/** * Private function : Recursivly get attached documents * * @param $mid message id * @param $path temporary path * @param $maxsize of document to be retrieved * @param $structure of the message or part * @param $part part for recursive * * Result is stored in $this->files **/ function getRecursiveAttached($mid, $path, $maxsize, $structure, $part = "") { if ($structure->type == 1) { // multipart reset($structure->parts); while (list($index, $sub) = each($structure->parts)) { $this->getRecursiveAttached($mid, $path, $maxsize, $sub, $part ? $part . "." . ($index + 1) : $index + 1); } } else { $filename = ''; if ($structure->ifdparameters) { // get filename of attachment if present // if there are any dparameters present in this part if (count($structure->dparameters) > 0) { foreach ($structure->dparameters as $dparam) { if (Toolbox::strtoupper($dparam->attribute) == 'NAME' || Toolbox::strtoupper($dparam->attribute) == 'FILENAME') { $filename = $dparam->value; } } } } //if no filename found if (empty($filename) && $structure->ifparameters) { // if there are any parameters present in this part if (count($structure->parameters) > 0) { foreach ($structure->parameters as $param) { if (Toolbox::strtoupper($param->attribute) == 'NAME' || Toolbox::strtoupper($param->attribute) == 'FILENAME') { $filename = $param->value; } } } } if (empty($filename) && $structure->type == 5 && $structure->subtype) { // Embeded image come without filename - generate trivial one $filename = "image_{$part}." . $structure->subtype; } // if no filename found, ignore this part if (empty($filename)) { return false; } //try to avoid conflict between inline image and attachment $i = 2; while (in_array($filename, $this->files)) { //replace filename with name_(num).EXT by name_(num+1).EXT $new_filename = preg_replace("/(.*)_([0-9])*(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*)\$/", "\$1_" . $i . "\$3", $filename); if ($new_filename !== $filename) { $filename = $new_filename; } else { //the previous regex didn't found _num pattern, so add it with this one $filename = preg_replace("/(.*)(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*)\$/", "\$1_" . $i . "\$2", $filename); } $i++; } $filename = $this->decodeMimeString($filename); if ($structure->bytes > $maxsize) { $this->addtobody .= "\n\n" . sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Too large attached file'), sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $filename, Toolbox::getSize($structure->bytes))); return false; } if (!Document::isValidDoc($filename)) { //TRANS: %1$s is the filename and %2$s its mime type $this->addtobody .= "\n\n" . sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Invalid attached file'), sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $filename, $this->get_mime_type($structure))); return false; } if ($message = imap_fetchbody($this->marubox, $mid, $part)) { switch ($structure->encoding) { case 1: $message = imap_8bit($message); break; case 2: $message = imap_binary($message); break; case 3: $message = imap_base64($message); break; case 4: $message = quoted_printable_decode($message); break; } if (file_put_contents($path . $filename, $message)) { $this->files[$filename] = $filename; // If embeded image, we add a tag if ($structure->type == 5 && $structure->subtype) { end($this->files); $tag = Rule::getUuid(); $this->tags[$filename] = $tag; // Link file based on id if (isset($structure->id)) { $clean = array('<' => '', '>' => ''); $this->altfiles[strtr($structure->id, $clean)] = $filename; } } } } // fetchbody } // Single part }
/** * Update from 0.84 to 0.85 * * @return bool for success (will die for most error) **/ function update084to085() { global $DB, $migration; $updateresult = true; $ADDTODISPLAYPREF = array(); $DELFROMDISPLAYPREF = array(); //TRANS: %s is the number of new version $migration->displayTitle(sprintf(__('Update to %s'), '0.85')); $migration->setVersion('0.85'); $backup_tables = false; $newtables = array('glpi_blacklistedmailcontents', 'glpi_changecosts', 'glpi_changes', 'glpi_changes_groups', 'glpi_changes_items', 'glpi_changes_problems', 'glpi_changes_projects', 'glpi_changes_suppliers', 'glpi_changes_tickets', 'glpi_changes_users', 'glpi_changetasks', 'glpi_changevalidations', 'glpi_dropdowntranslations', 'glpi_knowbaseitemtranslations', 'glpi_notepads', 'glpi_problemcosts', 'glpi_projectcosts', 'glpi_projects', 'glpi_projects_changes', 'glpi_projects_items', 'glpi_projectstates', 'glpi_projecttasks', 'glpi_projecttasks_tickets', 'glpi_projecttaskteams', 'glpi_projecttasktypes', 'glpi_projectteams', 'glpi_projecttypes', 'glpi_queuedmails'); foreach ($newtables as $new_table) { // rename new tables if exists ? if (TableExists($new_table)) { $migration->dropTable("backup_{$new_table}"); $migration->displayWarning("{$new_table} table already exists. " . "A backup have been done to backup_{$new_table}."); $backup_tables = true; $query = $migration->renameTable("{$new_table}", "backup_{$new_table}"); } } if ($backup_tables) { $migration->displayWarning("You can delete backup tables if you have no need of them.", true); } $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'config table')); if (FieldExists('glpi_configs', 'version')) { if (!TableExists('origin_glpi_configs')) { $migration->copyTable('glpi_configs', 'origin_glpi_configs'); } $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_configs`\n WHERE `id` = '1'"; $result_of_configs = $DB->query($query); // Update glpi_configs $migration->addField('glpi_configs', 'context', 'VARCHAR(150) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci', array('update' => "'core'")); $migration->addField('glpi_configs', 'name', 'VARCHAR(150) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci', array('update' => "'version'")); $migration->addField('glpi_configs', 'value', 'text', array('update' => "'0.85'")); $migration->addKey('glpi_configs', array('context', 'name'), 'unicity', 'UNIQUE'); $migration->migrationOneTable('glpi_configs'); $fields = array(); if ($DB->numrows($result_of_configs) == 1) { $configs = $DB->fetch_assoc($result_of_configs); unset($configs['id']); unset($configs['version']); // First drop fields not to have constraint on insert foreach ($configs as $name => $value) { $migration->dropField('glpi_configs', $name); } $migration->migrationOneTable('glpi_configs'); // Then insert new values foreach ($configs as $name => $value) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_configs`\n (`context`, `name`, `value`)\n VALUES ('core', '{$name}', '" . addslashes($value) . "');"; $DB->query($query); } } $migration->dropField('glpi_configs', 'version'); $migration->migrationOneTable('glpi_configs'); $migration->dropTable('origin_glpi_configs'); } $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'profile table')); if (!TableExists('glpi_profilerights')) { if (!TableExists('origin_glpi_profiles')) { $migration->copyTable('glpi_profiles', 'origin_glpi_profiles'); } $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_profilerights` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `profiles_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n `rights` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`profiles_id`, `name`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_profilerights"); $query = "DESCRIBE `origin_glpi_profiles`"; $rights = array(); foreach ($DB->request($query) as $field) { if ($field['Type'] == 'char(1)') { $rights[$field['Field']] = $field['Field']; $migration->dropField('glpi_profiles', $field['Field']); } } $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `origin_glpi_profiles`"; foreach ($DB->request($query) as $profile) { $profiles_id = $profile['id']; foreach ($rights as $right) { $new_right = 0; if ($profile[$right] == 'r' || $profile[$right] == '1') { $new_right = READ; } else { if ($profile[$right] == 'w') { $new_right = ALLSTANDARDRIGHT; } } $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_profilerights`\n (`profiles_id`, `name`, `rights`)\n VALUES ('{$profiles_id}', '{$right}', '" . $new_right . "')"; $DB->query($query); } } $migration->migrationOneTable('glpi_profiles'); $migration->dropTable('origin_glpi_profiles'); } // New system of profiles // delete import_externalauth_users foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'import_externalauth_users' AND `rights` = '" . ALLSTANDARDRIGHT . "'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . User::IMPORTEXTAUTHUSERS . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'user'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update user with import_externalauth_users right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'import_externalauth_users'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete import_externalauth_users right"); // save value of rule_ticket to root_rule_ticket $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `name` = 'root_rule_ticket'\n WHERE `name` = 'rule_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 rename rule_ticket to root_rule_ticket"); // rename entity_rule_ticket to rule_ticket $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `name` = 'rule_ticket'\n WHERE `name` = 'entity_rule_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 rename entity_rule_ticket to rule_ticket"); // delete root_rule_ticket foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'root_rule_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . RuleTicket::PARENT . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'rule_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update new rule_ticket with old rule_ticket right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'root_rule_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete old rule_ticket right"); // delete knowbase_admin foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'knowbase_admin' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . KnowbaseItem::KNOWBASEADMIN . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'knowbase'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update knowbase with knowbase_admin right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'knowbase_admin'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete knowbase_admin right"); // delete faq foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'faq' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . KnowbaseItem::READFAQ . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'knowbase'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update knowbase with read faq right"); } foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'faq' AND `rights` = '" . ALLSTANDARDRIGHT . "'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . KnowbaseItem::READFAQ . " | " . KnowbaseItem::PUBLISHFAQ . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'knowbase'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update knowbase with write faq right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'faq'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete faq right"); // delete user_authtype foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'user_authtype' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . User::READAUTHENT . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'user'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update user with read user_authtype right"); } foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'user_authtype' AND `rights` = '" . ALLSTANDARDRIGHT . "'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . User::READAUTHENT . " | " . User::UPDATEAUTHENT . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'user'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update user with write user_authtype right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'user_authtype'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete user_authtype right"); // delete entity_helpdesk foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'entity_helpdesk' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Entity::READHELPDESK . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'entity'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update entity with read entity_helpdesk right"); } foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'entity_helpdesk' AND `rights` = '" . ALLSTANDARDRIGHT . "'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Entity::READHELPDESK . " | " . Entity::UPDATEHELPDESK . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'entity'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update user with write entity_helpdesk right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'entity_helpdesk'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete entity_helpdesk right"); // delete reservation_helpdesk foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'reservation_helpdesk' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . ReservationItem::RESERVEANITEM . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'reservation_central'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update reservation_central with reservation_helpdesk right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'reservation_helpdesk'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete reservation_helpdesk right"); // rename reservation_central $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `name` = 'reservation'\n WHERE `name` = 'reservation_central'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete reservation_central"); // pour que la procédure soit ré-entrante et ne pas perdre les sélections dans le profile if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'ticket'") == 0) { // rename create_ticket $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `name` = 'ticket'\n WHERE `name` = 'create_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 rename create_ticket to ticket"); $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = " . (CREATE | Ticket::READMY) . "\n WHERE `name` = 'ticket'\n AND `rights` = '1'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticket with create_ticket right"); } // delete update_ticket foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'update_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . UPDATE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticket with update_ticket right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'update_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete update_ticket right"); // delete delete_ticket foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'delete_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . DELETE . " | " . PURGE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticket with delete_ticket right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'delete_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete delete_ticket right"); // delete show_all_ticket foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'show_all_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Ticket::READALL . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticket with show_all_ticket right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'show_all_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete show_all_ticket right"); // delete show_group_ticket foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'show_group_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Ticket::READGROUP . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticket with show_group_ticket right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'show_group_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete show_group_ticket right"); // delete show_assign_ticket foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'show_assign_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Ticket::READASSIGN . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticket with show_assign_ticket right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'show_assign_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete show_assign_ticket right"); // delete assign_ticket foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'assign_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Ticket::ASSIGN . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticket with assign_ticket right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'assign_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete assign_ticket right"); // delete steal_ticket foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'steal_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Ticket::STEAL . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticket with steal_ticket right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'steal_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete steal_ticket right"); // delete own_ticket foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'own_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Ticket::OWN . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticket with own_ticket right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'own_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete own_ticket right"); // delete update_priority foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'update_priority' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Ticket::CHANGEPRIORITY . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticket with update_priority right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'update_priority'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete update_priority right"); // pour que la procédure soit ré-entrante et ne pas perdre les sélections dans le profile if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'followup'") == 0) { // rename create_ticket $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `name` = 'followup'\n WHERE `name` = 'global_add_followups'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 rename global_add_followups to followup"); $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = " . TicketFollowup::ADDALLTICKET . "\n WHERE `name` = 'followup'\n AND `rights` = '1'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update followup with global_add_followups right"); } // delete add_followups foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'add_followups' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . TicketFollowup::ADDMYTICKET . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'followup'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update followup with add_followups right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'add_followups'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete add_followups right"); // delete group_add_followups foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'group_add_followups' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . TicketFollowup::ADDGROUPTICKET . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'followup'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update followup with group_add_followups right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'group_add_followups'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete group_add_followups right"); // delete observe_ticket for followup foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'observe_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . TicketFollowup::SEEPUBLIC . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'followup'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update followup with observe_ticket right"); } // don't delete observe_ticket because already use for task // delete show_full_ticket for followup foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'show_full_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . TicketFollowup::SEEPUBLIC . " | " . TicketFollowup::SEEPRIVATE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'followup'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update followup with show_full_ticket right"); } // don't delete show_full_ticket because already use for task // delete update_followups foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'update_followups' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . READ . " | " . TicketFollowup::UPDATEALL . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'followup'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update followup with update_followups right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'update_followups'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete update_followups right"); // delete update_own_followups foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'update_own_followups' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . READ . " | " . TicketFollowup::UPDATEMY . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'followup'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update followup with update_own_followups right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'update_own_followups'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete update_own_followups right"); // delete delete_followups foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'delete_followups' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . PURGE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'followup'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update followup with delete_followups right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'delete_followups'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete delete_followups right"); // pour que la procédure soit ré-entrante et ne pas perdre les sélections dans le profile if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'task'") == 0) { // rename create_ticket $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `name` = 'task'\n WHERE `name` = 'global_add_tasks'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 rename global_add_tasks to task"); $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = " . TicketTask::ADDALLTICKET . "\n WHERE `name` = 'task'\n AND `rights` = '1'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update followup with global_add_tasks right"); } // delete update_tasks foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'update_tasks' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . READ . " | " . TicketTask::UPDATEALL . " | " . PURGE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'task'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update task with update_tasks right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'update_tasks'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete update_tasks right"); // delete observe_ticket for task foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'observe_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . TicketTask::SEEPUBLIC . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'task'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update task with observe_ticket right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'observe_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete observe_ticket right"); // delete show_full_ticket for task foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'show_full_ticket' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . TicketTask::SEEPUBLIC . " | " . TicketTask::SEEPRIVATE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'task'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update task with show_full_ticket right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'show_full_ticket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete show_full_ticket right"); // pour que la procédure soit ré-entrante et ne pas perdre les sélections dans le profile if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'ticketvalidation'") == 0) { // rename delete_validations $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `name` = 'ticketvalidation'\n WHERE `name` = 'delete_validations'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 rename delete_validations to ticketvalidation"); $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = " . DELETE . "\n WHERE `name` = 'ticketvalidation'\n AND `rights` = '1'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticketvalidation with delete_validations right"); } // delete create_request_validation foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'create_request_validation' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . TicketValidation::CREATEREQUEST . " | " . PURGE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticketvalidation'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticketvalidation with create_request_validation right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'create_request_validation'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete create_request_validation right"); // delete create_incident_validation foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'create_incident_validation' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . TicketValidation::CREATEINCIDENT . " | " . PURGE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticketvalidation'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticketvalidation with create_incident_validation right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'create_incident_validation'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete create_incident_validation right"); // delete validate_request foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'validate_request' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . TicketValidation::VALIDATEREQUEST . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticketvalidation'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticketvalidation with validate_request right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'validate_request'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete validate_request right"); // delete validate_incident foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'validate_incident' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . TicketValidation::VALIDATEINCIDENT . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'ticketvalidation'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update ticketvalidation with validate_incident right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'validate_incident'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete validate_incident right"); // must be done after ticket right // pour que la procédure soit ré-entrante if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'change'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('change')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightAsOtherRight('change', Change::READMY, "`name` = 'ticket'\n AND `rights` & " . Ticket::OWN); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightAsOtherRight('change', Change::READALL, "`name` = 'ticket'\n AND `rights` & " . Ticket::READALL); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightAsOtherRight('change', CREATE . " | " . UPDATE . " | " . DELETE . " | " . PURGE, "`name` = 'ticket' AND `rights` & " . UPDATE); } if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'changevalidation'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('changevalidation')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightAsOtherRight('changevalidation', CREATE, "`name` = 'ticketvalidation'\n AND `rights` & " . TicketValidation::CREATEINCIDENT . "\n AND `rights` & " . TicketValidation::CREATEREQUEST); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightAsOtherRight('changevalidation', ChangeValidation::VALIDATE, "`name` = 'ticketvalidation'\n AND `rights` & " . TicketValidation::VALIDATEINCIDENT . "\n AND `rights` & " . TicketValidation::VALIDATEREQUEST); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightAsOtherRight('changevalidation', PURGE, "`name` = 'ticketvalidation'\n AND `rights` & " . PURGE); } // pour que la procédure soit ré-entrante et ne pas perdre les sélections dans le profile if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'planning'") == 0) { // rename show_planning $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `name` = 'planning'\n WHERE `name` = 'show_planning'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 rename show_planning to planning"); // READMY = 1 => do update needed } // delete show_group_planning foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'show_group_planning' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Planning::READGROUP . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'planning'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update planning with show_group_planning right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'show_group_planning'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete show_group_planning right"); // delete show_all_planning foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'show_all_planning' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Planning::READALL . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'planning'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update planning with show_all_planning right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'show_all_planning'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete show_all_planning right"); // pour que la procédure soit ré-entrante et ne pas perdre les sélections dans le profile if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'problem'") == 0) { // rename show_my_problem $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `name` = 'problem'\n WHERE `name` = 'show_my_problem'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 rename show_my_problem to problem"); // READMY = 1 => do update needed } // delete show_all_problem foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'show_all_problem' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Problem::READALL . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'problem'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update problem with show_all_problem right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'show_all_problem'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete show_all_problem right"); // delete edit_all_problem foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'edit_all_problem' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . CREATE . " | " . UPDATE . " | " . PURGE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'problem'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update problem with edit_all_problem right"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'edit_all_problem'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete edit_all_problem right"); // delete delete_problem foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'delete_problem' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . DELETE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'problem'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update problem with delete_problem"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'delete_problem'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete problem right"); // update search_config foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'search_config' AND `rights` = '" . ALLSTANDARDRIGHT . "'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . DisplayPreference::PERSONAL . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'search_config'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update search_config with search_config"); } // delete search_config_global foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'search_config_global' AND `rights` = '" . ALLSTANDARDRIGHT . "'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . DisplayPreference::GENERAL . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'search_config'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update search_config with search_config_global"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'search_config_global'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete search_config_global right"); // delete check_update foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'check_update' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . Backup::CHECKUPDATE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = 'backup'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update backup with check_update"); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'check_update'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete check_update right"); // entity_dropdown => right by object // pour que la procédure soit ré-entrante et ne pas perdre les sélections dans le profile if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'domain'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('domain')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightsAsOtherRights('domain', 'entity_dropdown'); } if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'location'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('location')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightsAsOtherRights('location', 'entity_dropdown'); } if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'itilcategory'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('itilcategory')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightsAsOtherRights('itilcategory', 'entity_dropdown'); } if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'knowbasecategory'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('knowbasecategory')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightsAsOtherRights('knowbasecategory', 'entity_dropdown'); } if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'netpoint'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('netpoint')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightsAsOtherRights('netpoint', 'entity_dropdown'); } if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'taskcategory'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('taskcategory')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightsAsOtherRights('taskcategory', 'entity_dropdown'); } if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'state'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('state')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightsAsOtherRights('state', 'entity_dropdown'); } if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'solutiontemplate'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('solutiontemplate')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightsAsOtherRights('solutiontemplate', 'entity_dropdown'); } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'entity_dropdown'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete entity_dropdown right"); // delete notes $tables = array('budget', 'cartridge', 'change', 'computer', 'consumable', 'contact_enterprise', 'contract', 'document', 'entity', 'monitor', 'networking', 'peripheral', 'phone', 'printer', 'problem', 'software'); foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'notes' AND `rights` = '1'") as $profrights) { foreach ($tables as $table) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . READNOTE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = '{$table}'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update {$table} with read notes right"); } } foreach ($DB->request("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'notes' AND `rights` = '" . ALLSTANDARDRIGHT . "'") as $profrights) { foreach ($tables as $table) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profilerights`\n SET `rights` = `rights` | " . READNOTE . " | " . UPDATENOTE . "\n WHERE `profiles_id` = '" . $profrights['profiles_id'] . "'\n AND `name` = '{$table}'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update {$table} with update notes right"); } } $query = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_profilerights`\n WHERE `name` = 'notes'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 delete notes right"); $DELFROMDISPLAYPREF['Profile'] = array(29, 35, 37, 43, 53, 54, 57, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 88, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 104, 113, 114, 116, 117, 121, 122, 123); $migration->displayMessage('Update for mailqueue'); if (!TableExists('glpi_queuedmails')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_queuedmails` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `itemtype` varchar(100) default NULL,\n `items_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `notificationtemplates_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `entities_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `is_deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `sent_try` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `send_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `sent_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `name` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `sender` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `sendername` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `recipient` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `recipientname` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `replyto` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `replytoname` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `headers` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `body_html` LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `body_text` LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `messageid` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `item` (`itemtype`,`items_id`, `notificationtemplates_id`),\n KEY `is_deleted` (`is_deleted`),\n KEY `entities_id` (`entities_id`),\n KEY `sent_try` (`sent_try`),\n KEY `create_time` (`create_time`),\n KEY `send_time` (`send_time`),\n KEY `sent_time` (`sent_time`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add glpi_queuedmails"); $ADDTODISPLAYPREF['QueueMail'] = array(16, 7, 20, 21, 22, 15); } if (!countElementsInTable('glpi_crontasks', "`itemtype`='QueuedMail' AND `name`='queuedmail'")) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_crontasks`\n (`itemtype`, `name`, `frequency`, `param`, `state`, `mode`, `allowmode`,\n `hourmin`, `hourmax`, `logs_lifetime`, `lastrun`, `lastcode`, `comment`)\n VALUES ('QueuedMail', 'queuedmail', 60, 50, 1, 1, 3,\n 0, 24, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL)"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 populate glpi_crontasks for queuemail"); } if (!countElementsInTable('glpi_crontasks', "`itemtype`='QueuedMail' AND `name`='queuedmailclean'")) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_crontasks`\n (`itemtype`, `name`, `frequency`, `param`, `state`, `mode`, `allowmode`,\n `hourmin`, `hourmax`, `logs_lifetime`, `lastrun`, `lastcode`, `comment`)\n VALUES ('QueuedMail', 'queuedmailclean', 86400, 30, 1, 1, 3,\n 0, 24, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL)"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 populate glpi_crontasks for queuemail"); } if (!countElementsInTable('glpi_crontasks', "`itemtype`='Crontask' AND `name`='temp'")) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_crontasks`\n (`itemtype`, `name`, `frequency`, `param`, `state`, `mode`, `allowmode`,\n `hourmin`, `hourmax`, `logs_lifetime`, `lastrun`, `lastcode`, `comment`)\n VALUES ('Crontask', 'temp', 3600, NULL, 1, 1, 3,\n 0, 24, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL)"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 populate glpi_crontasks for clean temporary files"); } if ($migration->addField("glpi_entities", "delay_send_emails", "integer", array('value' => -2))) { $migration->migrationOneTable('glpi_entities'); // Set directly to root entity $query = 'UPDATE `glpi_entities` SET `delay_send_emails` = 0 WHERE `id` = 0'; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 default value for delay_send_emails for root entity"); } // pour que la procédure soit ré-entrante if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'queuedmail'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('queuedmail')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightsAsOtherRights('queuedmail', 'notification'); } $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Change of the database layout - %s'), 'Change')); // changes management if (!TableExists('glpi_changes')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_changes` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n `entities_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `is_recursive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `is_deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `status` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n `content` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n `date_mod` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL,\n `date` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL,\n `solvedate` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL,\n `closedate` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL,\n `due_date` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL,\n `users_id_recipient` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `users_id_lastupdater` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `urgency` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n `impact` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n `priority` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n `itilcategories_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `impactcontent` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n `controlistcontent` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n `rolloutplancontent` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n `backoutplancontent` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n `checklistcontent` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n `global_validation` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT 'none',\n `validation_percent` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `solutiontypes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `solution` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n `actiontime` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `begin_waiting_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `waiting_duration` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `close_delay_stat` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `solve_delay_stat` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `notepad` LONGTEXT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `name` (`name`),\n KEY `entities_id` (`entities_id`),\n KEY `is_recursive` (`is_recursive`),\n KEY `is_deleted` (`is_deleted`),\n KEY `date` (`date`),\n KEY `closedate` (`closedate`),\n KEY `status` (`status`),\n KEY `priority` (`priority`),\n KEY `date_mod` (`date_mod`),\n KEY `itilcategories_id` (`itilcategories_id`),\n KEY `users_id_recipient` (`users_id_recipient`),\n KEY `solvedate` (`solvedate`),\n KEY `solutiontypes_id` (`solutiontypes_id`),\n KEY `urgency` (`urgency`),\n KEY `impact` (`impact`),\n KEY `due_date` (`due_date`),\n KEY `global_validation` (`global_validation`),\n KEY `users_id_lastupdater` (`users_id_lastupdater`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 create glpi_changes"); } $migration->addField('glpi_itilcategories', 'is_change', 'bool', array('value' => 1)); $migration->addKey('glpi_itilcategories', 'is_change'); if (!TableExists('glpi_changes_users')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_changes_users` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `changes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `users_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `type` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n `use_notification` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `alternative_email` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`changes_id`,`type`,`users_id`,`alternative_email`),\n KEY `user` (`users_id`,`type`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_changes_users"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_changes_groups')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_changes_groups` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `changes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `groups_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `type` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`changes_id`,`type`,`groups_id`),\n KEY `group` (`groups_id`,`type`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_changes_groups"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_changes_suppliers')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_changes_suppliers` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `changes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `suppliers_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `type` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`changes_id`,`type`,`suppliers_id`),\n KEY `group` (`suppliers_id`,`type`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_changes_suppliers"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_changes_items')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_changes_items` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `changes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `itemtype` varchar(100) default NULL,\n `items_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`changes_id`,`itemtype`,`items_id`),\n KEY `item` (`itemtype`,`items_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_changes_items"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_changes_tickets')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_changes_tickets` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `changes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `tickets_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`changes_id`,`tickets_id`),\n KEY `tickets_id` (`tickets_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_changes_tickets"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_changes_problems')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_changes_problems` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `changes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `problems_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`changes_id`,`problems_id`),\n KEY `problems_id` (`problems_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_changes_problems"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_changetasks')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_changetasks` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `changes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `taskcategories_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `state` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `begin` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `end` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `users_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `users_id_tech` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `content` longtext COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n `actiontime` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `changes_id` (`changes_id`),\n KEY `state` (`state`),\n KEY `users_id` (`users_id`),\n KEY `users_id_tech` (`users_id_tech`),\n KEY `date` (`date`),\n KEY `begin` (`begin`),\n KEY `end` (`end`),\n KEY `taskcategories_id` (taskcategories_id)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_changetasks"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_changecosts')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_changecosts` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `changes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `comment` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n `begin_date` date DEFAULT NULL,\n `end_date` date DEFAULT NULL,\n `actiontime` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `cost_time` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000',\n `cost_fixed` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000',\n `cost_material` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000',\n `budgets_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `entities_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `is_recursive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `name` (`name`),\n KEY `changes_id` (`changes_id`),\n KEY `begin_date` (`begin_date`),\n KEY `end_date` (`end_date`),\n KEY `entities_id` (`entities_id`),\n KEY `is_recursive` (`is_recursive`),\n KEY `budgets_id` (`budgets_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_changecosts"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_changevalidations')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_changevalidations` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `entities_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `is_recursive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `users_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `changes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `users_id_validate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `comment_submission` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n `comment_validation` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n `status` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2',\n `submission_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `validation_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `entities_id` (`entities_id`),\n KEY `is_recursive` (`is_recursive`),\n KEY `users_id` (`users_id`),\n KEY `users_id_validate` (`users_id_validate`),\n KEY `changes_id` (`changes_id`),\n KEY `submission_date` (`submission_date`),\n KEY `validation_date` (`validation_date`),\n KEY `status` (`status`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_changevalidations"); } // Change notifications $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_notificationtemplates`\n WHERE `itemtype` = 'Change'"; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { if ($DB->numrows($result) == 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtemplates`\n (`name`, `itemtype`, `date_mod`)\n VALUES ('Changes', 'Change', NOW())"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add change notification"); $notid = $DB->insert_id(); $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtemplatetranslations`\n (`notificationtemplates_id`, `language`, `subject`,\n `content_text`,\n `content_html`)\n VALUES ({$notid}, '', '##change.action## ##change.title##',\n '##IFchange.storestatus=5##\n ##lang.change.url## : ##change.urlapprove##\n ##lang.change.solvedate## : ##change.solvedate##\n ##lang.change.solution.type## : ##change.solution.type##\n ##lang.change.solution.description## : ##change.solution.description## ##ENDIFchange.storestatus##\n ##ELSEchange.storestatus## ##lang.change.url## : ##change.url## ##ENDELSEchange.storestatus##\n\n ##lang.change.description##\n\n ##lang.change.title## :##change.title##\n ##lang.change.authors## :##IFchange.authors## ##change.authors## ##ENDIFchange.authors## ##ELSEchange.authors##--##ENDELSEchange.authors##\n ##lang.change.creationdate## :##change.creationdate##\n ##IFchange.assigntousers## ##lang.change.assigntousers## : ##change.assigntousers## ##ENDIFchange.assigntousers##\n ##lang.change.status## : ##change.status##\n ##IFchange.assigntogroups## ##lang.change.assigntogroups## : ##change.assigntogroups## ##ENDIFchange.assigntogroups##\n ##lang.change.urgency## : ##change.urgency##\n ##lang.change.impact## : ##change.impact##\n ##lang.change.priority## : ##change.priority##\n##IFchange.category## ##lang.change.category## :##change.category## ##ENDIFchange.category## ##ELSEchange.category## ##lang.change.nocategoryassigned## ##ENDELSEchange.category##\n ##lang.change.content## : ##change.content##\n\n##IFchange.storestatus=6##\n ##lang.change.solvedate## : ##change.solvedate##\n ##lang.change.solution.type## : ##change.solution.type##\n ##lang.change.solution.description## : ##change.solution.description##\n##ENDIFchange.storestatus##\n ##lang.change.numberofproblems## : ##change.numberofproblems##\n\n##FOREACHproblems##\n [##problem.date##] ##lang.change.title## : ##problem.title##\n ##lang.change.content## ##problem.content##\n\n##ENDFOREACHproblems##\n ##lang.change.numberoftasks## : ##change.numberoftasks##\n\n##FOREACHtasks##\n [##task.date##]\n ##lang.task.author## ##task.author##\n ##lang.task.description## ##task.description##\n ##lang.task.time## ##task.time##\n ##lang.task.category## ##task.category##\n\n##ENDFOREACHtasks##\n',\n '<p>##IFchange.storestatus=5##</p>\n<div>##lang.change.url## : <a href=\"##change.urlapprove##\">##change.urlapprove##</a></div>\n<div><span style=\"color: #888888;\"><strong><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">##lang.change.solvedate##</span></strong></span> : ##change.solvedate##<br /><span style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: #888888;\"><strong>##lang.change.solution.type##</strong></span> : ##change.solution.type##<br /><span style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: #888888;\"><strong>##lang.change.solution.description##</strong></span> : ##change.solution.description## ##ENDIFchange.storestatus##</div>\n<div>##ELSEchange.storestatus## ##lang.change.url## : <a href=\"##change.url##\">##change.url##</a> ##ENDELSEchange.storestatus##</div>\n<p class=\"description b\"><strong>##lang.change.description##</strong></p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.change.title##</span> :##change.title## <br /> <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.change.authors##</span> :##IFchange.authors## ##change.authors## ##ENDIFchange.authors## ##ELSEchange.authors##--##ENDELSEchange.authors## <br /> <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.change.creationdate##</span> :##change.creationdate## <br /> ##IFchange.assigntousers## <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.change.assigntousers##</span> : ##change.assigntousers## ##ENDIFchange.assigntousers##<br /> <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\">##lang.change.status## </span> : ##change.status##<br /> ##IFchange.assigntogroups## <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.change.assigntogroups##</span> : ##change.assigntogroups## ##ENDIFchange.assigntogroups##<br /> <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.change.urgency##</span> : ##change.urgency##<br /> <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.change.impact##</span> : ##change.impact##<br /> <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.change.priority##</span> : ##change.priority## <br />##IFchange.category##<span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\">##lang.change.category## </span> :##change.category## ##ENDIFchange.category## ##ELSEchange.category## ##lang.change.nocategoryassigned## ##ENDELSEchange.category## <br /> <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.change.content##</span> : ##change.content##</p>\n<p>##IFchange.storestatus=6##<br /><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\"><strong><span style=\"color: #888888;\">##lang.change.solvedate##</span></strong></span> : ##change.solvedate##<br /><span style=\"color: #888888;\"><strong><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">##lang.change.solution.type##</span></strong></span> : ##change.solution.type##<br /><span style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: #888888;\"><strong>##lang.change.solution.description##</strong></span> : ##change.solution.description##<br />##ENDIFchange.storestatus##</p>\n<div class=\"description b\">##lang.change.numberofproblems## : ##change.numberofproblems##</div>\n<p>##FOREACHproblems##</p>\n<div><strong> [##problem.date##] <em>##lang.change.title## : <a href=\"##problem.url##\">##problem.title## </a></em></strong><br /> <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> </span><span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\">##lang.change.content## </span> ##problem.content##\n<p>##ENDFOREACHproblems##</p>\n<div class=\"description b\">##lang.change.numberoftasks## : ##change.numberoftasks##</div>\n<p>##FOREACHtasks##</p>\n<div class=\"description b\"><strong>[##task.date##] </strong><br /> <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.task.author##</span> ##task.author##<br /> <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.task.description##</span> ##task.description##<br /> <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.task.time##</span> ##task.time##<br /> <span style=\"color: #8b8c8f; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\"> ##lang.task.category##</span> ##task.category##</div>\n<p>##ENDFOREACHtasks##</p>\n</div>')"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add change notification translation"); $notifications = array('new' => array(), 'update' => array(Notification::ASSIGN_TECH, Notification::OLD_TECH_IN_CHARGE), 'solved' => array(), 'add_task' => array(), 'update_task' => array(), 'delete_task' => array(), 'closed' => array(), 'delete' => array()); $notif_names = array('new' => 'New Change', 'update' => 'Update Change', 'solved' => 'Resolve Change', 'add_task' => 'Add Task', 'update_task' => 'Update Task', 'delete_task' => 'Delete Task', 'closed' => 'Close Change', 'delete' => 'Delete Change'); foreach ($notifications as $key => $val) { $notifications[$key][] = Notification::AUTHOR; $notifications[$key][] = Notification::GLOBAL_ADMINISTRATOR; $notifications[$key][] = Notification::OBSERVER; } foreach ($notifications as $type => $targets) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notifications`\n (`name`, `entities_id`, `itemtype`, `event`, `mode`,\n `notificationtemplates_id`, `comment`, `is_recursive`, `is_active`,\n `date_mod`)\n VALUES ('" . $notif_names[$type] . "', 0, 'Change', '{$type}', 'mail',\n {$notid}, '', 1, 1, NOW())"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add change {$type} notification"); $notifid = $DB->insert_id(); foreach ($targets as $target) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtargets`\n (`id`, `notifications_id`, `type`, `items_id`)\n VALUES (NULL, {$notifid}, " . Notification::USER_TYPE . ", {$target});"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add change {$type} notification target"); } } } } $ADDTODISPLAYPREF['Change'] = array(12, 19, 15, 7, 18); $migration->addField('glpi_profiles', 'change_status', "text", array('comment' => "json encoded array of from/dest allowed status change")); // Add problem costs if (!TableExists('glpi_problemcosts')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_problemcosts` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `problems_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `comment` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n `begin_date` date DEFAULT NULL,\n `end_date` date DEFAULT NULL,\n `actiontime` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `cost_time` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000',\n `cost_fixed` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000',\n `cost_material` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000',\n `budgets_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `entities_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `name` (`name`),\n KEY `problems_id` (`problems_id`),\n KEY `begin_date` (`begin_date`),\n KEY `end_date` (`end_date`),\n KEY `entities_id` (`entities_id`),\n KEY `budgets_id` (`budgets_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_problemcosts"); } $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'drop rules cache')); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecachecomputermodels'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecachecomputertypes'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecachemanufacturers'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecachemonitormodels'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecachemonitortypes'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecachenetworkequipmentmodels'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecachenetworkequipmenttypes'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecacheoperatingsystems'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecacheoperatingsystemservicepacks'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecacheoperatingsystemversions'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecacheperipheralmodels'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecacheperipheraltypes'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecachephonemodels'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecachephonetypes'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecacheprintermodels'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecacheprinters'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecacheprintertypes'); $migration->dropTable('glpi_rulecachesoftwares'); $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'glpi_rules')); $migration->addField("glpi_rules", 'uuid', "string"); $migration->addField("glpi_slalevels", 'uuid', "string"); $migration->migrationOneTable('glpi_rules'); $migration->migrationOneTable('glpi_slalevels'); // Dropdown translations $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'glpi_knowbaseitemtranslations')); Config::setConfigurationValues('core', array('translate_kb' => 0)); if (!TableExists("glpi_knowbaseitemtranslations")) { $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `glpi_knowbaseitemtranslations` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `knowbaseitems_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `language` varchar(5) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `name` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n `answer` longtext COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `item` (`knowbaseitems_id`, `language`),\n FULLTEXT KEY `fulltext` (`name`,`answer`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_knowbaseitemtranslations"); } // kb translations $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'glpi_dropdowntranslations')); Config::setConfigurationValues('core', array('translate_dropdowns' => 0)); if (!TableExists("glpi_dropdowntranslations")) { $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `glpi_dropdowntranslations` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `items_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `itemtype` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `language` varchar(5) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `field` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `value` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`itemtype`,`items_id`,`language`,`field`),\n KEY `typeid` (`itemtype`,`items_id`),\n KEY `language` (`language`),\n KEY `field` (`field`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_dropdowntranslations"); } //generate uuid for the basic rules of glpi // we use a complete sql where for cover all migration case (0.78 -> 0.85) $rules = array(array('sub_type' => 'RuleImportEntity', 'name' => 'Root', 'match' => 'AND', 'description' => ''), array('sub_type' => 'RuleRight', 'name' => 'Root', 'match' => 'AND', 'description' => ''), array('sub_type' => 'RuleMailCollector', 'name' => 'Root', 'match' => 'AND', 'description' => ''), array('sub_type' => 'RuleMailCollector', 'name' => 'Auto-Reply X-Auto-Response-Suppress', 'match' => 'AND', 'description' => 'Exclude Auto-Reply emails using X-Auto-Response-Suppress header'), array('sub_type' => 'RuleMailCollector', 'name' => 'Auto-Reply Auto-Submitted', 'match' => 'AND', 'description' => 'Exclude Auto-Reply emails using Auto-Submitted header'), array('sub_type' => 'RuleTicket', 'name' => 'Ticket location from item', 'match' => 'AND', 'description' => ''), array('sub_type' => 'RuleTicket', 'name' => 'Ticket location from user', 'match' => 'AND', 'description' => '')); $i = 0; foreach ($rules as $rule) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_rules`\n SET `uuid` = 'STATIC-UUID-{$i}'\n WHERE `entities_id` = 0\n AND `is_recursive` = 0\n AND `sub_type` = '" . $rule['sub_type'] . "'\n AND `name` = '" . $rule['name'] . "'\n AND `description` = '" . $rule['description'] . "'\n AND `match` = '" . $rule['match'] . "'\n ORDER BY id ASC\n LIMIT 1"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add uuid to basic rules (STATIC-UUID-{$i})"); $i++; } //generate uuid for the rules of user foreach ($DB->request('glpi_rules', array('uuid' => NULL)) as $data) { $uuid = Rule::getUuid(); $query = "UPDATE `glpi_rules`\n SET `uuid` = '{$uuid}'\n WHERE `id` = '" . $data['id'] . "'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add uuid to existing rules"); } foreach ($DB->request('glpi_slalevels', array('uuid' => NULL)) as $data) { $uuid = Rule::getUuid(); $query = "UPDATE `glpi_slalevels`\n SET `uuid` = '{$uuid}'\n WHERE `id` = '" . $data['id'] . "'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add uuid to existing slalevels"); } $migration->addField('glpi_users', 'is_deleted_ldap', 'bool'); $migration->addKey('glpi_users', 'is_deleted_ldap'); Config::deleteConfigurationValues('core', array('use_ajax')); Config::deleteConfigurationValues('core', array('ajax_min_textsearch_load')); Config::deleteConfigurationValues('core', array('ajax_buffertime_load')); Config::deleteConfigurationValues('core', array('is_categorized_soft_expanded')); Config::deleteConfigurationValues('core', array('is_not_categorized_soft_expanded')); $migration->dropField("glpi_users", 'is_categorized_soft_expanded'); $migration->dropField("glpi_users", 'is_not_categorized_soft_expanded'); // Config::setConfigurationValues('core', array('use_unicodefont' => 0)); // $migration->addField("glpi_users", 'use_unicodefont', "int(11) DEFAULT NULL"); Config::deleteConfigurationValues('core', array('use_unicodefont')); $migration->dropField("glpi_users", 'use_unicodefont'); Config::setConfigurationValues('core', array('pdffont' => 'helvetica')); $migration->addField("glpi_users", 'pdffont', "string"); $migration->addField("glpi_users", 'picture', "string"); $migration->addField("glpi_authldaps", 'picture_field', 'string'); $migration->addField('glpi_links', 'open_window', 'bool', array('value' => 1)); $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'glpi_states')); foreach (array('is_visible_computer', 'is_visible_monitor', 'is_visible_networkequipment', 'is_visible_peripheral', 'is_visible_phone', 'is_visible_printer', 'is_visible_softwareversion') as $field) { $migration->addField('glpi_states', $field, 'bool', array('value' => '1')); $migration->addKey('glpi_states', $field); } // glpi_domains by entity $migration->addField('glpi_domains', 'entities_id', 'integer', array('after' => 'name')); $migration->addField('glpi_domains', 'is_recursive', 'bool', array('update' => '1', 'after' => 'entities_id')); // glpi_states by entity $migration->addField('glpi_states', 'entities_id', 'integer', array('after' => 'name')); $migration->addField('glpi_states', 'is_recursive', 'bool', array('update' => '1', 'after' => 'entities_id')); // add validity date for a user $migration->addField('glpi_users', 'begin_date', 'datetime'); $migration->addField('glpi_users', 'end_date', 'datetime'); // add validity date for a knowbaseitem $migration->addField('glpi_knowbaseitems', 'begin_date', 'datetime'); $migration->addField('glpi_knowbaseitems', 'end_date', 'datetime'); // Add validation percent for tickets $migration->addField('glpi_tickets', 'validation_percent', 'integer', array('value' => 0)); // Add missing key $migration->addKey('glpi_tickettasks', 'state'); $migration->addKey('glpi_tickettasks', 'users_id_tech'); $migration->addKey('glpi_tickettasks', 'begin'); $migration->addKey('glpi_tickettasks', 'end'); // Create notification for reply to satisfaction survey based on satisfaction notif // Check if notifications already exists if (countElementsInTable('glpi_notifications', "`itemtype` = 'Ticket'\n AND `event` = 'replysatisfaction'") == 0) { // No notifications duplicate all $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_notifications`\n WHERE `itemtype` = 'Ticket'\n AND `event` = 'satisfaction'"; foreach ($DB->request($query) as $notif) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notifications`\n (`name`, `entities_id`, `itemtype`, `event`, `mode`,\n `notificationtemplates_id`, `comment`, `is_recursive`, `is_active`,\n `date_mod`)\n VALUES ('" . addslashes($notif['name']) . " Answer',\n '" . $notif['entities_id'] . "', 'Ticket',\n 'replysatisfaction', '" . $notif['mode'] . "',\n '" . $notif['notificationtemplates_id'] . "',\n '" . addslashes($notif['comment']) . "', '" . $notif['is_recursive'] . "',\n '" . $notif['is_active'] . "', NOW());"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 insert replysatisfaction notification"); $newID = $DB->insert_id(); $query2 = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_notificationtargets`\n WHERE `notifications_id` = '" . $notif['id'] . "'"; // Add same recipent of satisfaction foreach ($DB->request($query2) as $target) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtargets`\n (`notifications_id`, `type`, `items_id`)\n VALUES ({$newID}, '" . $target['type'] . "', '" . $target['items_id'] . "')"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 insert targets for replysatisfaction notification"); } // Add Tech in charge $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtargets`\n (`notifications_id`, `type`, `items_id`)\n VALUES ({$newID}, '" . Notification::USER_TYPE . "', '" . Notification::ASSIGN_TECH . "')"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 insert tech in charge target for replysatisfaction notification"); } } $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'glpi_slas')); // * Convert SLA resolution time to new system (ticket #4346) if (!FieldExists("glpi_slas", "definition_time")) { $migration->addField("glpi_slas", 'definition_time', "string"); $migration->addField("glpi_slas", 'end_of_working_day', "bool"); $migration->migrationOneTable('glpi_slas'); // Minutes $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_slas`\n WHERE `resolution_time` <= '3000'"; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { if ($DB->numrows($result) > 0) { $a_ids = array(); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $a_ids[] = $data['id']; } $DB->query("UPDATE `glpi_slas`\n SET `definition_time` = 'minute',\n `resolution_time` = `resolution_time`/60\n WHERE `id` IN (" . implode(",", $a_ids) . ")"); } } // Hours $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_slas`\n WHERE `resolution_time` > '3000'\n AND `resolution_time` <= '82800'"; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { if ($DB->numrows($result) > 0) { $a_ids = array(); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $a_ids[] = $data['id']; } $DB->query("UPDATE `glpi_slas`\n SET `definition_time` = 'hour',\n `resolution_time` = `resolution_time`/3600\n WHERE `id` IN (" . implode(",", $a_ids) . ")"); } } // Days $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_slas`\n WHERE `resolution_time` > '82800'"; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { if ($DB->numrows($result) > 0) { $a_ids = array(); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $a_ids[] = $data['id']; } $DB->query("UPDATE `glpi_slas`\n SET `definition_time` = 'day',\n `resolution_time` = `resolution_time`/86400\n WHERE `id` IN (" . implode(",", $a_ids) . ")"); } } } Config::setConfigurationValues('core', array('keep_devices_when_purging_item' => 0)); $migration->addField("glpi_users", "keep_devices_when_purging_item", "int(11) DEFAULT NULL"); Config::setConfigurationValues('core', array('maintenance_mode' => 0)); Config::setConfigurationValues('core', array('maintenance_text' => '')); $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_notificationtemplates`\n WHERE `itemtype` = 'MailCollector'"; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { if ($DB->numrows($result) == 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtemplates`\n (`name`, `itemtype`, `date_mod`)\n VALUES ('Receiver errors', 'MailCollector', NOW())"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add mail collector notification"); $notid = $DB->insert_id(); $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtemplatetranslations`\n (`notificationtemplates_id`, `language`, `subject`,\n `content_text`,\n `content_html`)\n VALUES ({$notid}, '', '##mailcollector.action##',\n '##FOREACHmailcollectors##\n##lang.mailcollector.name## : ##mailcollector.name##\n##lang.mailcollector.errors## : ##mailcollector.errors##\n##mailcollector.url##\n##ENDFOREACHmailcollectors##',\n'<p>##FOREACHmailcollectors##<br />##lang.mailcollector.name## : ##mailcollector.name##<br /> ##lang.mailcollector.errors## : ##mailcollector.errors##<br /><a href=\"##mailcollector.url##\">##mailcollector.url##</a><br /> ##ENDFOREACHmailcollectors##</p>\n<p></p>')"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add mail collector notification translation"); $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notifications`\n (`name`, `entities_id`, `itemtype`, `event`, `mode`,\n `notificationtemplates_id`, `comment`, `is_recursive`, `is_active`,\n `date_mod`)\n VALUES ('Receiver errors', 0, 'MailCollector', 'error', 'mail',\n {$notid}, '', 1, 1, NOW())"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add mail collector notification"); $notifid = $DB->insert_id(); $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtargets`\n (`id`, `notifications_id`, `type`, `items_id`)\n VALUES (NULL, {$notifid}, " . Notification::USER_TYPE . ", " . Notification::GLOBAL_ADMINISTRATOR . ");"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add mail collector notification target"); } } if (!countElementsInTable('glpi_crontasks', "`itemtype`='MailCollector' AND `name`='mailgateerror'")) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_crontasks`\n (`itemtype`, `name`, `frequency`, `param`, `state`, `mode`, `allowmode`,\n `hourmin`, `hourmax`, `logs_lifetime`, `lastrun`, `lastcode`, `comment`)\n VALUES ('MailCollector', 'mailgateerror', " . DAY_TIMESTAMP . ", NULL, 1, 1, 3,\n 0, 24, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL)"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 populate glpi_crontasks for mailgateerror"); } if (!countElementsInTable('glpi_crontasks', "`itemtype`='Crontask' AND `name`='circularlogs'")) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_crontasks`\n (`itemtype`, `name`, `frequency`, `param`, `state`, `mode`, `allowmode`,\n `hourmin`, `hourmax`, `logs_lifetime`, `lastrun`, `lastcode`, `comment`)\n VALUES ('Crontask', 'circularlogs', " . DAY_TIMESTAMP . ", 4, " . CronTask::STATE_DISABLE . ", 1, 3,\n 0, 24, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL)"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 populate glpi_crontasks for circularlogs"); } $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'glpi_documents')); $migration->addField('glpi_documents', 'is_blacklisted', 'bool'); if (!TableExists("glpi_blacklistedmailcontents")) { $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `glpi_blacklistedmailcontents` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n `content` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n `comment` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_blacklistedmailcontents"); } $migration->addField('glpi_documents', 'tag', 'string'); $migration->addField('glpi_queuedmails', 'documents', 'text'); $migration->addKey('glpi_documents', 'tag'); Config::setConfigurationValues('core', array('use_rich_text' => 0)); Config::setConfigurationValues('core', array('attach_ticket_documents_to_mail' => 0)); $migration->migrationOneTable('glpi_documents'); $query = "UPDATE `glpi_documents`\n SET `tag` = `id`"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 set tag to all documents"); // increase password length $migration->changeField('glpi_users', 'password', 'password', 'string'); $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'glpi_softwarecategories')); // Hierarchical software category $migration->addField('glpi_softwarecategories', 'softwarecategories_id', 'integer'); $migration->addField("glpi_softwarecategories", 'completename', "text"); $migration->addField("glpi_softwarecategories", 'level', "integer"); $migration->addField("glpi_softwarecategories", 'ancestors_cache', "longtext"); $migration->addField("glpi_softwarecategories", 'sons_cache', "longtext"); $migration->migrationOneTable('glpi_softwarecategories'); $migration->addKey('glpi_softwarecategories', 'softwarecategories_id'); regenerateTreeCompleteName("glpi_softwarecategories"); $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Change of the database layout - %s'), 'various')); // glpi_cartridgeitems glpi_consumableitems by entity $migration->addField('glpi_consumableitems', 'is_recursive', 'bool', array('update' => '1', 'after' => 'entities_id')); $migration->addField('glpi_cartridgeitems', 'is_recursive', 'bool', array('update' => '1', 'after' => 'entities_id')); // Fix events $query = "UPDATE `glpi_events`\n SET `type` = 'consumableitems'\n WHERE `type` = 'consumables'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 fix events for consumables"); $query = "UPDATE `glpi_events`\n SET `type` = 'cartridgeitems'\n WHERE `type` = 'cartridges';"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 fix events for cartridges"); // Bookmark order : $migration->addField('glpi_users', 'privatebookmarkorder', 'longtext'); // Pref to comme back ticket created if ($migration->addField('glpi_users', 'backcreated', 'TINYINT(1) DEFAULT NULL')) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_configs`\n (`context`, `name`, `value`)\n VALUES ('core', 'backcreated', 0)"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "update glpi_configs with backcreated"); } $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'glpi_projects')); if (!TableExists("glpi_projects")) { $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `glpi_projects` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `code` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `priority` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n `entities_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `is_recursive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `projects_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `projectstates_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `projecttypes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `date_mod` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `users_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `groups_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `plan_start_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `plan_end_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `real_start_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `real_end_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `percent_done` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `show_on_global_gantt` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `content` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n `comment` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n `notepad` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `name` (`name`),\n KEY `code` (`code`),\n KEY `entities_id` (`entities_id`),\n KEY `is_recursive` (`is_recursive`),\n KEY `projects_id` (`projects_id`),\n KEY `projectstates_id` (`projectstates_id`),\n KEY `projecttypes_id` (`projecttypes_id`),\n KEY `priority` (`priority`),\n KEY `date` (`date`),\n KEY `date_mod` (`date_mod`),\n KEY `users_id` (`users_id`),\n KEY `groups_id` (`groups_id`),\n KEY `plan_start_date` (`plan_start_date`),\n KEY `plan_end_date` (`plan_end_date`),\n KEY `real_start_date` (`real_start_date`),\n KEY `real_end_date` (`real_end_date`),\n KEY `percent_done` (`percent_done`),\n KEY `show_on_global_gantt` (`show_on_global_gantt`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_projects"); $ADDTODISPLAYPREF['Project'] = array(3, 4, 12, 5, 15, 21); } $migration->addField("glpi_projects", 'is_deleted', "bool"); if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'project'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('project')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightAsOtherRight('project', Project::READMY, "`name` = 'change'\n AND `rights` & " . Change::READMY); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightAsOtherRight('project', Project::READALL, "`name` = 'change'\n AND `rights` & " . Change::READALL); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightAsOtherRight('project', CREATE . " | " . UPDATE . " | " . DELETE . " | " . PURGE . " | " . READNOTE . " | " . UPDATENOTE, "`name` = 'change'\n AND `rights` & (" . CREATE . " | " . UPDATE . " | " . DELETE . " | " . PURGE . ')'); } if (countElementsInTable("glpi_profilerights", "`name` = 'projecttask'") == 0) { ProfileRight::addProfileRights(array('projecttask')); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightAsOtherRight('projecttask', ProjectTask::READMY, "`name` = 'change'\n AND `rights` & " . Change::READMY); ProfileRight::updateProfileRightAsOtherRight('projecttask', ProjectTask::UPDATEMY, "`name` = 'change'\n AND `rights` & " . Change::READMY); } if (!TableExists('glpi_projectcosts')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_projectcosts` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `projects_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n `comment` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n `begin_date` date DEFAULT NULL,\n `end_date` date DEFAULT NULL,\n `cost` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000',\n `budgets_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `entities_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `is_recursive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `name` (`name`),\n KEY `projects_id` (`projects_id`),\n KEY `begin_date` (`begin_date`),\n KEY `end_date` (`end_date`),\n KEY `entities_id` (`entities_id`),\n KEY `is_recursive` (`is_recursive`),\n KEY `budgets_id` (`budgets_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_projectcosts"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_projectstates')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_projectstates` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `comment` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n `color` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `is_finished` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `name` (`name`),\n KEY `is_finished` (`is_finished`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 create glpi_projectstates"); $ADDTODISPLAYPREF['ProjectState'] = array(12, 11); $states = array('new' => array('name' => _x('ticket', 'New'), 'color' => '#06ff00', 'is_finished' => 0), 'do' => array('name' => __('Processing'), 'color' => '#ffb800', 'is_finished' => 0), 'end' => array('name' => __('Closed'), 'color' => '#ff0000', 'is_finished' => 1)); foreach ($states as $key => $val) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_projectstates`\n (`name`,`color`,`is_finished`)\n VALUES ('" . addslashes($val['name']) . "','" . addslashes($val['color']) . "',\n '" . addslashes($val['is_finished']) . "')"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 insert default project state {$key}"); } } if (!TableExists('glpi_projecttypes')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_projecttypes` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `comment` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `name` (`name`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 create glpi_projecttypes"); } $migration->addField("glpi_groups", 'is_manager', "bool", array('update' => "`is_assign`", 'value' => 1)); $migration->addKey('glpi_groups', 'is_manager'); if (!TableExists('glpi_changes_projects')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_changes_projects` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `changes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `projects_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`changes_id`,`projects_id`),\n KEY `projects_id` (`projects_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_changes_projects"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_projectteams')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_projectteams` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `projects_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `itemtype` varchar(100) default NULL,\n `items_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`projects_id`,`itemtype`,`items_id`),\n KEY `item` (`itemtype`,`items_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_projectteams"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_items_projects')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_items_projects` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `projects_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `itemtype` varchar(100) default NULL,\n `items_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`projects_id`,`itemtype`,`items_id`),\n KEY `item` (`itemtype`,`items_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_items_projects"); } if (!TableExists("glpi_projecttasks")) { $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `glpi_projecttasks` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `content` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n `comment` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n `entities_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `is_recursive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `projects_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `projecttasks_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `date_mod` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `plan_start_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `plan_end_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `real_start_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `real_end_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `planned_duration` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `effective_duration` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `projectstates_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `projecttasktypes_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `users_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `percent_done` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `notepad` longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `name` (`name`),\n KEY `entities_id` (`entities_id`),\n KEY `is_recursive` (`is_recursive`),\n KEY `projects_id` (`projects_id`),\n KEY `projecttasks_id` (`projecttasks_id`),\n KEY `date` (`date`),\n KEY `date_mod` (`date_mod`),\n KEY `users_id` (`users_id`),\n KEY `plan_start_date` (`plan_start_date`),\n KEY `plan_end_date` (`plan_end_date`),\n KEY `real_start_date` (`real_start_date`),\n KEY `real_end_date` (`real_end_date`),\n KEY `percent_done` (`percent_done`),\n KEY `projectstates_id` (`projectstates_id`),\n KEY `projecttasktypes_id` (`projecttasktypes_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_projecttasks"); $ADDTODISPLAYPREF['ProjectTask'] = array(2, 12, 14, 5, 7, 8, 13); } if (!TableExists('glpi_projecttasktypes')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_projecttasktypes` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n `comment` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `name` (`name`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 create glpi_projecttasktypes"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_projecttaskteams')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_projecttaskteams` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `projecttasks_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `itemtype` varchar(100) default NULL,\n `items_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`projecttasks_id`,`itemtype`,`items_id`),\n KEY `item` (`itemtype`,`items_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_projecttaskteams"); } if (!TableExists('glpi_projecttasks_tickets')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_projecttasks_tickets` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `tickets_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `projecttasks_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `unicity` (`tickets_id`,`projecttasks_id`),\n KEY `projects_id` (`projecttasks_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_projecttasks_tickets"); } // Project notifications $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_notificationtemplates`\n WHERE `itemtype` = 'Project'"; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { if ($DB->numrows($result) == 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtemplates`\n (`name`, `itemtype`, `date_mod`)\n VALUES ('Projects', 'Project', NOW())"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add project notification"); $notid = $DB->insert_id(); $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtemplatetranslations`\n (`notificationtemplates_id`, `language`, `subject`,\n `content_text`,\n `content_html`)\n VALUES ({$notid}, '', '##project.action## ##project.name## ##project.code##',\n '##lang.project.url## : ##project.url##\n\n##lang.project.description##\n\n##lang.project.name## : ##project.name##\n##lang.project.code## : ##project.code##\n##lang.project.manager## : ##project.manager##\n##lang.project.managergroup## : ##project.managergroup##\n##lang.project.creationdate## : ##project.creationdate##\n##lang.project.priority## : ##project.priority##\n##lang.project.state## : ##project.state##\n##lang.project.type## : ##project.type##\n##lang.project.description## : ##project.description##\n\n##lang.project.numberoftasks## : ##project.numberoftasks##\n\n\n\n##FOREACHtasks##\n\n[##task.creationdate##]\n##lang.task.name## : ##task.name##\n##lang.task.state## : ##task.state##\n##lang.task.type## : ##task.type##\n##lang.task.percent## : ##task.percent##\n##lang.task.description## : ##task.description##\n\n##ENDFOREACHtasks##',\n '<p>##lang.project.url## : <a href=\"##project.url##\">##project.url##</a></p>\n<p><strong>##lang.project.description##</strong></p>\n<p>##lang.project.name## : ##project.name##<br />##lang.project.code## : ##project.code##<br /> ##lang.project.manager## : ##project.manager##<br />##lang.project.managergroup## : ##project.managergroup##<br /> ##lang.project.creationdate## : ##project.creationdate##<br />##lang.project.priority## : ##project.priority## <br />##lang.project.state## : ##project.state##<br />##lang.project.type## : ##project.type##<br />##lang.project.description## : ##project.description##</p>\n<p>##lang.project.numberoftasks## : ##project.numberoftasks##</p>\n<div>\n<p>##FOREACHtasks##</p>\n<div><strong>[##task.creationdate##] </strong><br /> ##lang.task.name## : ##task.name##<br />##lang.task.state## : ##task.state##<br />##lang.task.type## : ##task.type##<br />##lang.task.percent## : ##task.percent##<br />##lang.task.description## : ##task.description##</div>\n<p>##ENDFOREACHtasks##</p>\n</div>')"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add project notification translation"); $notifications = array('new' => array(), 'update' => array(), 'delete' => array()); $notif_names = array('new' => 'New Project', 'update' => 'Update Project', 'delete' => 'Delete Project'); foreach ($notifications as $key => $val) { $notifications[$key][] = Notification::MANAGER_USER; $notifications[$key][] = Notification::GLOBAL_ADMINISTRATOR; $notifications[$key][] = Notification::MANAGER_GROUP; } foreach ($notifications as $type => $targets) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notifications`\n (`name`, `entities_id`, `itemtype`, `event`, `mode`,\n `notificationtemplates_id`, `comment`, `is_recursive`, `is_active`,\n `date_mod`)\n VALUES ('" . $notif_names[$type] . "', 0, 'Project', '{$type}', 'mail',\n {$notid}, '', 1, 1, NOW())"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add project {$type} notification"); $notifid = $DB->insert_id(); foreach ($targets as $target) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtargets`\n (`id`, `notifications_id`, `type`, `items_id`)\n VALUES (NULL, {$notifid}, " . Notification::USER_TYPE . ", {$target});"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add project {$type} notification target"); } } } } // Project Task notifications $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_notificationtemplates`\n WHERE `itemtype` = 'ProjectTask'"; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { if ($DB->numrows($result) == 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtemplates`\n (`name`, `itemtype`, `date_mod`)\n VALUES ('Project Tasks', 'ProjectTask', NOW())"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add project task notification"); $notid = $DB->insert_id(); $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtemplatetranslations`\n (`notificationtemplates_id`, `language`, `subject`,\n `content_text`,\n `content_html`)\n VALUES ({$notid}, '', '##projecttask.action## ##projecttask.name##',\n '##lang.projecttask.url## : ##projecttask.url##\n\n##lang.projecttask.description##\n\n##lang.projecttask.name## : ##projecttask.name##\n##lang.projecttask.project## : ##projecttask.name##\n##lang.projecttask.creationdate## : ##projecttask.creationdate##\n##lang.projecttask.state## : ##projecttask.state##\n##lang.projecttask.type## : ##projecttask.type##\n##lang.projecttask.description## : ##projecttask.description##\n\n##lang.projecttask.numberoftasks## : ##projecttask.numberoftasks##\n\n\n\n##FOREACHtasks##\n\n[##task.creationdate##]\n##lang.task.name## : ##task.name##\n##lang.task.state## : ##task.state##\n##lang.task.type## : ##task.type##\n##lang.task.percent## : ##task.percent##\n##lang.task.description## : ##task.description##\n\n##ENDFOREACHtasks##',\n '<p>##lang.projecttask.url## : <a href=\"##projecttask.url##\">##projecttask.url##</a></p>\n<p><strong>##lang.projecttask.description##</strong></p>\n<p>##lang.projecttask.name## : ##projecttask.name##<br />##lang.projecttask.project## : <a href=\"##projecttask.projecturl##\">##projecttask.name##</a><br />##lang.projecttask.creationdate## : ##projecttask.creationdate##<br />##lang.projecttask.state## : ##projecttask.state##<br />##lang.projecttask.type## : ##projecttask.type##<br />##lang.projecttask.description## : ##projecttask.description##</p>\n<p>##lang.projecttask.numberoftasks## : ##projecttask.numberoftasks##</p>\n<div>\n<p>##FOREACHtasks##</p>\n<div><strong>[##task.creationdate##] </strong><br />##lang.task.name## : ##task.name##<br />##lang.task.state## : ##task.state##<br />##lang.task.type## : ##task.type##<br />##lang.task.percent## : ##task.percent##<br />##lang.task.description## : ##task.description##</div>\n<p>##ENDFOREACHtasks##</p>\n</div>')"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add project task notification translation"); $notifications = array('new' => array(), 'update' => array(), 'delete' => array()); $notif_names = array('new' => 'New Project Task', 'update' => 'Update Project Task', 'delete' => 'Delete Project Task'); foreach ($notifications as $key => $val) { $notifications[$key][] = Notification::TEAM_USER; $notifications[$key][] = Notification::GLOBAL_ADMINISTRATOR; $notifications[$key][] = Notification::TEAM_GROUP; } foreach ($notifications as $type => $targets) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notifications`\n (`name`, `entities_id`, `itemtype`, `event`, `mode`,\n `notificationtemplates_id`, `comment`, `is_recursive`, `is_active`,\n `date_mod`)\n VALUES ('" . $notif_names[$type] . "', 0, 'ProjectTask', '{$type}', 'mail',\n {$notid}, '', 1, 1, NOW())"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add project task {$type} notification"); $notifid = $DB->insert_id(); foreach ($targets as $target) { $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notificationtargets`\n (`id`, `notifications_id`, `type`, `items_id`)\n VALUES (NULL, {$notifid}, " . Notification::USER_TYPE . ", {$target});"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add project task {$type} notification target"); } } } } $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'notepad')); // Create new notepad table if (!TableExists('glpi_notepads')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_notepads` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `itemtype` varchar(100) default NULL,\n `items_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `date_mod` datetime DEFAULT NULL,\n `users_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `users_id_lastupdater` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `content` LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `item` (`itemtype`,`items_id`),\n KEY `date_mod` (`date_mod`),\n KEY `date` (`date`),\n KEY `users_id_lastupdater` (`users_id_lastupdater`),\n KEY `users_id` (`users_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_notepads"); $notepad_tables = array('glpi_budgets', 'glpi_cartridgeitems', 'glpi_changes', 'glpi_computers', 'glpi_consumableitems', 'glpi_contacts', 'glpi_contracts', 'glpi_documents', 'glpi_entities', 'glpi_monitors', 'glpi_networkequipments', 'glpi_peripherals', 'glpi_phones', 'glpi_printers', 'glpi_problems', 'glpi_projects', 'glpi_projecttasks', 'glpi_softwares', 'glpi_suppliers'); foreach ($notepad_tables as $t) { // Migrate data if (FieldExists($t, 'notepad')) { $query = "SELECT id, notepad\n FROM `{$t}`\n WHERE notepad IS NOT NULL\n AND notepad <>'';"; foreach ($DB->request($query) as $data) { $iq = "INSERT INTO `glpi_notepads`\n (`itemtype`, `items_id`, `content`, `date`, `date_mod`)\n VALUES ('" . getItemTypeForTable($t) . "', '" . $data['id'] . "',\n '" . addslashes($data['notepad']) . "', NOW(), NOW())"; $DB->queryOrDie($iq, "0.85 migrate notepad data"); } $migration->dropField($t, 'notepad'); } } } $migration->addField('glpi_deviceprocessors', 'nbcores_default', 'int'); $migration->addField('glpi_deviceprocessors', 'nbthreads_default', 'int'); $migration->addField('glpi_items_deviceprocessors', 'nbcores', 'int'); $migration->addField('glpi_items_deviceprocessors', 'nbthreads', 'int'); $migration->addKey('glpi_items_deviceprocessors', 'nbcores'); $migration->addKey('glpi_items_deviceprocessors', 'nbthreads'); $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'ticketvalidations status')); $status = array('none' => CommonITILValidation::NONE, 'waiting' => CommonITILValidation::WAITING, 'accepted' => CommonITILValidation::ACCEPTED, 'rejected' => CommonITILValidation::REFUSED); // Migrate datas foreach ($status as $old => $new) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_ticketvalidations`\n SET `status` = '{$new}'\n WHERE `status` = '{$old}'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 status in glpi_ticketvalidations {$old} to {$new}"); } $migration->changeField('glpi_ticketvalidations', 'status', 'status', 'integer', array('value' => CommonITILValidation::WAITING)); $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'tickets and changes global_validation')); $tables = array('glpi_tickets', 'glpi_changes'); foreach ($tables as $table) { foreach ($status as $old => $new) { $query = "UPDATE `" . $table . "`\n SET `global_validation` = '{$new}'\n WHERE `global_validation` = '{$old}'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 global_validation in {$table} {$old} to {$new}"); } $migration->changeField($table, 'global_validation', 'global_validation', 'integer', array('value' => CommonITILValidation::NONE)); } $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'tickettemplatepredefinedfields value')); foreach ($status as $old => $new) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_tickettemplatepredefinedfields`\n SET `value` = '{$new}'\n WHERE `num` = '52'\n AND `value` = '{$old}'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 value in glpi_tickettemplatepredefinedfields {$old} to {$new}"); } // Migrate templates $query = "SELECT `glpi_notificationtemplatetranslations`.*\n FROM `glpi_notificationtemplatetranslations`\n INNER JOIN `glpi_notificationtemplates`\n ON (`glpi_notificationtemplates`.`id`\n = `glpi_notificationtemplatetranslations`.`notificationtemplates_id`)\n WHERE `glpi_notificationtemplatetranslations`.`content_text` LIKE '%validation.storestatus=%'\n OR `glpi_notificationtemplatetranslations`.`content_html` LIKE '%validation.storestatus=%'\n OR `glpi_notificationtemplatetranslations`.`subject` LIKE '%validation.storestatus=%'"; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { if ($DB->numrows($result)) { while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $subject = $data['subject']; $text = $data['content_text']; $html = $data['content_html']; foreach ($status as $old => $new) { $subject = str_replace("validation.storestatus={$old}", "validation.storestatus={$new}", $subject); $text = str_replace("validation.storestatus={$old}", "validation.storestatus={$new}", $text); $html = str_replace("validation.storestatus={$old}", "validation.storestatus={$new}", $html); } $query = "UPDATE `glpi_notificationtemplatetranslations`\n SET `subject` = '" . addslashes($subject) . "',\n `content_text` = '" . addslashes($text) . "',\n `content_html` = '" . addslashes($html) . "'\n WHERE `id` = " . $data['id'] . ""; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 fix tags usage for storestatus"); } } } // Upgrade ticket bookmarks $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_bookmarks`"; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { if ($DB->numrows($result) > 0) { while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $num = 0; $num2 = 0; $options = array(); parse_str($data["query"], $options); if (isset($options['field'])) { // update ticket statuses if (($data['itemtype'] = 'Ticket') && $data['type'] == Bookmark::SEARCH) { foreach ($options['field'] as $key => $val) { if (($val == 55 || $val == 52) && isset($options['contains'][$key])) { if (isset($status[$options['contains'][$key]])) { $options['contains'][$key] = $status[$options['contains'][$key]]; } } } } } $query2 = "UPDATE `glpi_bookmarks`\n SET `query` = '" . addslashes(Toolbox::append_params($options)) . "'\n WHERE `id` = '" . $data['id'] . "'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query2, "0.85 update bookmarks"); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Device update $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'Devices')); foreach (array_merge(CommonDevice::getDeviceTypes(), Item_Devices::getDeviceTypes()) as $itemtype) { $table = $itemtype::getTable(); if (!FieldExists($table, 'entities_id')) { $migration->addField($table, 'entities_id', 'integer'); $migration->addKey($table, array('entities_id'), 'entities_id'); } if (!FieldExists($table, 'is_recursive')) { $migration->addField($table, 'is_recursive', 'bool', array('update' => '1', 'after' => 'entities_id')); $migration->addKey($table, array('is_recursive'), 'is_recursive'); } } // Adding the Registered ID class that contains PCI IDs and USB IDs for vendors // as well devices if (!TableExists('glpi_registeredids')) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `glpi_registeredids` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n `items_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n `itemtype` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,\n `device_type` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'USB, PCI ...',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `name` (`name`),\n KEY `item` (`items_id`, `itemtype`),\n KEY `device_type` (`device_type`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 add table glpi_registeredids"); } // Complete the item_devices foreach (array('glpi_items_devicecases', 'glpi_items_devicecontrols', 'glpi_items_devicedrives', 'glpi_items_devicegraphiccards', 'glpi_items_devicemotherboards', 'glpi_items_devicenetworkcards', 'glpi_items_devicepcis', 'glpi_items_devicepowersupplies', 'glpi_items_devicesoundcards') as $table) { if (!FieldExists($table, 'serial')) { $migration->addField($table, 'serial', 'string'); $migration->addKey($table, 'serial'); } } foreach (array('glpi_items_devicecontrols', 'glpi_items_devicedrives', 'glpi_items_devicegraphiccards', 'glpi_items_deviceharddrives', 'glpi_items_devicememories', 'glpi_items_devicenetworkcards', 'glpi_items_devicepcis', 'glpi_items_deviceprocessors', 'glpi_items_devicesoundcards') as $table) { if (!FieldExists($table, 'busID')) { $migration->addField($table, 'busID', 'string'); $migration->addKey($table, 'busID'); } } // Add key foreach (array('glpi_items_devicecases', 'glpi_items_devicecontrols', 'glpi_items_devicedrives', 'glpi_items_devicegraphiccards', 'glpi_items_deviceharddrives', 'glpi_items_devicememories', 'glpi_items_devicemotherboards', 'glpi_items_devicenetworkcards', 'glpi_items_devicepcis', 'glpi_items_devicepowersupplies', 'glpi_items_deviceprocessors', 'glpi_items_devicesoundcards') as $table) { $migration->dropKey($table, 'item'); $migration->migrationOneTable($table); $migration->addKey($table, array('itemtype', 'items_id'), 'item'); } if (!FieldExists('glpi_devicegraphiccards', 'chipset')) { $migration->addField('glpi_devicegraphiccards', 'chipset', 'string'); $migration->addKey('glpi_devicegraphiccards', 'chipset'); } $migration->addField("glpi_suppliers_tickets", "use_notification", "bool"); $migration->addField("glpi_suppliers_tickets", "alternative_email", "string"); $migration->addField("glpi_problems_suppliers", "use_notification", "bool"); $migration->addField("glpi_problems_suppliers", "alternative_email", "string"); $migration->addField("glpi_changes_suppliers", "use_notification", "bool"); $migration->addField("glpi_changes_suppliers", "alternative_email", "string"); // Add field for locations $migration->addField("glpi_locations", "latitude", "string"); $migration->addField("glpi_locations", "longitude", "string"); $migration->addField("glpi_locations", "altitude", "string"); // Add fixed columns as variables : $ADDTODISPLAYPREF['CartridgeItem'] = array(9); $ADDTODISPLAYPREF['ConsumableItem'] = array(9); $ADDTODISPLAYPREF['ReservationItem'] = array(9); $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'License validity')); // for licence validity if ($migration->addField("glpi_softwarelicenses", "is_valid", "bool", array("value" => 1))) { $migration->migrationOneTable("glpi_softwarelicenses"); // Force all entities if (!isset($_SESSION['glpishowallentities'])) { $_SESSION['glpishowallentities'] = 0; } $savesession = $_SESSION['glpishowallentities']; $_SESSION['glpishowallentities'] = 1; $queryl = "SELECT `id`, `number`\n FROM `glpi_softwarelicenses`"; foreach ($DB->request($queryl) as $datal) { if ($datal['number'] >= 0 && $datal['number'] < Computer_SoftwareLicense::countForLicense($datal['id'], -1)) { $queryl2 = "UPDATE `glpi_softwarelicenses`\n SET `is_valid` = 0\n WHERE `id` = '" . $datal['id'] . "'"; $DB->queryOrDie($queryl2, "0.85 update softwarelicense"); } } $_SESSION['glpishowallentities'] = $savesession; } if ($migration->addField("glpi_softwares", "is_valid", "bool", array("value" => 1))) { $migration->migrationOneTable("glpi_softwares"); $querys = "SELECT `glpi_softwares`.`id`\n FROM `glpi_softwares`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwarelicenses`\n ON (`glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwares_id` = `glpi_softwares`.`id`)\n WHERE `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`is_valid` = 0"; foreach ($DB->request($querys) as $datas) { $querys2 = "UPDATE `glpi_softwares`\n SET `is_valid` = 0\n WHERE `id` = '" . $datas['id'] . "'"; $DB->queryOrDie($querys2, "0.85 update software"); } } // Add condition to rules $migration->addField('glpi_rules', 'condition', 'integer'); $migration->addKey('glpi_rules', 'condition'); $migration->migrationOneTable('glpi_rules'); // Update condition for RuleTicket : only on add $query = "UPDATE `glpi_rules`\n SET `condition` = 1\n WHERE `sub_type` = 'RuleTicket'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update condition for RuleTicket"); // Update ticket_status for helpdeks profiles $newcycle = array(1 => array(2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0, 6 => 0), 2 => array(1 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0, 6 => 0), 3 => array(1 => 0, 2 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0, 6 => 0), 4 => array(1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 5 => 0, 6 => 0), 5 => array(1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0), 6 => array(1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0)); $query = "UPDATE `glpi_profiles`\n SET `ticket_status` = '" . exportArrayToDB($newcycle) . "'\n WHERE `interface` = 'helpdesk'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query, "0.85 update default life cycle for helpdesk"); //Add comment field to a virtualmachine $migration->addField('glpi_computervirtualmachines', 'comment', 'text'); $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'IP improvment')); // Ip search improve $migration->addField('glpi_ipaddresses', 'mainitems_id', 'integer'); $migration->addField('glpi_ipaddresses', 'mainitemtype', 'string', array('after' => 'mainitems_id')); $migration->migrationOneTable('glpi_ipaddresses'); $migration->addKey('glpi_ipaddresses', array('mainitemtype', 'mainitems_id', 'is_deleted'), 'mainitem'); $query_doc_i = "UPDATE `glpi_ipaddresses` as `ip`\n INNER JOIN `glpi_networknames` as `netname`\n ON (`ip`.`items_id` = `netname`.`id`\n AND `ip`.`itemtype` = 'NetworkName')\n INNER JOIN `glpi_networkports` as `netport`\n ON (`netname`.`items_id` = `netport`.`id`\n AND `netname`.`itemtype` = 'NetworkPort')\n SET `ip`.`mainitemtype` = `netport`.`itemtype`,\n `ip`.`mainitems_id` = `netport`.`items_id`"; $DB->queryOrDie($query_doc_i, "0.85 update mainitems fields of ipaddresses"); // Upgrade ticket bookmarks $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_bookmarks`\n WHERE `type` = '" . Bookmark::SEARCH . "'"; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { if ($DB->numrows($result) > 0) { while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $num = 0; $num2 = 0; $options = array(); parse_str($data["query"], $options); // Copy itemtype if not set if (!isset($options['itemtype'])) { $options['itemtype'] = $data['itemtype']; } // Move criteria if (isset($options['field']) && is_array($options['field'])) { $newkey = 0; foreach ($options['field'] as $key => $val) { $options['criteria'][$newkey]['field'] = $val; // other field if (isset($options['link'][$key])) { $options['criteria'][$newkey]['link'] = $options['link'][$key]; } if (isset($options['searchtype'][$key])) { $options['criteria'][$newkey]['searchtype'] = $options['searchtype'][$key]; } else { $options['criteria'][$newkey]['searchtype'] = 'contains'; } if (isset($options['contains'][$key])) { $options['criteria'][$newkey]['value'] = $options['contains'][$key]; } else { $options['criteria'][$newkey]['value'] = ''; } $newkey++; } unset($options['field']); unset($options['contains']); unset($options['searchtype']); unset($options['link']); } if (isset($options['glpisearchcount'])) { unset($options['glpisearchcount']); } if (isset($options['field2']) && is_array($options['field2'])) { $newkey = 0; foreach ($options['field2'] as $key => $val) { $options['metacriteria'][$newkey]['field'] = $val; // other field if (isset($options['itemtype2'][$key])) { $options['metacriteria'][$newkey]['itemtype'] = $options['itemtype2'][$key]; } if (isset($options['link2'][$newkey])) { $options['metacriteria'][$newkey]['link'] = $options['link2'][$key]; } if (isset($options['searchtype2'][$key])) { $options['metacriteria'][$newkey]['searchtype'] = $options['searchtype2'][$key]; } else { $options['metacriteria'][$newkey]['searchtype'] = 'contains'; } if (isset($options['contains2'][$key])) { $options['metacriteria'][$newkey]['value'] = $options['contains2'][$key]; } else { $options['metacriteria'][$newkey]['value'] = ''; } $newkey++; } unset($options['field2']); unset($options['contains2']); unset($options['searchtype2']); unset($options['link2']); unset($options['itemtype2']); } if (isset($options['glpisearchcount2'])) { unset($options['glpisearchcount2']); } $query2 = "UPDATE `glpi_bookmarks`\n SET `query` = '" . addslashes(Toolbox::append_params($options)) . "'\n WHERE `id` = '" . $data['id'] . "'"; $DB->queryOrDie($query2, "0.85 update bookmarks for reorg search"); } } } // ************ Keep it at the end ************** //TRANS: %s is the table or item to migrate $migration->displayMessage(sprintf(__('Data migration - %s'), 'glpi_displaypreferences')); // Clean display prefs // Notepad $query = "UPDATE `glpi_displaypreferences`\n SET `num` = 90\n WHERE `itemtype` = 'Entity'\n AND `num` = 28"; $DB->query($query); $query = "UPDATE `glpi_displaypreferences`\n SET `num` = 200\n WHERE `num` = 90"; $DB->query($query); $migration->updateDisplayPrefs($ADDTODISPLAYPREF, $DELFROMDISPLAYPREF); // must always be at the end $migration->executeMigration(); return $updateresult; }
/** * Used to export package * */ function exportPackage($packages_id) { $this->getFromDB($packages_id); if (empty($this->fields['uuid'])) { $input = array('id' => $this->fields['id'], 'uuid' => Rule::getUuid()); $this->update($input); } $pfDeployOrder = new PluginFusioninventoryDeployOrder(); $pfDeployFile = new PluginFusioninventoryDeployFile(); // Generate JSON $a_xml = array(); $input = $this->fields; unset($input['id']); $a_xml['package'] = $input; $a_xml['orders'] = array(); $a_xml['files'] = array(); $a_xml['manifests'] = array(); $a_xml['repository'] = array(); $a_files = array(); $a_data = $pfDeployOrder->find("`plugin_fusioninventory_deploypackages_id`='" . $this->fields['id'] . "'"); foreach ($a_data as $data) { unset($data['id']); unset($data['plugin_fusioninventory_deploypackages_id']); $a_xml['orders'][] = $data; $json = json_decode($data['json'], true); $a_files = array_merge($a_files, $json['associatedFiles']); } // Add files foreach ($a_files as $files_id => $data) { $a_pkgfiles = current($pfDeployFile->find("`sha512`='" . $files_id . "'", '', 1)); if (count($a_pkgfiles) > 0) { unset($a_pkgfiles['id']); $a_xml['files'][] = $a_pkgfiles; } } // Create zip with JSON and files $name = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", '', $this->fields['name']); $filename = GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR . "/fusioninventory/files/export/" . $this->fields['uuid'] . "." . $name . ".zip"; if (file_exists($filename)) { unlink($filename); } $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($filename) == TRUE) { if ($zip->open($filename, ZipArchive::CREATE) == TRUE) { $zip->addEmptyDir('files'); $zip->addEmptyDir('files/manifests'); $zip->addEmptyDir('files/repository'); foreach ($a_files as $hash => $data) { $sha512 = file_get_contents(GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR . "/fusioninventory/files/manifests/" . $hash); $sha512 = trim($sha512); $zip->addFile(GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR . "/fusioninventory/files/manifests/" . $hash, "files/manifests/" . $hash); $a_xml['manifests'][] = $hash; $file = PluginFusioninventoryDeployFile::getDirBySha512($sha512) . "/" . $sha512; $zip->addFile(GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR . "/fusioninventory/files/repository/" . $file, "files/repository/" . $file); $a_xml['repository'][] = $file; } $json_string = json_encode($a_xml); $zip->addFromString('information.json', $json_string); } $zip->close(); Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(__("Package exported in", "fusioninventory") . " " . GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR . "/fusioninventory/files/export/" . $this->fields['uuid'] . "." . $name . ".zip"); } }
/** * @see CommonDBTM::prepareInputForAdd() **/ function prepareInputForAdd($input) { global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; // security (don't accept filename from $_POST) unset($input['filename']); if ($uid = Session::getLoginUserID()) { $input["users_id"] = Session::getLoginUserID(); } // Create a doc only selecting a file from a item form $create_from_item = false; if (isset($input["items_id"]) && isset($input["itemtype"]) && ($item = getItemForItemtype($input["itemtype"])) && $input["items_id"] > 0) { $typename = $item->getTypeName(1); $name = NOT_AVAILABLE; if ($item->getFromDB($input["items_id"])) { $name = $item->getNameID(); } //TRANS: %1$s is Document, %2$s is item type, %3$s is item name $input["name"] = addslashes(Html::resume_text(sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Document'), sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $typename, $name)), 200)); $create_from_item = true; } $upload_ok = false; if (isset($input["_filename"]) && !empty($input["_filename"]) == 1) { $upload_ok = $this->moveDocument($input, stripslashes(array_shift($input["_filename"]))); } else { if (isset($input["upload_file"]) && !empty($input["upload_file"])) { // Move doc from upload dir $upload_ok = $this->moveUploadedDocument($input, $input["upload_file"]); } } // Tag if (isset($input["_tag_filename"]) && !empty($input["_tag_filename"]) == 1) { $input['tag'] = array_shift($input["_tag_filename"]); } if (!isset($input["tag"]) || empty($input["tag"])) { $input['tag'] = Rule::getUuid(); } // Upload failed : do not create document if ($create_from_item && !$upload_ok) { return false; } // Default document name if ((!isset($input['name']) || empty($input['name'])) && isset($input['filename'])) { $input['name'] = $input['filename']; } unset($input["upload_file"]); // Don't add if no file if (isset($input["_only_if_upload_succeed"]) && $input["_only_if_upload_succeed"] && (!isset($input['filename']) || empty($input['filename']))) { return false; } // Set default category for document linked to tickets if (isset($input['itemtype']) && $input['itemtype'] == 'Ticket' && (!isset($input['documentcategories_id']) || $input['documentcategories_id'] == 0)) { $input['documentcategories_id'] = $CFG_GLPI["documentcategories_id_forticket"]; } /* Unicity check if (isset($input['sha1sum'])) { // Check if already upload in the current entity $crit = array('sha1sum'=>$input['sha1sum'], 'entities_id'=>$input['entities_id']); foreach ($DB->request($this->getTable(), $crit) as $data) { $link=$this->getFormURL(); Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(__('"A document with that filename has already been attached to another record.'). " : <a href=\"".$link."?id=". $data['id']."\">".$data['name']."</a>", false, ERROR, true); return false; } } */ return $input; }
/** * Duplicate a rule * * @param $ID of the rule to duplicate * * @since version 0.85 * * @return true if all ok **/ function duplicateRule($ID) { //duplicate rule $rulecollection = new self(); $rulecollection->getFromDB($ID); //get ranking $ruletype = $rulecollection->fields['sub_type']; $rule = new $ruletype(); $nextRanking = $rule->getNextRanking(); //Update fields of the new duplicate $rulecollection->fields['name'] = sprintf(__('Copy of %s'), $rulecollection->fields['name']); $rulecollection->fields['is_active'] = 0; $rulecollection->fields['ranking'] = $nextRanking; $rulecollection->fields['uuid'] = Rule::getUuid(); unset($rulecollection->fields['id']); //add new duplicate $newID = $rulecollection->add($rulecollection->fields); $rule = $rulecollection->getRuleClass(); if (!$newID) { return false; } //find and duplicate actions $ruleaction = new RuleAction(get_class($rule)); $actions = $ruleaction->find("`rules_id` = '{$ID}'"); foreach ($actions as $action) { $action['rules_id'] = $newID; unset($action['id']); if (!$ruleaction->add($action)) { return false; } } //find and duplicate criterias $rulecritera = new RuleCriteria(get_class($rule)); $criteria = $rulecritera->find("`rules_id` = '{$ID}'"); foreach ($criteria as $criterion) { $criterion['rules_id'] = $newID; unset($criterion['id']); if (!$rulecritera->add($criterion)) { return false; } } return true; }
GLPI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GLPI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GLPI. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @file * @brief * @since version 0.85 */ $AJAX_INCLUDE = 1; include '../inc/includes.php'; header('Content-type: application/json'); Html::header_nocache(); Session::checkLoginUser(); if (isset($_POST['data'])) { foreach ($_POST['data'] as $key => $values) { $unique_name = Rule::getUuid(); $response[$key] = array('tag' => Document::getImageTag($unique_name), 'name' => $unique_name); } echo json_encode($response); }