public function overwriteForm($return, $returnfull) { $return['admin_ip'] = new Leap\View\InputText("hidden", "admin_ip", "admin_ip", $this->admin_ip); $return['admin_inbox'] = new Leap\View\InputText("hidden", "admin_inbox", "admin_inbox", $this->admin_inbox); $return['admin_nama_depan'] = new Leap\View\InputText("text", "admin_nama_depan", "admin_nama_depan", $this->admin_nama_depan); $return['admin_nama_belakang'] = new Leap\View\InputText("hidden", "admin_nama_belakang", "admin_nama_belakang", $this->admin_nama_belakang); $return['admin_lastupdate'] = new Leap\View\InputText("hidden", "admin_lastupdate", "admin_lastupdate", $this->admin_lastupdate); $return['admin_email'] = new Leap\View\InputText("email", "admin_email", "admin_email", $this->admin_email); $return['admin_aktiv'] = new Leap\View\InputSelect($this->arrayYesNO, "admin_aktiv", "admin_aktiv", $this->admin_aktiv); $return['admin_foto'] = new Leap\View\InputText("hidden", "admin_foto", "admin_foto", $this->admin_foto); $return['admin_inbox'] = new Leap\View\InputText("hidden", "admin_inbox", "admin_inbox", $this->admin_inbox); $role = new Role(); $arrroles = $role->getWhere("role_active =1"); foreach ($arrroles as $rr) { $arrRole[$rr->role_id] = Lang::t($rr->role_id); } $return['admin_role'] = new Leap\View\InputSelect($arrRole, "admin_role", "admin_role", $this->admin_role); $return['admin_inbox_update'] = new Leap\View\InputText("hidden", "admin_inbox_update", "admin_inbox_update", $this->admin_inbox_update); $return['admin_inbox_timestamp'] = new Leap\View\InputText("hidden", "admin_inbox_timestamp", "admin_inbox_timestamp", $this->admin_inbox_timestamp); $arrType = ['admin', 'user', 'store']; $return['admin_type'] = new Leap\View\InputSelect($arrType, "admin_type", "admin_type", $this->admin_type); return $return; }
public function ShowRole2RoleLevel() { //create the model object $cal = new Role2Role(); $arr = $cal->findLevels(); $t = time(); //pr($arr); $rr = new Role(); $arrRoles = $rr->getWhere("role_active = 1"); ?> <script> var arrayOfRoles = []; </script> <?php foreach ($arrRoles as $role) { ?> <script> var r = {id:'<?php echo $role->role_id; ?> ',level:0}; arrayOfRoles.push(r); </script> <?php foreach ($arr as $lvl => $arrRole) { foreach ($arrRole as $role2) { if ($role->role_id == $role2) { $arrSudahAda[$role2] = $role2; } } } } //pr($arrSudahAda); foreach ($arrRoles as $role) { if (!in_array($role->role_id, $arrSudahAda)) { $arrBlmAda[$role->role_id] = $role->role_id; } } //pr($arrBlmAda); foreach ($arr as $lvl => $x) { $arrSorts[] = "#sortable_{$lvl}"; } $str = implode(",", $arrSorts); ?> <style> .droptrue li{ list-style-type: none; margin:5px; background-color: #dedede; padding:5px; border-radius: 5px; } </style> <script> $(function() { $( "ul.droptrue" ).sortable({ connectWith: "ul", receive: function(event, ui) { var sem =; var exp = sem.split("_"); for(var key in arrayOfRoles){ if(arrayOfRoles[key].id == ui.item.html()){ arrayOfRoles[key].level = parseInt(exp[1]); } } console.log("[" + + "] received [" + ui.item.html() + "] from [" + ui.sender.attr("id") + "]"); console.log(arrayOfRoles); } }); console.log(arrayOfRoles); /*$( "ul.dropfalse" ).sortable({ connectWith: "ul", dropOnEmpty: false });*/ $( "<?php echo $str; ?> " ).disableSelection(); }); </script> <style> .droptrue{ width: 150px; border:1px solid #888; padding: 10px; } .lvlcon{ float: left; width: 150px; margin-right: 10px; background-color: #efefef; } .lvlcon h3{ text-align: center; } </style> <h1><?php echo Lang::t('Role Adjuster'); ?> </h1> <button id="addsub_<?php echo $t; ?> " class="btn btn-default"><?php echo Lang::t('Add Sub Level'); ?> </button> <button id="addsuper_<?php echo $t; ?> " class="btn btn-default"><?php echo Lang::t('Add Super Level'); ?> </button> <div class="clearfix" style="padding:10px;"></div> <?php $lvl = -1; ?> <div id="treecontainer_<?php echo $t; ?> "> <div class="lvlcon"> <h3><?php if ($lvl < 0) { echo 'Deactivate'; } else { echo $lvl; } ?> </h3> <ul id="sortable_<?php echo $lvl; ?> " class="droptrue"> <?php foreach ($arrBlmAda as $role) { ?> <li id="<?php echo $role; ?> " class="ui-state-highlight"><?php echo $role; ?> </li> <script> for(var key in arrayOfRoles){ if(arrayOfRoles[key].id == '<?php echo $role; ?> '){ arrayOfRoles[key].level = <?php echo $lvl; ?> ; } } </script> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php foreach ($arr as $lvl => $arrRole) { ?> <div class="lvlcon"> <h3 ><?php echo $lvl; ?> </h3> <ul id="sortable_<?php echo $lvl; ?> " class="droptrue"> <?php foreach ($arrRole as $role) { ?> <li id="<?php echo $role; ?> " class="ui-state-highlight"><?php echo $role; ?> </li> <script> for(var key in arrayOfRoles){ if(arrayOfRoles[key].id == '<?php echo $role; ?> '){ arrayOfRoles[key].level = <?php echo $lvl; ?> ; } } </script> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="clearfix" style="margin-top:20px;"></div> <p id="printer<?php echo $t; ?> " style="margin: 20px;"> </p> <script> var lvlmin = -1; var lvlmax = <?php echo $lvl; ?> ; $("#addsub_<?php echo $t; ?> ").click(function(){ lvlmin--; $("#treecontainer_<?php echo $t; ?> ").prepend('<div class="lvlcon"><h3>'+lvlmin+'</h3><ul id="sortable_'+lvlmin+'" class="droptrue"> </ul></div>'); $( "ul.droptrue" ).sortable({ connectWith: "ul", receive: function(event, ui) { var sem =; var exp = sem.split("_"); for(var key in arrayOfRoles){ if(arrayOfRoles[key].id == ui.item.html()){ arrayOfRoles[key].level = parseInt(exp[1]); } } console.log("[" + + "] received [" + ui.item.html() + "] from [" + ui.sender.attr("id") + "]"); console.log(arrayOfRoles); } }); }); $("#addsuper_<?php echo $t; ?> ").click(function(){ lvlmax++; $("#treecontainer_<?php echo $t; ?> ").append('<div class="lvlcon"><h3>'+lvlmax+'</h3><ul id="sortable_'+lvlmax+'" class="droptrue"> </ul></div>'); $( "ul.droptrue" ).sortable({ connectWith: "ul", receive: function(event, ui) { var sem =; var exp = sem.split("_"); for(var key in arrayOfRoles){ if(arrayOfRoles[key].id == ui.item.html()){ arrayOfRoles[key].level = parseInt(exp[1]); } } console.log("[" + + "] received [" + ui.item.html() + "] from [" + ui.sender.attr("id") + "]"); console.log(arrayOfRoles); } }); }); </script> <button id="saveTree_<?php echo $t; ?> " class="btn btn-default"><?php echo Lang::t('Save Role Connections'); ?> </button> <script> $("#saveTree_<?php echo $t; ?> ").click(function(){ console.log(arrayOfRoles); var myJsonString = JSON.stringify(arrayOfRoles); $.post("<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> AccountLoginWeb/saveTree",{tree:myJsonString},function(data){ console.log(data); $("#printer<?php echo $t; ?> ").html(data); }); }); </script> <?php }
public function AccountManagement() { /* * process search */ $s = TextP::getP("word"); $page = TextP::getP("page", 1); $new = TextP::getP("new", 0); if ($new) { $invert_new = 0; } else { $invert_new = 1; } $searchText = ''; if ($s != "") { $searchText = "\r\n WHERE\r\n admin_username LIKE '%{$s}%' OR admin_nama_depan LIKE '%{$s}%'"; if ($new) { $searchText = " AND (admin_username LIKE '%{$s}%' OR admin_nama_depan LIKE '%{$s}%') "; } } /* * sort */ $sort = TextP::getP("sort", "admin_nama_depan"); $ord = TextP::getP("order", "ASC"); $orderText = " {$sort} {$ord}"; /*define order and sort*/ $order = $_SESSION['account_man_order']; if ($order == "") { $order = "ASC"; } elseif ($order == "ASC") { $order = "DESC"; } else { $order = "ASC"; } $_SESSION['account_man_order'] = $order; /* * Pagination */ $limit = 20; $begin = ($page - 1) * $limit; global $db; $acc = new Account(); $rl = new RoleLevel(); $ro = new RoleOrganization(); $am = new AccountMeta(); if ($new) { $q = "SELECT * FROM `core__admin_account` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM core__admin_account__metadata WHERE core__admin_account.admin_id = core__admin_account__metadata.account_id) {$searchText} ORDER BY\r\n {$orderText} LIMIT {$begin},{$limit}"; $qjumlah = "SELECT count(*) as nr FROM `core__admin_account` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM core__admin_account__metadata WHERE core__admin_account.admin_id = core__admin_account__metadata.account_id) "; $nr = $db->query($qjumlah, 1); $jml = $nr->nr; } else { //normal query $q = "\r\nSELECT\r\n admin_id,admin_username,admin_nama_depan,admin_role,admin_email,\r\n org.meta_value as org,\r\n level.meta_value as level\r\nFROM {$acc->table_name}\r\n LEFT JOIN {$am->table_name} AS org ON org.account_id = admin_id\r\n AND org.meta_key='RoleOrganization'\r\n LEFT JOIN {$am->table_name} AS level ON level.account_id = admin_id\r\n AND level.meta_key='RoleLevel'\r\n {$searchText} \r\nORDER BY\r\n {$orderText} LIMIT {$begin},{$limit}"; $jml = $acc->getJumlah($searchText); } //echo $q; $arrCal = $db->query($q, 2); //pr($arr); /* * get All Active Department */ $dp = new RoleOrganization(); $arrOrg = $dp->getWhere("organization_active = 1 AND organization_parent_id != 0"); //simpan ke array yang mudah $arrOrg2 = array(); foreach ($arrOrg as $or) { $arrOrg2[$or->organization_id] = $or; } //pr($arrOrg2); /* * get All Active Level */ $dp = new RoleLevel(); $arrOrg = $dp->getWhere("level_active = 1"); //simpan ke array yang mudah $arrLevel = array(); foreach ($arrOrg as $or) { $arrLevel[$or->level_id] = $or; } /* * get All Active Role */ $dp = new Role(); $arrOrg = $dp->getWhere("role_active = 1"); //simpan ke array yang mudah $arrRoles = array(); foreach ($arrOrg as $or) { $arrRoles[$or->role_id] = $or; } $t = time(); ?> <style> .clickable{ cursor: pointer; } </style> <h1><?php echo Lang::t('Account Management'); ?> </h1> <div class="row hidden-print" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $s; ?> " id="Account2Deptsearchpat<?php echo $t; ?> " placeholder="<?php echo Lang::t('Username'); ?> ,<?php echo Lang::t('Name'); ?> "> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default" id="Account2Deptsearchpat2_<?php echo $t; ?> " type="button"><?php echo Lang::t('Search'); ?> </button> </span> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default <?php if ($new) { ?> btn-warning<?php } ?> " id="Account2Deptsearchpat2b_<?php echo $t; ?> " type="button"><?php echo Lang::t('w/o Departments and Level'); ?> </button> </span> </div> <!-- /input-group --> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#Account2Deptsearchpat2_<?php echo $t; ?> ").click(function () { var slc = encodeURI($('#Account2Deptsearchpat<?php echo $t; ?> ').val()); openLw(window.selected_page, '<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/AccountManagement?page=1&new=<?php echo $new; ?> &word=' + slc, 'fade'); }); $("#Account2Deptsearchpat<?php echo $t; ?> ").keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { //on enter var slc = encodeURI($('#Account2Deptsearchpat<?php echo $t; ?> ').val()); openLw(selected_page, '<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/AccountManagement?page=1&new=<?php echo $new; ?> &word=' + slc, 'fade'); } }); $('#Account2Deptsearchpat2b_<?php echo $t; ?> ').click(function(){ var slc = encodeURI($('#Account2Deptsearchpat<?php echo $t; ?> ').val()); openLw(window.selected_page, '<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/AccountManagement?page=1&new=<?php echo $invert_new; ?> &word=' + slc, 'fade'); }); </script> </div> </div> <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover" style="background-color: white;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="clickable" onclick="openLw(selected_page, '<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/AccountManagement?page=<?php echo $page; ?> &word=<?php echo $s; ?> &sort=admin_id&order=<?php echo $order; ?> ', 'fade');"><?php echo Lang::t('ID'); ?> </th> <th class="clickable" onclick="openLw(selected_page, '<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/AccountManagement?page=<?php echo $page; ?> &word=<?php echo $s; ?> &sort=admin_username&order=<?php echo $order; ?> ', 'fade');"><?php echo Lang::t('Email'); ?> </th> <th class="clickable" onclick="openLw(selected_page, '<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/AccountManagement?page=<?php echo $page; ?> &word=<?php echo $s; ?> &sort=admin_nama_depan&order=<?php echo $order; ?> ', 'fade');"><?php echo Lang::t('Name'); ?> </th> <th class="clickable" onclick="openLw(selected_page, '<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/AccountManagement?page=<?php echo $page; ?> &word=<?php echo $s; ?> &sort=admin_role&order=<?php echo $order; ?> ', 'fade');"><?php echo Lang::t('Role'); ?> </th> <th class="clickable" onclick="openLw(selected_page, '<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/AccountManagement?page=<?php echo $page; ?> &word=<?php echo $s; ?> &sort=org.meta_value&order=<?php echo $order; ?> ', 'fade');"><?php echo Lang::t('Department'); ?> </th> <th class="clickable" onclick="openLw(selected_page, '<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/AccountManagement?page=<?php echo $page; ?> &word=<?php echo $s; ?> &sort=level.meta_value&order=<?php echo $order; ?> ', 'fade');"><?php echo Lang::t('Level'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo Lang::t('Action'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($arrCal as $acc) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $acc->admin_id; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $acc->admin_email; ?> </td> <td><input id="name_<?php echo $acc->admin_id; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> " type="text" value="<?php echo $acc->admin_nama_depan; ?> " class="form-control"></td> <td> <select id="role_<?php echo $acc->admin_id; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> " class="form-control"> <?php foreach ($arrRoles as $id => $org) { ?> <option <?php if ($id == $acc->admin_role) { echo "selected"; } ?> value="<?php echo $id; ?> "><?php echo $org->role_name; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> <td> <select id="org_<?php echo $acc->admin_id; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> " class="form-control"> <?php foreach ($arrOrg2 as $id => $org) { ?> <option <?php if ($id == $acc->org) { echo "selected"; } ?> value="<?php echo $id; ?> "><?php echo $org->organization_name; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> <td> <select id="level_<?php echo $acc->admin_id; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> " class="form-control"> <?php foreach ($arrLevel as $id => $org) { ?> <option <?php if ($id == $acc->level) { echo "selected"; } ?> value="<?php echo $id; ?> "><?php echo $org->level_name; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> <td><button id="updater_<?php echo $acc->admin_id; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> " class="btn btn-default"><?php echo Lang::t('update'); ?> </button></td> <script> $("#updater_<?php echo $acc->admin_id; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> ").click(function(){ var name = encodeURI($("#name_<?php echo $acc->admin_id; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> ").val()); var role = encodeURI($("#role_<?php echo $acc->admin_id; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> ").val()); var lvl = encodeURI($("#level_<?php echo $acc->admin_id; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> ").val()); var org = encodeURI($("#org_<?php echo $acc->admin_id; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> ").val()); $.post("<?php echo _LANGPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/updater",{ id : '<?php echo $acc->admin_id; ?> ', name :name, lvl : lvl, org : org, role : role },function(data){ console.log(; console.log(data.isi); if(data.bool)alert('<?php echo Lang::t('Update Succesful'); ?> '); else alert(data.err); },'json'); }); </script> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php $halaman = $page; $jmlpage = ceil($jml / $limit); ?> <nav> <ul class="pagination"> <?php if ($halaman > 1) { ?> <li><a class="clickable" onclick="openLw(selected_page,'<?php echo _LANGPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/AccountManagement?page=<?php echo $page - 1; ?> &word=<?php echo $s; ?> &sort=<?php echo $sort; ?> &order=<?php echo $order; ?> &new=<?php echo $new; ?> ','fade');"><span aria-hidden="true">«</span><span class="sr-only">Previous</span></a></li> <?php } ?> <?php //ambil 3 bh terdekat // $mulai = $halaman - 2; $akhir = $halaman + 2; //echo $mulai.$akhir; $min = max($mulai, 1); $max = min($akhir, $jmlpage); //echo "<br> max :".$max; //echo "<br> min :".$min; for ($x = $min; $x <= $max; $x++) { ?> <li <?php if ($x == $halaman) { ?> class="active"<?php } ?> ><a onclick="openLw(selected_page,'<?php echo _LANGPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/AccountManagement?page=<?php echo $x; ?> &word=<?php echo $s; ?> &sort=<?php echo $sort; ?> &order=<?php echo $order; ?> &new=<?php echo $new; ?> ','fade');"><?php echo $x; ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($jml > $begin + $limit) { ?> <li><a class="clickable" onclick="openLw(selected_page,'<?php echo _LANGPATH; ?> PortalAdminWeb/AccountManagement?page=<?php echo $page + 1; ?> &word=<?php echo $s; ?> &sort=<?php echo $sort; ?> &order=<?php echo $order; ?> &new=<?php echo $new; ?> ','fade');"><span aria-hidden="true">»</span><span class="sr-only">Next</span></a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </nav> <h4><?php echo $jml; ?> <?php echo Lang::t('results in'); ?> <?php echo $jmlpage; ?> <?php echo Lang::t('pages'); ?> </h4> <?php }
public function Role2Menu() { $t = time(); //create matrix to adjust menu $arrMenu = Registor::getAllAdminMenuFromSession(); ?> <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <td><?php echo Lang::t('Menu'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo Lang::t('Min-Role'); ?> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $r = new Role(); $existingRoles = $r->getWhere("role_active = 1 ORDER BY role_id ASC"); foreach ($arrMenu as $menu) { $role = Role2Menu::getRoleForMenu($menu); ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $menu; ?> </td> <td> <select id="role_select_<?php echo $menu; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> "> <?php foreach ($existingRoles as $ro) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $ro->role_id; ?> " <?php if ($ro->role_id == $role) { echo "selected"; } ?> ><?php echo $ro->role_id; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <script> $("#role_select_<?php echo $menu; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> ").change(function(){ var slc = $("#role_select_<?php echo $menu; ?> _<?php echo $t; ?> ").val(); $.get("<?php echo _SPPATH; ?> RoleWeb/ins?menu=<?php echo base64_encode($menu); ?> &role_id="+slc); }); </script> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php }