private function showCreateRoomPage()
     if (WebRequest::wasPosted()) {
         try {
             // get variables
             $rname = WebRequest::post("rname");
             $rtype = WebRequest::postInt("rtype");
             $rmin = WebRequest::postInt("rmin");
             $rmax = WebRequest::postInt("rmax");
             $rprice = WebRequest::postFloat("rprice");
             // data validation
             if ($rname == "") {
                 throw new CreateRoomException("blank-roomname");
             if ($rtype == 0) {
                 throw new CreateRoomException("blank-roomtype");
             if ($rmax < 1 || $rmin < 0) {
                 throw new CreateRoomException("room-capacity-too-small");
             if ($rmin > $rmax) {
                 throw new CreateRoomException("room-capacity-min-gt-max");
             if ($rprice != abs($rprice)) {
                 throw new CreateRoomException("room-price-negative");
             $room = new Room();
             // set values
             global $cScriptPath;
             $this->mHeaders[] = "Location: {$cScriptPath}/Rooms";
         } catch (CreateRoomException $ex) {
             $this->mBasePage = "mgmt/roomCreate.tpl";
     } else {
         $this->mBasePage = "mgmt/roomCreate.tpl";
     $this->mSmarty->assign("rtlist", RoomType::$data);
$r1 = new Right();
$conf = new Configuration();
$conf->put('plugin_kodiCmd_api_url_kodi', '');
$conf->put('plugin_kodiCmd_api_timeout_kodi', 5);
$conf->put('plugin_kodiCmd_api_recognition_status', '');
$ro = new Room();
$ro->setDescription('De la bonne zic, un bon p\'tit film....');
$roomManager = new Room();
$rooms = $roomManager->populate();
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
    if ($room->getName() == "KODI") {
        $kodiRoomId = $room->getId();
$id = 0;
$kodi = new KodiCmd();
$kodi->setName('à droite');
$kodi->setDescription('se déplacer à droite');
  * Save room. 
 function execute()
     $roomDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('RoomDAO');
     $schedConf =& Request::getSchedConf();
     if (isset($this->roomId)) {
         $room =& $roomDao->getRoom($this->roomId);
     if (!isset($room)) {
         $room = new Room();
     $room->setName($this->getData('name'), null);
     // Localized
     $room->setAbbrev($this->getData('abbrev'), null);
     // Localized
     $room->setDescription($this->getData('description'), null);
     // Localized
     // Update or insert room
     if ($room->getId() != null) {
     } else {
  * For upgrade to 2.1.0: Migrate paper locations into scheduler
  * @return boolean
 function migratePaperLocations()
     $paperDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('PaperDAO');
     $buildingDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('BuildingDAO');
     $roomDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('RoomDAO');
     $lastSchedConfId = null;
     $buildingId = null;
     $result =& $paperDao->retrieve("SELECT p.paper_id, c.primary_locale, sc.sched_conf_id, p.location FROM papers p, published_papers pp, sched_confs sc, conferences c WHERE p.paper_id = pp.paper_id AND p.sched_conf_id = sc.sched_conf_id AND sc.conference_id = c.conference_id AND location IS NOT NULL AND location <> '' ORDER BY sched_conf_id");
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         $row = $result->GetRowAssoc(false);
         $paperId = $row['paper_id'];
         $schedConfId = $row['sched_conf_id'];
         $locale = $row['primary_locale'];
         $location = $row['location'];
         if ($schedConfId !== $lastSchedConfId) {
             // Create a default building
             $defaultText = __('common.default');
             $building = new Building();
             $building->setName($defaultText, $locale);
             $building->setAbbrev($defaultText, $locale);
             $building->setDescription($defaultText, $locale);
             $buildingId = $buildingDao->insertBuilding($building);
             $rooms = array();
         if (!isset($rooms[$location])) {
             $room = new Room();
             $room->setName($location, $locale);
             $room->setAbbrev($location, $locale);
             $room->setDescription($location, $locale);
             $roomId = $roomDao->insertRoom($room);
             $rooms[$location] =& $room;
         } else {
             $room =& $rooms[$location];
             $roomId = $room->getId();
         $paperDao->update('UPDATE published_papers SET room_id = ? WHERE paper_id = ?', array($roomId, $paperId));
         $lastSchedConfId = $schedConfId;
     return true;
 public function execute($action)
     $msgs = Localization::getInstance();
     $forwards = $action->getForwards();
     // Recebe os valores enviados
     $roomCourse = $_POST["group"];
     $roomManager = $_POST['manager'];
     $userName = utf8_decode($_POST["name"]);
     $userEmail = $_POST["email"];
     $userPasswordPlataform = "mude";
     if (!empty($roomCourse) && !empty($roomManager) && !empty($userName) && !empty($userEmail)) {
          * Routine that checks which the browser used
          * If an error occurs during the login, the system should return to the previous page
          * If the browser used is Firefox, the system must go back two pages
          * If is Chrome should back 1 page
          * TODO Test with Internet Explorer
         $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
         if (preg_match('|Firefox/([0-9\\.]+)|', $useragent, $matched)) {
             $browser_version = $matched[1];
             $browser = 'Firefox';
             $numReturnPages = 2;
         } else {
             $numReturnPages = 1;
          * Via rest, it checks if this tool (in this case the Whiteboard)
          * have permission to use information from the Core
         $host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
         $pass = md5(date("d/m/Y") . $host);
         $server = "";
         $action = str_replace("%40", "@", $userEmail);
         $rest = new RESTClient();
         $rest->initialize(array('server' => $server, 'http_user' => $host, 'http_pass' => $pass));
         $granted = $rest->get($action);
         if ($granted == 1) {
             // Caso o usuário esteja cadastrado na Plataform
             $user = $this->dao->login($userEmail, $userPasswordPlataform);
             if (count($user) <= 0) {
                 // Not in database, create new user
                 if (!empty($userEmail) && !empty($userName)) {
                     // Instantiates a new user;
                     $user = new User();
                     $resultUser = $this->dao->saveNewUser($user);
                     $user = $this->dao->login($userEmail, $userPasswordPlataform);
             if ($user->getName() != $userName) {
                 // Upadate user;
                 $resultUser = $this->dao->updateUserName($user->getUserId(), $userName);
             // User contained in the database, loggin
             $_SESSION['id'] = $user->getUserId();
             $_SESSION['name'] = $user->getName();
             $_SESSION['roomCreator'] = $user->getRoomcreator();
             $_SESSION['email'] = $user->getEmail();
             $_SESSION['user'] = $user;
             // Verifies and creates, if necessary, the room of course
             $roomPlataform = $this->dao->getRoomByCourse($roomCourse);
             if (count($roomPlataform) <= 0) {
                 $roomName = "Turma: " . $roomCourse;
                 if ($user->getEmail() == $roomManager) {
                     $managerId = $user->getUserId();
                 } else {
                     $manager = $this->dao->login($roomManager, $userPasswordPlataform);
                     if (count($manager) <= 0) {
                         // Not in database, create new user coordinator
                         $manager = new User();
                         $manager->setName("Professor " . $roomCourse);
                         $resultManager = $this->dao->saveNewUser($manager);
                         $manager = $this->dao->login($manager->getEmail(), $userPasswordPlataform);
                     $managerId = $manager->getUserId();
                 // Instantiates a new room;
                 $roomPlataform = new Room();
                 $resultRoom = $this->dao->saveNewRoom($roomPlataform);
                 $roomPlataform = $this->dao->getRoomByCourse($roomCourse);
                 // Set manager permission of room
                 $permission = new Permission();
                 $resultPermission = $this->dao->savePermission($permission);
             // Checks permissions
             $permissions = $this->dao->listPermissions($roomPlataform->getRoomId());
             $havePermission = false;
             foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
                 if ($permission->getUserId() == $user->getUserId()) {
                     $havePermission = true;
             if (!$havePermission) {
                 $permission = new Permission();
                 $resultPermission = $this->dao->savePermission($permission);
             $roomPlataform = $this->dao->getRoomByCourse($roomCourse);
             $_SESSION['plataform'] = true;
             // If the room is active, will be given a join
             if ($roomPlataform->getActive() == 1) {
                 $_SESSION["idRoom"] = $roomPlataform->getRoomId();
                 $room = $this->dao->getRoom($roomPlataform->getRoomId());
                 // put the production in the session
                 $idProduction = $room->getActiveProduction();
                 $_SESSION['idProduction'] = $idProduction;
                 $history = new History();
                 $resultHistory = $this->dao->saveHistory($history);
                 // Retrieving the users in the room
                 $_REQUEST["users"] = $this->dao->getRoomUsers($_SESSION['idProduction']);
                 // Showing the page
             } else {
                 if ($user->getUserId() == $roomPlataform->getUserId()) {
                     // If it is not active and the user is the owner of the room, will be given a start in the room
                     $production = new Production();
                     $resultProduction = $this->dao->createProduction($production);
                     if ($resultProduction) {
                         $_SESSION['idProduction'] = $production->getProductionId();
                     $resultUpdateRoom = $this->dao->updateRoomState($roomPlataform->getRoomId(), true, $_SESSION['idProduction']);
                     if ($resultUpdateRoom) {
                         $_SESSION["idRoom"] = $roomPlataform->getRoomId();
                     $resultRoom = $this->dao->getRoom($roomPlataform->getRoomId());
                     if ($resultRoom) {
                         $_SESSION["currentRoomManager"] = $resultRoom->getUserId();
                     $history = new History();
                     $resultHistory = $this->dao->saveHistory($history);
                     // Retrieving the users in the room
                     $_REQUEST["users"] = $this->dao->getRoomUsers($_SESSION['idProduction']);
                 } else {
                     // Otherwise, the room is closed and the user must wait until she opens
                     // Closed room
                     echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";
                     echo "alert('" . $msgs->getText('error.plataform.closeRoom') . "');";
                     // Without permission			echo "history.go(-{$numReturnPages});";
                     echo "</script>";
         } else {
             // Without permission
             echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";
             echo "alert('" . $msgs->getText('error.plataform.withoutPermission') . "');";
             echo "history.go(-{$numReturnPages});";
             echo "</script>";
     } else {
         // Insufficient data
         echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";
         echo "alert('" . $msgs->getText('error.plataform.insufficientData') . "');";
         echo "history.go(-{$numReturnPages});";
         echo "</script>";
 public function execute($action)
     $forwards = $action->getForwards();
     $roomName = $_POST['name'];
     $user = $_SESSION['id'];
     $listUsers = explode("-", $_POST['idsSelecteds']);
     // Checks if all fields were provided
     if (!empty($_POST['name']) && !empty($_SESSION['id'])) {
         // Instantiates a new room;
         $room = new Room();
         $resultRoom = $this->dao->saveNewRoom($room);
         // List Rooms
         $listRoonsAction = new ListRoonsAction();
         $roons = $_REQUEST["roons"];
         foreach ($roons as $srcRoom) {
             if (is_null($srcRoom->getCode())) {
                 $newRoomId = $srcRoom->getRoomId();
         // Generates the secret code of the room
         $room = $this->dao->getRoom($newRoomId);
         $code = md5($newRoomId);
         // Gives permission to the user who created the room
         $listUsers[] = $_SESSION['id'];
         // Instantiates a new room permission;
         foreach ($listUsers as $allowedUserId) {
             if ($allowedUserId != 0) {
                 $permission = new Permission();
                 $resultPermission = $this->dao->savePermission($permission);
         // Showing the page
     } else {
         // It will set a variable with the id of the button
         // that opens the modal window that was active
         $_SESSION['openModalWindow'] = "#btnOpenNewRoomForm";
         // Error if there are blank fields
         $_REQUEST["errorMsg"] = $this->message->getText("error.blankField");