (Env::v('view') == 'ax') {
             $view = Visibility::VIEW_AX;
         } else {
             $view = Visibility::VIEW_PRIVATE;
     $visibility = Visibility::defaultForRead($view);
     // Display pending picture
     if (S::logged() && Env::v('modif') == 'new') {
         $page->assign('with_pending_pic', true);
     $pid = !is_numeric($id) || S::admin() ? Profile::getPID($id) : null;
     if (is_null($pid)) {
         $owner = User::getSilent($id);
         if ($owner) {
             $profile = $owner->profile(true, Profile::FETCH_ALL, $visibility);
             if ($profile) {
                 $pid = $profile->id();
     } else {
         // Fetches profile's and profile's owner information and redirects to
         // marketing if the owner has not subscribed and the requirer has logged in.
         $profile = Profile::get($pid, Profile::FETCH_ALL, $visibility);
         $owner = $profile->owner();
     if (is_null($pid)) {
         if (S::logged()) {
             $page->kill($id . " inconnu dans l'annuaire.");
         return PL_NOT_FOUND;
     // Now that we know this is an existing profile, we can switch to the
     // appropriate template.
     $page->changeTpl('profile/profile.tpl', SIMPLE);
     // Profile view are logged.
     if (S::logged()) {
         S::logger()->log('view_profile', $profile->hrid());
     // Sets the title of the html page.
     // Determines and displays the virtual alias.
     if (!is_null($owner) && $profile->isVisible($profile->alias_pub)) {
         $page->assign('virtualalias', $owner->emailAlias());
     $page->assign_by_ref('profile', $profile);
     $page->assign_by_ref('owner', $owner);
     $page->assign('view', $visibility);
     $page->assign('logged', S::logged());
     header('Last-Modified: ' . date('r', strtotime($profile->last_change)));
 /** Handles form validation.
 public function handle_formu()
     if ($this->requireAdmin && !S::admin()) {
         $this->trigError('Vous n\'avez pas les permissions nécessaires pour valider cette demande.');
         return false;
     if (Env::has('delete')) {
         $this->trigSuccess('Requête supprimée.');
         return true;
     // Data updates.
     if (Env::has('edit')) {
         if ($this->handle_editor()) {
             $this->trigSuccess('Requête mise à jour.');
             return true;
         return false;
     // Comment addition.
     if (Env::has('hold') && Env::has('comm')) {
         $formid = Env::i('formid');
         foreach ($this->comments as $comment) {
             if ($comment[2] === $formid) {
                 return true;
         if (!strlen(trim(Env::v('comm')))) {
             return true;
         $this->comments[] = array(S::user()->login(), Env::v('comm'), $formid);
         // Sends email to our hotline.
         global $globals;
         $mailer = new PlMailer();
         $mailer->setSubject("Commentaires de validation {$this->type}");
         $body = "Validation {$this->type} pour {$this->user->login()}\n\n" . S::user()->login() . " a ajouté le commentaire :\n\n" . Env::v('comm') . "\n\n" . "cf la discussion sur : " . $globals->baseurl . "/admin/validate";
         $this->trigSuccess('Commentaire ajouté.');
         return true;
     if (Env::has('accept')) {
         if ($this->commit()) {
             $this->trigSuccess('Email de validation envoyé');
             return true;
         } else {
             $this->trigError('Erreur lors de la validation');
             return false;
     if (Env::has('refuse')) {
         if (Env::v('comm')) {
             $this->trigSuccess('Email de refus envoyé.');
             return true;
         } else {
             $this->trigError('Pas de motivation pour le refus&nbsp;!!!');
     return false;
 private function useMenu()
     global $globals;
     $menu = array();
     $sub = array();
     $sub['tous les groupes'] = 'plan';
     $sub['documentation'] = 'Xnet';
     if (S::user()->type == 'xnet') {
         $sub['mon compte'] = 'edit';
         $sub['mes préférences'] = $globals->xnet->xorg_baseurl . 'prefs';
     $sub['signaler un bug'] = array('href' => 'send_bug/' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'class' => 'popup_840x600');
     $menu["no_title"] = $sub;
     $perms = S::v('perms');
     $dim = $globals->asso('diminutif');
     if (S::logged() && $globals->asso()) {
         $sub = array();
         $sub['présentation'] = "login/{$dim}/";
         if ($perms->hasFlag('groupannu')) {
             $sub['annuaire du groupe'] = "{$dim}/annuaire";
             $sub['trombinoscope'] = "{$dim}/trombi";
         if ($globals->asso('forum')) {
             $sub['forum'] = "{$dim}/forum";
         if ($perms->hasFlag('groupmember')) {
             if ($globals->asso('mail_domain')) {
                 $sub['listes de diffusion'] = "{$dim}/lists";
             if ($globals->asso('has_nl')) {
                 $sub['newsletter'] = "{$dim}/nl";
         $sub['événement'] = "{$dim}/events";
         if ($perms->hasFlag('groupadmin')) {
             $sub['télépaiement'] = "{$dim}/payment";
         $menu[$globals->asso('nom')] = $sub;
     if ($globals->asso() && is_object($perms) && $perms->hasFlag('groupadmin')) {
         $sub = array();
         $sub['modifier l\'accueil'] = "{$dim}/edit";
         $sub['gérer les annonces'] = "{$dim}/admin/announces";
         if ($globals->asso('mail_domain')) {
             if (!$globals->asso('disable_mails')) {
                 $sub['envoyer un mail'] = "{$dim}/mail";
             $sub['créer une liste'] = "{$dim}/lists/create";
             $sub['créer un alias'] = "{$dim}/alias/create";
         if (!$globals->asso('has_nl')) {
             $sub['créer la newsletter'] = "{$dim}/admin/nl/enable";
         if (S::admin()) {
             $sub['gérer les groupes'] = array('href' => 'admin', 'style' => 'color: gray;');
             $sub['clear cache'] = array('href' => 'purge_cache?token=' . S::v('xsrf_token'), 'style' => 'color: gray;');
         $menu['Administrer'] = $sub;
     } elseif (S::admin()) {
         $sub = array();
         $sub['gérer les groupes'] = 'admin';
         $sub['clear cache'] = 'purge_cache?token=' . S::v('xsrf_token');
         $menu['Administrer'] = $sub;
     $this->assign('menu', $menu);
function gpex_make($chlg, $privkey, $datafields, $charset)
    $tohash = "1{$chlg}{$privkey}";
    $params = "";
    $fieldarr = explode(',', $datafields);
    $user =& S::user();
    if ($user->hasProfile()) {
        /* Transition table for authentification. */
        $personnal_data = $user->profile()->data();
        $personnal_data['full_promo'] = $personnal_data['promo'];
        $personnal_data['promo'] = $personnal_data['entry_year'];
        $personnal_data['matricule'] = $personnal_data['xorg_id'];
        $personnal_data['matricule_ax'] = $personnal_data['ax_id'];
        $personnal_data['promo_sortie'] = $personnal_data['grad_year'];
        $personnal_data['nationalite'] = $personnal_data['nationality1'];
        $personnal_data['naissance'] = $personnal_data['birthdate'];
        $personnal_data['deces'] = $personnal_data['deathdate'];
        $personnal_data['nom'] = $personnal_data['lastname'];
        $personnal_data['prenom'] = $personnal_data['firstname'];
        $personnal_data['flags'] = $user->profile()->isFemale() ? 'femme' : '';
    } else {
        // Missing fields: promo, entry_year, grad_year, ax_id, xorg_id, forlife
        $personnal_data = array('lastname' => $user->lastname, 'firstname' => $user->firstname, 'sex' => $user->gender);
    foreach ($fieldarr as $val) {
        // Determine the requested value, and add it to the answer.
        if ($val == 'perms') {
            $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, S::admin() ? 'admin' : 'user', $tohash, $charset);
        } else {
            if ($val == 'forlife') {
                $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, S::v('hruid'), $tohash, $charset);
            } else {
                if (S::has($val)) {
                    $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, S::v($val), $tohash, $charset);
                } else {
                    if (isset($personnal_data[$val])) {
                        $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, $personnal_data[$val], $tohash, $charset);
                    } else {
                        if ($val == 'username') {
                            $min_username = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT  email
                                                 FROM  email_source_account
                                                WHERE  uid = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET(\'bestalias\', flags)', S::i('uid'));
                            $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, is_null($min_username) ? '' : $min_username, $tohash, $charset);
                        } else {
                            if ($val == 'grpauth') {
                                if (isset($_GET['group'])) {
                                    $res = XDB::query("SELECT  perms\n                                     FROM  group_members\n                               INNER JOIN  groups ON(id = asso_id)\n                                    WHERE  uid = {?} AND diminutif = {?}", S::v('uid'), $_GET['group']);
                                    $perms = $res->fetchOneCell();
                                } else {
                                    // if no group asked, return main rights
                                    $perms = S::admin() ? 'admin' : 'membre';
                                $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, $perms, $tohash, $charset);
                            } else {
                                $params .= gpex_prepare_param($val, '', $tohash, $charset);
    $tohash .= "1";
    $auth = md5($tohash);
    return array($auth, "&auth=" . $auth . $params);
文件: xnetgrp.php 项目: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_edit($page)
     global $globals;
     $error = false;
     if (S::admin()) {
         $domains = XDB::iterator('SELECT  *
                                     FROM  group_dom
                                 ORDER BY  nom');
         $page->assign('domains', $domains);
         $page->assign('super', true);
     if (Post::has('submit')) {
         $flags = new PlFlagSet('wiki_desc');
         $flags->addFlag('notif_unsub', Post::i('notif_unsub') == 1);
         $site = Post::t('site');
         if ($site && $site != "http://") {
             $scheme = parse_url($site, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
             if (!$scheme) {
                 $site = "http://" . $site;
         } else {
             $site = "";
         $notify_all = Post::v('notify_all') ? true : false;
         if (!$notify_all) {
             $to_notify = array();
             $uf = new UserFilter(new UFC_Group($globals->asso('id'), true));
             $uids = $uf->getIds();
             foreach ($uids as $uid) {
                 if (Post::b('to_notify_' . $uid)) {
                     $to_notify[] = $uid;
             if (count($to_notify) == 0) {
                 $notify_all = true;
                 $page->trigWarning("Aucun animateur n'ayant été selectionné pour recevoir les demandes d'inscriptions, tous le seront.");
         $flags->addFlag('notify_all', $notify_all);
         if (S::admin()) {
             $page->assign('super', true);
             if (Post::v('mail_domain') && strstr(Post::v('mail_domain'), '.') === false) {
                 $page->trigError('Le domaine doit être un FQDN (aucune modification effectuée)&nbsp;!!!');
                 $error = true;
             if (Post::t('nom') == '' || Post::t('diminutif') == '') {
                 $page->trigError('Ni le nom ni le diminutif du groupe ne peuvent être vide.');
                 $error = true;
             if ($error) {
                 $page->assign('nom', Post::t('nom'));
                 $page->assign('diminutif', Post::t('diminutif'));
                 $page->assign('mail_domain', Post::t('mail_domain'));
                 $page->assign('cat', Post::v('cat'));
                 $page->assign('dom', Post::v('dom'));
                 $page->assign('ax', Post::v('ax'));
                 $page->assign('axDate', Post::t('axDate'));
                 $page->assign('site', $site);
                 $page->assign('resp', Post::t('resp'));
                 $page->assign('mail', Post::t('mail'));
                 $page->assign('phone', Post::t('phone'));
                 $page->assign('fax', Post::t('fax'));
                 $page->assign('address', Post::t('address'));
                 $page->assign('forum', Post::t('forum'));
                 $page->assign('inscriptible', Post::v('inscriptible'));
                 $page->assign('sub_url', Post::t('sub_url'));
                 $page->assign('unsub_url', Post::t('unsub_url'));
                 $page->assign('welcome_msg', Post::t('welcome_msg'));
                 $page->assign('pub', Post::v('pub'));
                 $page->assign('notif_unsub', Post::i('notif_unsub'));
                 $page->assign('descr', Post::t('descr'));
                 $page->assign('disable_mails', Post::b('disable_mails'));
                 $page->assign('status', Post::v('status'));
                 $page->assign('error', $error);
             $axDate = make_datetime(Post::v('axDate'));
             if (Post::t('axDate') != '') {
                 $axDate = make_datetime(Post::v('axDate'))->format('Y-m-d');
             } else {
                 $axDate = null;
             XDB::execute("UPDATE  groups\n                        SET  nom={?}, diminutif={?}, cat={?}, dom={?},\n                             descr={?}, site={?}, mail={?}, resp={?},\n                             forum={?}, mail_domain={?}, ax={?}, axDate = {?}, pub={?},\n                             sub_url={?}, inscriptible={?}, unsub_url={?},\n                             flags = {?}, welcome_msg = {?}, disable_mails = {?},\n                             status = {?}\n                      WHERE  id={?}", Post::v('nom'), Post::v('diminutif'), Post::v('cat'), Post::i('dom') == 0 ? null : Post::i('dom'), Post::v('descr'), $site, Post::v('mail'), Post::v('resp'), Post::v('forum'), Post::v('mail_domain'), Post::has('ax'), $axDate, Post::v('pub'), Post::v('sub_url'), Post::v('inscriptible'), Post::v('unsub_url'), $flags, Post::t('welcome_msg'), Post::b('disable_mails'), Post::v('status'), $globals->asso('id'));
             if (Post::v('mail_domain')) {
                 XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO  email_virtual_domains (name)
                                           VALUES  ({?})', Post::t('mail_domain'));
                 XDB::execute('UPDATE  email_virtual_domains
                                  SET  aliasing = id
                                WHERE  name = {?}', Post::t('mail_domain'));
         } else {
             XDB::execute("UPDATE  groups\n                        SET  descr={?}, site={?}, mail={?}, resp={?},\n                             forum={?}, pub= {?}, sub_url={?},\n                             unsub_url = {?}, flags = {?}, welcome_msg = {?},\n                             status = {?}\n                      WHERE  id={?}", Post::v('descr'), $site, Post::v('mail'), Post::v('resp'), Post::v('forum'), Post::v('pub'), Post::v('sub_url'), Post::v('unsub_url'), $flags, Post::t('welcome_msg'), Post::v('status'), $globals->asso('id'));
         Phone::deletePhones(0, Phone::LINK_GROUP, $globals->asso('id'));
         $phone = new Phone(array('link_type' => 'group', 'link_id' => $globals->asso('id'), 'id' => 0, 'type' => 'fixed', 'display' => Post::v('phone'), 'pub' => 'public'));
         $fax = new Phone(array('link_type' => 'group', 'link_id' => $globals->asso('id'), 'id' => 1, 'type' => 'fax', 'display' => Post::v('fax'), 'pub' => 'public'));
         Address::deleteAddresses(null, Address::LINK_GROUP, null, $globals->asso('id'));
         $address = new Address(array('groupid' => $globals->asso('id'), 'type' => Address::LINK_GROUP, 'text' => Post::v('address')));
         if ($_FILES['logo']['name']) {
             $upload = PlUpload::get($_FILES['logo'], $globals->asso('id'), 'asso.logo', true);
             if (!$upload) {
                 $page->trigError("Impossible de télécharger le logo.");
             } else {
                 XDB::execute('UPDATE  groups
                                  SET  logo = {?}, logo_mime = {?}
                                WHERE  id = {?}', $upload->getContents(), $upload->contentType(), $globals->asso('id'));
         XDB::execute("UPDATE  group_members\n                             SET  flags = ''\n                           WHERE  asso_id = {?}", $globals->asso('id'));
         if (!$notify_all) {
             XDB::execute("UPDATE  group_members\n                                 SET  flags = 'notify'\n                               WHERE  asso_id = {?} AND uid IN {?}", $globals->asso('id'), $to_notify);
         pl_redirect('../' . Post::v('diminutif', $globals->asso('diminutif')) . '/edit');
     $uf = new UserFilter(new UFC_Group($globals->asso('id'), true, UFC_Group::NOTIFIED));
     $page->assign('notified', $uf->getUsers());
     $uf = new UserFilter(new UFC_Group($globals->asso('id'), true, UFC_Group::UNNOTIFIED));
     $page->assign('unnotified', $uf->getUsers());
     $page->assign('error', $error);
     $page->assign('cat', $globals->asso('cat'));
     $page->assign('dom', $globals->asso('dom'));
     $page->assign('ax', $globals->asso('ax'));
     $page->assign('inscriptible', $globals->asso('inscriptible'));
     $page->assign('pub', $globals->asso('pub'));
     $page->assign('notif_unsub', $globals->asso('notif_unsub'));
     $page->assign('notify_all', $globals->asso('notify_all'));
     $page->assign('disable_mails', $globals->asso('disable_mails'));
     $page->assign('status', $globals->asso('status'));
function kill_sessions()
    shell_exec('sudo -u root ' . dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/bin/kill_sessions.sh');
 protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb)
     $r = $s = $this->val;
     /** Admin: Email, IP
     if (S::admin() && strpos($s, '@') !== false) {
         return new UFC_Email($s);
     } else {
         if (S::admin() && preg_match('/[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+|%)\\.([0-9]+|%)\\.([0-9]+|%)/', $s)) {
             return new UFC_Ip($s);
     $conds = new PFC_And();
     /** Name
     $s = preg_replace('!\\d+!', ' ', $s);
     $strings = preg_split("![^a-z%]+!i", $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     foreach ($strings as $key => $string) {
         if (strlen($string) < 2) {
     if (count($strings) > 5) {
         Platal::page()->trigWarning("Tu as indiqué trop d'éléments dans ta recherche, seuls les 5 premiers seront pris en compte");
         $strings = array_slice($strings, 0, 5);
     if (count($strings)) {
         if (S::user() != null && S::user()->checkPerms('directory_private')) {
             $flags = array();
         } else {
             $flags = array('public');
         $exact = $ufb->b('exact');
         $conds->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens($strings, $flags, $ufb->b('with_soundex'), $exact));
         $ufb->addOrder(new UFO_Score());
     /** Promo ranges
     $s = preg_replace('! *- *!', '-', $r);
     $s = preg_replace('!([<>]) *!', ' \\1', $s);
     $s = preg_replace('![^0-9xmd\\-><]!i', ' ', $s);
     $s = preg_replace('![<>\\-] !', '', $s);
     $ranges = preg_split('! +!', strtolower($s), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     $grades = array('' => UserFilter::GRADE_ING, 'x' => UserFilter::GRADE_ING, 'm' => UserFilter::GRADE_MST, 'd' => UserFilter::GRADE_PHD);
     foreach ($ranges as $r) {
         if (preg_match('!^([xmd]?)(\\d{4})$!', $r, $matches)) {
             $conds->addChild(new UFC_Promo('=', $grades[$matches[1]], $matches[2]));
         } elseif (preg_match('!^([xmd]?)(\\d{4})-\\1(\\d{4})$!', $r, $matches)) {
             $p1 = min(intval($matches[2]), intval($matches[3]));
             $p2 = max(intval($matches[2]), intval($matches[3]));
             $conds->addChild(new PFC_And(new UFC_Promo('>=', $grades[$matches[1]], $p1), new UFC_Promo('<=', $grades[$matches[1]], $p2)));
         } elseif (preg_match('!^<([xmd]?)(\\d{4})!', $r, $matches)) {
             $conds->addChild(new UFC_Promo('<=', $grades[$matches[1]], $matches[2]));
         } elseif (preg_match('!^>([xmd]?)(\\d{4})!', $r, $matches)) {
             $conds->addChild(new UFC_Promo('>=', $grades[$matches[1]], $matches[2]));
     /** Phone number
     $t = preg_replace('!([xmd]?\\d{4}-|>|<|)[xmd]?\\d{4}!i', '', $s);
     $t = preg_replace('![<>\\- ]!', '', $t);
     if (strlen($t) > 4) {
         $conds->addChild(new UFC_Phone($t));
     return $conds;
 public static function _default_user_callback($login, $results)
     $result_count = count($results);
     if ($result_count == 0 || !S::admin()) {
         Platal::page()->trigError("Il n'y a pas d'utilisateur avec l'identifiant : {$login}");
     } else {
         Platal::page()->trigError("Il y a {$result_count} utilisateurs avec cet identifiant : " . join(', ', $results));
文件: survey.php 项目: Ekleog/platal
 function check_surveyPerms($page, $survey, $silent = false, $admin_allowed = true)
     if ($survey->isMode(Survey::MODE_ALL)) {
         // if the survey is not reserved to alumni
         return true;
     if (!S::logged()) {
         return false;
     $profile = S::user()->profile();
     if (!$profile) {
         return false;
     // checks promotion
     $allowed = false;
     foreach ($profile->yearspromo() as $p) {
         if ($survey->checkPromo($p)) {
             $allowed = true;
     if ($allowed) {
         return true;
     if (S::admin() && $admin_allowed) {
         if (!$silent) {
             $page->trigWarning('Tu as accès à ce sondage car tu es administrateur du site.');
         return true;
     if (!$silent) {
         $page->kill("Tu n'as pas accès à ce sondage car il est réservé à d'autres promotions.");
     return false;
 public function save(ProfilePage $page, $field, $value)
     Phone::deletePhones($page->pid(), Phone::LINK_PROFILE, null, S::user()->isMe($page->owner) || S::admin());
     Phone::savePhones($value, $page->pid(), Phone::LINK_PROFILE);
function hook_checkcancel($_headers)
    return $_headers['x-org-id'] == S::v('hruid') or S::admin();
 public static function get_allowed_storages(User $user)
     global $globals;
     $storages = array();
     // Google Apps storage is available for users with valid Google Apps account.
     require_once 'googleapps.inc.php';
     if ($user->checkPerms('gapps') && $globals->mailstorage->googleapps_domain && GoogleAppsAccount::account_status($user->id()) == 'active') {
         $storages[] = 'googleapps';
     // IMAP storage is always visible to administrators, and is allowed for
     // everyone when the service is marked as 'active'.
     if ($globals->mailstorage->imap_active || S::admin()) {
         $storages[] = 'imap';
     return $storages;
function make_Organization()
    global $globals;
    $perms = S::v('perms');
    $group = $globals->asso('nom');
    if (S::admin()) {
        return "Administrateur de Polytechnique.org";
    } else {
        if ($group && $perms->hasFlag('groupadmin')) {
            return "Animateur de {$group}";
        } else {
            if ($group && $perms->hasFlag('groupmember')) {
                return "Membre de {$group}";
    return "Utilisateur de Polytechnique.org";
文件: email.php 项目: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_test($page, $hruid = null)
     require_once 'emails.inc.php';
     if (!S::has_xsrf_token()) {
         return PL_FORBIDDEN;
     // Retrieves the User object for the test email recipient.
     if (S::admin() && $hruid) {
         $user = User::getSilent($hruid);
     } else {
         $user = S::user();
     if (!$user) {
         return PL_NOT_FOUND;
     // Sends the test email.
     $redirect = new Redirect($user);
     $mailer = new PlMailer('emails/test.mail.tpl');
     $mailer->assign('email', $user->bestEmail());
     $mailer->assign('redirects', $redirect->active_emails());
     $mailer->assign('display_name', $user->displayName());
     $mailer->assign('sexe', $user->isFemale());
/** Return administration rights for the current asso
 * @param force Force administration rights to be read from database
 * @param lose  Force administration rights to be false
function may_update($force = false, $lose = false)
    if (!isset($_SESSION['may_update'])) {
        $_SESSION['may_update'] = array();
    $may_update =& $_SESSION['may_update'];
    global $globals;
    $asso_id = $globals->asso('id');
    if (!$asso_id) {
        return false;
    } elseif ($lose) {
        $may_update[$asso_id] = false;
    } elseif (S::admin() || S::suid() && $force) {
        $may_update[$asso_id] = true;
    } elseif (!isset($may_update[$asso_id]) || $force) {
        $res = XDB::query("SELECT  perms\n                             FROM  group_members\n                            WHERE  uid={?} AND asso_id={?}", S::v('uid'), $asso_id);
        $may_update[$asso_id] = $res->fetchOneCell() == 'admin';
    return $may_update[$asso_id];
文件: search.php 项目: Ekleog/platal
 /** $model is the way of presenting the results: minifiche, trombi, geoloc.
 function handler_advanced($page, $model = null, $byletter = null)
     global $globals;
     $page->assign('advanced', 1);
     $networks = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::NETWORKS);
     $networks[-1] = 'Tous types';
     $networks[0] = '-';
     $page->assign('networking_types', $networks);
     $origin_corps_list = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::ORIGINCORPS);
     $current_corps_list = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::CURRENTCORPS);
     $corps_rank_list = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::CORPSRANKS);
     $origin_corps_list[0] = '-';
     $current_corps_list[0] = '-';
     $corps_rank_list[0] = '-';
     $page->assign('origin_corps_list', $origin_corps_list);
     $page->assign('current_corps_list', $current_corps_list);
     $page->assign('corps_rank_list', $corps_rank_list);
     if (!Env::has('rechercher') && $model != 'geoloc') {
     } else {
         if (!Env::has('page')) {
             S::logger()->log('search', 'adv=' . var_export($_GET, true));
         require_once 'userset.inc.php';
         // Enable X.org fields for X.org admins, and AX fields for AX secretaries.
         $view = new AdvancedSearchSet(S::admin(), S::user()->checkPerms(User::PERM_EDIT_DIRECTORY));
         if (!$view->isValid()) {
             $page->trigError('Recherche invalide.');
         } else {
             $view->addMod('minifiche', 'Mini-fiches', true, array('starts_with' => $byletter));
             $view->addMod('trombi', 'Trombinoscope', false, array('with_promo' => true));
             $view->addMod('map', 'Planisphère');
             if (S::user()->checkPerms(User::PERM_EDIT_DIRECTORY) || S::admin()) {
                 $view->addMod('addresses', 'Adresses postales', false);
             $view->apply('search/adv', $page, $model);
             $nb_tot = $view->count();
             if ($nb_tot > $globals->search->private_max) {
                 if ($model != 'addresses' && (S::user()->checkPerms(User::PERM_EDIT_DIRECTORY) || S::admin())) {
                     $page->assign('suggestAddresses', true);
                 $page->trigError('Recherche trop générale.');
             } else {
                 if ($nb_tot == 0) {
                     $page->trigError('Il n\'existe personne correspondant à ces critères dans la base !');
     $page->changeTpl('search/index.tpl', $model == 'mini' ? SIMPLE : SKINNED);
     $page->assign('public_directory', 0);