$contactStatus = _getRequestParamValue('contstatus'); $contactStatusLabel = 'Active'; if ($contactStatus == 'R') { $contactStatusLabel = 'Registered'; } $contactCategory = _getRequestParamValue('contcat'); $contactCategoryLabel = 'Expense'; if ($contactCategory == 'revenue') { $contactCategoryLabel = 'Revenue'; } if ($contactCategory == 'all') { $contactCategoryLabel = ''; } $current_url = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if ($current_url[1] == 'contract' && ($current_url[2] == 'search' || $current_url[2] == 'all') && $current_url[3] == 'transactions') { $summaryTitle = ""; } else { if (_checkbook_check_is_mwbe_page() || $dashboard) { $summaryTitle = RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . " "; } } //Handle Sub Vendor widget to not repeat 'Sub Vendor' in title in certain dashboards $suppress_widget_title = $dashboard == "ss" && $smnid == 720 || $dashboard == "sp" && $smnid == 720; //Sub Vendors (M/WBE) if (!$suppress_widget_title) { $summaryTitle .= NodeSummaryUtil::getInitNodeSummaryTitle(); } $summaryTitle = $summaryTitle != '' ? $summaryTitle : ''; print "<h2 class='contract-title' class='title'>{$summaryTitle} {$contactStatusLabel} {$contactCategoryLabel} Contracts Transactions</h2>"; global $checkbook_breadcrumb_title; $checkbook_breadcrumb_title = "{$summaryTitle} {$contactStatusLabel} {$contactCategoryLabel} Contracts Transactions";
/** Returns Spending page title and Breadcrumb */ static function getSpendingBreadcrumbTitle() { $bottomURL = $_REQUEST['expandBottomContURL']; if (preg_match('/transactions/', current_path())) { $title = SpendingUtil::getSpendingTransactionsTitle(); } elseif (isset($bottomURL) && preg_match('/transactions/', $bottomURL)) { $dtsmnid = RequestUtil::getRequestKeyValueFromURL("dtsmnid", $bottomURL); $smnid = RequestUtil::getRequestKeyValueFromURL("smnid", $bottomURL); if ($dtsmnid > 0) { $title = NodeSummaryUtil::getInitNodeSummaryTitle($dtsmnid); } else { if ($smnid > 0) { $title = NodeSummaryUtil::getInitNodeSummaryTitle($smnid); } else { $last_id = _getLastRequestParamValue($bottomURL); if ($last_id['vendor'] > 0) { $title = _checkbook_project_get_name_for_argument("vendor_id", RequestUtil::getRequestKeyValueFromURL("vendor", $bottomURL)); } elseif ($last_id["agency"] > 0) { $title = _checkbook_project_get_name_for_argument("agency_id", RequestUtil::getRequestKeyValueFromURL("agency", $bottomURL)); } elseif ($last_id["expcategory"] > 0) { $title = _checkbook_project_get_name_for_argument("expenditure_object_id", RequestUtil::getRequestKeyValueFromURL("expcategory", $bottomURL)); } elseif ($last_id["dept"] > 0) { $title = _checkbook_project_get_name_for_argument("department_id", RequestUtil::getRequestKeyValueFromURL("dept", $bottomURL)); } elseif (preg_match("/\\/agid/", $bottomURL)) { $title = _checkbook_project_get_name_for_argument("agreement_id", RequestUtil::getRequestKeyValueFromURL("agid", $bottomURL)); } elseif (preg_match("/\\/magid/", $bottomURL)) { $title = _checkbook_project_get_name_for_argument("master_agreement_id", RequestUtil::getRequestKeyValueFromURL("magid", $bottomURL)); } if (preg_match('/\\/category\\/1/', $bottomURL)) { $title = $title . ' ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . ' Contract Spending Transactions'; } elseif (preg_match('/\\/category\\/2/', $bottomURL)) { $title = $title . ' ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . ' Payroll Spending Transactions'; } elseif (preg_match('/\\/category\\/3/', $bottomURL)) { $title = $title . ' ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . ' Capital Contracts Spending Transactions'; } elseif (preg_match('/\\/category\\/4/', $bottomURL)) { $title = $title . ' ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . ' Others Spending Transactions'; } elseif (preg_match('/\\/category\\/5/', $bottomURL)) { $title = $title . ' ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . ' Trust & Agency Spending Transactions'; } else { $title = $title . ' ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . ' Total Spending Transactions'; } } } } elseif (preg_match('/\\/category\\/1/', current_path())) { $title = _get_spending_breadcrumb_title_drilldown(false) . ' ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . ' Contract Spending'; } elseif (preg_match('/\\/category\\/2/', current_path())) { $title = _get_spending_breadcrumb_title_drilldown(false) . ' ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . ' Payroll Spending'; } elseif (preg_match('/\\/category\\/3/', current_path())) { $title = _get_spending_breadcrumb_title_drilldown(false) . ' ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . ' Capital Contracts Spending'; } elseif (preg_match('/\\/category\\/4/', current_path())) { $title = _get_spending_breadcrumb_title_drilldown(false) . ' ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . ' Others Spending'; } elseif (preg_match('/\\/category\\/5/', current_path())) { $title = _get_spending_breadcrumb_title_drilldown(false) . ' ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . ' Trust & Agency Spending'; } else { $title = _get_spending_breadcrumb_title_drilldown(false) . ' ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . ' Total Spending'; } return html_entity_decode($title); }
$http_ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $current_url = $_GET['q']; //Advanced Search page should not have static text $advanced_search_page = preg_match("/contract\\/search\\/transactions/", $current_url); $advanced_search_page = $advanced_search_page || preg_match("/contract\\/all\\/transactions/", $current_url); $advanced_search_page = $advanced_search_page || preg_match("/contract\\/search\\/transactions/", $http_ref); $advanced_search_page = $advanced_search_page || preg_match("/contract\\/all\\/transactions/", $http_ref); if ($advanced_search_page) { return; } $contactStatus = _getRequestParamValue('contstatus'); $contactStatusLabel = 'Active'; if ($contactStatus == 'R') { $contactStatusLabel = 'Registered'; } if (_checkbook_check_isEDCPage()) { print '<div class="transactions-total-amount">$' . custom_number_formatter_format($node->data[0]['total_amount_for_transaction'], 2) . '<div class="amount-title">Total ' . $contactStatusLabel . ' Current Contract Amount</div></div>'; } else { if (_checkbook_check_is_mwbe_page() || _getRequestParamValue('dashboard')) { $current_url = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if ($current_url[1] == 'contract' && ($current_url[2] == 'search' || $current_url[2] == 'all') && $current_url[3] == 'transactions') { $summaryTitle = ""; } else { $summaryTitle = 'Total ' . RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle() . " "; $summaryTitle = str_replace('Total Total', 'Total', $summaryTitle); } print '<div class="transactions-total-amount">$' . custom_number_formatter_format($node->data[0]['total_maximum_contract_amount'], 2) . '<div class="amount-title">Total ' . $contactStatusLabel . ' Current Contract Amount</div></div>'; } else { print '<div class="transactions-total-amount">$' . custom_number_formatter_format($node->data[0]['total_maximum_contract_amount'], 2) . '<div class="amount-title">Total ' . $contactStatusLabel . ' Current Contract Amount</div></div>'; } }
static function getSpentToDateTitle($widgetTitle) { $dashboard = RequestUtil::getDashboardTitle(); $contractTitle = self::getContractTitle(); $dashboard_param = _getRequestParamValue('dashboard'); $smnid = _getRequestParamValue('smnid'); if ($smnid == 720) { if ($dashboard_param == "ms") { $dashboard = "M/WBE"; } else { if ($dashboard_param == "ss") { $dashboard = ""; } } } else { if ($smnid == "subven_mwbe_contracts_visual_2" && $dashboard_param == "ms") { $dashboard = MappingUtil::getCurrenEhtnicityName(); } else { if ($smnid == "mwbe_contracts_visual_2") { $dashboard = MappingUtil::getCurrenEhtnicityName(); } else { if ($smnid == "subvendor_contracts_visual_1" && $dashboard_param == "ss") { $dashboard = MappingUtil::getCurrenEhtnicityName(); } else { if ($smnid == "subvendor_contracts_visual_1" && $dashboard_param == "sp") { $dashboard = MappingUtil::getCurrenEhtnicityName(); } } } } } return $dashboard . " " . $widgetTitle . " " . $contractTitle . " Contracts Transactions"; }