public function testMatchingCheckesHost() { $this->setExpectedException('Vexillum\\Http\\PageNotFoundException'); $route = Router::get('/apath', function () { }, array('host' => '')); Router::run('GET', '', '/apath'); }
public function route($model, $form, $fieldName, $fieldType, $path) { $field = $form->fields()->{$fieldName}; if (!$field or $field->type() !== $fieldType) { throw new Exception('Invalid field'); } $routes = $field->routes(); $router = new Router($routes); if ($route = $router->run($path)) { if (is_callable($route->action()) and is_a($route->action(), 'Closure')) { return call($route->action(), $route->arguments()); } else { $controllerFile = $field->root() . DS . 'controller.php'; $controllerName = $fieldType . 'FieldController'; if (!file_exists($controllerFile)) { throw new Exception(l('fields.error.missing.controller')); } require_once $controllerFile; if (!class_exists($controllerName)) { throw new Exception(l('fields.error.missing.class')); } $controller = new $controllerName($model, $field); return call(array($controller, $route->action()), $route->arguments()); } } else { throw new Exception(l('fields.error.route.invalid')); } }
public static function run() { Connection::connect(); Session::start(); Router::run(); Connection::disconnect(); }
public function request() { $request = Router::run(); $matches = []; foreach ($request['matches'] as $k => $v) { if (is_int($k)) { continue; } $matches[$k] = $v; } unset($request['matches'], $request['pattern']); $request = array_merge($request, $matches); foreach ($request as $k => $v) { $request[$k] = $v; } $request['action'] = isset($request['action']) && !empty($request['action']) ? $request['action'] : 'index'; // set default action if (!empty($_REQUEST)) { $request['params'] = $_REQUEST; } if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') { // check if ajax call $request['ajax'] = true; } return $request; }
public function run() { // 添加router的配置处理 if ($routerRules = $this->get('routers')) { Router::set($routerRules); } Router::run(); }
/** * @covers Zepto\Router::run() * @covers Zepto\Router::match() * @covers Zepto\Router::error() */ public function testRunWithError() { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URL'] = '/zepto/failure'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/zepto/failure'; $this->mock_request->expects($this->any())->method('getPathInfo')->will($this->returnValue('/failure')); $this->router->get('/failure', function () { throw new \Exception('Proving another point'); }); $this->assertFalse($this->router->run()); $this->assertEquals(500, $this->router->current_http_status()); }
private function call_action($uri, $method) { global $map; $map = new Router($uri); include 'config/routes.php'; try { $this->controller = $map->run($method); } catch (RedirectException $ex) { $this->handle_redirect_exception($ex); } if (count($this->expected_redirects) > 0) { $this->fail("Didn't redirect as expected"); } }
/** * Register or run error * * @param string $type * @param callable $route * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Exception */ public function handleError($type, $route = null) { if (!isset($this->injectors['errors'][$type])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown error type "' . $type . '" to call'); } if (is_string($route) && class_exists($route) || $route instanceof \Closure) { // Set error handle $this->injectors['errors'][$type][2] = $route; } else { if (!$this->injectors['exception'] && $route instanceof \Exception) { // Not handle exception and throw it throw $route; } else { // Clean the output buffer ob_get_level() && ob_clean(); // Check handle route and run it if (empty($this->injectors['errors'][$type][2]) || !$this->router->run($this->injectors['errors'][$type][2], array('error' => array('type' => $type, 'error' => $route, 'message' => $this->injectors['errors'][$type])))) { /** * Get error information */ $error = $route instanceof \Exception ? $route : null; $title = $error ? $error->getMessage() : $this->injectors['errors'][$type][1]; $code = $this->injectors['errors'][$type][0]; $message = $route ? $error ? $error->getFile() . ' [' . $error->getLine() . ']' : (string) $route : ''; if ($this->injectors['cli']) { // Cli error show $this->halt($code, Console::text('[' . $title . '] ' . ($message ? $message : '"' . $this->input->path() . '"') . ' ', 'redbg') . "\n" . ($this->injectors['debug'] && $error ? Console::text("\n[Error]\n", "yellow") . $error . "\n" : '')); } else { // Http error show $this->output->status($this->injectors['errors'][$type][0]); if ($this->injectors['debug']) { // Debug error show $this->renderView('Error', array('title' => $title, 'message' => $message ? $message : 'Could not ' . $this->input->method() . ' ' . $this->input->path(), 'stacks' => $this->injectors['debug'] && $error ? $error->getTraceAsString() : null)); } else { // Normal error show $this->renderView('Error', array('title' => $title, 'message' => $message ? $message : 'Could not ' . $this->input->method() . ' ' . $this->input->path())); } $this->stop(); } } } } }
/** * Register or run error * * @param string $type * @param callable $route * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function handleError($type, $route = null) { if (!isset($this->injectors['errors'][$type])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown error type "' . $type . '" to call'); } if (is_string($route) && is_subclass_of($route, Route::_CLASS_, true) || $route instanceof \Closure) { $this->injectors['errors'][$type][2] = $route; } else { ob_get_level() && ob_clean(); ob_start(); if (empty($this->injectors['errors'][$type][2]) || !$this->router->run($this->injectors['errors'][$type][2], array('error' => array('type' => $type, 'error' => $route, 'message' => $this->injectors['errors'][$type])))) { if ($this->injectors['cli']) { $this->halt($this->injectors['errors'][$type][0], $this->injectors['errors'][$type][1]); } else { $this->output->status($this->injectors['errors'][$type][0]); $this->render('pagon/views/error.php', array('title' => $this->injectors['errors'][$type][1], 'message' => $route ? $route instanceof \Exception ? $route->getMessage() : (string) $route : 'Could not ' . $this->input->method() . ' ' . $this->input->path())); $this->stop(); } } } }
public function response() { // this will trigger the configuration $site = $this->site(); $router = new Router($this->routes()); $route = $router->run($this->path()); // check for a valid route if (is_null($route)) { header::status('500'); header::type('json'); die(json_encode(array('status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Invalid route or request method'))); } $response = call($route->action(), $route->arguments()); if (is_string($response)) { $this->response = static::render(page($response)); } else { if (is_array($response)) { $this->response = static::render(page($response[0]), $response[1]); } else { if (is_a($response, 'Response')) { $this->response = $response; } else { if (is_a($response, 'Page')) { $this->response = static::render($response); } else { $this->response = null; } } } } return $this->response; }
<?php if (!defined('__ROOT__')) { exit('Sorry,Please from entry!'); } /** * init 入口引入文件 * 项目自动初始化文件 * 创建时间:2014-08-08 14:56 PGF */ Loader::core('Debug'); //加载DEBUG类 Debug::start(); //程序开始 Loader::func('Base'); //加载基础全局函数 Loader::core('Cache'); //加载缓存处理类 Cache::init(); //初始化缓存类 //向日志中添加已经加载的Loader Debug::add(__ROOT__ . Config::config('core_dir') . '/bases/' . 'Loader.class.php', 1); Loader::core('Router'); //加载Router Router::run(); //Router运行 Debug::stop(); //程序结束 //==================== END Initialize.php ========================//
<?php /** * Builder Plugin * * @author Tim Ötting <*****@*****.**> * @version 0.9 */ $router = new Router(array(array('pattern' => 'views/editor/builder2/(:all)/(:any)/(:any)/(:any)', 'action' => 'builderForm', 'filter' => 'auth', 'method' => 'POST|GET', 'modal' => true))); if ($route = $router->run()) { call($route->action(), $route->arguments()); exit; } function builderForm($id, $fieldName, $fieldsetName, $context) { $kirby = kirby(); $kirby->extensions(); $kirby->plugins(); $root = $kirby->roots->index . DS . 'panel'; $panel = new Panel($kirby, $root); $panel->i18n(); $roots = new Panel\Roots($panel, $root); $site = $kirby->site(); $page = empty($id) ? site() : page($id); if (!$page) { throw new Exception('The page could not be found'); } $blueprint = blueprint::find($page); $field = null; $fields = $context == 'file' ? $blueprint->files()->fields() : $blueprint->fields(); // make sure to get fields by case insensitive field names
{ $flash = $_SESSION['flash']; if (!$init_only) { session_destroy(); session_start(); } if (!array_key_exists('flash', $_SESSION)) { $_SESSION['flash'] = is_array($flash) ? $flash : array(); } } session_restart(true); // Helpers require_once 'lib/system/helpers.php'; require_once 'lib/system/html_helpers.php'; if (file_exists(MODULES_PATH . 'main/application/application_helpers.php')) { include MODULES_PATH . 'main/application/application_helpers.php'; } // Models require_once 'lib/system/model.php'; // Controllers require_once 'lib/system/controller.php'; if (!file_exists(MODULES_PATH . 'main/application/application_controller.php')) { error(); } include MODULES_PATH . 'main/application/application_controller.php'; // Router require_once 'lib/system/router.php'; $map = new Router($_GET['uri']); include 'config/routes.php'; $map->run();
<?php //Frong Controller //1. Общие настройки************** ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); session_start(); //2. Подключение файлов системы************** define('ROOT', dirname(__FILE__)); require_once ROOT . '/components/Autoload.php'; //3. Подключение к Базе Данных //4. Вызов Router $rou = new Router(); $rou->run();
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); $_identifier = '[\\w\\d_-\\s]+'; $_number = '\\d+'; $r = new Router(); $r->map("", array("controller" => "serverinfo", "action" => "hello")); $r->map("root.xml", array("controller" => "TileMapService", "action" => "root")); $r->map("1.0.0", array("controller" => "TileMapService", "action" => "service")); $r->map("1.0.0/:layer", array("controller" => "TileMapService", "action" => "resource"), array("layer" => $_identifier)); $r->map("1.0.0/:layer/:z/:x/:y.:ext", array("controller" => "maptile", "action" => "serveTmsTile"), array("layer" => $_identifier, "x" => $_number, "y" => $_number, "z" => $_number, "ext" => "(png|jpg|jpeg|json)")); $r->map(":layer/:z/:x/:y.:ext", array("controller" => "maptile", "action" => "serveTile"), array("layer" => $_identifier, "x" => $_number, "y" => $_number, "z" => $_number, "ext" => "(png|jpg|jpeg|json)")); $r->map(":layer/:z/:x/:y.:ext\\?:argument=:callback", array("controller" => "maptile", "action" => "serveTile"), array("layer" => $_identifier, "x" => $_number, "y" => $_number, "z" => $_number, "ext" => "(json|jsonp)", "argument" => $_identifier, "callback" => $_identifier)); $r->map(":layer/:z/:x/:y.grid.:ext", array("controller" => "maptile", "action" => "serveTile"), array("layer" => $_identifier, "x" => $_number, "y" => $_number, "z" => $_number, "ext" => "(json|jsonp)", "argument" => $_identifier, "callback" => $_identifier)); $r->map(":layer/:z/:x/:y.grid.:ext\\?:argument=:callback", array("controller" => "maptile", "action" => "serveTile"), array("layer" => $_identifier, "x" => $_number, "y" => $_number, "z" => $_number, "ext" => "(json|jsonp)", "argument" => $_identifier, "callback" => $_identifier)); $r->map(":layer.tilejson", array("controller" => "maptile", "action" => "tilejson"), array("layer" => $_identifier)); $r->map(":layer.tilejsonp\\?:argument=:callback", array("controller" => "maptile", "action" => "tilejson"), array("layer" => $_identifier, "argument" => $_identifier, "callback" => $_identifier)); $r->run(); class BaseClass { protected $layer; protected $db; public function __construct() { } protected function getMBTilesName() { return $this->layer . ".mbtiles"; } protected function openDB() { $filename = $this->getMBTilesName(); if (file_exists($filename)) {
/** * run * * Run application * * @return null */ public static function run() { Request::init(); if (self::getConfig('main')->system->session_handler == 'database') { Storage::setDatabaseHandler(); } Storage::init(); Member::init(); Router::run(); }
<?php // Front Controller // 1. Общие настройки ini_set('display_errors', '1'); error_reporting(E_ALL); session_start(); // 2. Подключение системных файлов define('ROOT', dirname(__FILE__)); require_once ROOT . '/components/autoload.php'; // 3. Вызов Router $router = new Router(); echo $router->run();
<?php require_once 'route.php'; $route_config = array('home' => 'Home', 'logout' => 'Logout'); $route = new Router($route_config); $route->run();
<?php require_once '../autoloader.php'; require_once '../app/config/config.php'; require_once '../vendor/autoload.php'; $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $dir = __DIR__; $path = substr($dir, strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) - 1); $url = substr($uri, strlen($path)); $route = substr($url, strlen("index.php")); $router = new Router(); $response = $router->run($route); foreach (getallheaders() as $name => $value) { $file = __DIR__ . "/../app/logs/access.log"; if (!file_exists($file)) { file_put_contents($file, "LOGS ACCESS: \n"); } file_put_contents($file, date("\\[d/m/y H:i:s\\]") . " : " . "{$name}: {$value}" . " \n", FILE_APPEND); }
public function run() { //Objects $session = $this->_session; $message = new Message($session->getKhex()); $db = new Database(); $auth = new Authentication($db, $this->_username, $this->_A, $this->_M1); //Http cleaned infos $URI = $this->_URI; // Inputs $rawInput = $this->_rawInput; $sig = $this->_sig; $method = $this->_method; //Start the router $router = new Router(); // Check if logged function $authCheck = function () use($session) { if (!$session->isLogged()) { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); print 'Not logged'; exit; } }; // Autoload routes if ($dir = opendir(__ROOT__ . 'php/routes')) { while (false !== ($route = readdir($dir))) { if ($route != "." && $route != "..") { include_once __ROOT__ . 'php/routes/' . $route; } } closedir($dir); } //Run the router $router->run($this->_method, $this->_URI); }
<?php //front controller ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); define("ROOT", dirname(__FILE__)); require_once ROOT . '/classes/Autoload.php'; require_once ROOT . '/DB/DBConnector.php'; require_once ROOT . '/classes/Router.php'; require_once ROOT . '/Session/Session.php'; Session::init(); $router = new Router(); $router->run();
<?php session_start(); //FRONT CONTROLLER //general settings ini_set('display_errors', 0); error_reporting(E_ALL); //files connection define("ROOT", dirname(__FILE__)); require_once ROOT . '/components/Router.php'; //database connection require_once ROOT . '/components/dbConection.php'; //launch Rourer $obj = new Router(); $obj->run();