 $Staff = new RowManager_StaffManager();
  * Assignments Table
  * This manages the campus assignments table.
  * assignment_id [INTEGER]  This is the key for this table.
  * person_id [INTEGER]  The is the person id for the person assigned to the campus.
  * campus_id [INTEGER]  The is the campus the person is assigned to.
 $Assignments = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager();
  * Access Table
  * This manages the access table.
  * access_id [INTEGER]  This is the key for the table
  * viewer_id [INTEGER]  This is the viewer(user) id of the user who is assigned to a person id.
  * person_id [INTEGER]  This is the person id connected to the viewer id.
 $Access = new RowManager_AccessManager();
  * Region Table