$appDir = '../app';
define('APP_PATH', realpath($appDir));
$vendorDir = '../vendor';
define('VENDOR_PATH', realpath($vendorDir));
$tmpDir = '../tmp';
define('TMP_PATH', realpath($tmpDir));
$jsControllersDir = 'assets/js/controllers';
define('JS_CONTROLLER_PATH', realpath($jsControllersDir));
require_once APP_PATH . '/env.php';
require_once APP_PATH . '/bootstrap.php';
// end: bootstrap the application
// get URL for processing
$url = isset($_GET['r']) ? trim($_GET['r'], '/') : '';
if (ENVIRONMENT == 'dev') {
    // In the development environment all errors will be shown
    RequestHandler::factory($container, $url)->run();
} else {
    // In the production environment error pages will be shown instead
    try {
        RequestHandler::factory($container, $url)->run();
    } catch (DBException $ex1) {
        header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 500 Internal server error');
        echo $container->getTwig()->render('500.html', array());
    } catch (UrlNotFoundException $ex2) {
        header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 404 Not Found');
        echo $container->getTwig()->render('404.html', array());
    } catch (NotFoundException $ex3) {
        header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 404 Not Found');
        echo $container->getTwig()->render('404.html', array());
 public function testRequestHandlerRunController()
     $requestHandler = RequestHandler::factory($this->container, '/');