  * Generate v5 UUID
  * Version 5 UUIDs are named based. They require a namespace (another 
  * valid UUID) and a value (the name). Given the same namespace and 
  * name, the output is always the same.
  * Note: if not set, the default namespace is a RESTo v4 UUID
  * generated at http://uuidgenerator.net/
  * @param string $name
  * @param uuid $namespace
  * @author Andrew Moore
  * @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.uniqid.php#94959
 public static function UUIDv5($name, $namespace = '92708059-2077-45a3-a4f3-1eb428789cff')
     if (!RestoUtil::isValidUUID($namespace)) {
         return false;
     // Get hexadecimal components of namespace
     $nhex = str_replace(array('-', '{', '}'), '', $namespace);
     // Binary Value
     $nstr = '';
     // Convert Namespace UUID to bits
     for ($i = 0, $ii = strlen($nhex); $i < $ii; $i += 2) {
         $nstr .= chr(hexdec($nhex[$i] . $nhex[$i + 1]));
     // Calculate hash value
     $hash = sha1($nstr . $name);
     return sprintf('%08s-%04s-%04x-%04x-%12s', substr($hash, 0, 8), substr($hash, 8, 4), hexdec(substr($hash, 12, 4)) & 0xfff | 0x5000, hexdec(substr($hash, 16, 4)) & 0x3fff | 0x8000, substr($hash, 20, 12));
  * Store feature within {collection}.features table following the class model
  * @param array $data : array (MUST BE GeoJSON in abstract Model)
  * @param RestoCollection $collection
 public function storeFeature($data, $collection)
      * Assume input file or stream is a JSON Feature
     if (!RestoGeometryUtil::isValidGeoJSONFeature($data)) {
         RestoLogUtil::httpError(500, 'Invalid feature description');
      * Remap properties between RESTo model and input
      * GeoJSON Feature file 
     $properties = $this->mapInputProperties($data);
      * Add collection to $properties to initialize facet counts on collection
     $properties['collection'] = isset($properties['collection']) ? $properties['collection'] : $collection->name;
      * Compute unique identifier
     if (!isset($data['id']) || !RestoUtil::isValidUUID($data['id'])) {
         $featureIdentifier = $collection->toFeatureId(isset($properties['productIdentifier']) ? $properties['productIdentifier'] : md5(microtime() . rand()));
     } else {
         $featureIdentifier = $data['id'];
      * First check if feature is already in database
      * (do this before getKeywords to avoid iTag process)
     if ($collection->context->dbDriver->check(RestoDatabaseDriver::FEATURE, array('featureIdentifier' => $featureIdentifier))) {
         RestoLogUtil::httpError(500, 'Feature ' . $featureIdentifier . ' already in database');
      * Tag module
     $keywords = array();
     if (isset($collection->context->modules['Tag'])) {
         $tagger = RestoUtil::instantiate($collection->context->modules['Tag']['className'], array($collection->context, $collection->user));
         $keywords = $tagger->getKeywords($properties, $data['geometry']);
      * Store feature
     $collection->context->dbDriver->store(RestoDatabaseDriver::FEATURE, array('collection' => $collection, 'featureArray' => array('type' => 'Feature', 'id' => $featureIdentifier, 'geometry' => $data['geometry'], 'properties' => array_merge($properties, array('keywords' => $keywords)))));
     return new RestoFeature($collection->context, $collection->user, array('featureIdentifier' => $featureIdentifier));
  * Prepare an SQL WHERE clause from input filterName
  * @param RestoModel $model (with model keys)
  * @param array $requestParams (with model keys)
  * @param string $filterName
  * @param boolean $exclusion : if true, exclude instead of include filter (WARNING ! only works for geometry and keywords)
 private function prepareFilterQuery($model, $requestParams, $filterName, $exclusion = false)
      * Special case - dates
     if ($model->getDbType($model->searchFilters[$filterName]['key']) === 'date') {
         return $this->prepareFilterQuery_date($model, $filterName, $requestParams);
      * Special case identifier - use productIdentifier or identifier
     if ($filterName === 'geo:uid' && !RestoUtil::isValidUUID($requestParams['geo:uid'])) {
         return $model->getDbKey('productIdentifier') . ' = \'' . pg_escape_string($requestParams['geo:uid']) . '\'';
      * Prepare filter from operation
     switch ($model->searchFilters[$filterName]['operation']) {
          * Keywords i.e. searchTerms
         case 'keywords':
             return $this->prepareFilterQuery_keywords($model, $filterName, $requestParams, $exclusion);
              * Intersects i.e. geo:*
          * Intersects i.e. geo:*
         case 'intersects':
             return $this->prepareFilterQuery_intersects($model, $filterName, $requestParams, $exclusion);
              * Distance i.e. geo:lon, geo:lat and geo:radius
          * Distance i.e. geo:lon, geo:lat and geo:radius
         case 'distance':
             return $this->prepareFilterQuery_distance($model, $filterName, $requestParams, $exclusion);
              * Intervals 
          * Intervals 
         case 'interval':
             return $this->prepareFilterQuery_interval($model, $filterName, $requestParams);
              * Simple case - non 'interval' operation on value or arrays
          * Simple case - non 'interval' operation on value or arrays
             return $this->prepareFilterQuery_general($model, $filterName, $requestParams, $model->getDbType($model->searchFilters[$filterName]['key']));