 public function run()
     // Determine the Correct Route
     $router = RouteController::getController();
     $route = $router->findRouteForURL($this->request->url());
     // Found Route? (default if not)
     if ($route) {
         // CSRF Protection (allow Stripe to avoid) -- if route name changes, it needs to change here!
         if ($route->action() != 'stripeNotification') {
             (new CSRFProtection())->enable();
         // Determine the Target Details...
         $target = array("controller" => $route->controller(), "method" => $route->method(), "args" => $route->extractArgs($this->request->url()));
         // Check Class & Method Exists...
         if (@method_exists($target['controller'], $target['method'])) {
             // Object Instantiation
             $instance = is_a($this, $target['controller']) ? $this : new $target['controller']();
             // don't re-instantiate the AppController (self) if we're the target
             $instance->route_args = $target['args'];
             // provide target controller access to arguments in the route URL
             // Handover Control
             // args are optional, can be null
             // Log the Performance Data...
             if (isTrue(AppConfig::getValue('log_performance'))) {
             // We need to return at this point, or we'll drop into the 404 code...
             return true;
     // Show a Friendly Error Page (fallback)
     $this->view = new HTMLView(true);
     $this->view->includeTemplate('error.not-found', ['app_name' => AppConfig::getValue('app_name')]);
 public function isUserAuthenticated($auth_required = true)
     // Cached Result... (if checked before, return the result)
     if ($this->authentication != self::AUTH_UNKNOWN) {
         return $this->authentication == self::AUTH_PASSED;
     // Check Token Validity -- Avoid DB Overhead
     if (self::isSessionIDValid($this->id)) {
         $db = Database::getConnection();
         $query = $db->query("SELECT user_id, update_timestamp, persistent FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE (id=:id) AND (expiry_timestamp > :now)", array(":id" => $this->id, ":now" => Carbon::now()));
     } else {
         if (!$auth_required) {
             return false;
     // Check Query Result (and that it was executed)
     if (isset($query) && $query && $query->rowCount()) {
         $db_row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         $this->user_id = $db_row['user_id'];
         // only set here, force people to call this function first before being allowed to look at the ID
         // We need to renew sessions on a regular basis in order for us to determine when sessions become inactive...
         if (Carbon::parse($db_row['update_timestamp'])->diffInSeconds(Carbon::now()) > self::SESSION_RENEWAL_PERIOD_SECONDS) {
             $this->create($db_row['user_id'], isTrue($db_row['persistent']));
         // renew
         $this->authentication = self::AUTH_PASSED;
         return true;
     } else {
         if ($auth_required) {
             // Determine the Current Target/Action
             $request = RequestModel::currentRequest();
             $router = RouteController::getController();
             $route = $router->findRouteForURL($request->url());
             // Add Query Params?
             $url = $router->urlForAction($route->action(), $route->extractArgs($request->url()));
             if (count($request->queryArgArray())) {
                 $url = addQueryParams($url, $request->queryArgArray());
             // Request a Login
             // we need to extract and re-inject any args or we lose context...
         } else {
             $this->authentication = self::AUTH_FAILED;
             return false;
 public static function fqURL($action, $args = null)
     return RouteController::getController()->urlForAction($action, $args);