public function validate($ip_list = array()) { foreach ($ip_list as $filter) { if (!Rhymix\Framework\IpFilter::validateRange($filter)) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * check allowed target ip address when login for admin. * * @return boolean (true : allowed, false : refuse) */ function getMemberAdminIPCheck($allow_list = null, $deny_list = null) { if ($allow_list = $allow_list === null ? config('admin.allow') : $allow_list) { foreach ($allow_list as $range) { if (Rhymix\Framework\IpFilter::inRange(RX_CLIENT_IP, $range)) { return true; } } return false; } if ($deny_list = $deny_list === null ? config('admin.deny') : $deny_list) { foreach ($deny_list as $range) { if (Rhymix\Framework\IpFilter::inRange(RX_CLIENT_IP, $range)) { return false; } } return true; } return true; }
define('RX_BASEURL', '/'); } /** * RX_REQUEST_URL is the remainder of the current URL (not including RX_BASEURL). */ if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { define('RX_REQUEST_URL', RX_BASEURL === '/' ? substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1) : (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen(RX_BASEURL)) ?: '')); } else { define('RX_REQUEST_URL', ''); } /** * RX_CLIENT_IP_VERSION and RX_CLIENT_IP contain information about the current visitor's IP address. */ if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])) { include_once __DIR__ . '/framework/ipfilter.php'; Rhymix\Framework\IpFilter::getCloudFlareRealIP(); } if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && preg_match('/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$/', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $matches)) { define('RX_CLIENT_IP_VERSION', 4); define('RX_CLIENT_IP', $matches[0]); } elseif (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && @inet_pton($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) !== false) { define('RX_CLIENT_IP_VERSION', 6); define('RX_CLIENT_IP', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } else { define('RX_CLIENT_IP_VERSION', 4); define('RX_CLIENT_IP', ''); } /* * RX_SSL is true if the current request uses SSL/TLS. */ if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) !== 'off') {
/** * Update sitelock configuration. */ function procAdminUpdateSitelock() { $vars = Context::gets('sitelock_locked', 'sitelock_allowed_ip', 'sitelock_title', 'sitelock_message'); $allowed_ip = array_map('trim', preg_split('/[\\r\\n]/', $vars->sitelock_allowed_ip)); $allowed_ip = array_unique(array_filter($allowed_ip, function ($item) { return $item !== ''; })); if ($vars->sitelock_locked === 'Y') { $allowed_localhost = false; $allowed_current = false; foreach ($allowed_ip as $range) { if (Rhymix\Framework\IpFilter::inRange('', $range)) { $allowed_localhost = true; } if (Rhymix\Framework\IpFilter::inRange(RX_CLIENT_IP, $range)) { $allowed_current = true; } } if (!$allowed_localhost) { array_unshift($allowed_ip, ''); } if (!$allowed_current) { array_unshift($allowed_ip, RX_CLIENT_IP); } } if (!IpFilter::validate($whitelist)) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_ip'); } Rhymix\Framework\Config::set('lock.locked', $vars->sitelock_locked === 'Y'); Rhymix\Framework\Config::set('lock.title', trim($vars->sitelock_title)); Rhymix\Framework\Config::set('lock.message', trim($vars->sitelock_message)); Rhymix\Framework\Config::set('lock.allow', array_values($allowed_ip)); Rhymix\Framework\Config::save(); $this->setMessage('success_updated'); $this->setRedirectUrl(Context::get('success_return_url') ?: getNotEncodedUrl('', 'act', 'dispAdminConfigSitelock')); }
/** * Display Sitelock Settings page * @return void */ function dispAdminConfigSitelock() { Context::set('sitelock_locked', Rhymix\Framework\Config::get('lock.locked')); Context::set('sitelock_title', escape(Rhymix\Framework\Config::get('lock.title'))); Context::set('sitelock_message', escape(Rhymix\Framework\Config::get('lock.message'))); $allowed_ip = Rhymix\Framework\Config::get('lock.allow') ?: array(); $allowed_localhost = false; $allowed_current = false; foreach ($allowed_ip as $range) { if (Rhymix\Framework\IpFilter::inRange('', $range)) { $allowed_localhost = true; } if (Rhymix\Framework\IpFilter::inRange(RX_CLIENT_IP, $range)) { $allowed_current = true; } } if (!$allowed_localhost) { array_unshift($allowed_ip, ''); } if (!$allowed_current) { array_unshift($allowed_ip, RX_CLIENT_IP); } Context::set('sitelock_allowed_ip', implode(PHP_EOL, $allowed_ip)); Context::set('remote_addr', RX_CLIENT_IP); $this->setTemplateFile('config_sitelock'); }
/** * Enforce site lock. */ private static function enforceSiteLock() { // Allow if the current user is logged in as administrator, or trying to log in. $logged_info = self::get('logged_info'); if ($logged_info && $logged_info->is_admin === 'Y') { return; } elseif (in_array(self::get('act'), array('procMemberLogin', 'dispMemberLogout'))) { return; } // Allow if the current user is in the list of allowed IPs. $allowed_list = config('lock.allow'); foreach ($allowed_list as $allowed_ip) { if (Rhymix\Framework\IpFilter::inRange(RX_CLIENT_IP, $allowed_ip)) { return; } } // Set headers and constants for backward compatibility. header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable'); define('_XE_SITELOCK_', TRUE); define('_XE_SITELOCK_TITLE_', config('lock.title') ?: self::getLang('admin.sitelock_in_use')); define('_XE_SITELOCK_MESSAGE_', config('lock.message')); unset($_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_RETURN_URL']); // Load the sitelock template. if (FileHandler::exists(RX_BASEDIR . 'common/tpl/sitelock.user.html')) { include RX_BASEDIR . 'common/tpl/sitelock.user.html'; } else { self::setBrowserTitle(self::getSiteTitle()); $oMessageObject = getView('message'); $oMessageObject->setHttpStatusCode(503); $oMessageObject->setError(-1); $oMessageObject->setMessage(_XE_SITELOCK_TITLE_); $oMessageObject->dispMessage(); $oModuleHandler = new ModuleHandler(); $oModuleHandler->displayContent($oMessageObject); } exit; }