public function execute()
     // TODO: This ONLY will work if API and Social tiers are co-located!
     $response = array();
     // Finish the API session, because we need to start a social session
     $_SESSION = array();
     $network_session = new RingsideSocialSession();
     $rest = RingsideSocialUtils::getAdminClient();
     $session_key = $rest->auth_createAppSession($this->uid, RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey, false);
     $network_session->addApiSessionKey(RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey, $session_key);
     //$network_session->addApiSessionKey($apiKey, $session_key);
     // TODO: Do user identity mapping right now
     $response[self::RESPONSE_SOCIAL_SESSION]['session_id'] = $network_session->getSessionKey();
     $response[self::RESPONSE_SOCIAL_SESSION]['initial_expiry'] = $network_session->getExpiry();
     return $response;
  * Returns an array of all app fbml blocks
  * formatted for display.
  * $location enum(narrow|wide) indicates the style to be used when fbml is returned
  * $arryExcludeAppNames is an array of app names which should not appear in the list
 function getAllFormattedHtmlForUserOpenSocialApps($location = "narrow", $arryExcludeAppNames = null)
     $userAppList = Api_Bo_App::getApplicationListByUserId($this->uid);
     $this->debug("******************** DUMPING OS userAppList for {$this->uid}" . " which is " . count($userAppList) . " apps");
     $aggregateFbml = "";
     $fbmlArry = array();
     if (!empty($userAppList)) {
         foreach ($userAppList as $index => $appInfo1) {
             $appInfo = $appInfo1['RingsideApp'];
             $this->debug("Processing " . $appInfo['name'] . " " . $appInfo['app_id']);
             $this->debug("{$appInfo1}=" . var_export($appInfo1, true));
             $app_id = $appInfo1['app_id'];
             $app_name = $appInfo['name'];
             $enabled = true;
             // Don't show this app if it is not open social
             if ($appInfo['canvas_type'] != 2) {
                 $enabled = false;
                 $this->debug("{$app_name} rejected as not open social.");
             if ($enabled) {
                 $block = array("<div id='app-{$app_name}-header' class='wide_app_header'> ");
                 $block[] = $app_name;
                 //$block[]="<div style='float: right;' ><form id='formmove' name='formmove'  method='post' ><input name='action' type='hidden' value='saveColChange'/><input name='appname' type='hidden' value='$app_name'/><a onClick='form.submit();' href=''> [move] </a></form></div>";
                 $block[] = "</div>";
                 $frameParams = $_REQUEST;
                 $callbackQuery = http_build_query($frameParams);
                 $owner_id = $_REQUEST['id'];
                 if ($owner_id == '') {
                     $owner_id = $this->uid;
                 // Get api_key
                 $keyService = Api_ServiceFactory::create('KeyService');
                 $domainService = Api_ServiceFactory::create('DomainService');
                 $domainId = $domainService->getNativeIdByName('Ringside');
                 $app_keysArray = $keyService->getKeyset($app_id, $domainId);
                 $app_keys = $app_keysArray;
                 		      	 foreach($app_keysArray as $testApp_keys){
                 $this->debug("{$app_keys}=" . var_export($app_keys, true));
                 $social_session = new RingsideSocialSession();
                 $social_session->addApiSessionKey($app_keys['api_key'], $app_keys['secret']);
                 $this->debug("Building Social Session with " . $app_keys['api_key'] . " and " . $app_keys['secret']);
                 $osGadgetUrl = RingsideSocialConfig::$socialRoot . '/gadgets/ifr?view=profile&synd=ringside&fb_sig_api_key=' . $app_keys['api_key'] . '&fb_sig_owner_id=' . $owner_id . '&url=' . urlencode($appInfo['callback_url']) . '&social_session_key=' . $social_session->getSessionKey();
                 $this->debug("osGadgetUrl= {$osGadgetUrl}");
                 $block[] = '<iframe src="' . $osGadgetUrl . '" height="400" width="450"></iframe>';
                 $fbmlArry = array_merge($fbmlArry, $block);
     return $fbmlArry;
  * Get the session key between an application and the API server. 
  * @param unknown_type $api_key
  * @param unknown_type $secret_key
  * @param RingsideSocialSession $socialSession
  * @return string session key for the API container
 public static function getApiSessionKey($api_key, $secret_key, RingsideSocialSession $socialSession)
     $uid = $socialSession->getUserId();
     $sessionKey = $socialSession->getApiSessionKey($api_key);
     if ($sessionKey != null) {
         // Validate Session Key is still valid.
         $apiClient = new RingsideApiClientsRest($api_key, $secret_key, $sessionKey);
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //            error_log( "Session expired? " . $e->getMessage() ) ;
             //            error_log($e->getTraceAsString());
             $sessionKey = null;
     if ($sessionKey == null && $uid != null) {
         // Need to simulate being app and auth, approve, get... which of course
         // TODO we need to re-think once we are working.
         // TODO catch some exceptions.
         try {
             // Configure where we get the URL for the REST SERVER from.
             $apiClient = new RingsideApiClientsRest($api_key, $secret_key, null, null, RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey);
             // Once the client is authenticated with a session, the network key will be associated via the session
             $auth_token = $apiClient->auth_createToken($socialSession->getExpiry() == null ? true : false);
             $result = $apiClient->auth_approveToken($uid);
             $result = $apiClient->auth_getSession($auth_token);
             if (!empty($apiClient->session_key)) {
                 $sessionKey = trim($apiClient->session_key);
                 $socialSession->addApiSessionKey($api_key, $sessionKey);
         } catch (Exception $exception) {
             error_log("Error creating session key " . $exception);
     return $sessionKey;
  * Authorize the user against the api_key, app_id, or canvas_url
  * This produces a SocialSession Object.
  * Possible Params:
  * network_key
  * trust_key
  * api_key
  * canvas_url
  * auth_token
  * social_callback
 public function authorize()
     $network_session = null;
     $network_key = $this->getParam('network_key');
     $auth_token = $this->getParam('auth_token');
     $social_callback = $this->getParam('social_callback');
     $api_key = $this->getParam('api_key');
     $canvas_url = $this->getParam('canvas_url');
     $user_name = $this->getParam('user_name');
     $trust_key = $this->getParam('trust_key');
     if (!isset($trust_key)) {
         $trust_key = $socialApiKey;
     $result = $this->getAppProperties();
     if ($result) {
         $callback = isset($result['callback_url']) ? $result['callback_url'] : '';
         $apiKey = isset($result['api_key']) ? $result['api_key'] : '';
         $apiSecret = isset($result['secret_key']) ? $result['secret_key'] : '';
         if (!isset($social_callback)) {
             $social_callback = $callback;
         try {
             if (isset($apiKey) && isset($apiSecret)) {
                 $auth_url = $this->getAuthUrl($trust_key);
                 $fb = new RingsideApiClients($apiKey, $apiSecret, null, $auth_url);
                 //public function __construct($api_key, $secret, $session_key = null, $url = null) {
                 $result = $fb->do_get_session($auth_token);
                 $session_key = $fb->api_client->session_key;
                 $uid = $fb->api_client->users_getLoggedInUser();
                 $pids = $fb->api_client->users_mapToSubject(array($uid), $network_key, $result['application_id']);
                 //					RingsideSocialDbPrincipal::getPrincipalForSubject($uid, $network_key, $user_name, $trust_key);
                 //if ( isset($pids) ) {
                 // getPrincipalForSubject accepts and returns multiple IDs
                 $pid = 0;
                 if (isset($pids)) {
                     $pid = $pids[0];
                 // bool setcookie ( string $name [, string $value [, int $expire [, string $path [, string $domain [, bool $secure [, bool $httponly ]]]]]] )
                 $network_session = new RingsideSocialSession();
                 $network_session->addApiSessionKey($apiKey, $session_key);
                 $context = $this->getContext($fb->api_client, $network_session);
                 if (strrpos($social_callback, '?') == 0) {
                     return $social_callback . '?' . $context;
                 } else {
                     return $social_callback . '&' . $context;
                 //} else {
                 //	$this->error = "Unable to set Principle!";
         } catch (Exception $exception) {
             error_log("Exception : " . $exception->getMessage() . "\n" . $exception->getTraceAsString());
             $this->error = "Exception : " . $exception->getMessage() . "\n" . $exception->getTraceAsString();
     if (!isset($network_session)) {
         error_log("Application with api_key: {$api_key} or canvas_url: {$canvas_url} not found!  Creating session and redirecting to {$social_callback}!");
         $network_session = new RingsideSocialSession(null);
         if (strrpos($social_callback, '?') == 0) {
             return $social_callback . "?social_session_key=" . $network_session->getSessionKey();
         } else {
             return $social_callback . "?social_session_key=" . $network_session->getSessionKey();